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Excessive sweating

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Eti wrote:

>>>Hello All,


I have a patient, 24 year old male, with excessive sweating from armpits, hands and feet.  Dripping.  constant.


He has a history of drug use (ecstasy, marijuana, cocaine) he drinks regularly and eats a diet rich in meats and sweets.


He is shaky, anxious.  Some agrophobia, restless.  Excess dreams, alot of sexual dreaming.  vivid dreams.

T is swollen, pink red, moisture visible on tongue.

P huan mai, ki slightly xu mai.


Acupuncture makes it better temporarily.  , I have had him on Jin gui shen qi wan for a month or so with no signig=ficant changes. 


Any suggestions?<<<



This person appears to be qi and yin vacuous with a ying and wei disharmony and probably an overloaded/overtaxed liver. Perhaps Liu Wei Di Huang Wan or Yi Guan Jian along with Gui Zhi Tang or some judicious mixture of pieces and parts of the above will help. I have one teenage patient with a history of drug use, mainly marijuana but also ecstasy and some other drugs I didn't grow up with, who tended to sweat profusely from one armpit only. I put him on Gui Zhi Tang and Xiao Chai Hu Tang along with simple needling of Lu-7 and Liv-2 or Liv-6 as often as possible, and he resolved quickly. However, he had no other particular health concerns. But he isn't old enough to have a long enough history of drug use to develop such problems. Nor does he appear to have a truly addictive personality, so he probably never will use drugs that heavily. But it worries me that so many young people are using drugs while their bodies are still growing. When I started using recreational drugs back in the 1970s I was already more-or-less 'full-growed', at least, and I think that minimized long-term health effects. Anyway, those are my initial thoughts.

Joseph Garner

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Eti wrote:

>>>Hello All,


I have a patient, 24 year old male, with excessive sweating from armpits, hands and feet.  Dripping.  constant.


He has a history of drug use (ecstasy, marijuana, cocaine) he drinks regularly and eats a diet rich in meats and sweets.


He is shaky, anxious.  Some agrophobia, restless.  Excess dreams, alot of sexual dreaming.  vivid dreams.

T is swollen, pink red, moisture visible on tongue.

P huan mai, ki slightly xu mai.


Acupuncture makes it better temporarily.  , I have had him on Jin gui shen qi wan for a month or so with no signig=ficant changes. 


Any suggestions??



AcuClinic: Acupuncture and Herbs

Eti Domb, L.Ac.<<<



Ken's post about lifestyle prompted me to remember other points I meant to make in my post but forgot after getting into the herbs, acupuncture and drug issues. Your patient needs to know that if he continues drinking a lot and eating meats and sweets to apparent excess that his problem will continue in spite of treatment or will return after apparent resolution. And Ken's post and Marnae's presentation at the conference suggest that sexual issues are indeed worth discussing with him. Addictive behaviors in one area tend to beget addictive behaviors in others. He's awfully young to be having this list of ills. And his yin and fluids need replacing (and astringed) ASAP.

Joseph Garner

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Your patient brings to mind a sentence attributed

to Peng Zhu, the so-called Chinese Methuselah

who is cited as a source of various statements

and ideas related to Chinese sexual cultivation

and the arts of long life: You can take all

the herbs and get all the acupuncture and

moxibustion you want, but if you don't know

the art of yin and yang these things will

have no use.


Of course by the art of yin and yang we

can understand various things but generally

it begins with the art of sex, i.e., the

union of yin and yang, as it was called

in the Ma Wang Dui scrolls.


Without seeing and putting my hands on

your patient, there's little I can offer

in the way of specific advice, but I'd

suggest you inquire concerning his sexual

activity as well as his overall physical

activity. In general, I suspect that his

behavior is disordered and he generally is

out of control with respect to the circulation

and release of forces and fluids throughout

his body. Can you get him to study Taiji?

I forget where you are located. Are there

good Taiji teachers around?


