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Carpal tunnel help, please!

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Hi, any info on why taking a Vit. C supplement would increase the risk of carpal

tunnel syndrome as stated in this article? TIA Toni



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On Dec 24, 2009, at 8:49 AM, " fernwoods7 " <Fernwoods wrote:


My uncle found that holding a bar of ivory soap in his hand helped.


Below is what I have saved on carpel tunnel:



No impact until healed. And then light impact to start with.


And, on the healing, I suggest the following two different methods.


Massage the area with castor oil and AS YOU massage it have a heat

lamp on it. Do for a minimum of 10 minutes. To keep the massaging

hand from being burnt by the heat lamp, put a coat of castor oil on

the back of it also.


For a castor oil wrap, use wool, soak with castor oil, wrap around

hand, put saran wrap over it to hold in the oil.. Them put an 8 hour

chem pack over it. Sleep with it on.


Healing can be virtually miraculous.





Maureen, we had great results with Peppermint and Lavender. A matter of fact

here is a funny story which shows you that many oils work:


When first receiving my Essential 7 close to 4 years ago, I went to show

them to my neighbor. I had no PDR or any book on what works, what not. But we

played around for a while and I had her put oils on her wrists as she had

been suffering for over 8 years from Carparal Tunnel Syndrom so bad that she

had to quit work. There was no night that she did not wake in agony from pain

in her wrists and arms.


Well, we tried all the oils and had fun that morning. The very next morning

before 7 AM, (we are farmers and are up early), she called to let me know

that this had been her first night in 8 years that she did not have the pain

that woke her.. She ordered the the Lavender and Pan Away. When both ran out,

she uses the Lavender for her problem since and has been problem free since.


Then my minister told me that her daughter has carparal tunnel syndrome and I

thought the neighbor had told me it was the peppermint she used, and

suggested to the minister to have daughter use Peppermint. Which she did.. Low

and behold, the daughter had great relief by using Peppermint. And that is

what she has been using for the last 2 years and has not had a problem since.

Both ladies use the oils directly on the wrists maybe 2 or 3 times a week,



I have since heard similar results from a number of other oils. I would look

at the least expensive and go with it. If it works, that's it, If not, go to

the next and so on, or maybe alternate.



Home Remedies for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome



Have you ever heard of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? If you feel some

numbness around your hands or palms, consult your physician

immediately as these symptoms might lead to serious damage to your



Most bedridden patients experienced numbness around their feet or

hands in the beginning, thinking that it was just a twist while

sleeping or some simple daily usual occurrence. Often, they tell us

that the feeling of numbness was just nothing, until time had passed

for several years. One day they noticed that they failed to even hold

a cup of coffee or else dropping it. Bear in mind that these are all

dangerous signs to your health.


In carpal tunnel syndrome, numbness usually occurs at thumb, index,

middle finger and half of the ring finger.




There are several and many think that it is caused by repetitive

movements of arms and fingers especially among heavy computer

keyboard users. Some records show that women during pregnancy and

after delivery are more susceptible to carpal tunnel syndrome than

others. It is also fairly common in patients undergoing dialysis.


However, according to medical groups, up to this writing, there is no

definite answer on the real cause of carpal tunnel syndrome.


What could be the remedy for the thumb and other parts of the fingers

that are getting thin or having muscle degeneration? It is quite

difficult to answer, and there is also no definite remedy that was



According to some patients, solving the pressure of the nerve with

surgical operation will correct the condition or numbness. Of course,

there are cases that such syndrome disappeared over time without any





The following photo shows a diagnostic test for carpal tunnel

syndrome, known as the Phalen's maneuver or Phalen's test.




Bend your wrist and maintain your hands position in a 90-degree

angle, pushing the back of both hands together, for about one minute.

If you do not feel any pain or numbness, then you are at least on the

safe level. Of course, the Phalen's maneuver is not a definite way to

diagnose but it helps to know at least.


Two years ago, one of our caretakers in the rice field was cutting

rice straw with sickle when she suddenly lost her power to hold the

sickle and dropped it. Since then, she had difficulties holding

things with her right hand for a year. She is now under diet control

and of course, hands, arms and feet exercise everyday with the Pyro-

Energen treatment.


Usually, hands and mouth numbness leads to cerebral apoplexy or

cerebral apoplexy leads to hands and mouth numbness. You should know

that this numbness usually happens when you wake up in the morning..

Whichever it is, if you feel slight numbness in your hands or around

the mouth, we advise you to consult your physician immediately before

anything serious happens to your health.


Also, some patients told us that some numbness or strange feeling or

strange vertigo occurs especially when they bend their neck (head)

upward. Schoolteachers told us that such numbness occurred when they

started writing on the blackboard when they bend their head upwards

or when they face up.




Open and close and twist hard your hands as shown on these

illustrations as often as possible every day. This simple hands

exercise can eradicate hundreds of blood-related problems according

to our experiences.








About the Author:

Junji Takano is a Japanese health researcher involved in

investigating the cause of various diseases since 1960. In 1968, he

invented Pyro-Energen, the first electromedicine device that

eradicates viral diseases, cancer, and diseases of unknown cause

effectively without side effects.

Free newsletter: http://www.pyroenergen.com/newsletter.htm



Reprint Rights: You may reprint this article as long as the entire

article remains the same as well as the resource box.





No explanation as to why taking Vit C would increase risk....



People with a deficiency of vitamin B6 who take daily vitamin C supplements may

be at increased risk for carpal tunnel syndrome. Some studies have suggested

that vitamin B6 deficiency is an important contributor to carpal tunnel

syndrome. Others have concluded that the vitamin is unrelated to symptoms

consistent with carpal tunnel syndrome.


Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by swelling in the wrist that puts pressure on

the median nerve, which supplies feeling and motion to much of the hand.

Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome include numbness and tingling of the hand,

and pain that wakes the person up at night.


The prevalence of work-related repetitive strain injuries such as carpal tunnel

syndrome have risen sharply in recent years as a result of widespread use of

computers and robotics in the workplace. The number of such reported injuries

increases an average of 10% each year, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor

Statistics. The cost to industry may be as high as $21 billion when medical

costs and indirect costs such as lost productivity, workers' compensation,

replacement hiring, and legal fees are considered


Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (1997;39:949-959)


COMMENT: This study's findings suggest that vitamin B6 -- also known as

Pyridoxine -- may be a useful treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome. However, if

one has carpal tunnel syndrome it would not be wise to take vitamin C unless one

was also taking vitamin B6.




I have had good luck treating this with some of the B vitamins. One can look

that up in a good book on them as it is common knowledge. B-6 and B-2 I

think right now. But one can check on that. I know the B-6 is very

important with it. It is an inflammatory problem so I would seriously

consider some MSM with that also.




My wife had carpal tunnel so bad that she would cry with pain at night. She

was a doll maker. Only TWO trips to a Good accupuncturist cured her

completely. It has never come back.





I came across a reference not too long ago about MSM giving relief for carpal.




A couple of helps...

A substance called CMO,a bunch of specific exercises;hurts while doing,but

relieves for ages,

combination of zapper with laser pointer on main wrist acupuncture point,B

group vitamins,C,.

Look up Rossiter & associates for the exercises on the net...we found the

info there to be very helpful.

Also check out Kombucha tea...can assist in reducing such pains as

associated with caclifying tendonitis.




I find it efficacious to use a non-invasive and non-surgical

modality for the management of Carpal Tunnel Sydrome . It is

the Low Level Light Therapy. A light-emitting diode device is

used for photonic biostimulation of the afflicted part.

I have included a few URLs for your perusal and introduction

to LLLTherapy or LED Therapy. Good phytonutriceuticall and

colloidal mineral support will expedite functional recovery. You

may communicate with me by personal email if you need any




http://www. healing.org/only-7.html

http//www.holistichealth.com/directory/Light 1 htnl




I have had good luck treating this with some of the B vitamins. One can look

that up in a good book on them as it is common knowledge. B-6 and B-2 I

think right now. But one can check on that. I know the B-6 is very

important with it. It is an inflammatory problem so I would seriously

consider some MSM with that also.









The Angel Lotion that restored my husband's knee is supposed to

work just as well on CT. 1-800-422-4716 is where I ordered it.




When my wrist hurts like anything, I use an ace bandage to hold a 3950

gauss therapeutic magnet on it overnight. I get months of complete

relief. I have only done this 2 or 3 times, but it is longer between

times, it never hurts as much as it used to, but maybe because I don't

wait for it to do so. It isn't a problem anymore. I have not been

diagnosed by a health practitioner



My husband had carpal tunnel and started using magnets. He hasn't had any

problems since. I have something on them . If you go to my site,

http://www.livinginthelightms.com/metaphysicalstore Click on the link for

magnets. The page will explain how they work. Mary We use them for just about

everything. I just ordered a magnet headband for his migraine headaches. We are

still waiting on how it works. So far he hasn't gotten one of his headaches. Iam

getting pretty anxious though as to how the headband will work...to the point

Iam just about ready to give him a big 'thunk' on the head..laughs ..just

kiddin'. HAVE A GREAT DAY! " Nicodemus Darkspire <chop2969 "

<chop2969 wrote:ancientmysteriesms , " Brad and

Mary <burlingtonnews> " <burlingtonnews> wrote: CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME

Nancy Watson Dean of Rochester, NY writes: " I have just experienced such an

amazing relief from this condition, which came upon me

about a year ago, in the shape of hands tingling and hurting more often as time

went on. I presently realized it was carpal tunnel, when shooting pains hit both



" I knew Vitamin B-6 would help, and it did, but only a little. So remembering a

paper by the Texas doctor, John Marion Ellis, M.D., who said that large amounts

didn't seem to bother him in any way, I pulled out all the stops and increased

it to 200 milligrams 4 times daily. I also stopped eating salt. The carpal

tunnel disappeared.


" I am thrilled, out of pain, and the hands are growing stronger by the hour.


" This is a very widespread ailment. Perhaps the maintenance and attacks of the

condition are entirely individual: just find the amount that 'cures' you.

Wouldn't the medics hate that idea! "


Hello :)


I was a metal polisher for many years, and because of the work suffered quite

badly with carpal tunnel, i found taking cod liver oil capsules (is that b-6,

sorry im blonde) daily did the trick for me, DONT have the operation !! it only

makes it worse




Nancy Watson Dean of Rochester, NY writes:

" I have just experienced such an amazing relief from this condition,


came upon me about a year ago, in the shape of hands tingling and


more often as time went on. I presently realized it was carpal

tunnel, when

shooting pains hit both hands..


" I knew Vitamin B-6 would help, and it did, but only a little. So

remembering a paper by the Texas doctor, John Marion Ellis, M.D., who


that large amounts didn't seem to bother him in any way, I pulled out

all the

stops and increased it to 200 milligrams 4 times daily. I also stopped

eating salt. The carpal tunnel disappeared.


" I am thrilled, out of pain, and the hands are growing stronger by

the hour.


" This is a very widespread ailment. Perhaps the maintenance and

attacks of

the condition are entirely individual: just find the amount

that 'cures'

you. Wouldn't the medics hate that idea! "




Birch Chamomile Cypress Helicrysum Hyssop Lemongrass

Marjoram Peppermint Spruce










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