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Dr. Hamer’s New MedicineInternational Medical Veritas Association According to the Gerrman New Medicine the real cause of cancer and other diseases is an unexpected traumatic shock for which we are emotionally unprepared. Gerrman New Medicine (GNM), developed by Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, M.D., operates under the premise that every disease, including cancer, originates from an unexpected shock experience. Dr. Hamer, the former head internist in the oncology clinic at the University of Munich, Germany, lost his son in an unexpected tragedy, then developed testicular cancer. The diagnosis led him to study the connection between stressful events and disease by investigating the histories of his cancer patients. Every disease is caused by a conflict shock that catches an individual completely off guard, according to Hammer. Dr. Hammer found that, like himself, every one of his patients had gone through a very stressful episode prior to developing cancer, and, upon investigating other diseases found that every disease is controlled from its own specific area in the brain and linked to a very particular, identifiable, “conflict shock.” Though I have written a book about emotions, feelings and conflicts, and how they do matter in medicine and the formation of disease, it is difficult to completely depend on Dr. Hamer’s perceptions about cancer. Emotions do matter in medicine and certainly in cancer but there are many other things that matter as well. Cancer patients and their families need the security of process-oriented, problem-solving systems of thought that cover the full spectrum of causes to help them better evaluate and understand cancer and therefore make more intelligent decisions about how to treat it. Dr. Hamer, in insisting that every cancer is caused by emotional shocks, breaks the intelligent laws of General semantics. We play a dangerous game when we start speaking in absolutes. People who think this way speak in ways that mirror errors of thought. General semantics was created to help people look at what they are saying and trace their words back to their minds that are not quite seeing things correctly. No one can know everything about anything. This statement may seem obvious, but every day people say or imply that they do know it all. This is a form of arrogance or intellectual immaturity when we seek, with our perceptions and words, to exclude possibilities, causes and other reasonable aspects of the formation of cancer. Individuals who speak with words like every and all are demonstrating what could be called an “allness attitude.” They think they know what is impossible to know—everything about a particular topic. It is quite naïve to assume that cancer cannot be caused by radiation, chemical poisoning or nutritional deficiencies. It can even be caused by wounds and infectious processes. General-semantics teachers us to think in terms of many probable causes -- not one cause, one effect. This is based on a belief that we live in a world where, as far as we know, everything is related. And so, to any 'effect' we can attribute an indefinite number of 'causes'. General-semantics stresses precision in description, understanding the differences between the general and the specific, becoming aware of the dangers of overgeneralization, and discovering hidden assumptions underlying how we think and act. Though I agree with the majority of what Dr. Hamer’s says I believe that Hammer is diverting people’s attention from other factors of cancer that are equally important in its cause and cure. Dr. Hammer believes that a person cannot die of cancer in and of itself. One might as well say that one cannot die of dehydration either. Yes we are responsible in our consciousness for what happens to us but there are prudent limits in how we apply laws of consciousness. Anyone who has ever been attacked by a doctor who says its all in your head knows fully well what I am talking about here. Walter Last, a very knowledgeable healer who has written much on Hamer’s work agrees with me saying, “However, Dr Hamer appears reluctant to consider extending or modifying his theory to take other possibilities into account. Basically Dr Hamer postulates a one-way communication from psyche to organ via the brain. I suggest instead a two-way communication from psyche to organ as well as from organ back to brain and psyche.” When it comes to treating a person with cancer most often the deeper issues are forgotten but it seems Dr. Hamer would have us do the opposite and forget about nutritional deficiencies, toxic chemical exposures and even the declining environments in our mouths from periodontal disease. Dr. Hamer does offer a balance to the orthodox oncologists typical slash, burn and chemically bomb to smithereens cancer mentality, which has absolutely zero ‘heart’ in its paradigm for probing and working with the deeper issues that both Biogenic Medicine[ii] and the New Medicine propose. Biogenic Medicine routinely correlates a person's physical problem with emotional disturbances and conflicts that are happening on a deeper level. In biogenic medicine we look for the meaning and purpose of disease, knowing full well that illness is not just mechanical, biological or chemical in nature. Andreas Moritz, a medical intuitive and practitioner of Ayurvedic Medicine in his book Cancer is not a Disease - It's a Survival Mechanism, agrees with Dr. Hamer saying, "Cancer does not cause a person to be sick; it is the sickness of the person that causes the cancer." But there are many causes of cancer and the truth is many of these causes combine to form a soup of etiologies. Neither Moritz nor Dr. Hammer show much interest in revealing that almost ALL cancer patients have nutritional deficiencies as well as frightful accumulations of heavy metals and other toxic chemicals in their blood and cells. It is true though that our bodies are very strong and seem to be able to withstand much abuse until emotional conflict shocks shake the system from its inner core. When we look at how wounds can cause cancer infections we have to balance our perceptions about causes. Fungus and fungal like bacteria have the power to grab hold of us even if we are positive in our emotional status. When we look at how they eat rocks we begin to understand where we need to begin to limit the emotional causal side of things when it comes to cancer. I am sorry to say that there is a profound lack of understanding of very complex disease processes in Moritz’s words when he says, “cancer is not a disease at all” and “cancer cells do not cause but, prevent death,” he is confusing people trying to make points that at best could be called cancer metaphysicals. He tries to explain that the “body uses the cancer to keep deadly carcinogenic substances and caustic metabolic waste matter away from the lymph and blood and, therefore, from the heart, brain and other vital organs,” and to a point he is correctly describing the more positive function of yeast and fungi invaders. They love to eat up the mercury and they do surround rotting