He's at a point in his development where

he has an opportunity to do something

effective about his condition, but he

should be told very plainly that his

youth no doubt masks more serious problems

he can expect to encounter in later life,

should he get there.


One of the things I've noticed about

contemporary life in the so-called

developed world, especially the USA,

is that it tends to rob people of their

future, forcing them into a live for

the moment philosophy and lifestyle.

Or they feel that by saving money

or having a good retirement plan

they have somehow provided for their

" old age. "


But most people do make it to their

own future, and lo and behold, all

they've got is what they brought with



I'd be very interested in knowing how

your conversations with this young man

go. What do you say? What do you ask?


How does he respond? Will he talk with

you openly about his sexual behavior?

I mean in detailed terms? Can you find

our how many times he engages in sexual

intercourse in a week? How often does

he ejaculate? Does he masturbate? How



Do his sexual dreams result in ejaculation?


How is the quantity of his ejaculate?


Overall, what is the quality of his sexual

life? Does he find sex enjoyable? How

does he feel when he has just finished

having sex? Is he exhausted?


And how about the emotional dimension of

all the foregoing? At what angle does his

heart relate to his physical and sexual



Maybe it's just the fact that I've spent

so much time lately reading, studying,

teaching, and working with the materials

on Daoist sexual alchemy, but I get the

distinct impression from your brief

description of the patient that he has

sexual issues in play related to the

excessive sweating.


How is his heart? Is there any slightest

irregularity in his pulse? If so, is it

regular irregularity or irregular irregularity?


Sorry to go on at such length, but I'm

right in the middle of writing about

these issues, and I would greatly appreciate

input from you or anyone on the list

related to the kinds of questions and

issues I've raised above.


And if they don't, in fact, have all

that much to do with your patient, so

be it. Just some random thoughts your

post provoked.






> I have a patient, 24 year old male, with excessive sweating from

armpits, hands and feet. Dripping. constant.


> He has a history of drug use (ecstasy, marijuana, cocaine) he

drinks regularly and eats a diet rich in meats and sweets.


> He is shaky, anxious. Some agrophobia, restless. Excess dreams,

alot of sexual dreaming. vivid dreams.

> T is swollen, pink red, moisture visible on tongue.

> P huan mai, ki slightly xu mai.


> Acupuncture makes it better temporarily. , I have had him on Jin

gui shen qi wan for a month or so with no signig=ficant changes.


> Any suggestions??

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Good points, Ken. After looking at your case, Eti, I suspected damage

to heart qi. I think you should look at medicinals such as long gu, mu

li and the like to astringe sweating, anchor the shen, and harmonize

heart and kidney (shao yin, fire and water, yin and yang).


A prescription that comes to mind for me is gui zhi jia long gu mu li



Remember this prescription is indicated for sexual problems, in line

with what Ken was talking about.



On Monday, June 16, 2003, at 04:29 PM, dragon90405 wrote:


> How is his heart? Is there any slightest

> irregularity in his pulse? If so, is it

> regular irregularity or irregular irregularity?

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i asked him about sexual function. he said he masturbates almost daily and has a high sex drive.


he has had severe sleeping problems and cannot sleep without smaoking marijuana.


I gave him jin gui shen qi tang jia jian:

shengdi, huang qi, shan zhu yu, ze xie, fu ling, rou gui, shan yao,

he huan pi, mu li, yuan zhi, bai zi ren, suan zao ren.


Eti <zrosenbe wrote:

Good points, Ken. After looking at your case, Eti, I suspected damage to heart qi. I think you should look at medicinals such as long gu, mu li and the like to astringe sweating, anchor the shen, and harmonize heart and kidney (shao yin, fire and water, yin and yang).A prescription that comes to mind for me is gui zhi jia long gu mu li tang.Remember this prescription is indicated for sexual problems, in line with what Ken was talking about.On Monday, June 16, 2003, at 04:29 PM, dragon90405 wrote:> How is his heart? Is there any slightest> irregularity in his pulse? If so, is it> regular irregularity or irregular irregularity?Chinese Herbal Medicine, a voluntary organization of licensed healthcare practitioners, matriculated students and postgraduate academics specializing in Chinese Herbal Medicine, provides a variety of professional services, including board approved online continuing education.

