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Hey Martin,


> Sorry this is a bit out of date in the chain but I have not popped in

> for a few days.


Understand that I do .. I'm a good bit behind in answering mail I want

to reply to .. running errands and doing things I didn't do when I had a

staff .. and its a pain. After my summer trip to the USA I must hire a

gofer cause this stuff is fer de boids.


> A few comments on the post on Sandalwood by Chris.


Figured you would. ;-)


>>Now, please do keep in mind that there IS some legally exported

>>sandalwood oil available, just NOT A LOT of it at the moment


That .. is a matter of FACT!


> Yes, but what about the significant amount of sandalwood oil sold

> which is being manufactured and sold as the real thing? Of course

> none of that is sold by aromatherapy suppliers!!!


I think you meant to say a significant amount of sandalwood oil being

manufactured in a lab .. and that is a matter of FACT!


> 1. Sandalwood Australian


>>Extraction Method: steam distilled<


> It is not, it is solvent extracted.


Another matter of FACT .. as a norm .. but I am told that there is also

some steam distilled Aussie Sandalwood .. Dennis can shed some light on

this methinks. I don't deal in Aussie Sandalwood so it matters not to

me what falls out.


> Conservation problems with Australian trees: The biggest problem is

> that the trees occur in very remote areas and grow on poor soils.

> You cannot possibly replant trees in such an environment. You would

> need a whole army of workers to care for the newly planted trees such

> as watering them till they get established and preventing wild

> creatures damaging the young trees. Believe me that just aint gonna

> happen. Therefore, they are depleting a limited natural resource and

> it is *not being replaced*.


Dennis has said this many times .. and I believe both of you.


> About export regulations: People always seem to forget that you are

> dealing with the kind of Governments where a few bucks slipped into a

> few pockets will wave any regulation of any kind.


That .. is a matter of FACT! And its also true that this happens from

time to time in countries that are not classified as Emerging Market or

Third World.


> About genuine sandalwood: Legally traded sandalwood oil coming out of

> India is like goldust or may even be a fantasy.


That .. is FALSE! It's not fantasy and it's not as precious or hard to

come by as is Gold Dust. This is but another of the rumors in this

industry that you work so hard to discredit .. its one that will live on

because the Green Leaners prefer to believe it and spread it as a major

part of their propaganda .. even in the face of facts to the contrary.

To admit they're wrong would destroy part of their foundation for being.


Below you ask folks to not have " blind faith " in those who sell EO. Are

you and Chrissie Wildwood not selling something? Are you trying to say

that the both of you are doing what you do because of your love for

mankind and the environment .. with no hope for personal gain?


I know that you and Wildwood and all the other Greens can point to a

list of references from this and that organization that thinks as you do

and say .. that is proof .. so believe it. But its only the Greens who

collect such information and they are not going to include information

that does not support their position. There is no opposition to these

groups; even in politics we recognize the TOTAL NEED for an opposition

party. The Greens want to control the hearts and minds of a public that

is not about to admit they don't give a crap about the environment .. a

public that will nod and shut up.


Back to Mysore Sandalwood ..


I could put you in contact with the American daughter of my distiller ..

but I won't cause if you told anyone who she was I would then have to

kill you and I don't want to do that. ;-) A well-to-do family in India

that has been in the distillation business over 30 years .. who do not

smuggle and provide high quality Mysore Sandalwood (Santalum album).


> If it is Indonesian oil, people should just think back a couple of years

> to when a vast area of the Earth was blanketed by smoke due to deliberate

> forest burning in Indonesia. Severe health problems resulted from that all

> over the Far East, particularly with breathing in children and the elderly.


This is a problem in DOZENS or countries .. to include Turkey. It is

based on short-sighted government regulations and lack of ability to

enforce those that are in effect. Countries that are not as fortunate

as we are in the West and who don't depend on private ownership of land

as we do .. allow villagers to use government lands .. which in most

cases is the majority of the land in that country. But .. they assign

use of land to Provinces who then reassign it to villages based on the

population, etc. Normally such lands are controlled by the Ministry of

Forestry because few of these countries are advanced enough to have a

viable Ministry of Agriculture .. and those that do don't know where to

draw the line on Area of Responsibility because the Forestry Ministries

normally have access to an enforcement arm .. the Ag Ministries don't.