human tissues thus containing them. The point is that we need to be very careful how we think for how we think about cancer will determine to a great deal how we treat cancer. Perhaps one of the reasons THC (medical marijuana) is such an effective cancer cure is that it has a psychological effect among other things. According to Hamer at the moment of the conflict-shock a short circuit occurs in a pre-determined place of the brain. This can be photographed with computed-tomography (CT) and looks like concentric rings on a shooting target or like the surface of water after a stone has been dropped into it. The negative events that occur in our lives can be viewed from the perspective of life trying to teach us something that will ultimately improve ourselves. According to Dr. Hamer cancer is not a disease state, but rather a phase during your physical, mental and emotional healing process. He sincerely feels that cancer is the temporary outgrowth of a serious emotional trauma and is our body’s way of helping us resolve the issue – and once we have reached a resolution in our psyche our brain directs our body to re-establish its original balance, i.e. go in and remove the cell growths it created in defense to the trauma. But it is not going to do that if the body is crippled with nutritional deficiencies nor if we ignore the toxic poisoning that is threatening us. Dr. Hamer feels that depending on the emotional trauma, different parts of our brain will be affected, which in turn determines which part of your body may start proliferating cancer cells. And there is much truth in this. But everything does not happen or originate in the brain and there is a subtle energy system and subtle body with its chakra and meridian system that are more fundamental then brain structure. When we read the chapter on how we can heal with light and color we begin to understand how many different levels healing has to happen on to effect what we might call a complete cure. The stress of receiving a cancer diagnosis, or being given a negativeprognosis, is often enough to deprive a person of their life-force. Conventional cancer treatments only accelerate the downward spiral. Dr. Mercola sadly says, “The most tragic part of standard cancer treatment is that when you receive the shocking news that you now have cancer and may die, your body re-enters a state of shock, often leading to additional cancers. Conventional medicine calls this metastasis – that your cancer is spreading. According to German New Medicine, you were healing, but the “death-fright shock” launched another set of tumors. Between the intense fear created by being diagnosed with cancer, and the deadly cancer treatments offered, death is unfortunately more common than healing.” Dr Hamer believes that most metastases or secondary tumors are caused by the cancer-fear or death-fear resulting from the patient given the cancer diagnosis or a negative prognosis. Generally hopelessness, despair and meaninglessness create chronic stress, which prevent the healing from cancer and other diseases but they are not the cause. The following list from Walter Lasts writings on Hamer’s work shows some of the relationships between conflict emotions and target organs. Adrenal cortex - Wrong direction, gone astray Bladder - Ugly conflict, dirty tricks Bone - Lack of self-worth, inferiority feelingBreast milk gland - Involving care or disharmonyBreast milk duct - Separation conflict Breast, left (right-handed) - Conflict concerning child, home, motherBreast, right (right-handed) - Conflict with partner or othersBronchials - Territorial conflictCervix - Severe frustrationColon - Ugly indigestible conflictEsophagus - Cannot have it or swallow itGall Bladder - Rivalry conflictHeart - Perpetual conflictIntestines - Indigestible chunk of angerKidneys - Not wanting to live, water or fluid conflictLarynx - Conflict of fear and frightLiver - Fear of starvationLung - Fear of dying or suffocation, including fear for someone elseLymph glands - Loss of self-worth associated with the locationMelanoma - feeling dirty, soiled, defiledMiddle ear - Not being able to get some vital informationMouth - Cannot chew or hold itPancreas - Anxiety-anger conflict with family members, inheritanceProstate - Ugly conflict with sexual connections or connotationsRectum - Fear of being uselessSkin - Loss of integritySpleen - Shock of being physically or emotionally woundedStomach - Indigestible anger, swallowed too much Testes and Ovaries - Loss conflictThyroid - Feeling powerlessUterus - Sexual conflict Walter concludes, “My own understanding and experience leave no doubt about the primary importance of our emotions and beliefs in the cause and cure of our diseases. Furthermore, the writings of Dr Hamer give the impression of a serious and meticulous researcher whose findings have been confirmed by various scientific institutions and medical practitioners, including professors of medicine. Those who continue to denounce him refuse to look at his evidence.” “Therefore I have no doubt about the validity of his basic premise, namely that specific diseases and in particular cancers are associated with visible lesions in specific locations of the brain as well as specific psychological experiences. His postulated two-part disease process in which the healing phase is a reversal of the original disease conditions is a basic concept of natural therapies.” Mark Sircus Ac., OMDDirector International Medical Veritas Association http://www.imva.infohttp://www.magnesiumforlife.comhttp://www.winningcancer.com/ The above is a chapter from Winning the War on Cancer Allness attitudes are quite common and relatively easy to spot in others. Science tells us that we can’t know all about the world or anything in it. Therefore, our “mental maps” are always incomplete. When it comes to dealing with cancer, when either our or a loved ones life is on the line, we need sound thinking to guide us in our decisions. [ii] Twenty years ago I created Biogenic Medicine, which on a diagnostic level, combines many points of perceptual consciousness into a holistic framework that amplifies medicine’s ability to pinpoint the specific challenges, problems and states of disease in each individual. International Medical Veritas Association Legal Notice: The Author specifically invokes the First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and of the press without prejudice. The information written is published for informational purposes only under the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution for the United States of America, and should not in any way be used as a substitute for the advice of a physician or other licensed health care practitioner. The statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the FDA. The products discussed herein are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent or treat any disease. Images, text and logic are copyright protected. ALL rights are explicitly reserved without prejudice, and no part of this essay may be reproduced except by written consent. ©2008 by Mark Sircus

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