Guest guest Posted June 18, 2008 Report Share Posted June 18, 2008 Hi Craig, You challenge derisively, who created God? He's a singularity. So tell me: What caused your mythological Big Bang? And what existed before it? And by the way, what is Dark Matter, and why do so many scientists doubt it? Our home library holds thousands of books, around 50 advocate evolutionism. If we disagree with an important concept we buy books about it. This contrasts with the incredible bias of academia which uniformly prohibits even the discussion of Creation. See Ben Stein's movie, EXPELLED. Evolution writers begin with the false premise: No God Created Anything! Thus liberated, they're free to consider any mother goose story as a valid possibility. Example: Evolution:The Great Debate by Vernon Blackmore and Andrew Page sets out this spectacular intellectual broad jump. The Soviet achievement of Sputnik is given as an embarrassment to Americans, since this would not have been if our students were taught more evolution . They make it a point to let you know when the National Foundation funded several programs designed to modernize the teaching of science in the theory of evolution was the MAJOR THEME! If Russian leadership in teaching students evolutionism produced the triumph of Sputnik, it only follows such indoctrination resulted in other great Soviet achievements: The Gulag Archipelago death camps Eradication of religious freedom Invasion of Pakistan Brutal bondage of Eastern Europe 60 million Soviets murdered by Stalin Russian economic chaos Fratricidal bloodbath among former Soviet states These atrocities derive from a survival-of-the-fittest mentality. Personally, I thought early Soviet space success had to do with the German rocket scientists captured after WW2 whose technical exploits Russia inherited. Now on second thought I'm persuaded that insufficient evolutionary teaching probably causes tornadoes in Topeka! Evolutionism has levered from America's minds an awareness of God and consciousness of sin. After all, if we are simply naked apes we get to act like beasts, resulting in: Rampant pornography Skyrocketing divorce Ever more corrupt political structures Feeding-frenzy economics Destruction of America's infrastructure Pervasive criminality up 313% in 31years, population adjusted, per the Federal Crime Report The depredations of a drug culture On Page 153 they carp that museums are using cladism (method of classification) ignores evolutionism. They cite a critical editorial in NATURE magazine describing the museum's exhibits as being " shot through with heresy " . The British Museum opened a year before Darwin's death and had been a citadel of Darwinism, but this is no longer true. The exhibits, replete with cladograms, " were not suggesting any particular form of at all " ! The writers are upset over the British Museum which " occupies a magnificant neogothic building in central London with towering church-like windows and architecture. " They characterize this site as a " temple to Darwinism. " with its exhibits forming the " holy relics of a secret scientific theory! " Indeed, evolution is religion. Colon Patterson of the museum staff explained: " Just as pre-Darwinism biology was carried out by people whose faith was in the Creator and His plan, post-Darwinian biology is being carried out by people whose faith is in, almost, the deity of Darwin. " Obviously angered over cladism (no species is ancestral to any other species) the writers lament " In short, the exhibitions were a sell-out to creationists, and the cladograms were Marxist propaganda. There was heresy among the faithful. " Let's see now: Communist instruction in evolution produced the Marxist space triumph - And Cladograms - a sell out of evolutionism - is Marxist! Now that makes sense, doesn't it? What is Evolutionism? A belief with: A deity Holy relics - bones Temples Faithful believers Damnable heresies (Cladograms) And you're supposed to swallow this as Science. Darwin was a preacher, not a scientist, and he started a religion called evolution. He admitted the difficulties of his doctrine in " Origin of the Species " : " Why, if species have descended from other species by insensibly fine graduation, do we not everywhere see innumerable transitional forms? Why is not all nature in confusion, instead of the species being as we see them well defined? " (Avenal Books Edition, 1979) " To suppose that the eye ... could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree. " " If my theory be true, it is indisputable that before the lowest Silurian stratum was deposited .. the world swarmed with living creatures. To the question why we do not find records of these vast primordial periods, I can give no satisfactory answer. " [Those rocks were renamed " Cambrian. " In them are found thousands of fully formed species with no ancestors underneath. They've been looking for Precambrian Metazoa for 150 years and all they find is bacteria. We own some Cambrian fossils. Darwin says his theory is absurd and the evidence unsatisfactory. On the basis of Charlie's singular authority