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Reverend Jeremiah Wright Is Right About Man-Made AIDS

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Reverend Jeremiah Wright Is Right About Man-Made AIDS

By Alan Cantwell, MD



c. 2008 -














On March, 14, 2008, many Americans were infuriated by the airing of highly inflammatory video clips from various sermons by the Reverend Jeremiah Wright. TV viewers heard the preacher saying that the U.S. government created AIDS as a genocide program against blacks - and watched him declaring "God damn America!"

As a spiritual advisor to Barack Obama, Wright's inflammatory rhetoric threatened to derail Obama's race for the Democratic presidential nomination. Wright, retiring at age 65, had served as pastor of the Trinity United Church in Chicago's Southside, where Obama had been a parishioner for 20 years. Obama quickly distanced himself from Wright's remarks, but refused to denounce him.


Is Reverend Wright a patriotic American?


As usual, the media quickly denounced his AIDS accusations as "conspiracy theory." This despite the fact that half of African-Americans polled believe AIDS could have been man-made. Although the media came down hard on Wright, he cannot be simply dismissed as a deluded and unpatriotic American. At age 20 in 1961, he interrupted his college studies to serve in the Marines. According to the Chicago Tribune (April 3, 2008), after completing two years of service in the Marines in 1963, he volunteered again to become a Navy corpsman. He did so well in corpsman school that he was the valedictorian and became a cardiopulmonary technician. Assigned to the Navy's premier medical facility at Bethesda Naval Hospital, he was a member of the commander in chief's medical team, and helped care for President Lyndon B. Johnson after his 1966 surgery. For his service on the team, which he left in 1967, the White House awarded him three letters of commendation. After leaving the service, Wright finished his final year of college, entered the seminary, was ordained as a minister, and eventually became pastor of Trinity, where he served for 36 years.

The Tribune concluded: Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the retiring pastor of Trinity, has been in the news for comments he has made over the last three decades. Since these comments became public we have heard criticisms, condemnations, denouncements and rejections of his comments and him. We've seen on television, in a seemingly endless loop, sound bites of a select few of Rev. Wright's many sermons. Some of his comments are inexcusable and inappropriate and should be condemned, but in calling him "unpatriotic," let us not forget that this is a man who gave up six of the most productive years of his life to serve his country. While words do count, so do actions. Let us not forget that, for whatever Rev. Wright may have said over the last 30 years, he has demonstrated his patriotism.


The hepatitis B vaccine origin of AIDS

For more than two decades, I have written extensively about AIDS as a man-made disease and as a covert genocide program. In that respect I totally agree with Rev. Wright, and I will attempt to present here some very sketchy history of how HIV/AIDS originated in America, starting in 1978, when government scientists began to experiment on young, primarily white, healthy gay and bisexual men in Manhattan, as part of the experimental hepatitis B vaccine trials, which continued in various cities up to the year 1981 when the AIDS epidemic became "official". (For the full details of man-made AIDS, please refer to my books AIDS & The Doctors of Death, and Queer Blood, and to my many articles on the subject, which can be easily found on Google (type-in: "alan cantwell" + AIDS)


The groundwork for the experiment began in 1973 when The Gay Men's Health Project in Manhattan provided blood samples for hepatitis B testing at The New York City Blood Center. The results were astonishing! One out of every two gay blood samples were positive. By contrast, only 5% of the blood samples from straights were positive.

Developed at the Merck Institute for Therapeutic Research at West Point, Pennsylvania, the first crude experimental vaccine was tested in chimpanzees, the only animal susceptible to the human hepatitis B virus. Later, the vaccine was tried on a small group of retarded children.

When the experimental vaccine was ready to be more widely tested in humans, several "high risk" groups were considered. These included male homosexuals, drug addicts, mentally deficient adults, Chinese-Americans, indigenous Alaskans, and patients and medical staff of kidney dialysis centers. After much debate, it was decided that young promiscuous gay men would be the best group to test the efficiency of the vaccine.


