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Cranberry Extract

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Cranberry Extract:


Helps Prevent Bladder Infections, Tooth Decay and Cancer

Cell GrowthWe have the Native Americans to thank

for introducing cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon) to the Pilgrims.


Considered " a gift from the Great Spirit that was dropped from the

beak of a dove into the swamps, " Native Americans used the red berry

to dye blankets and make pemmican, a food made of crushed berries, fat,

and dried meat. They also used it as a medicine to extract poison from



It wasn't until 1647, however, that the word Craneberry (the original

English word for cranberry) first appeared in a letter written by a Cape

Cod missionary. Shortly after that, it became popular as a vitamin C

supplement to prevent scurvy on sailing expeditions, and as a remedy for

gallbladder disorders, gastric ailments, blood problems, and even


1­which is particularly interesting, since researchers only recently

discovered that it is a potent anti-cancer



Preventive for UTIs­Urinary tract

infectionsUrinary tract infections (UTIs) result in

approximately 7 million doctor visits and a million hospitalizations each

year, adding up to $1.6 billion in medical expenditures in the


5 A large percentage of individuals with spinal cord injuries suffer

from UTIs. Men can also get a bladder infection, especially if they have

an enlarged prostate. Women, however, are primarily affected. In fact,

about 25% of all women in the U.S. have at least one UTI in their

lifetime, with 20% having three or more a



Antibiotics don't always work, and to complicate matters, even if the

antibiotic does work, it weakens the immune system, making it easier to

get a subsequent infection. The good news is that cranberry extract can

nip UTIs in the bud.


How do you get a UTI?A urinary tract

infection is a bacterial infection that causes painful urination and the

feeling that your bladder is never completely empty. It can also cause

fever and low back pain. According to researchers at the Washington

University (WU) School of Medicine in St. Louis, a UTI starts when

Escherichia coli (E. coli) (a microorganism that lives in the

digestive tract and is found in the anal area) invade the bladder and

penetrate a protective coating of the superficial cells that line the

bladder. Once the E. coli is established in the bladder lining,

the stage is set for




How does cranberry extract

work?Cranberry extract is an extract of the red

acidic fruit of the shrubby viburnum of North America and Europe.

It contains phytochemicals that include flavonol glycosides,

anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins (condensed tannins), and organic and

phenolic acids. But it is the proanthocyanidins that exhibit potent

bacterial anti-adhesion


8 The proanthocyanidins found in cranberry differ from those found in

other plants by their unique structures and very potent antibacterial

activity. In the case of UTIs, these proanthocyanidins prevent E.

coli from adhering to the urethra and



Here's how: The cell wall of E. coli bacteria has tiny finger-like

projections that contain complex molecules called lectins on their

surfaces. These lectins are cellular glue that binds the bacteria to the

bladder wall so they cannot be easily rinsed out by urination. But

because proanthocyanidin molecules attach themselves to these lectins and

fill up all of the bacterial anchoring sites, the bacteria can no longer

stick to the bladder wall and are flushed away.

The likelihood of infection is significantly reduced because bacteria

must first adhere to the mucosal lining before they can proliferate­and

without the ability to stick, the bacteria cannot infect.

In a study of 153 elderly women, those who drank 10 oz of commercial

cranberry drink each day had less than half the risk of developing an

infection and were more likely to clear an already present



A study of 10 young women with recurrent bladder infections found

that, compared with placebo, taking a capsule containing 400 mg of

cranberry extract daily for three months significantly reduced new

infections. Of the 21 bladder infections that arose, only six occurred

among women taking



A year-long Canadian study of 150 sexually active women found that

cranberry juice and tablets significantly decreased the number of

patients experiencing at least 1 symptomatic UTI/year compared with

placebo. The study also found that taking cranberry was much more cost

effective than taking



In February 2004, France allowed food, drink, and dietary supplement

manufacturers a " function use claim " to highlight the health

benefits of products containing cranberry to consumers. In turn, this

will permit the claim that the North American cranberry VM (Vaccinium

macrocarpon) can 'help reduce the adhesion of certain E. coli

bacteria to the urinary tract walls.'


