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Clay for weight loss - and Detox with clay

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It take a while to lose weight with clay because 1st it detoxes you and then slowly you will start loosing weight some people takes a year. Here are a few links for calcium bentonite clay: http://www.earthslivingclay.com/ http://www.naturesbodybeautiful.com/tlc_products.htm http://www.eytonsearth.org/purchase-buy-healing-clay.php Clay info and group to join:http://www.aboutclay.com/comments.htm www.shirleys-wellness-cafe.com/clay.htm Hi Jude,Please tell me where to find this weight loss Clay. I have quite a few ponds to work on and your story is amazingly enough, for me to give it a try. Thank youLelaJude Johnson <jjskinguru wrote:Where do you get this clay, what kind of clay and how much do you mix in water and in what type of water and what time of day do you drink it? Are there any contraindications for anyone to not use it? I have fibro and CFS. I have gained 40 pounds, while I was taking Lyrica. Needless to say I threw that script in the garbage! But I can't get this mushy weird weight off my body! I eat organic. I eat very little meat. I don't drink. I am so frustrated I could run screaming down the street naked! Help!Hi Esther,Both my S/O and I have been losing weight very very gradually over the past (me over 6 months and him almost 4 months). The foundation I would heartily put down as the results of drinking/eating clay. Why is it that men can drop weight quicker than women? I always wonder that but I'll start with his experience, and post my own some other time. I am consistently extolling the benefits of cleansing your system on a regular basis and paying attention to the foods you put in your body. It's my soapbox (the monkey on my back-LOL) and he has heard my passionate diatribe more than once. He knew I had started drinking clay in January and knew it wasn't the first time I had done this "wierd" thing. He has heard all the stories I have to tell about what it has helped me with. One day he finally just came out and said he wanted to try it, so we went out and found a nice stopper top bottle (great for emphasizing the importance of the ritual) for him and mixed it up to a very thick liquid shake consistency. I told him to drink an ounce - ok, he's a guy so I told him to drink a shot glass full of clay everyday without fail and drink plenty of water. He's a very big guy, 6'4" and tho he's never told me, I'm guessing he weighed in at about 350 - 370...so I told him to try getting in at least two gallons of water preferrably three.When he asked me what to expect, I simply said to expect more poo. He thought I was being cute and funny. Moreso, when nothing happened for the first 3-4 days.("You're not drinking enough water...") He was one of those types of people who would have 1 BM a day and often skip a day (that can't be healthy). By the time the clay had it's affect on his system, he matter of factly mentioned he seemed to have more energy that morning. (He didn't attribute it to the clay until about a week later.) But within a couple of hours of his comment the clay had finally begun it's work and he dropped a load of kids off at the pool. LOL I'm sorry if this is too graphic for some or not clinical enough for others but (shrug) it's my only way to be comfortable talking about stuff like this and I believe it's an important part of the experience. By the end of the second week, he was at 1 - 2 BM's a day without fail. His comments at the end of second week: "Wow! I've felt more pep this week. When I open my eyes in the morning, I'm ready to pop out of bed...I used to groan, roll over and try to sleep a few more hours. I actually have the energy to get the house spiffied up before I get ready for work! I think it's the clay! You didn't say it would give me energy!"Yeah, this is where it starts getting difficult telling people what clay can do for them. I'm sure Perry can attest, everyone's experience will be individual. There are some basics of what will happen when taking clay, but depending upon the system, one affect (for instance weight loss) will happen in one body after a certain amount of time and in another body at a completely different amount of time. I will attribute this to each body doing what it must do in the order it must do it in. I wholly believe in the wisdom of our bodies and our NEED to listen and respond to its needs - it will always speak to us, we merely need to follow our instincts - listen to its desires. Perry mentions the wisdom of clay, I believe it is a synergistic result of the body's wisdom taking advantage of and applying the incredible qualities of clay where and when it needs the specific quality available to heal itself. The body is built to heal itself...we need to supply it with the tools it can use and try to incur the least amount of damage upon it with our habits. Ok, sorry-that was part of my soapbox....and also the main reason I didn't tell him it would give him energy. At the end of the first month, I'm noticing his pants are a bit loose. About halfway through the second month he lets me know he's getting into old clothes that used to be too tight to wear. At three months I notice a less round, more angular look to his face and more looseness to his pants (irritatingly so - I insist if he goes anywhere with me he's gonna have to wear a belt because I don't like the sagging and the 'chonies' showing all over kingdom come). He is four months into the clay experience this week. Last week he had to send 3 pair of smaller sized pants he had ordered back for something even smaller for a good fit. This means since he first started drinking the clay, he has dropped three pant sizes. Again, I don't know the amount of weight he has lost but to be able to physically notice a marked difference on someone so big...I would say he's dropped at least 30 lbs. if not more. So what he has noticed and what he has done in the past four months include a boost in energy levels, sleep patterns are normalizing, he's cooking more often in order to eat healthier and cut down on the fast food. My only request to him ever, as far as his habits, (because I know one can never change another person - that desire has to come from within) was to try to eat less deep fried foods (another soapbox lecture I will refrain from) from restaurants. He and his friends would do deep fried buffalo wings 2-3 times a week! (gads!) He still indulges, but it's a sight less than before clay. He has been listening a little closer to his body and he notices desires changing up a bit. He noticed this past week when he was invited out to after work drinks with friends how easy it was to order an iced tea while they drank beer and still enjoy the cameraderie. He said he didn't have a desire for the beer at the time - not that he's given it up of course, but I think it is significant when you find someone who would have regularly thrown down 3-4 beers to just outta nowhere, (wink*wink) decide to go with the tea instead of the boup coup calorific beers.aboutclay@grou ps.com, "Esther Shelley" <eeinc wrote:>> > I haven't heard much said about this even though Perry has a> paragraph or 2 about it in her book. Any comments? Has it > worked for you? HOW has it work for you...what did you do?> > I would like to lose weight, but I am too toxic...my body releases> the toxins in the fat cells just fine for the first 10 pounds, then> shuts me down no matter what I do...so I am hoping to use the clay> to soak up those toxins and get me past this. I have had this problem> for about 15 years: Lose 10 pounds, gain in back plus 2...it's like my> body is asying, we are not going to let you do this to us again, so > take that! So I don't try anymore...I just end up 'fatter' than when I > started!> > Any thoughts you could share would be much appreciated,> > Esther> . ,_.___ «¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»§ - PULSE ON 21st CENTURY ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE! §Subscribe:......... - «¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»