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you are quite right. he stopped drinking and hopefully soon will stop smoking and eating lots of junk.

I was giving him a prepared version of jin gui shen qi wan but now I am giving him a raw modification. Hopefully his condition will shift, he is willing to cook the herbs and do what it takes. we have good rapport now.


Eti,Ken's post about lifestyle prompted me to remember other points I meant to make in my post but forgot after getting into the herbs, acupuncture and drug issues. Your patient needs to know that if he continues drinking a lot and eating meats and sweets to apparent excess that his problem will continue in spite of treatment or will return after apparent resolution. And Ken's post and Marnae's presentation at the conference suggest that sexual issues are indeed worth discussing with him. Addictive behaviors in one area tend to beget addictive behaviors in others. He's awfully young to be having this list of ills. And his yin and fluids need replacing (and astringed) ASAP.Joseph Garner Chinese Herbal Medicine, a voluntary organization of licensed healthcare practitioners, matriculated students and postgraduate academics specializing in Chinese Herbal Medicine, provides a variety of professional services, including board approved online continuing education.

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I had a little different thought - with constant dripping, excess /

sexual / vivid dreams.. I was thinking of 'first clear the excess and

then tonify the deficiencies'. With this presentation and some of the

info about lifestyle, I might be trying to r/o excess damp or phlegm

with heat. Anxiety is often present in people with drug use

(self-medicating and side effect of some drugs). I think in the gold

Maciocia book, in his 'Maciocia's Interpretation of Dreams' section

(that's a joke, in case anyone takes me seriously) he says that dreams

associated with sex are related to the Liver. One formula I like in

this vien is Wen Dan Jia Huang Lian Tang.


You also might want to check to see if your patient is brushing their

tongue. I find a lot of people with thick tongue coats are in the habit

of burshing their tounge, reducing the coat.


As a side note - I don't know if a rooted thick tongue coating will be

removed by vigorous brushing or not, but my guess is that it would be.


I've had a patient recently with a similar background (but different MC)

who has recently been turning the corner. I think my patient taught me

to be more patient (oops.. no pun intended). Initial results were not

great, but I persisted, and things seem to be doing well now, which is

consistent with what I heard from peers to expect when treating patients

like this.




> __________


> Message: 16

> Mon, 16 Jun 2003 14:37:18 -0700 (PDT)

> Eti Domb <etidomb

> excessive sweating


> Hello All,


> I have a patient, 24 year old male, with excessive sweating

> from armpits, hands and feet. Dripping. constant.


> He has a history of drug use (ecstasy, marijuana, cocaine) he

> drinks regularly and eats a diet rich in meats and sweets.


> He is shaky, anxious. Some agrophobia, restless. Excess

> dreams, alot of sexual dreaming. vivid dreams.

> T is swollen, pink red, moisture visible on tongue.

> P huan mai, ki slightly xu mai.


> Acupuncture makes it better temporarily. , I have had him on

> Jin gui shen qi wan for a month or so with no signig=ficant changes.


> Any suggestions??

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Good idea, Geoff, I will try that formula or something similiar depending on what results I see this week from the raw formula he is taking. Geoffrey Hudson <list wrote:

Eti,I had a little different thought - with constant dripping, excess /sexual / vivid dreams.. I was thinking of 'first clear the excess andthen tonify the deficiencies'. With this presentation and some of theinfo about lifestyle, I might be trying to r/o excess damp or phlegmwith heat. Anxiety is often present in people with drug use(self-medicating and side effect of some drugs). I think in the goldMaciocia book, in his 'Maciocia's Interpretation of Dreams' section(that's a joke, in case anyone takes me seriously) he says that dreamsassociated with sex are related to the Liver. One formula I like inthis vien is Wen Dan Jia Huang Lian Tang.You also might want to check to see if your patient is brushing theirtongue. I find a lot of people with thick tongue coats are in the habitof burshing their tounge,

reducing the coat. As a side note - I don't know if a rooted thick tongue coating will beremoved by vigorous brushing or not, but my guess is that it would be.I've had a patient recently with a similar background (but different MC)who has recently been turning the corner. I think my patient taught meto be more patient (oops.. no pun intended). Initial results were notgreat, but I persisted, and things seem to be doing well now, which isconsistent with what I heard from peers to expect when treating patientslike this.Geoff> __________> > Message: 16> Mon, 16 Jun 2003 14:37:18 -0700 (PDT)> Eti Domb <etidomb> excessive sweating> > Hello All,> > I have a patient, 24 year old male, with excessive sweating > from armpits, hands and feet. Dripping.

constant. > > He has a history of drug use (ecstasy, marijuana, cocaine) he > drinks regularly and eats a diet rich in meats and sweets. > > He is shaky, anxious. Some agrophobia, restless. Excess > dreams, alot of sexual dreaming. vivid dreams. > T is swollen, pink red, moisture visible on tongue. > P huan mai, ki slightly xu mai. > > Acupuncture makes it better temporarily. , I have had him on > Jin gui shen qi wan for a month or so with no signig=ficant changes. > > Any suggestions??Chinese Herbal Medicine, a voluntary organization of licensed healthcare practitioners, matriculated students and postgraduate academics specializing in Chinese Herbal Medicine, provides a variety of professional services, including board approved online continuing education.

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Also in line with the Jin Gui Yao Lue.


At 05:10 PM 6/16/2003 -0700, you wrote:

Good points, Ken. After

looking at your case, Eti, I suspected damage

to heart qi. I think you should look at medicinals such as long gu,


li and the like to astringe sweating, anchor the shen, and harmonize


heart and kidney (shao yin, fire and water, yin and yang).

A prescription that comes to mind for me is gui zhi jia long gu mu li



Remember this prescription is indicated for sexual problems, in line


with what Ken was talking about.


On Monday, June 16, 2003, at 04:29 PM, dragon90405 wrote:

> How is his heart? Is there any slightest

> irregularity in his pulse? If so, is it

> regular irregularity or irregular irregularity?



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Ken, dragon90405 <yulong wrote:


How does he respond?

When I inquired he became nervous and his sweat increased but he did talk to me honestly. I asked him while he was on the table.

Will he talk withyou openly about his sexual behavior?I mean in detailed terms?

I can inquire more next time during the interview...

Can you findour how many times he engages in sexualintercourse in a week?

I will ask, I think its every few days when in a relationship, and he feels like its not enough.

How often doeshe ejaculate? Does he masturbate? Masturbation when no relationship every day/other day.

Howoften.Do his sexual dreams result in ejaculation? NoneHow is the quantity of his ejaculate? I will askOverall, what is the quality of his sexuallife? Does he find sex enjoyable? Howdoes he feel when he has just finishedhaving sex? Is he exhausted? I will askI will report next week after I see him.

EtiAcuClinic: Acupuncture and HerbsEti Domb, L.Ac.1281 University Ave, Suite ESan Diego, CA 92103619.543.9280

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  • 3 years later...

I was wondering if there is any generic acupuncture treatment for

excessive sweating. Only other symptom in this 50 year old healthy

male is urinary retention which is worse with stress and actually

caused him to use Uroxatal for a while to relieve the symptoms.

Acupuncture treatments seemed to relieve the urinary symptoms, but not

the sweating.

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At 08:55 AM 11/16/2006, " RIck Botto " <rickbotto



>I was wondering if there is any generic acupuncture treatment for

>excessive sweating....