That enforcement arm is the Gendarmerie .. or some similar organization

that enforces laws in the rural areas. And in almost all cases, these

Gendarme soldiers (para-military) are conscripts .. peasants .. used to

living in an environment similar to that they are now enforcing law in

and used to dealing kindly and respectfully with villagers as their own

friends and families are villagers. To take it further .. these young

troops are treated well by the villagers and they soon become almost a

part of the family .. which causes some conflicts of interest when they

have to enforce laws those villagers violate.


On the laws .. the laws prohibit cutting of timber on government lands

without a permit .. and rarely do peasants get a permit unless they are

rich peasants with good connections. The laws are good .. the reasons

for the laws are obvious. But .. what happens when a forest fire goes

down? Forest fires are a normal part of Nature .. in fact, its one of

the tools Nature uses to regenerate itself. When fires occur its normal

for a village chief to apply to the Province for permission to use the

land for agriculture .. and its almost always approved. Getting to the

point now .. though y'all have already figured it out. ;-)


And .. its normal for the young Gendarme soldier to turn his back on

this behavior because its the same behavior practiced by his Pappy.


> Logging interests are always very strong at Government levels.


And acquisition of additional land for agricultural use is always a very

strong incentive to start a forest fire at village level.


This is a point I will touch on lightly .. but I would love to have the

time to write a few pages on it. Greens often lock onto what they see

as a divine calling .. but with total disregard for the human elements

that are affected by their perceived mission. This is true in so many

cases and if they get their way in all cases (which they will NOT) their

win will result in a loss that will immediately impact little brown and

black folks around the world .. and I believe the Greens don't really

give a crap about that! Most of them are young college kids anyway and

they have not lived long enough on their own (without Papa's money) to

have gained the knowledge to evaluate the big picture.


> Most of the people involved are only interested in making money by

> destroying the Earths resources.


The way you have phrased this gives an impression (to me) that you are

not impartial .. and to me, it reflects negatively on the credibility of

the statement. Those who think as you do will normally present facts in

negative or positive terms as needed to support their position. I think

you should take a good look at the way you phrased the above sentence.


It smacks of the terminology another Green Leaner loves to use when he

describes harvesting of wild grown aromatics as destructive harvesting.

How the hell does one harvest without destroying something. Its like

saying the murder of animals so humans can eat their flesh .. this too

is terminology used by some .. thankfully, by a minority of folks.


> Butch saying that Europeans ecologists should look in their own

> backyards before complaining about what is happening in other

> countries has little to do with this issue. If one looks at history,

> then of course, many countries have pillaged the worlds resources.

> That does not justify those who care not trying to prevent that

> situation continuing and campaigning to stop it.


Butch didn't write anything like that .. he wrote .. in the context of

discussing just how green America was .. and as a follow on to his point

that he had not seen another country so green ..


> And I have written before that I can understand why Europeans .. and in

> particular folks from the UK .. are so concerned about Woodman, Woodman

> Spare That Tree .. because they didn't do it .. and they are now sorry

> for what their ancestors did to the land.


My points are not insulting to the Brits and they are valid .. yours

merely skirt mine and twist them to support your position.


What I would REALLY like to see .. is you or anyone else on this list

take the last few posts I've made and go down paragraph by paragraph and

address my points .. then admit that I am right .. or show me the error

of my ways. What I'm seeing is total disregard for my points and the

same old harping coming back as counterpoints .. but never in direct

relation to the points they are alleged to be countering.


> The simple answer: Treat sandalwood oil as of great historical

> interest, but do not use it anymore, or at least not for another 50

> years until some plantation trees in India may come into production

> again.


The suggestion is simple .. the answer is NOT simple. Simple answers to

complication problems just create more complicated problems. But as I

wrote on another list .. those who have chosen a role of being saviors

of mankind and the environment must stick to your guns .. even if they

do allow information to the contrary to sneak into their brain pan. If

they decide to abandon their crusade they will be ostracized .. called a

whore and a turn-coat and all the names the man who turned against the

Green Leaners on the Amazon issue is now being called.


