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Microwave Experiment

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Who wants to be a Myth Buster?

Or a Myth Prover?

I read this on another list and wanted to share it with you.


We've already done this little experiment in my household when my

younger son was in elementary.

He grew three seedlings (pea) until they were approx 10 cm tall using

only tap water.

He then swtiched to watering one seedling exclusively with microwaved

water, one exclusively with purified water, and one he continued to

water with regular tap water.

He ran the experiment for 30 days.


The microwaved water contains nothing the poor little

seedling could use. The poor little thing died off within a very

short time.

Interestingly (but not necessarily surprisingly) the filtered water

seedling grew the best.


You should also look into some of the photographs taken by Dr. Masaru

Emoto for an illustration of what irradiation does to water.


In a nutrition class,they were taught that the process of microwaving

food causes a change on the atomic level in the substances being

exposed. It plasticised them, the actual chemistry behind it was not

what they were studying but it actually rendered them into a form

that the body could not really use any more than it could use.


Is there a correlation between the use of microwaves (and overly

processed commertial foodstuffs) and the rise of cancers, food

allergies, obesity, and other illnesses?


Are You still using a Microwave?



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Yes I heat my wheat pack heat pack every night - works really well





" celticvalkyrie49 " <celticvalkyrie49


Wednesday, April 09, 2008 2:57 PM

Microwave Experiment



Who wants to be a Myth Buster?

Or a Myth Prover?

I read this on another list and wanted to share it with you.


We've already done this little experiment in my household when my

younger son was in elementary.

He grew three seedlings (pea) until they were approx 10 cm tall using

only tap water.

He then swtiched to watering one seedling exclusively with microwaved

water, one exclusively with purified water, and one he continued to

water with regular tap water.

He ran the experiment for 30 days.


The microwaved water contains nothing the poor little

seedling could use. The poor little thing died off within a very

short time.

Interestingly (but not necessarily surprisingly) the filtered water

seedling grew the best.


You should also look into some of the photographs taken by Dr. Masaru

Emoto for an illustration of what irradiation does to water.


In a nutrition class,they were taught that the process of microwaving

food causes a change on the atomic level in the substances being

exposed. It plasticised them, the actual chemistry behind it was not

what they were studying but it actually rendered them into a form

that the body could not really use any more than it could use.


Is there a correlation between the use of microwaves (and overly

processed commertial foodstuffs) and the rise of cancers, food

allergies, obesity, and other illnesses?


Are You still using a Microwave?

















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At 12:57 AM 4/9/2008, you wrote:


I read some info and studies not too long ago which talked about how

microwaves disrupt the molecules in anything that is exposed to it -

water, veggies - anything one cooks or heats in the microwave. Made sense

when you think about how a microwave works and how it cooks the food - as

anyone who uses a microwave knows, stuff get's cooked from the inside out

- versus say, how something is heated on the stove or cooked in the oven.

In both those cases, stuff gets heated or cooked from the outside in. So,

while I've never done or seen an experiment such as the one in the

article, it makes sense to me that it turned out that way. Pretty cool to

actually see it in action, though. Interesting - I wonder if it was a

school project?

I haven't actually seen any studies on the issue, but it seems to me that

microwaving something would pretty much kill whatever nutritional value

the food or drink had. That thesis is certainly supported by the

experiment with the seedlings. If one accepts the thesis that microwaving

food kills the nutritional value, it would seems, if one ate much food

cooked or heated that way, that disease or ill-health would follow.

Apparetnly, there have been a number of studies that support this

hypothesis.Even Russia thought so, as they banned microwaves for a while.

But, later, the ban was lifted. Here is a link to an interesting article

titled, " Microwave Cooking is Killing You. " published in 1994.



I saw several articles, some with later dates, but they all seemed to

reference the same studies and the ban Russia put on them in 1974. While

I suspect people think it may do a lot of harm, including possible cause

some cancers, I don't think there's any definitive proof. But, IMO,

anything that messes with the molecules of things the way microwaves do,

can't be good.......



Who wants to be a Myth


Or a Myth Prover?

I read this on another list and wanted to share it with you.

We've already done this little experiment in my household when my

younger son was in elementary.

He grew three seedlings (pea) until they were approx 10 cm tall using


only tap water.

He then swtiched to watering one seedling exclusively with microwaved


water, one exclusively with purified water, and one he continued to

water with regular tap water.

He ran the experiment for 30 days.

The microwaved water contains nothing the poor little

seedling could use. The poor little thing died off within a very

short time.

Interestingly (but not necessarily surprisingly) the filtered water

seedling grew the best.

You should also look into some of the photographs taken by Dr. Masaru


Emoto for an illustration of what irradiation does to water.

In a nutrition class,they were taught that the process of microwaving


food causes a change on the atomic level in the substances being

exposed. It plasticised them, the actual chemistry behind it was not


what they were studying but it actually rendered them into a form

that the body could not really use any more than it could use.

