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New and need some help

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Hi everyone, I am so happy to have found this group! I have two children with

multiple food allergies. The problem is that their reactions are delayed,

therefore hard to get allergists to believe me. I have found one dr. who did

some IgG testing on my son (almost 2 yrs old) and he is pretty much allergic to

everything. He gets the " typical " allergic symptoms, eczema, diarrhea with

mucous/blood, malabsorbtion, rashy cheeks, watery eyes, etc. My daughter (3 1/2

yrs) has never been tested, but when I removed the offending foods out of my

sons diet, I put her on the same diet and she became a different child. Her

symptoms are more mental. She becomes whiny, tantrums, " difficult " , slurred

speech, red rings under her eyes. After being so fed up with traditional dr's,

I have decided to pursue a more natural approach to their health. After much

research, I really feel it would be best to put them on digestive enzyme

supplements, probiotics, and multivitamins.


I guess, I would like any input if this is the right way to go about this? I

have used probiotics from Kirkman Labs for them and was pleased with the

results, and will most likely continue to use them. My theory is that their

guts are inflamed due to lack of the proper enzymes which is causing allergic

type reactions...is this right? If I heal the gut by introducing the

appropriate enzymes, it should begin to heal? Probiotics to keep the healthy

bacteria strong, and multivitamins to correct any vitamin/mineral deficiencies

they may have? Oh, and also possibly a yeast killing product too? My head is

spinning with all the information I have gathered, can anyone tell me if I am at

least on the right path? Thanks for taking the time to read all of this.



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, " andrew.rachel "

<andrew.rachel wrote:


> Hi everyone, I am so happy to have found this group! I have two children with

multiple food allergies.


After much research, I really feel it would be best to put them on digestive

enzyme supplements, probiotics, and multivitamins.


> I guess, I would like any input if this is the right way to go about this?




Dear Rachel,


Here are a few questions that might help you to get a clearer idea of what's at

the root of your children's health issues:


Have your children ever been given any vaccines?


Were they born vaginally or by cesarian section?


Were/are they breastfed? If so, for how long?


If they weren't/aren't breastfed, what kind of formula were they fed?


Have they ever been given any antibiotics?


Have you ever taken antibiotics yourself?


Were/are you taking antibiotics while either giving birth to or nursing your



How has your own level of nutrition and health been, particularly before, during

and soon after your pregnancies?



(No need to answer these questions here on this group, unless of course you feel

to. I only pose them in the hopes that they'll help you begin to think outside

the box a bit more in terms of providing some clues and insights into some of

the possible root causes of these problems your kids are having. Often when we

understanding more about why people are having compromised health to begin with

this can really help to lead toward the direction of some viable and effective

natural solutions.)



Check out the story on this page, which describes a situation with one woman and

her child who she says became allergic to virtually all foods, that sounds a lot

like yours in terms of what's going on with your kids:






Although I don't know the woman who wrote the story above and have no financial

connections with her company, I'll bet that if you called her and talked with

her that she could help point you in the right direction.


I agree with you that digestive enzymes, probiotics and most likely some other

supplementation could be very helpful here, but I honestly feel that it's really

important to do your due diligence in order to locate the highest quality

products you can find before spending your hard earned money. Don't settle for

just any old supplements.





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You need to heal the gut lining. Follow a " leaky gut " protocol with L-glutamine

powder and liquid aloe vera taken internally) and working on building up

digestion and the immune systems.

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