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Nail the Coffin Shut on the Health-Care Bill

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hey, I would be all for a national healthcare program, if they could come up

with one that made sense...the only thing is, what I'm hearing of this bill

sounds like nothing like national healthcare. This sounds to me like they're

telling businesses and individuals that we have to have health insurance. The

government isn't going to provide us with healthcare, they're just going to tell

us we have to have insurance to pay for healthcare. We will still have to foot

the bill, or our employers will, which amounts to the same thing. The

government will then be able to say what doctors can charge, what procedures we

can have, or can't have, etc etc etc. And you probably don't have to worry

about getting rid of Medicare or social security....that's what they're trying

to do. What it looks like to me is more government control over our money, our

choices, our lives.

Cindy Atkins

Montana Republican and proud of it



Friday, March 12, 2010 12:45 PM

<< >> Re: Nail the Coffin Shut on the

Health-Care Bill




Are you a spokesperson for the Republican Party?

We are one of the only major countries not to have a national heathcare

system. It is time to reverse that.

If National Healthcare is socialism, then so is Medicare and Social Security.

Let's eliminate those progams, too!


, surpriseshan2 wrote:











> March 11, 2010





> As we have been saying for some time now, the multi-headed Medusa â? "

> Federal Health Care â? " is not dead. Mistakenly seen by some as a


> health care is simply a commodity like bread, cars, and cheese. Insert

> the government into the equation, as has been increasingly done over the


> 45 years and we will have scarcity, higher prices, more ill-health, and an

> even-greater concentration of monopoly medical powers. Take the

> government out and we will see the opposite. It might seem

counter-intuitive, but

> that is how reality operates. Does anyone really believe that the

> government could possibly produce and sell bread, cars, or cheese any better


> private individuals? Is a service industry like health care any different?

> Federal Health Care is artificial, stiff, synthetic, structured, coercive,

> anti-freedom, and anti-organic. It is backed by bureaucrats, policemen,

> guns, and prisons. On the other hand, true free-market health care (not

> the ersatz health care today that is passed off as private) is organic,

> flowing, non-monopolistic, pro-freedom, and decentralized. It is marked by

> voluntary exchanges among free individuals. Which would you prefer? Slaves

> love the former, to be told what to do, to not have to make choices. Free

> individuals vastly prefer the latter.

> Time to Kill the Bill

> The purpose of this Press Release is to ask all of our loyal NHF members

> and other readers of our messages to email or telephone their Congressional

> Representatives, especially Democratic-Party Representatives in the House

â? "

> this week and next â? " and tell them that you want them to vote against the

> White House Health Care Reform legislation. The NHF encourages everyone

> to do this more than just once â? " be persistent. Now is the time for

> health-freedom advocates to kill this Disease-care legislation in the House


> and for all.

> The new Obama-care legislation is not much different from the Harry Reid

> Senate passed bill in that Federal bureaucrats will be in control of your

> health care, and US. taxpayers will be giving more money to pay for the

> philosophy of big government and bureaucrats â?oknow best.â? These people


> the dangerous myth that the government actually has the compassion and

> capability to manage and control the insurance market, as well as the


> philosophy that the concentration of even more power in the hands of a few,

> unelected bureaucrats, is better than just reforming the insurance market

> and letting people freely make their own decisions. Yet, it is a

> snake-headed Medusa writhing with hidden, freedom-killing laws that also

have nothing

> to do with health care.

> Speaker Pelosi and Mr. Obama are working on their latest political

> buy-offs with House Democrats who opposed expanded Federal payments for


> This is an important issue, but it is a distraction from the rest of the

> controlled expansions in the final Obama-care proposal being crafted. Mr.

> Obama is on the stump, playing the " insurance companies are the bad guys "

> routine, as was done once before. This routine gets old; but, again, it is

> nothing more than a straw-man argument meant to distract the audience from

> the core purpose of the government health-care reform monster attempting to

> be shoved down the throats of the country.

> Among many other things, what is not being revealed is that unelected

> Federal councils and commissions will be in control of what medical


> will be covered under a private insurance company-Federal cooperative.

> Also hidden behind curtains are the facts that these people would change

> Medicare for the worse and expand the Federal bureaucracyâ?Ts control with a


> Medical and Cost Effectivenessâ? regime that will shut out true alternative

> health care. There also remains the issue of forcing people to buy expensive

> health insurance or else face paying stiff penalties (backed by guns and

> prison of course). There are numerous other health-freedom and

> government-control issues still in the Obama-care legislation. It is not

just about

> eliminating pre-existing conditions exclusions by insurance companies. The


> believes that true health-care reform is, among many other things, about

> allowing true free-market interstate competition among the insurance

> carriers, not requiring consumers to buy their insurance through third


> broadening the scope of medical-insurance coverage to include a wide array

> of alternative practitioners, ending the conventional medical monopoly, and

> basically getting the Federal government out of health care altogether.

> As Americans of independent thought and action have learned over the past

> 18 months, Congressional and Presidential elections do have consequences.