I'm sure you agree with him! That means you and I agree, its all a bunch of monkey business - or haven't you read his book? Marvin Lubenow wrote in BONES OF CONTENTION: " He (Darwin) evicted God from the universe which God had created. " " With God out of the picture, evolution fell into place rather easily, since evolution seemed to be the only viable alternative to Special Creation... His major accomplishment was to " ungod " the universe. With that accomplishment, evolution became a " natural " . Darwin had problems with his theory. In fact he said: " Not one change of species into another is on record.. we cannot prove that a single species has been changed. " The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, Vol 1, p 210. Do you know that he said in " Origin of the Species, Chapter VII, " If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed, which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight, modifications, my theory would absolutely break down. " Read Michael Behe's Darwin's Black Box. He's a professor at Lehigh University. Darwin never considered the puzzle of perfection. It is well discussed by Michael Denton in EVOLUTION, A THEORY IN CRISIS: " The intuitive feeling that pure chance could never have achieved the degree of complexity and ingenuity so ubiquitous in nature has been a continuing source of skepticism ever since the publication of the I " Origin of the Species " ; and through the past century there has always existed a minority of first-rate biologists who have never been able to bring themselves to Darwinian claims ... " Perhaps in no other area of modern biology is the challenge posed by the extreme complexity and ingenuity of biological adaptations more apparent than in the fascinating new molecular world of the hell... To grasp the reality of life as it has been revealed by molecular biology, we must magnify a cell a thousand million times until it is twenty kilometers in diameter and resembles a giant airship sufficient to cover a city like London or New York. " What we would see would be unparalleled complexity and adaptive design. On the surface of the cell we see millions of openings, like the portholes of a vast space ship, opening and closing to allow a continual stream of materials to flow in and out. If we were to enter one of these openings we find ourselves in a world of supreme technology and bewildering complexity ... " Is it really credible that random processes could have constructed a reality, the smallest element of which - a functional protein or gene - is complex beyond our own creative capacities, a reality which is the very antithesis of chance, which excels in every sense anything produced by the intelligence of man? " Michael Denton is a Microbiologist! Molecular biology is sounding the death knell of the theory of evolution, and by Darwin's own statement he would have accepted this as the collapse of his theory. Today all the fossils in the family tree of man have been disproven as ancestral to humans. Little by little, the temples to Darwin, museums of natural history, are reconsidering and disbanding the tree altogether in favor of CLADISM. This method of classification says to the world that on this planet earth no species is ancestral to any other species. I've spent two days at the British Museum. You should go. In l972 the New York Times reported that an Australopithecus was found in the same fossil bed as man, showing that this ape lived in the same time period. He could have nothing to do with the origin of man. Early in l973 Richard Leakey gave a lecture in San Diego regarding his latest results in this regard. He states his convictions that these findings simply eliminate everything we have been taught about human origins and, he went on to say, he had nothing to offer in its place! Harold Morowitz, a Yale University physicist, calculated that the chances of getting the simplest living bacterium by random changes is 1 in 1 followed by 100,000,000,000 zeros. Robert Shapiro said this number is so large that to write it in conventional form we would require several hundred thousand blank books. He charges that scientists committed to the chemical evolution of life ignore the increasing evidence and " have chosen to hold it as a truth, beyond question, thereby enshrining it as mythology " Consider before you can have one live critter this must be created first and it has to teach itself to reproduce. The information content coded into a speck of DNA weighing less than a few thousand millionths of a gram is enough to specify an organism as man. Even the information content of a single cell, if written out, would fill a thousand 600 page books. Intelligence far beyond our powers of comprehension is an absolute must to start life on earth. A biochemist by the name of Marshall Nirenberg, began the process of breaking the genetic code. He mixes synthetically produced RNA which did not contain the usual combination of four bases. It contained only one. It says the result was the production of proteins composed of chains of only one type of amino acid. Speaking