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~~~ Health News Clips - Access to Vitamins, FDA Shuts Down Cancer Cure, Bee Dea

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Booooooo Sen. McCain. I still like him but I disagree with him on this issue.


--- On Wed, 3/3/10, Fernwoods <Fernwoods wrote:



Fernwoods <Fernwoods

<< >> ~~~ Health News Clips - Access to

Vitamins, FDA Shuts Down Cancer Cure, Bee Dea


Wednesday, March 3, 2010, 11:24 PM







_McCain bill threatens access to vitamins and supplements_

(http://www.naturaln ews.com/028257_ Senator_McCain_ dietary_suppleme nts.html)

Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) has introduced a new bill called The

Dietary Supplement Safety Act (DSSA) of 2010 (S. 3002), that, if enacted, would

severely curtail free access to dietary supplements.


Easy Action at:

_http://www.capwiz. com/lef/issues/ alert/?alertid= 14665781 & type=CO_

(http://www.capwiz. com/lef/issues/ alert/?alertid= 14665781 & type=CO)




_Aloe Vera: FDA Shut Down a Surprisingly Effective Natural Cancer Cure_

(http://www.naturaln ews.com/028239_ aloe_vera_ FDA.html)

A terrorist attack exactly one month after 9/11 occurred in Tampa,

Florida. But these terrorists were from the FDA, state health services


and local sheriffs. The target of this attack was two highly successful,

inexpensive experimental. ..



_New Study Finds Eating Fast Foods Increases Your Risk for Diabetes _

(http://www.naturaln ews.com/028237_ fast_food_ diabetes. html)

Researchers are finally confirming what ordinary men have known all along.

Eating fast food regularly increases the risk for obesity and type 2



_Earthfiles. com Environment_ | U. S. Honey Bee Deaths Increase Again_

(http://www.earthfil es.com/news. php?ID=1672 & category= Environment_)




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