In terms of standard point functions, I learned, from multiple sources:


To affect sweating (either promote or reduce): Ki-7 -- FuLiu


To induce/promote: add LI-4 -- HeGu


To reduce/astringe: add Ht-6 -- YinXi


and also a SanJiao point on the hand to add for

excessive/spontaneous/night sweats, but I can't recall it exactly and

my reference books are at the clinic (DSL/email here at home) --

check actions/functions in Ellis, Wiseman & Boss " Fundamentals of

Chinese Acupuncture "

or others here probably supply the specific point.









Version: 7.5.430 / Virus Database: 268.14.6/536 - Release 11/16/2006 3:51


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What's the pattern analysis? Usually, sweating in the day is

associated with a deficiency of Qi whilst at night its associated

with a deficiency of Yin.





Chinese Medicine ,

< wrote:


> At 08:55 AM 11/16/2006, " RIck Botto " <rickbotto

> wrote:


> >I was wondering if there is any generic acupuncture treatment for

> >excessive sweating....


> In terms of standard point functions, I learned, from multiple



> To affect sweating (either promote or reduce): Ki-7 --



> To induce/promote: add LI-4 -- HeGu


> To reduce/astringe: add Ht-6 -- YinXi


> and also a SanJiao point on the hand to add for

> excessive/spontaneous/night sweats, but I can't recall it exactly


> my reference books are at the clinic (DSL/email here at home) --

> check actions/functions in Ellis, Wiseman & Boss " Fundamentals of

> Chinese Acupuncture "

> or others here probably supply the specific point.






> --



> Version: 7.5.430 / Virus Database: 268.14.6/536 - Release Date:

11/16/2006 3:51 PM


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Hi Rick,

What point combination did you use for the urinary retention. I have a

similar case, 24 years old male, in which I diagnosed the urinary

retention with a underlying liver qi stagnation pattern ,but didn't get

significant results.




2006/11/16, RIck Botto <rickbotto:


> I was wondering if there is any generic acupuncture treatment for

> excessive sweating. Only other symptom in this 50 year old healthy

> male is urinary retention which is worse with stress and actually

> caused him to use Uroxatal for a while to relieve the symptoms.

> Acupuncture treatments seemed to relieve the urinary symptoms, but not

> the sweating.


> __





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For the urinary retention, from overactive sphincter muscle according

to his urologist, I used ST36, KI3, KI7, CV4, GV20, then had the

patient turn over to stimulate BL18, BL20, BL23. He was 100% symptom

free for a month, treated once a week. On the fifth visit he said

there was some pressure sensation, but it was mild and he had not

resorted to taking the medication again. We will see next week if the

treatments hold.

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Patient sweats all day long. It is not night sweats. It is worse

with stress, not limited to hands and feet although these are

certainly a problem. Strong, healthy, vibrant person, doesn't seem

like Qi deficiency. Other options?


Chinese Medicine , " Attilio

DAlberto " <attiliodalberto wrote:


> What's the pattern analysis? Usually, sweating in the day is

> associated with a deficiency of Qi whilst at night its associated

> with a deficiency of Yin.


> Attilio



> Chinese Medicine ,

> <@> wrote:

> >

> > At 08:55 AM 11/16/2006, " RIck Botto " <rickbotto@>

> > wrote:

> >

> > >I was wondering if there is any generic acupuncture treatment for

> > >excessive sweating....

> >

> > In terms of standard point functions, I learned, from multiple

> sources:

> >

> > To affect sweating (either promote or reduce): Ki-7 --

> FuLiu

> >

> > To induce/promote: add LI-4 -- HeGu

> >

> > To reduce/astringe: add Ht-6 -- YinXi

> >

> > and also a SanJiao point on the hand to add for

> > excessive/spontaneous/night sweats, but I can't recall it exactly

> and

> > my reference books are at the clinic (DSL/email here at home) --

> > check actions/functions in Ellis, Wiseman & Boss " Fundamentals of

> > Chinese Acupuncture "

> > or others here probably supply the specific point.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > --

> >

> >

> > Version: 7.5.430 / Virus Database: 268.14.6/536 - Release Date:

> 11/16/2006 3:51 PM

> >


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Stress and worry are associated with the Spleen. Sweating in the day

is associated with a deficinecy of Qi, or the Spleen as the Spleen

and Stomach are the source of Qi and Blood. Check if there are any

other Spleen deficinecy symptoms such as poor appetite, weight loss,

pale face, poor digestion, irregular bowel movements, tiredness,

poor memory, thick white coating on the tongue and a slippery pulse.