Wolf Szmuness and the New York Blood Center

Wolf Szmuness, a Polish physician trained in the Soviet Union, was placed in charge of the hepatitis B vaccine trial at the NY Blood Center. Szmuness, a Jew born in Poland in 1919, was a young medical student in eastern Poland when the Nazis invaded the country in the summer of 1939. When Poland was partitioned by Germany and Russia, Szmuness was sent to Siberia as a political prisoner. His entire family in western Poland was murdered by the Nazis in the Holocaust. His years in exile in Siberia were "a long dark period that he was most reluctant to talk about."

June Goodfield in Quest for the Killers, provides the definitive account of the gay hepatitis experiment. During confinement in Siberia Szmuness was repeatedly interrogated and beaten by the Russian KGB for refusing to cooperate in spy activities. After release from detention in 1946 he was allowed to finish his medical education in Tomsk in central Russia. While a student, he married a Russian woman. He specialized in epidemiology, and when his wife contracted a nearly fatal case of hepatitis, he decided to dedicate his life to the study of this liver disease.

In 1959 the Soviets allowed Szmuness, and his wife and daughter, to return to Poland where he worked as an epidemiologist in the health department. There are conflicting reports of how Szmuness came to America. According to Aaron Kellner, the founder of the NY Blood Center, the Communists allowed Szmuness and his family to attend a scientific meeting in Italy in 1969. While there, they defected to the West. Allan Chase, author of Magic Shots, claims Szmuness was driven out of Poland in a 1968 Communist purge of the few remaining Jewish survivors of the Holocaust. Goodfield writes that Polish anti-Semitism cost Szmuness his job, resulting in his applying for a visa which eventually enabled him to get out of Poland legally. From Rome the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society arranged for the family to come to the U.S.

Szmuness arrived in Manhattan with $15 in his pocket. Through the intervention of Walsh McDermott, Professor of Public Health at New York Hospital, Szmuness was fortunate enough to secure a position as a lab technician at the New York City Blood Center. Within a few years he was given his own lab, and a separate department of epidemiology at the Center was created for him. In record time he was appointed Professor at the Columbia School of Public Health.

By the mid-1970s he was a world authority on hepatitis. In another startling occurrence, Szmuness was invited back to Moscow in 1975 to give a scientific presentation. As a defector he was terrified to set foot in the Soviet Union, and memories of KGB torture and interrogation still plagued him. However, his colleagues assured him he would have the full protection of the U.S. State Department. His return to Russia was a scientific triumph. By the late 1970s he had been awarded millions of dollars in grant money and was fully prepared to undertake the most important mission of his life: the hepatitis B vaccine experiment.

First, Szmuness became acquainted with the gay community, and added homosexual physicians and activists to his staff. He was taken into the gay ghetto where he viewed the baths, bars and discos. Promiscuous homosexuals were perfect guinea pigs. They would prove, beyond doubt, that Szmuness could wipe hepatitis B off the face of the earth.

Tarketing gay men for the vaccine experiment

In the late 1970s a bloodmobile began canvassing the gay neighborhood in the Greenwich Village section of Manhattan, looking for homosexual volunteers. Over ten thousand men signed up and donated blood samples for Szmuness' upcoming experiment. (These stored donated blood specimens would eventually provide data regarding the spread of HIV/AIDS into the gay community.)

Szmuness was highly selective in the men he chose as finalists. He required that the men be highly promiscuous. In fact, the more promiscuous the better. He was testing a vaccine against a sexually-transmitted virus. Therefore, he didn't want any monogamous men, or men with lovers, in his experiment. He also wanted men who were healthy, young, responsible, intelligent, and preferably white. Promiscuous bisexuals were acceptable, but heterosexual men were excluded from the experiment. The men had to have an address and a phone number, and be willing to provide blood samples over a long period of time.




The hepatitis experiment was costly, and Szmuness didn't want any uncooperative or hard-to-find gays messing up his experiment. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, were all involved in the study, as well as big pharmaceutical companies, such as Merck, Sharp & Dohme Inc., and Abbott Laboratories.

In preliminary experiments, Szmuness first tested his vaccine in chimpanzees. He then tested two hundred human volunteers, presumably gay men, by inoculating them with the vaccine. In the months before the official beginning of the experiment there had been no problem with the chimps or the volunteers. Szmuness was now ready to set the date for the final experiment- an experiment which would decimate the gay community in New York City, and then spread throughout the country.