with authority some reader might just believe there was something to all of this. He didn't produce protein. Without getting technical, he was trying to bake a cake but all he had was flour; sort of like building a house with nothing but nails.! Consider: A typical protein has hundreds of amino acid and contains many thousands of atoms. In its life processes a living cell uses some 200,000 proteins. Two thousand of them are enzymes, special proteins without which the cell cannot survive. The chance of these enzymes forming at random is the same as rolling dice and getting 50,000 sixes in a row! Which came first the chicken or the egg! Proteins can't form without nucleic acids, but nucleic acids can't form without proteins. A membrane can't form without a protein synthetic apparatus, but this apparatus can't form without a membrane. Prebiotic Soup? My husband, who spent his life in chemistry, points out: " For 50 years researches have performed experiments passing high voltage sparks thru collections of gasses like the atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn and drawing the reaction products into a separate chamber away from the spark. Some amino acids resulted, small structures of 10 to 27 atoms, which link to build proteins. Theory says radiation on earths early atmosphere made vast quantities of amino acids which joined to make polypeptides & proteins in pools on the shoulders of volcanoes at about 175 degrees. Zero proteins have resulted from these experiments. Zero! Urey & Miller received a 1952 Noble Prize for their experiments. " HOW proteins are made in the REAL WORLD, not in evolutionists Imaginations: The designs for all living things are stored in the DNA of each species. DNA resembles a spiral ladder with rungs of bases connecting the rails. There are 4 kinds of bases, A, G, C and T in DNA. The plans for the creature are called genes, from which we get the word genetic. Each cell has a complete set of DNA instructions for the ENTIRE body, all hereditary characteristics, color of eyes, shape of teeth, etc. Every cell possesses more information than a hundred Britannicas stored in a DNA strand six feet long, coiled into the cell nucleus. " So miniaturized is this system that the DNA for all species that ever lived on earth including bacteria, would easily fit in an aspirin. A special enzyme (a protein) unzips a section of the DNA, peels back one of the double strands. Messenger RNA [mRNA] conforms to the exposed section to transcribe the DNA instructions. 3 DNA rungs are used to select each of the 20 varieties of amino acids which may be used to make the new protein. After absorbing the instructions the mRNA detaches from the DNA which zips back together. The mRNA exits the nucleus and moves to a ribosome in the cytoplasm for protein synthesis. The required amino acids are brought to the RNA template and link to it, forming a protein sequence. Special protein adapters, enzymes, perform this linking process. There are 3 adapters for each of the 20 types of amino acids, 60 all told. The completed new protein is unzipped from the mRNA. Fiat accompli! This process takes place in seconds, millions of times a day in you. This is a simplified outline of protein formation, one authority lists 19 separate steps and dozens of enzymes required for the process. " The critical question is: Source of information? Where did the precise design for proteins in you originate? And for hundred million species which have lived on our planet? The notion this perfection of precision came into being without design or designer, is unproved conjecture without evidence, Mythology! " CONSIDER THE EXPERIMENTS WITH METHANE & AMMONIA exposed to high voltage sparks: There's no evidence Earth ever had such an atmosphere. Zilch! Nihil! Zero! Amino acids and peptides [linked amino acids] and proteins [large polypeptides] aren't alive, just components of living cells. They have the relationship to a living cell that a rivet has to a 747. " Amino acids are less stable than most small molecules. Our proteins are constructed of 20 levo, left handed, amino acids which are themselves structures of 10 to 27 atoms. If they remain in the reaction zone the spark decomposes them quickly, so in the experiments they were isolated from the energy source. Not so in reality. The thermodynamic point of equilibrium prevents accumulation. Per the theory Earths early atmosphere contained no oxygen/ozone to filter ultraviolet UV destroys amino acids. " Said M G Rutten in The Origin of Life: 'One of the many paradoxes in the early history of life is the fact that the same rays of the sun which formed the building blocks of the molecules of life were lethal for life.' " Methane and ammonia are poisonous. No one has explained how this imagined methane/ammonia atmosphere converts to nitrogen/oxygen. It had to be instantaneous, for as as life started the gasses would kill it, and if oxygen arrived too soon the protinoids amino acids would be oxidized, destroyed. " DNA & RNA and dozens of enzymes are necessary for protein replication. Amino acids in an evaporation