> As an aside, the pagans in this group should examine their own belief

> systems which are generally to care for mother earth and her

> resources.


Martin .. your patronizing is hanging out. ;-) How far do you think an

organized movement of pagans would get in the USA? They first must work

to explain who they are and gain credibility for themselves as a group

before they can take on environmental issues. As I said, the solutions

to complicated problems are never easy .. that's why those who have a

mission of finding solutions are paid the big bucks .. and fall from

Grace if its later determined that their solutions were unwise.


Protesters and those who prefer civil disobedience to make a point are

not held responsible for their actions .. even by themselves. They can

lose themselves in the group mentality and even later justify their own

disreputable behavior to themselves using such scenarios.


> Do not put your blind faith in anyone who is selling products where

> such matters are concerned. Try to check facts for yourself from

> sources independent of the trade selling the products. Independent

> references on Rosewood and Sandalwood have been posted on this group

> several times and are on my web site, Chrissie's and others.


And .. do not put blind faith in anyone who sells books .. or sees a

need to define a role for themselves that is controversial but intended

to put them in a good light .. that of a savior of mankind. One must

take a controversial stand if one is to be recognized.


Your posts often assume a lot .. and they upset some folks .. to include

me .. your buddy. It's not the messages that upset me .. its the manner

in which they are presented. I think you should spend more time on

drafts of your posts before you hit Send. You don't just condemn

individuals, you condemn an entire group of tradesmen .. and you are

doing the same thing Chrissie Wildwood did when she wrote me her idiotic

post saying that folks who don't agree with you are either stupid or

dishonest. I am neither .. and I will continue to counter .. point by

point .. any posts made that even suggest such a thing.


I am a dealer in proven quality Essential Oils .. and an honest man who

practices ethics as I see them .. nobody in this entire industry can say

I have shafted them even one time. I don't like this industry or most

of the old players in the industry. Most of them play a role .. some

are totally full of bovine excrement and are as dishonest as the average

politician .. some depend on esoteric double talk to influence those who

need to be led on journeys of truth and such .. and some claim to be the

saviors of mankind and the environment .. they all make my butt want to

chew tobacco. But as long as I am in this industry, they must give me a

wide path when they put out personal opinions that mislead the public

and can have a negative impact on my ethics, integrity or my business!


I don't need the stinking money .. don't get much now anyway. I am paid

less now for my efforts than I was when I was a friggin Buck Private in

Basic Training! And when I decide to leave this industry .. I promise

to never look back!


Use of EO is not only smart but very beneficial when used in a safe and

responsible manner. But some folks in the industry of Aromatherapy and

some of those who have created roles for themselves in support of or in

opposition to AT are often as phony as those they support or criticize.


Almost everybody in this industry that offers a product .. Essential

Oils, Reference Publications, Education or Consultation .. is in it for

the money! If that were not the case they would not charge for their

products and services. I say " almost " because I know some folks who do

NOT charge for their products .. they give them to friends and family.


And something else .. folks can do without me and you and the teachers

of AT. Folks who are intelligent and responsible and can read can get

information from a wide variety of sources .. and can make their own

decisions. Those who are not intelligent and responsible and can't read

are not being assisted by us now anyway. As for those folks not having

a source for EO .. there will always be sources .. but they could do as

well sticking to 8 or 10 EO and letting the others fall along the wayside.


Again, I dislike conflict but I can hold my own in any form of conflict

when it comes to explaining the why for I do this or that .. and when I

must do this I will do my best to support my points .. and I am more

than happy to change my opinions when faced with credible facts .. but I

will not be influenced by personal opinions alone .. nor will I allow

opinions I don't agree with to be presented as facts to a group without

the group seeing the other side. I will try to force the opinion giver

to produce facts .. or stop howling at the moon. :-P


> Martin Watt

> http://www.aromamedical.com


Y'all keep smiling. :-) Butch http://www.AV-AT.com

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