The vaccine experiments and the beginning of AIDS


The first group of gays were inoculated in November 1978 at the New York City Blood Center. The experiment continued until October 1979. Over one thousand men from Manhattan were injected with Szmuness' vaccine.

In January 1979, a few months after Wolf Szmuness began his experiment, purple skin lesions began to appear on the bodies of young white gay men in the Village area of Manhattan. The doctors were not sure exactly what was wrong with these men. During the next thirty months, Manhattan physicians encountered dozens of cases of a new disease characterized by immunodeficiency, Kaposi's sarcoma, and a rapidly fatal lung disease, known as Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. All the men were young and gay and promiscuous. Almost all were white. All died horribly. Within a few years, AIDS would become the leading cause of death of young men and young women living in New York City; and The Big Apple would be the epicenter of the new plague with the highest number of AIDS cases in the country.

In March 1980 the CDC supervised additional gay experiments in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Denver, St. Louis and Chicago. In the fall of 1980 the first West Coast case of AIDS appeared in a young man from San Francisco. Six months later, in June 1981, the AIDS epidemic became "official." No one could understand why large numbers of young, white, previously healthy homosexual men were dying mysteriously in Manhattan, San Francisco, and Los Angeles.

By the beginning of the 1980s, Szmuness was awarded millions of dollars for his research, and his hugely successful hepatitis vaccine was hailed as having tremendous global implications. He collaborated with the most powerful medical institutions in the nation: the NIH, the National Cancer Institute (NCI), the FDA, the WHO, and the Cornell, Yale and Harvard Schools of Public Health and the Russian Academy of Medical Science. Other global connections included the International Agency for Research on Cancer in Lyons, France, and close associations with third world African countries. Even the services of the Sengalese Army were employed to secure blood specimens in one of Szmuness' many African experiments.

In June 1982 Wolf Szmuness died of lung cancer. In a posthumous account of Szmuness, the founding president of the New York Blood Center, Aaron Kellner, wrote: "He was the quintessential doctor's doctor. Most physicians in their professional careers influence the lives of a few hundred or a few thousand people. Some fortunate ones can influence the lives of a few million. It is the rare physician who, like Wolf Szmuness, is given the grace to touch the lives of billions of people--those living on this planet and generations yet unborn."

A 1983 report, published after Szmuness' death, detailed a new experimental hepatitis B vaccine program in Kangwane, using Black South African infants as subjects.


Monkey virus business in Africa and its connection to the Blood Center

From the very beginning of AIDS, government scientists claimed HIV virus originated as a primate virus, either from chimpanzees or monkeys, in the African jungle. From these primates it is believed the HIV virus was "introduced" into the African black population. Years later, I learned of a connection between the hepatitis B vaccine experiment at the New York Blood Center and its connection to an African primate laboratory that has never been revealed to the public, to my knowledge.

In 1974, Albert Prince, head of the virus lab at the NY Blood Center, established a chimp virus laboratory in West Africa and became its director. Chimps were captured from various parts of West Africa and brought to VILAB. The lab prides itself by releasing "rehabilitated" chimps back into the wild. One of the purposes of VILAB II, located at the Liberian Institute for Biomedical Research in Robertsfield, Liberia, was to develop the hepatitis B vaccine in chimps. A few years later the experimental hepatitis B vaccine was inoculated into gays at the Blood Center.

Also closely allied with the "pre-AIDS" development of a hepatitis B vaccine is the little publicized primate colony outside New York City called LEMSIP (the Laboratory for Experimental Medicine and Surgery). Until disbanded in 1997, LEMSIP supplied New York area scientists with primates and primate parts for transplantation and virus research.Founded in 1965, LEMSIP was affiliated with the New York University Medical Center, where the first cases of AIDS-associated Kaposi's sarcoma were discovered in 1979. Researchers at NYU Medical Center were also heavily involved in the development of the experimental hepatitis B vaccine used in gays; and the Medical Center received government grants and contracts connected with biological warfare research beginning in 1969, according to Leonard Horowitz, author of Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola.


The AIDS aftermath of the gay vaccine experiment



More- http://www.rense.com/general81/sdf.htm

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