Helps individuals with spinal cord

injuriesUTIs are very common in individuals with

spinal cord injuries, since many of them have an indwelling catheter.

Cranberry extract has been very helpful among this population in treating

infections that arise from bacteria sticking to the urethra and bladder



Cranberries may reduce brain cell damage associated with

strokeIn laboratory studies using rat brain cells

exposed to simulated stroke conditions, a concentrated cranberry extract

reduced the death of brain cells by half in comparison to cells that did

not receive the extract, said the scientists. The findings suggest that

cranberries can aid recovery from stroke, particularly in its earliest

stages in which the most severe damage occurs.

" This study shows that cranberries have the potential to protect

against brain cell damage that occurs during a stroke event, " said

Catherine Neto, an assistant professor at the University of

Massachusetts, Dartmouth and a lead investigator in the study. " It

may not stop a stroke from occurring initially, but it may reduce the

severity of stroke, " she added. The research from the unpublished

study was presented in September 2003 at an American Chemical Society



Helps prevent tooth decayIt's

interesting that cranberry extract has also been found to inhibit the

adhesion of oral Streptococcus mutans­the major cause of tooth





Inhibits the growth of cancer

cellsSince a blood supply to malignant tumors is

crucial to the growth of the cancer, researchers have made it a priority

to discover anti-angiogenic therapies (ways to stop the blood supply to

the tumor) in the battle to prevent and treat cancer. The recent studies

showing that edible berries may have potent chemopreventive and

anti-angiogenic properties are promising.

Researchers at the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University

of Massachusetts, Dartmouth have spent years studying the effect of

cranberry's active constituents on cancer cells. They found that when

compared to other natural compounds, the compounds in cranberry are more

successful at inhibiting the growth of tumor


16 They also found that as an antioxidant, cranberry is as potent, if

not more potent, as vitamin



A recent study at the Department of Physiology & Pharmacology,

University of Western Ontario, Canada examined the effect of cranberry

extract on mice that had been injected with human breast tumor cells. The

cranberry extract decreased the growth and metastasis of the tumors.

Further studies done on human tumor cell lines, including prostate, skin,

brain, colon, lung and breast, also indicated that cranberry extract

inhibited the growth of the cancer


18 Cranberry extract, and the extracts of 5 other berries (blueberry,

bilberry, elderberry, raspberry and strawberry) were studied for their

antioxidant and anti-angiogenic properties at the Laboratory of Molecular

Medicine, Ohio State University. They were all found to have an

anti-angiogenic effect on human skin cancer cells, and this effect was

not shared by other antioxidants such as




Why not just drink cranberry

juice?Next time you go to the grocery store, read

the label on a bottle of cranberry juice and you'll realize why. Most

commercially produced cranberry juice is sweetened with high fructose

corn syrup­enough to spike insulin levels and negatively impact your

immune system. It also contains a lot of unnecessary calories, about 140

per 8 oz serving.

It's possible to drink unsweetened cranberry juice, but you'd have to

drink a lot of it, and it's so sour it's hard to get it down. In terms of

cost, effectiveness, and taste, encapsulated cranberry extract is the

preferred way to get the benefits that cranberry offers.


How safe is cranberry extract?Very.

It has not been reported to cause side effects and can be used safely

during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Individuals with a history of kidney

stones should consult a medical professional before using cranberry

extract for long periods of time, since there is some indication long

term use might increase the risk of developing a kidney




DosageOne capsule of concentrated

cranberry extract (500 mg) can be taken twice a day. A typical

recommended dose for UTIs prevention is 500-1,000 mg a day. For a

preventative dosage, take 1 to 2 capsules per day. For treatment, take 3

to 6 capsules per day. Cranberry extract capsules can also be released in

warm water, and used as an oral rinse.


ConclusionThere is now a strong

scientific basis for the use of cranberries to reduce the risk of E.

coli adhesion to bladder cells and the onset of urinary tract

infection. It's interesting that science is also elucidating its

historical use as a preventative against cancer. Undoubtedly with more

research, we'll soon have a clearer picture of the many ways in which

cranberry extract can help treat and prevent other health problems that

are caused by the adhesion of bacteria to surfaces such as the bladder

and teeth.




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