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Brazilian Mint reduces pain 'as effectively as leading drugs'

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yes...read the data...hard to find a source for seeds or plants...anyone know of




--- On Wed, 11/25/09, virgil <virgil wrote:


virgil <virgil

<< >> Brazilian Mint reduces pain 'as

effectively as leading drugs'


Wednesday, November 25, 2009, 5:42 AM


















A herb called the Brazilian Mint reduces pain as effectively as leading

drugs, a new study suggests.


http://tinyurl. com/yd3fyha


By Kate Devlin, Medical Correspondent


Published: 7:00AM GMT 25 Nov 2009




Scientists found that a tea made from the plant worked as well as a synthetic

form of aspirin when tested on mice.




The herb has a savoury taste not dissimilar to sage, another member of the mint





It has been used as a traditional medicine in Brazil for generations.




Now researchers at Newcastle University say they have scientifically proven its

pain-relieving properties for the first time.




Graciela Rocha, who led the study, said: " Since humans first walked the earth we

have looked to plants to provide a cure for our ailments - in fact it is

estimated more than 50,000 plants are used worldwide for medicinal purposes.




" Besides traditional use, more than half of all prescription drugs are based on

a molecule that occurs naturally in a plant.




" What we have done is to take a plant that is widely used to safely treat pain

and scientifically proven that it works as well as some synthetic drugs.




" Now the next step is to find out how and why the plant works. "




The team will present their findings at the Second International Symposium on

Medicinal and Nutraceutical Plants in New Delhi, India.





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