Is there a correlation between the use of microwaves (and overly

processed commertial foodstuffs) and the rise of cancers, food

allergies, obesity, and other illnesses?

Are You still using a Microwave?


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thank you val.......for anyone new to the list and healing ,,,this is

outstanding information........getting truth out of general electric [ the

original genius behind the technologies, is like getting truth out of

government..............they knew back in the 50's how dangerous and in

this case deadly microwaves can be, small group of u.s. navy

sailors were pulling routine maintenance in the super structure of the

ship and in front of the radar dish when some one turned on the

microwave, two died, others badly burned.......microwaving food with

almost any form of plastic in the this process, pushes the molecules of

plastic, whatever form it is , into the food you are about to

injest., give to your children, the love of your life...... and

change's the molecular structure of the food! those are microwaves you

cell phone users are jamming up against your brain..... what do you think

is happening inside the heads of children who are getting a new constant

assualt on their bodies........still want to microwave? Kraig

Kraig Carroll

Environmental Damage Repair




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I gave up using a microwave oven over 18 years ago after reading an article about them in Nexus magazine, unfortunately they've updated their website and the article is no longer available for download or I'd have posted the link here. Disgusting pieces of machinery, it really upsets me that my grandaughter gets food that has been nuked, her Mother didn't want me to know she'd bought one of the infernal things even after I'd explained to her why they were so bad, people just don't care, or are just too busy to bother to cook anything properly!!


Kristine (UK)


On 09/04/2008, thehavens <thehavens wrote:

thank you val.......for anyone new to the list and healinkRg ,,,this isoutstanding information........getting truth out of general electric [ the

original genius behind the technologies, is like getting truth out ofgovernment..............they knew back in the 50's how dangerous and inthis case deadly microwaves can be, small group of u.s. navysailors were pulling routine maintenance in the super structure of the

ship and in front of the radar dish when some one turned on themicrowave, two died, others badly burned.......microwaving food withalmost any form of plastic in the this process, pushes the molecules ofplastic, whatever form it is , into the food you are about to

injest., give to your children, the love of your life...... andchange's the molecular structure of the food! those are microwaves youcell phone users are jamming up against your brain..... what do you think

is happening inside the heads of children who are getting a new constantassualt on their bodies........still want to microwave? KraigKraig CarrollEnvironmental Damage Repair---

«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»§ - PULSE ON 21st CENTURY ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE! §

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Any information here in is for educational purpose only; it may be news related, purely speculation or SOMEONE'S OPINION. Always consult with a qualified Medical Doctor before deciding on any course of treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.

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Anything going to this list may eventually be posted on another list.If you post a piece to the list. We reserve the right to attach yourname and email address to the piece, as well as to keep them on record.

You should NOT post copyrighted material unless proper attributionsto the source of the material are made.Submissions are gladly accepted. Please feel free to post material thatyou think is worthy.YOU AGREE; to accept responsibility and liability for your own actions and to contact a licensed Medical Doctor before deciding on any course of treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.

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At 11:30 AM 4/9/2008, you wrote:

OK. But what if one doesn't use plastic? Just puts whatever on a dish and

covers it with, say, a towel? Plus, that microwave the sailors got fried

with was a big one.........

However, I still think microwaves mess with the molecules......we rarely

use it, and, I suspect, at some point, will get rid of it. The whole

molecule thing bothers me a lot..

Funny how science can both work for us and against us at the same



thank you val.......for anyone

new to the list and healing ,,,this is

outstanding information........getting truth out of general electric [


original genius behind the technologies, is like getting truth out of


government..............they knew back in the 50's how dangerous and in


this case deadly microwaves can be, small group of u.s. navy

sailors were pulling routine maintenance in the super structure of the


ship and in front of the radar dish when some one turned on the

microwave, two died, others badly burned.......microwaving food with


almost any form of plastic in the this process, pushes the molecules of


plastic, whatever form it is , into the food you are about to

injest., give to your children, the love of your life...... and

change's the molecular structure of the food! those are microwaves you


cell phone users are jamming up against your brain..... what do you think


is happening inside the heads of children who are getting a new constant


assualt on their bodies........still want to microwave? Kraig

Kraig Carroll

Environmental Damage Repair

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i have some old science that can explain what happens to the food when it's

microwaved, but it's old information.....we learned very early on from a

naturepath about this not being healthy........so i don't bother keep'n

anything current tho i see stuff often, there is starting to be a lot

from md.s in europe about cell phones and all kinds of harmful things for

kids!!!! ......the story of the microwaved blood was told to me by a

nurse of 25 years..........a lot of things get hidden in those

300,000 people a year who die from iatragensis,] or hospital

mistakes and doctor mistakes.......these are numbers from harvard school

of public health, from 1990!!!!!!! has anyone seen more recent

figures? Kraig


Kraig and Shirley Carroll ... in the woods of SE Kentucky







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