pond would destroy the bases necessary for DNA & RNA. Theres no generally accepted model for the spontaneous synthesis of DNA & RNA. Chemicals essential to the process, aldehydes and hydrogen cyanide, would evaporate too. When amino acids bond to form peptides and proteins the linkage involves the loss of two hydrogen atoms from the amino, NH3, site and an atom of oxygen from the carboxyl [CO2] site of the adjacent amino acid and a molecule of water is formed as a by-product. Its a DEHYDRATION PROCESS! Linked amino acids, peptides, cannot accumulate in the sea since theyre formed by dehydration and dissolve when hydrolyzed. This also eliminates sub-sea hydrothermal vents as evolutionary kickstarters. " But suppose a smart scientist goes into a lab, puts the gasses in the bottle, and 30 minutes later has a frog: What happened? He proved that Intelligence created life: GOD! " Evolutionism degrades us, eradicates our dignity. Were animals competing in the struggle for life; likely to work our own extinction, now popularized. Films, the art of our time, measure our culture. Count the depraved, pessimistic, corrupt movies teaching treachery, despair and moral promoting a bitter, loveless, wanton world gone wild, marching to oblivion. OBLIVION; 100 miles from where I sit, in Elberton, Georgia, there stand the GEORGIA GUIDESTONES, a quarter million pound granite edifice whereupon is " Let These be Guidestones to an Age of Reason " . On 4 gigantic slabs in eight languages are ten " Guides " The first " Guide " declares: " MAINTAIN HUMANITY UNDER 500,000,000 " To whittle Earth's population down to 5 hundred million extermination of 92% of the 6.6 Billion now alive. Deep in the soil of elitist academia grows a Hitlerian view of malice toward all, charity toward none, smiling on any scheme that kills people, eliminates useless human bacteria, (I'm using their terms) After all, we're just animals anyway with no God to answer to. Forrest Mims III, Chairman of he Environmental Science Section of the Texas Academy of Science gives this report of a madman being honored for plotting genocide. " I watched in amazement as a few hundred members of the Texas Academy of Science to their feet and gave a standing ovation to a speech that enthusiastically advocated elimination of ninety percent of Earths population by airborne Ebola. The speech was by Dr. Eric R. Pianka, University of Texas lizard expert named by the Academy The 2006 Distinguished Texas Scientist. " Without presenting any data to justify this number, he asserted that the only feasible solution to saving Earth is to reduce the population to 10 percent of the present number. After praising the Ebola virus for its efficiency at killing, Pianka paused, leaned over the lectern, looked at us and carefully said, We've got airborne 90% mortality in humans. Killing humans. Think about that. " Professor Pianka was deadly serious. He speaks for a swelling contingent of misanthropic intellectuals. " Mims, author of 60 books on electricity, walked out of the awards ceremony in See his online report: Meeting Dr. Doom. NEWSWEEK reported on Princeton Bioethetics Professor Peter Singer: " Who doesn't that killing a fetus involves killing life. But he says some infanticide is not even as, say, killing a happy cat. During a Senate debate on partial-birth abortion two pro-choice enators were asked: Suppose the baby slips all the way out before the doctor can kill it. Then does it have the right to life? Both senators said no, it was still the mothers Singer said briskly, They're right " 9/13/99 Behold the ultimate insane atrocity, humanity's extermination, proclaimed by celebrated sages. Singer wants a UN Declaration of Great Apes, awarding personhood to non-humans, and argues there's no sanctity or primacy to human life, we're merely animals. Many think Singer is an important philosopher, in demand as a lecturer and respected. Naturally he's an evolutionist. Saner authorities call Singer Professor Death, the most dangerous man on the planet. He's an Australian whose parents fled Germany to escape extinction. Three of his grand-parents died i concentration camps, yet one of Singers books is called the Mien Kampf of the movement. He wants parents to have 30 days after a baby's birth to decide whether to keep it or kill it. Bioethics! Princeton President Harold Shapiro, who hired Singer, is also Jewish. Have these deluded men no memory? Human sacrifice, once the barbaric practice of savage tribes, is advocated by these monsters on the industrial scale of the Charlton Heston movie Soylent Green. In the world's chambers of power and money enlightened thoughtful men, persuaded most mankind must perish, ponder efficient methods of extermination. Rosemary Radford Ruether, eco-feminist theologian, whatever that is, calls us parasites on the food chain of life and claims we need to seek the most compassionate way of weeding out people. Suppose you're a bright young Texan named Vader, disciple of Pianka the Terminator, You get your biochemistry degree and soon concoct the Doom Formula, the perfect terminator