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robb7thurston@...: EPHA flash - NGO press release following Ministerial signature of WHO Charter to counteract Obesity, 16/11/2006

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Istanbul, 16 November 2006, 13:30 GMT



European Charter on obesity: Ministers back regulation on marketing of

unhealthy food to children and improved nutrition labelling


Health and consumer NGOs today welcomed the signing of a World Health

Organization European Charter on counteracting obesity by European Ministers

today in Istanbul.


The Charter pays special attention to vulnerable groups such as children and

adolescents, and agrees that European governments shall adopt regulations to

substantially reduce the extent and impact of commercial promotion of

energy-dense foods and beverages to children.


In addition, it recognizes the importance of an international code on

marketing to children, due to the robust evidence that shows clear links

between television advertising and other forms of marketing and eating



The Charter also calls for adequate nutrition labelling. This must be

translated into the provision of mandatory nutrition labeling and

harmonization of front of pack simplified labeling throughout the European



The Charter represents political commitment by European ministers to

concrete actions to tackle the escalating rates of obesity. The health

problems caused by excess weight lead to a wide range of debilitating and

life-threatening conditions such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases

and cancer.


Sue Davies, from Consumer International said " the Charter marks a

fundamental turning point. Government health ministers across Europe have

committed to a powerful agenda of essential actions needed to counteract

obesity. These should now be implemented urgently by national governments

and also by the European Union, which should adopt the spirit of the

Charter. "


The Charter sets the target that visible progress reducing obesity rates in

children should be visible in 4 to 5 years. WHO has forecast that one in two

children in Europe could be obese by 2010.


" European Member States have demonstrated their political commitment to

combating obesity. The most important next step is that governments should

now begin to implement the Charters goals with effective action plans

mobilizing all sectors of society. NGOs working at local, regional,

national, European and international level will be monitoring closely the

development of obesity-proof public policies. " Neville Rigby, Director of

Policy and Public Affairs of the International Association for the Study of

Obesity, which launched a new NGO network in Istanbul, the European

Childhood Obesity Prevention Alliance.


The Charter also includes reference to the need that governments have to

work in partnership with the private sector, within the framework set by

public health policy.


Patty Rundall, from IBFAN said: " Governments have a responsibility to

protect breastfeeding from commercial promotion and parents have a right to

truly independent and objective nutrition information. Interactions with the

private sector must also be transparent and appropriate to protect health

policy settings from undue commercial influence " . ENDS




Images to illustrate story available on request. For photo-opportunities

please visit the NGO information stand at the World Health Organization

Ministerial Conference on Counteracting Obesity, Conrad Hotel, Istanbul,

14-17 November 2006.



The following are contactable throughout the Ministerial Conference 14-17

November 2006 and afterwards


Consumer International (CI) Bjarne Pedersen, Head of Policy and Advocacy,

Tel. +44 20 7226 6663, Email bpedersen


European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO) / International

Association for the Study of Obesity (IASO) / International Obesity Task

Force (IOTF) Neville Rigby, Director of Policy and Public Affairs, Tel +44

7939 250347, Email nrigby


European Consumers Organisation (BEUC) Barbara Gallani, Food Policy Adviser,

Tel. +32 473 999792, Email bga


European Heart Network (EHN) Susanne Logstrup, Director, Tel. + 32 477 20 67

44, Email slogstrup


European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) Lara Garrido-Herrero, Secretary

General, Tel. +32 499 15 09 74, Email lara


International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN) Maryse Lehners-Arendt & Patti

Rundall, Tel. +44 7786 523493, Email info,



International Diabetes Federation – European Region (IDF) Lex Herrebrugh,

Regional Manager, Tel. +32 2 537 1889, Email lex





Please below to update your contact details and





Please below to from EPHA and/or EEN mailing







The European Public Health Alliance and EPHA Environment Network value your

privacy and respect Belgian law of December 8, 1992 on 'Privacy Protection

in relation to the Processing of Personal Data' as modified by the law of

December 11, 1998 implementing Directive 95/46/EC, with particular respect

to article 4.


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On 11/16/06, robb thurston <robb7thurston wrote:

> Istanbul, 16 November 2006, 13:30 GMT



> European Charter on obesity: Ministers back regulation on marketing of

> unhealthy food to children and improved nutrition labelling


> Health and consumer NGOs today welcomed the signing of a World Health

> Organization European Charter on counteracting obesity by European Ministers

> today in Istanbul.


