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Simple cure claimed for Morgellons Disease

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From another group: Info passed along by Ingrid at Biotheka, the mention of MMS is the product that appears to be so effective with all fungal conditions which in turn appears be the root cause of diabetes and other severe autoimmune disease....SAN INSTANT CURE FOR MORGELLONS DISEASEForwarded from Oxyplus@ .com<Oxyplus@

..com>.Sunday, 22 April 2007, 11:09 a.m.http://mms-central. com/MMS-stories. htm. . . the Morgellon’s disease of today is a totally NEW disease.The fibers are red, blue, white and other colors. These fibers DON’TBURN AT 1400 DEGREES F !.We now know that Morgellon’s disease is caused by some kind ofnanotechnology. The fibers are grown by miniature machines. Maybe theyescaped from some laboratory. (See article by Dr. HildegardeStaninger)Have a Bath with Sun powdered laundry detergent with Colorsafe BleachPLUS Alfalfa tablets.These seem to combine to produce something that is lethal to themachines. This cure for Morgellon’s disease was discovered byaccident.This testimonial is from the person who discovered this cure: (DaisyBaleen) Posted on

Health and Healing I have been Morgellons sufferer for over ten years. Recently, Idiscovered, quite by accident, something that is literally making itdisappear from my BODY. I have experimented with various "superbaths," filling the tub with hot water and putting in things likelemons, baking soda, dish detergent, laundry detergent, alcohol, etc.Well, one day about four months ago, I was filling the bath and I waspretty dirty from housecleaning so I put some Sun powdered laundrydetergent with colorsafe bleach into the water, just a tad, because itreally cleans the skin.Anyway, I left the bathroom for a minute or two and heard a crashthat sounded like one of my cats getting into something. When Ireturned nothing seemed amiss, so I slid into the water for a soak.Everything seemed normal until

the bubbles parted, and I got thesight of a morgellons sufferers’ lifetime dream: those black andgrey specks MIGRATING OUT OF MY SKIN AS FAST AS THEY COULD IN DROVESBY THE HUNDREDS FROM EVERY SQUARE INCH OF MY BODY!!And even as I saw that, I also noticed several large oblong things"dissolving" in the bottom of the tub. I picked one up, and it was analfalfa tablet. Then I noticed the bottle on the counter next to thetub was overturned, and about 25 of them had fallen into the water!They were the cause of the migration of all things Morgellon out of myskin in a fantastic migration for about an hour!Brown flecks, black specks, fibers, white patches of fibers driftedoff the surface of my skin like No Problema, see ya later, something Ihad NEVER BEEN ABLE TO ACCOMPLISH WITH ANY OTHER TOPICAL AGENT.THE MIGHTY ALFALFA HAS SINCE CONQUERED MORGELLONS IN MY BODY. Thescabs are gone, the fibers are history, the

patches of fibers are alltaped to a piece of wax paper and about to be sent off to a researchlab that has requested them.I am sending you my testimonial in hopes that other sufferers will atleast know some relief from the scourge of the skin.Dandelion the Flame Point Siamese must be credited with thismiraculous discovery. He is only three years old, but he’s a hero tohis long-suffering Mommy!I’ve done a little research on the mighty alfalfa, and apparentlyit creates an alkaline environment in the body in which things likeCANCER and other diseases cannot survive. So, taking it internally canonly be a good thing, also; but it’s the BATHS that made all thedifference in the world for me.I also tried putting St. Johns Wort in the bath along with it, witheven better results. And for some reason, using the Sun powderedlaundry detergent with colorsafe bleach also helps facilitate

themigration of the specks.God, I really hope this helps even one person as it has helped me. Ithas cleared up my symptoms so completely that I kept forgetting topost this information on the morgellons websites!!!!Thank you to God for this wonderful, freak discovery! Please spreadthis information far and wide.Editor's note: The primary ingredient in this discovery was thelaundry detergent with color-safe bleach. The bleach is an oxidizersimilar to MMS. The boost from the alfalfa is not easily understoodbut clearly was helpful. Nano-bodies carried in the blood stream wouldbe perfect targets for chlorine dioxide gas to destroy so a four-dropdose of MMS taken internally would be a perfect compliment for thisbathing process. Note also that MMS can be used in swimming pools andalso safely in a bath tub. MMS is a water purifier first and foremost.For a tub one might mix a 40 drop dose of MMS for bathing

(notdrinking). Other Morgellons testimonials will be forthcoming. )

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