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Vitamin C and Acidity

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Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, December 8, 2009





What Form is Best?



(OMNS, December 8, 2009) Vitamin C is commonly taken in large quantities

to improve health and prevent asthma, allergies, viral infection, and heart

disease [1,2]. It is non-toxic and non-immunogenic, and does not irritate

the stomach as drugs like aspirin can. Yet vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) is

acidic. So, a common question is, what are the effects from taking large




Ascorbic acid is a weak acid (pKa= 4.2) [3], only slightly stronger than

vinegar. When dissolved in water, vitamin C is sour but less so than citric

acid found in lemons and limes. Can large quantities of a weak acid such as

ascorbate cause problems in the body? The answer is, sometimes, in some

situations. However, with some simple precautions they can be avoided.



Acid in the Mouth

First of all, any acid can etch the surfaces of your teeth. This is the

reason the dentist cleans your teeth and warns about plaque, for acid

generated by bacteria in the mouth can etch your teeth to cause cavities. Cola

soft drinks contain phosphoric acid, actually used by dentists to etch teeth

before tooth sealants are applied. Like soft drinks, ascorbic acid will not

cause etching of teeth if only briefly present. Often, vitamin C tablets are

coated with a tableting ingredient such as magnesium stearate which

prevents the ascorbate from dissolving immediately. Swallowing a vitamin C


without chewing it prevents its acid from harming tooth enamel.



Chewable Vitamin C Tablets

Chewables are popular because they taste sweet and so are good for

encouraging children to take their vitamin C [4]. However, some chewable

vitamin C

tablets can contain sugar and ascorbic acid which, when chewed, is likely

to stick in the crevices of your teeth. So, after chewing a vitamin C

tablet, a good bit of advice is to rinse with water or brush your teeth. But the

best way is to specifically select non-acidic vitamin C chewables, readily

available in stores. Read the label to verify that the chewable is made

entirely with non-acidic vitamin C.



Stomach Acidity

People with sensitive stomachs may report discomfort when large doses of

vitamin C are taken at levels to prevent an acute viral infection

(1,000-3,000 milligrams or more every 20 minutes) [1, 5]. In this case the


acid in the stomach can build up enough acidity to cause heartburn or a

similar reaction. On the other hand, many people report no problems with acidity

even when taking even 20,000 mg in an hour. The acid normally present in

the stomach, hydrochloric acid (HCl), is very strong: dozens of times more

acidic than vitamin C. When one has swallowed a huge amount of ascorbate,

the digestive tract is sucking it up into the bloodstream as fast as it can,

but it may still take a while to do so. Some people report that they seem

to sense ascorbic acid tablets " sitting " at the bottom of the stomach as

they take time to dissolve. It is fairly easy to fix the problem by using

buffered ascorbate, or taking ascorbic acid with food or liquids in a meal or

snack. When the amount of vitamin C ingested is more than the gut can

absorb, the ascorbate attracts water into the intestines creating a laxative

effect. This saturation intake is called bowel tolerance. One should reduce the

amount (by 20-50%) when this occurs [1].



Acid Balance in the Body

Does taking large quantities of an acid, even a weak acid like ascorbate,

tip the body's acid balance (pH) causing health problems? No, because the

body actively and constantly controls the pH of the bloodstream. The kidneys

regulate the acid in the body over a long time period, hours to days, by

selectively excreting either acid or basic components in urine. Over a

shorter time period, minutes to hours, if the blood is too acid, the autonomic

nervous system increases the rate of breathing, thereby removing more carbon

dioxide from the blood, reducing its acidity. Some foods can indirectly

cause acidity. For example, when more protein is eaten than necessary for

maintenance and growth, it is metabolized into acid, which must be removed by

the kidneys, generally as uric acid. In this case, calcium and/or magnesium

are excreted along with the acid in the urine which can deplete our

supplies of calcium and magnesium [6]. However, because ascorbic acid is a weak

acid, we can tolerate a lot before it will much affect the body's acidity.

Although there have been allegations about vitamin C supposedly causing

kidney stones, there is no evidence for this, and its acidity and diuretic

tendency actually tends to reduce kidney stones in most people who are prone to

them [1,7]. Ascorbic acid dissolves calcium phosphate stones and dissolves

struvite stones. Additionally, while vitamin C does increase oxalate

excretion, vitamin C simultaneously inhibits the union of calcium and oxalate.




Forms of Vitamin C

Ascorbate comes in many forms, each with a particular advantage. Ascorbic

acid is the least expensive and can be purchased as tablets, timed release

tablets, or powder. The larger tablets (1000-1500 mg) are convenient and

relatively inexpensive. Timed-release tablets contain a long-chain

carbohydrate which delays the stomach in dissolving the ascorbate, which is


released over a period of hours. This may have an advantage for maintaining a

high level in the bloodstream. Ascorbic acid powder or crystals can be

purchased in bulk relatively inexpensively. Pure powder is more quickly

dissolved than tablets and therefore can be absorbed somewhat faster by the


Linus Pauling favored taking pure ascorbic acid, as it is entirely free of

tableting excipients.



Buffered Ascorbate

A fraction of a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) has long been

used as a safe and effective antacid which immediately lowers stomach

acidity. When sodium bicarbonate is added to ascorbic acid, the bicarbonate

fizzes (emitting carbon dioxide) which then releases the sodium to neutralize

the acidity of the ascorbate.