> The Charter pays special attention to vulnerable groups such as children and

> adolescents, and agrees that European governments shall adopt regulations to

> substantially reduce the extent and impact of commercial promotion of

> energy-dense foods and beverages to children.


> In addition, it recognizes the importance of an international code on

> marketing to children, due to the robust evidence that shows clear links

> between television advertising and other forms of marketing and eating

> behaviours.


> The Charter also calls for adequate nutrition labelling. This must be

> translated into the provision of mandatory nutrition labeling and

> harmonization of front of pack simplified labeling throughout the European

> region.


> The Charter represents political commitment by European ministers to

> concrete actions to tackle the escalating rates of obesity. The health

> problems caused by excess weight lead to a wide range of debilitating and

> life-threatening conditions such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases

> and cancer.


> Sue Davies, from Consumer International said " the Charter marks a

> fundamental turning point. Government health ministers across Europe have

> committed to a powerful agenda of essential actions needed to counteract

> obesity. These should now be implemented urgently by national governments

> and also by the European Union, which should adopt the spirit of the

> Charter. "


> The Charter sets the target that visible progress reducing obesity rates in

> children should be visible in 4 to 5 years. WHO has forecast that one in two

> children in Europe could be obese by 2010.


> " European Member States have demonstrated their political commitment to

> combating obesity. The most important next step is that governments should

> now begin to implement the Charters goals with effective action plans

> mobilizing all sectors of society. NGOs working at local, regional,

> national, European and international level will be monitoring closely the

> development of obesity-proof public policies. " Neville Rigby, Director of

> Policy and Public Affairs of the International Association for the Study of

> Obesity, which launched a new NGO network in Istanbul, the European

> Childhood Obesity Prevention Alliance.


> The Charter also includes reference to the need that governments have to

> work in partnership with the private sector, within the framework set by

> public health policy.


> Patty Rundall, from IBFAN said: " Governments have a responsibility to

> protect breastfeeding from commercial promotion and parents have a right to

> truly independent and objective nutrition information. Interactions with the

> private sector must also be transparent and appropriate to protect health

> policy settings from undue commercial influence " . ENDS




> Images to illustrate story available on request. For photo-opportunities

> please visit the NGO information stand at the World Health Organization

> Ministerial Conference on Counteracting Obesity, Conrad Hotel, Istanbul,

> 14-17 November 2006.



> The following are contactable throughout the Ministerial Conference 14-17

> November 2006 and afterwards


> Consumer International (CI) Bjarne Pedersen, Head of Policy and Advocacy,

> Tel. +44 20 7226 6663, Email bpedersen


> European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO) / International

> Association for the Study of Obesity (IASO) / International Obesity Task

> Force (IOTF) Neville Rigby, Director of Policy and Public Affairs, Tel +44

> 7939 250347, Email nrigby


> European Consumers Organisation (BEUC) Barbara Gallani, Food Policy Adviser,

> Tel. +32 473 999792, Email bga


> European Heart Network (EHN) Susanne Logstrup, Director, Tel. + 32 477 20 67

> 44, Email slogstrup


> European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) Lara Garrido-Herrero, Secretary

> General, Tel. +32 499 15 09 74, Email lara


> International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN) Maryse Lehners-Arendt & Patti

> Rundall, Tel. +44 7786 523493, Email info,

> prundall


> International Diabetes Federation – European Region (IDF) Lex Herrebrugh,

> Regional Manager, Tel. +32 2 537 1889, Email lex



> *****************************************************


> Please below to update your contact details and

> preferences:


> http://www.epha.org/list/?p=preferences


> Please below to from EPHA and/or EEN mailing

> lists:


> http://www.epha.org/list/?p=


> *****************************************************


> The European Public Health Alliance and EPHA Environment Network value your

> privacy and respect Belgian law of December 8, 1992 on 'Privacy Protection

> in relation to the Processing of Personal Data' as modified by the law of

> December 11, 1998 implementing Directive 95/46/EC, with particular respect

> to article 4.


> powered by phplist <http://www.phplist.com> v 2.10.3, © tincan

> ltd<http://tincan.co.uk/powered>




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