toxin, irreversible, instantaneous, impossible to detect and cheap as rain. As you gaze at a flask of the vaporing liquid, you think what to do with it? As an apostle of Pianka and Ruether aren't you obligated to apply it to useless eaters, human bacteria, mankind? Do you have a choice? Save the Earth by eradicating humanity! Be assured the halls of academia are stuffed with lunatics convinced genocide is its own justification. The kamikaze ethic survives; in the Mideast, in Texas, at Princeton, everywhere. Contrast this grim view with the Lord's prayer: " Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on EARTH as it is in heaven. " Jesus promised: " The meek will inherit the Earth. " [Gospel of Matthew 6:10 & Revelation 21:3-5] The gospels were inscribed with the blood of the human secretaries Jehovah employed to write them, they died for their witness. This is a powerful evidence of scriptural truth. Would you make up a lie, then die for it? Nor did they! It may not be fashionable to construct ones life by Christian principles, but no one ever came up with a better way to live than the 10 commandments, distilled in the New Testament into this remarkable injunction: " For the entire Law stands fulfilled in one saying, namely: You must love your neighbor as yourself " (Galatians 5:14) Isaac Asimov said our brains are equal to the needs of a thousand lifetimes. Jehovah gave us this enormous mental capacity to, like Isaac Newton, to " Think God's thoughts after Him. " Now we have the " proto-DNA from meteorites, kick-starters of life on earth. " It's like reading the Encyclopedia of Evolution, page after page after page of idiotic mythologies that kept me laughing for hours. The religion of evolution was started by Darwin who was not a scientist but a preacher. In fact, he wasn't a very good preacher either or he would have remembered Romans 1:20 - 23 below. You should read " What Darwin Didn't Know " by an M.D. Buy it and " The Death Cult " and " Architects of the Death Cult " from Amazon. While you're at it get " Nature's Destiny " by M. Denton and " The Privileged Planet " by Gonzales who was denied tenure for writing this book. For a free handsomely illustrated 255 page book: Life, How Did It Get Here, By Evolution or Creation just mail me a dollar or so for postage. It lists hundreds of technical references. " For his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world's creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable; because although they knew God, they did not glorify him as God nor did they thank him, but they became empty-headed in their reasonings and their unintelligent heart became darkened. Although asserting they were wise, they became foolish and turned the glory of the incorruptible God into something like the image of corruptible man and of birds and four footed creatures and creeping things. " For 30 years I've read evolution books and theories, just more Walt Disney. The Emperor has no clothes. He's naked as a Jaybird! Betty Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum, Founder Mission Possible International 9270 River Club Parkway Duluth, Georgia 30097 770 242-2599, and Aspartame Toxicity Center, Aspartame Information List, scroll down to banners Craig Rawlings wrote: So who created God? This magic person who waved a magic wand and created life, that no one has seen or witnessed first hand, who kills innocent children at will? I thought the discussion of religion was banned from this site. Craig Gen 2:7 " And Jehovah God proceeded to form the man out of dust from the ground and to blow into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man came to be a living soul. " Man was kick started into life. Betty Re: PROTO-DNA FROM METEORITES, KICK STARTED LIFE ON EARTH I agree. Intelligent design as the bible says. People make it so difficult sometimes, although that information is interesting. That primordial soup was like what was on Jupiter to work. What was here on earth at the time would not have worked with that experiment. Too much of one thing and not enough of another. I forget the specifics. And the amino acids never developed into complete proteins so that theory has been discarded, I thought, although it may still be in the school books. I think the BIBLE tell's us how..... Lynda Brasier Proto-DNA from Meteorites Kick-Started Life on Earth How life got started on Earth is still a big problem for scientists. The story goes something like this: " Well, there was this primordial soup of amino acids and stuff, then maybe there was some lightning, or something, and then ::mumble, mumble:: and then we had life. " Awkward! But that awkwardness may be over: Research on the Murchison meteor, which landed in Australia in 1969, has found that the rock carried the building blocks of DNA on board. The finding puts panspermia firmly in the spotligh the the spotlight as a possible origin for life on Earth, and makes a lot more sense than that old tale of thunderstorms and arm-waving. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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