Calcium ascorbate can be purchased as a powder and readily dissolves in

water or juice. In this buffered form ascorbate is completely safe for the

mouth and sensitive stomach and can be applied directly to the gums to help

heal infections [8]. It is a little more expensive than the equivalent

ascorbic acid and bicarbonate but more convenient. Calcium ascorbate has the

advantage of being non-acidic. It has a slightly metallic taste and is

astringent but not sour like ascorbic acid. 1000 mg of calcium ascorbate


about 110 mg of calcium.



Other forms of buffered ascorbate include sodium ascorbate and magnesium

ascorbate [9]. Most adults need 800 - 1200 mg of calcium and 400-600 mg of

magnesium daily [6]. The label on the bottle of all these buffered

ascorbates details how much " elemental " mineral is contained in a teaspoonful.


cost a little more than ascorbic acid.



Buffered forms of ascorbate are often better tolerated at higher doses

than ascorbic acid, but they appear not to be as effective for preventing the

acute symptoms of a cold. This may be because after they are absorbed, they

require absorbing an electron from the body to become effective as native

ascorbate [1]. Some of hese types of vitamin C are proprietary formulas

that claim benefits over standard vitamin C [9].



Liposomal Vitamin C

Recently a revolutionary form of ascorbate has become available. This form

of vitamin C is packaged inside nano-scale phospholipid spheres

( " liposomes " ), much like a cell membrane protects its contents. The lipid


protect the vitamin C from degradation by the environment and are absorbed

more quickly into the bloodstream. Liposomes are also known to facilitate

intracellular uptake of their contents, which can cause an added clinical

impact when delivering something such as vitamin C. This form is supposed to be

5-10 fold more absorbable than straight ascorbic acid. It is more expensive

than ascorbic acid tablets or powder.



Ascorbyl Palmitate

Ascorbyl palmitate is composed of an ascorbate molecule bound to a

palmitic acid molecule. It is amphipathic, meaning that it can dissolve in


water or fat, like the fatty acids in cell membranes. It is widely used as

an antioxidant in processed foods, and used in topical creams where it is

thought to be more stable than vitamin C. However, when ingested, the

ascorbate component of ascorbyl palmitate is thought to be decomposed into the

ascorbate and palmitic acid molecules so its special amphipathic quality is

lost. It is also more expensive than ascorbic acid.



Natural Ascorbate

Natural forms of ascorbate derived from plants are available. Acerola, the

" Barbados cherry, " contains a large amount of vitamin C, depending on its

ripeness, and was traditionally used to fight off colds. Tablets of vitamin

C purified from acerola or rose hips are available but are generally

low-dose and considerably more expensive than ascorbic acid. Although some

people strongly advocate this type, Pauling and many others have stated that

such naturally-derived vitamin C is no better than pure commercial ascorbate

[2,9]. Bioflavonoids are antioxidants found in citrus fruits or rose hips

and are thought to improve uptake and utilization of vitamin C. Generally,

supplement tablets that contain bioflavonoids do not have enough to make much

difference. For consumers on a budget, the best policy may be to buy

vitamin C inexpensively whether or not it also contains bioflavonoids. Citrus

fruits, peppers, and a number of other fruits and vegetables contain large

quantities of bioflavinoids. This is one more reason to eat right as well as







[1] Hickey S, Saul AW (2008) Vitamin C: The Real Story, the Remarkable and

Controversial Healing Factor. ISBN-13: 9781591202233


[2] Pauling L (1986) How to Live Longer and Feel Better, by Linus Pauling

(Revised version, 2006) ISBN-13: 9780870710964


[3] Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (2004), CRC Press, ISBN-13:



[4] _http://www.doctoryourself.com/megakid.html_

(http://www.doctoryourself.com/megakid.html) (Ideas on how to get children to

take vitamin C.)


[5] Cathcart RF (1981) Vitamin C, titrating to bowel tolerance,

anascorbemia, and acute induced scurvy. Med Hypotheses. 7:1359-1376.


[6] Dean C (2006) The Magnesium Miracle. (2006) ISBN-13: 9780345494580


[7] _http://www.doctoryourself.com/kidney.html_



[8] _http://www.doctoryourself.com/gums.html_

(http://www.doctoryourself.com/gums.html) (Healing gums with buffered

ascorbate.) See also: Riordan HD,

Jackson, JA (1991) Topical ascorbate stops prolonged bleeding from tooth

extraction. J Orthomolecular Med, 6:3-4, p 202.

_http://www.orthomolecular.org/library/jom/1991/pdf/1991-v06n03 & 04-p202.pdf_

(http://www.orthomolecular.org/library/jom/1991/pdf/1991-v06n03 & 04-p202.pdf) or




[9] _http://lpi.oregonstate.edu/infocenter/vitamins/vitaminC/vitCform.html_


(Information about different forms of vitamin C)


[10] _http://www.doctoryourself.com/bioflavinoids.html_





Nutritional Medicine is Orthomolecular Medicine


Orthomolecular medicine uses safe, effective nutritional therapy to fight

illness. For more information: _http://www.orthomolecular.org_



The peer-reviewed Orthomolecular Medicine News Service is a non-profit and

non-commercial informational resource.



Editorial Review Board:


Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D.

Damien Downing, M.D.

Michael Gonzalez, D.Sc., Ph.D.

Steve Hickey, Ph.D.

James A. Jackson, PhD

Bo H. Jonsson, MD, Ph.D

Thomas Levy, M.D., J.D.

Jorge R. Miranda-Massari, Pharm.D.

Erik Paterson, M.D.

Gert E. Shuitemaker, Ph.D.



Andrew W. Saul, Ph.D., Editor and contact person.

Email: _omns_ (omns)



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