> The final script for the shape of our new health-care system is struggling

> to be completed in Congress. Americansâ?T Constitutional rights are once

> again being trampled on, like so much trash, along with individual health

> freedom of choice. The strong cry against this usurpation of our liberties

> has been heard across the country, yet the Pelosi, Reid, and Obama wing of

> the Democratic party are completely and utterly deaf to what the majority of

> Americans want and believe is really needed. The truth is that the

> health-care â?oreformâ? plan Congress wants to push through will result in


> compassion, not more. It will result in more sickness, not less. It will

> result in more misery and less health-care freedom. This is the biggest


> to your health freedom and your health in years because virtually all

> health-care monies will circle and be sucked down into the toilet of the


> conventional medical monopoly, leaving very little left for the average

> consumer to spend elsewhere!

> The debate and political posturing will soon come to a head. Your help is

> needed NOW to defeat Obama-care in the House. This is a critical,

> tipping-point time in which you can maximize your efforts. Take action now


> over the following weeks to slay this Medusa that will turn us all into

> stone!

> Sample Petition Letter:

> _http://www.thenhf.com/press_releases/HR3590_SamplePetition.doc_

> (http://www.thenhf.com/press_releases/HR3590_SamplePetition.doc)

> Act Now Petition: _http://www.usalone.com/cgi-bin/petition.cgi?pnum=1009_

> (http://www.usalone.com/cgi-bin/petition.cgi?pnum=1009)




> ********************


> House of Representatives Phone Listings -

> _http://clerk.house.gov/member_info/mcapdir.html_



> Click on this address to contact your Congressperson in

> the U.S. House of Representatives: _http://www.house.gov/writerep_

> (http://www.house.gov/writerep)


> _Fax List for House of Representatives_

> (http://www.thenhf.com/government_affairs/federal/111thHouseFaxList.htm)


> ********************



> As the oldest and best-respected health-freedom group on Capitol Hill, the

> NHF continues to be the credible source of objective assessment of, and

> proactive actions on, Congressional legislation and FDA matters that have

> material impact upon our freedom-of-health choices and access to dietary

> supplements and nutritional foods.

> ********************


> _Click here for the permanent link to this press release, use this link to

> inform others._ (http://www.thenhf.com/press_releases/pr_11_mar_2010.html)


> National Health Federation: Established in 1955, the National Health

> Federation is a consumer-education, health-freedom organization working to

> protect individuals' rights to choose to consume healthy food, take


> and use alternative therapies without unnecessary government restrictions.

> The NHF is the only such organization with recognized observer-delegate

> status at Codex meetings. _www.thenhf.com_ (http://www.thenhf.com/)


> **************************************




> P.O. Box 688, Monrovia, CA 91017 USA ~ 1 (626) 357-2181 ~ Fax 1 (626)

> 303-0642

> Website: _www.thenhf.com_ (http://www.thenhf.com/)

> E-mail: _contact-us_ (contact-us)




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The healthcare bill is welfare for insurance companies. Read the

bill! I can't afford to pay for it so I could be sent to prison

because I would rather pay for my vitamins and healthy foods.

Obamacare is a boondoggle, not healthcare which is affordable or



BTW, I never vote Republican and rarely vote for democrats.





On 3/12/10, kahoona <kahoona wrote:

> What a load of spewage. I suppose you are against medicare too?

> I think you're just afraid that your taxes might go up a little

> to help the less fortunate get some HC coverage. You probably

> have a nice tidy HC program for yourself that is paid for by others.


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Sent on the Now Network™ from my Sprint® BlackBerry



Alobar <Alobar

Mon, 15 Mar 2010 14:31:23


Re: << >> Re: Nail the Coffin Shut on the

Health-Care Bill


The healthcare bill is welfare for insurance companies. Read the

bill! I can't afford to pay for it so I could be sent to prison

because I would rather pay for my vitamins and healthy foods.

Obamacare is a boondoggle, not healthcare which is affordable or



BTW, I never vote Republican and rarely vote for democrats.





On 3/12/10, kahoona <kahoona wrote:

> What a load of spewage. I suppose you are against medicare too?

> I think you're just afraid that your taxes might go up a little

> to help the less fortunate get some HC coverage. You probably

> have a nice tidy HC program for yourself that is paid for by others.






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Have you noticed how smoothly social security and medicare run.  Medicare has

33 trillion (thats with a T) of undfunded liabilities.  This healthcare thing

will dwarf that.  We will be way more broke than we already are.  The

government cannot run health care.  Wake up.






Douglas <dougiezerts


Fri, March 12, 2010 12:45:11 PM

<< >> Re: Nail the Coffin Shut on the

Health-Care Bill



Are you a spokesperson for the Republican Party?

We are one of the only major countries not to have a national heathcare system.

It is time to reverse that.

If National Healthcare is socialism, then so is Medicare and Social Security.

Let's eliminate those progams, too!


Alternative- Medicine- Forum@ s.com, surpriseshan2@ ... wrote:











> March 11, 2010





> As we have been saying for some time now, the multi-headed Medusa †"

> Federal Health Care †" is not dead. Mistakenly seen by some as a


> health care is simply a commodity like bread, cars, and cheese. Insert

> the government into the equation, as has been increasingly done over the last

> 45 years and we will have scarcity, higher prices, more ill-health, and an

> even-greater concentration of monopoly medical powers. Take the

> government out and we will see the opposite. It might seem counter-intuitive,


> that is how reality operates. Does anyone really believe that the

> government could possibly produce and sell bread, cars, or cheese any better


> private individuals? Is a service industry like health care any different?