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Has anyone used Pascalite Bentonite Clay? I recently bought some. Had a couple chigger bites that were driving me crazy, used this on them and it was half gone by morning. By the next day, were totally dried up. Been using it on cuts, scratches and am now putting it on my son's infected toe. Never used clay before and like the results I'm seeing.


MedResearch Jul 28, 2008 6:57 PM "" , "1 MedicalConspiracies@googlegrou" Clay for weight loss - and Detox with clay





It take a while to lose weight with clay because 1st it detoxes you and then slowly you will start loosing weight some people takes a year.


Here are a few links for calcium bentonite clay:








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Yes , I use it , it's very good stuff. Is this the same Clay that people are using for weight loss? I have a friend who fell down her stairs and broke her arm, it had swollen to about half the nomal size and she could not lift that arm to her shoulder. I brought her some Pascalite Clay to work, she put some on that night , and the next day, she could raise that arm up to her head. So yes, I can attest to it's value . it works wonders. Lelaalexandria08 <alexandria08 wrote: Has anyone used Pascalite Bentonite Clay? I recently bought some. Had a couple chigger bites that were driving me crazy, used this on them and it was half gone by morning. By the next day, were totally dried up. Been using it on cuts, scratches and am now putting it on my son's infected toe. Never used clay before and like the results I'm seeing. Sandy MedResearch Jul 28, 2008 6:57 PM " (AT) (DOT) c" , "1 MedicalConspiracies@googlegrou" Clay for weight loss - and Detox with clay It take a while to lose

weight with clay because 1st it detoxes you and then slowly you will start loosing weight some people takes a year. Here are a few links for calcium bentonite clay: http://www.earthslivingclay.com/ http://www.naturesbodybeautiful.com/tlc_products.htm http://www.eytonsearth.org/purchase-buy-healing-clay.php Clay info and group to join: http://www.aboutclay.com/comments.htm www.shirleys-wellness-cafe.com/clay.htm Recent Activity 74 New Members 6 New Links 1 New FilesVisit Your Group Moderator Central Join and receive produce updates. Find

Balance on manage nutrition, activity & well-being. Join people over 40 who are finding ways to stay in shape. .

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For weight loss, people use the calcium bentonite. In all the testimonies, I didin't find anything about pascalite being used that way. It is mainly used for everything from bee stings, burns, cancer patients to spider bites. It can be taken internally for detox, ulcers, etc.. Would be interesting if it can be used for weight loss.


Lela Mckoy Jul 28, 2008 11:19 PM Re: Clay for weight loss - and Detox with clay





Yes , I use it , it's very good stuff. Is this the same Clay that people are using for weight loss? I have a friend who fell down her stairs and broke her arm, it had swollen to about

half the nomal size and she could not lift that arm to her shoulder. I brought her some

Pascalite Clay to work, she put some on that night , and the next day, she could raise

that arm up to her head. So yes, I can attest to it's value . it works wonders.





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