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Microwave Experiment (Val)

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Hi Val,

I first heard about Dr. Emoto from watching the movie " What The Bleep Do We

Know " . He has written some books on water. I wonder with

the experiment. Would you get the same results as the " dead water " if you boiled

it instead of microwaving? Or is it just results

from the microwave energy? I believe that the energy used to cook the food isn't

all that good for the body. Very rarely do I use my

microwave, very, very rarely. I am looking into buy/making a solar oven.

Microwave ovens are a convenience because they are so fast

while a solar oven cooks slowly.


Kenneth T



" celticvalkyrie49 " <celticvalkyrie49


Wednesday, April 09, 2008 00:57

Microwave Experiment



Who wants to be a Myth Buster?

Or a Myth Prover?

I read this on another list and wanted to share it with you.


We've already done this little experiment in my household when my

younger son was in elementary.

He grew three seedlings (pea) until they were approx 10 cm tall using

only tap water.

He then swtiched to watering one seedling exclusively with microwaved

water, one exclusively with purified water, and one he continued to

water with regular tap water.

He ran the experiment for 30 days.


The microwaved water contains nothing the poor little

seedling could use. The poor little thing died off within a very

short time.

Interestingly (but not necessarily surprisingly) the filtered water

seedling grew the best.


You should also look into some of the photographs taken by Dr. Masaru

Emoto for an illustration of what irradiation does to water.


In a nutrition class,they were taught that the process of microwaving

food causes a change on the atomic level in the substances being

exposed. It plasticised them, the actual chemistry behind it was not

what they were studying but it actually rendered them into a form

that the body could not really use any more than it could use.


Is there a correlation between the use of microwaves (and overly

processed commertial foodstuffs) and the rise of cancers, food

allergies, obesity, and other illnesses?


Are You still using a Microwave?

















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most waters loose energy in the boiling process and like distilled, it is

clean, but dead water......there are numerous ways to re-energize

water, and when you cluster and structure water the shape of the water

molecule is more compatable with the shape of our cells and allows for much

faster absorptions.......ever been real thirsty, drank a bunch of

water, and then had it " slosh " around in your stomach? dead

water, it takes the body longer to absorb and requires more energy from

the body to process.....with clustered and structured water two neat things

happen right away, first it takes no time at all for your body to

absorb, and you get more hydration from less volume!!!! the

neutralizer from miracle ll is clustered and structured water........not

even the only one, but in my world , the best one!!!!! Kraig


Kraig and Shirley Carroll ... in the woods of SE Kentucky







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Kraig, have you used any of the water wands from www.globallight.net.

I have been thinking of getting a couple of them.







Wednesday, April 09, 2008 8:49 AM

Re: Microwave Experiment (Val)



most waters loose energy in the boiling process and like distilled, it is clean, but dead water......there are numerous ways to re-energize water, and when you cluster and structure water the shape of the water molecule is more compatable with the shape of our cells and allows for much faster absorptions.......ever been real thirsty, drank a bunch of water, and then had it "slosh " around in your stomach? dead water, it takes the body longer to absorb and requires more energy from the body to process.....with clustered and structured water two neat things happen right away, first it takes no time at all for your body to absorb, and you get more hydration from less volume!!!! the neutralizer from miracle ll is clustered and structured water........not even the only one, but in my world , the best one!!!!! Kraig******Kraig and Shirley Carroll ... in the woods of SE Kentuckyhttp://www.thehavens.com/thehavens (AT) highland (DOT) net606-376-3363



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