If so, then strengthen the Spleen and astringe Yin loss.




Chinese Medicine , " RIck Botto "

<rickbotto wrote:


> Patient sweats all day long. It is not night sweats. It is worse

> with stress, not limited to hands and feet although these are

> certainly a problem. Strong, healthy, vibrant person, doesn't


> like Qi deficiency. Other options?


> Chinese Medicine , " Attilio

> DAlberto " <attiliodalberto@> wrote:

> >

> > What's the pattern analysis? Usually, sweating in the day is

> > associated with a deficiency of Qi whilst at night its


> > with a deficiency of Yin.

> >

> > Attilio

> >

> >

> > Chinese Medicine ,

> > <@> wrote:

> > >

> > > At 08:55 AM 11/16/2006, " RIck Botto " <rickbotto@>

> > > wrote:

> > >

> > > >I was wondering if there is any generic acupuncture treatment


> > > >excessive sweating....

> > >

> > > In terms of standard point functions, I learned, from multiple

> > sources:

> > >

> > > To affect sweating (either promote or reduce): Ki-7 --


> > FuLiu

> > >

> > > To induce/promote: add LI-4 -- HeGu

> > >

> > > To reduce/astringe: add Ht-6 -- YinXi

> > >

> > > and also a SanJiao point on the hand to add for

> > > excessive/spontaneous/night sweats, but I can't recall it


> > and

> > > my reference books are at the clinic (DSL/email here at home) -


> > > check actions/functions in Ellis, Wiseman & Boss " Fundamentals


> > > Chinese Acupuncture "

> > > or others here probably supply the specific point.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > --

> > >

> > >

> > > Version: 7.5.430 / Virus Database: 268.14.6/536 - Release


> > 11/16/2006 3:51 PM

> > >

> >


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Thanks for answering.

In your first email you stated that the patient is healthy and the urinary

retention becomes worse with stress. That seems like pattern of qi

stagnation, why then did you choose supplementing points? What was your

pattern differentiation and the treatment strategy?






2006/11/18, RIck Botto <rickbotto:


> For the urinary retention, from overactive sphincter muscle according

> to his urologist, I used ST36, KI3, KI7, CV4, GV20, then had the

> patient turn over to stimulate BL18, BL20, BL23. He was 100% symptom

> free for a month, treated once a week. On the fifth visit he said

> there was some pressure sensation, but it was mild and he had not

> resorted to taking the medication again. We will see next week if the

> treatments hold.




> .







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HI Rick


I think Attilio's question is an important one....what was your pattern


What have you tried so far and what were the results of these attempts?


Stress and frustration are associated with Liver Wood and lead to Qi

stagnation which can transform into Heat (heat could lead to sweat). If stress

triggers the problem, this implicates some form of Wood imbalance being present.

Do the other symptoms/signs support this? Or did Wood issues not pan out?


Stephen Woodley LAc


RIck Botto <rickbotto wrote:

Patient sweats all day long. It is not night sweats. It is worse

with stress, not limited to hands and feet although these are

certainly a problem. Strong, healthy, vibrant person, doesn't seem

like Qi deficiency. Other options?


Chinese Medicine , " Attilio

DAlberto " <attiliodalberto wrote:


> What's the pattern analysis? Usually, sweating in the day is

> associated with a deficiency of Qi whilst at night its associated

> with a deficiency of Yin.


> Attilio






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