> Federal Health Care is artificial, stiff, synthetic, structured, coercive,

> anti-freedom, and anti-organic. It is backed by bureaucrats, policemen,

> guns, and prisons. On the other hand, true free-market health care (not

> the ersatz health care today that is passed off as private) is organic,

> flowing, non-monopolistic, pro-freedom, and decentralized. It is marked by

> voluntary exchanges among free individuals. Which would you prefer? Slaves

> love the former, to be told what to do, to not have to make choices. Free

> individuals vastly prefer the latter.

> Time to Kill the Bill

> The purpose of this Press Release is to ask all of our loyal NHF members

> and other readers of our messages to email or telephone their Congressional

> Representatives, especially Democratic-Party Representatives in the House


> this week and next †" and tell them that you want them to vote against the

> White House Health Care Reform legislation. The NHF encourages everyone

> to do this more than just once †" be persistent. Now is the time for

> health-freedom advocates to kill this Disease-care legislation in the House


> and for all.

> The new Obama-care legislation is not much different from the Harry Reid

> Senate passed bill in that Federal bureaucrats will be in control of your

> health care, and US. taxpayers will be giving more money to pay for the

> philosophy of big government and bureaucrats “know best.� These

people push

> the dangerous myth that the government actually has the compassion and

> capability to manage and control the insurance market, as well as the bankrupt

> philosophy that the concentration of even more power in the hands of a few,

> unelected bureaucrats, is better than just reforming the insurance market

> and letting people freely make their own decisions. Yet, it is a

> snake-headed Medusa writhing with hidden, freedom-killing laws that also have


> to do with health care.

> Speaker Pelosi and Mr. Obama are working on their latest political

> buy-offs with House Democrats who opposed expanded Federal payments for


> This is an important issue, but it is a distraction from the rest of the

> controlled expansions in the final Obama-care proposal being crafted. Mr.

> Obama is on the stump, playing the " insurance companies are the bad guys "

> routine, as was done once before. This routine gets old; but, again, it is

> nothing more than a straw-man argument meant to distract the audience from

> the core purpose of the government health-care reform monster attempting to

> be shoved down the throats of the country.

> Among many other things, what is not being revealed is that unelected

> Federal councils and commissions will be in control of what medical treatments

> will be covered under a private insurance company-Federal cooperative.

> Also hidden behind curtains are the facts that these people would change

> Medicare for the worse and expand the Federal bureaucracy’s control

with a “

> Medical and Cost Effectiveness� regime that will shut out true


> health care. There also remains the issue of forcing people to buy expensive

> health insurance or else face paying stiff penalties (backed by guns and

> prison of course). There are numerous other health-freedom and

> government-control issues still in the Obama-care legislation. It is not just


> eliminating pre-existing conditions exclusions by insurance companies. The NHF

> believes that true health-care reform is, among many other things, about

> allowing true free-market interstate competition among the insurance

> carriers, not requiring consumers to buy their insurance through third


> broadening the scope of medical-insurance coverage to include a wide array

> of alternative practitioners, ending the conventional medical monopoly, and

> basically getting the Federal government out of health care altogether.

> As Americans of independent thought and action have learned over the past

> 18 months, Congressional and Presidential elections do have consequences.

> The final script for the shape of our new health-care system is struggling

> to be completed in Congress. Americans’ Constitutional rights are once

> again being trampled on, like so much trash, along with individual health

> freedom of choice. The strong cry against this usurpation of our liberties

> has been heard across the country, yet the Pelosi, Reid, and Obama wing of

> the Democratic party are completely and utterly deaf to what the majority of

> Americans want and believe is really needed. The truth is that the

> health-care “reform� plan Congress wants to push through will

result in less

> compassion, not more. It will result in more sickness, not less. It will

> result in more misery and less health-care freedom. This is the biggest threat

> to your health freedom and your health in years because virtually all

> health-care monies will circle and be sucked down into the toilet of the


> conventional medical monopoly, leaving very little left for the average

> consumer to spend elsewhere!

> The debate and political posturing will soon come to a head. Your help is

> needed NOW to defeat Obama-care in the House. This is a critical,

> tipping-point time in which you can maximize your efforts. Take action now and

> over the following weeks to slay this Medusa that will turn us all into

> stone!

> Sample Petition Letter:

> _http://www.thenhf. com/press_ releases/ HR3590_SamplePet ition.doc_

> (http://www.thenhf. com/press_ releases/ HR3590_SamplePet ition.doc)

> Act Now Petition: _http://www.usalone. com/cgi-bin/ petition. cgi?pnum= 1009_

> (http://www.usalone. com/cgi-bin/ petition. cgi?pnum= 1009)




> ************ ********


> House of Representatives Phone Listings -

> _http://clerk. house.gov/ member_info/ mcapdir.html_ (http://clerk. house.gov/

member_info/ mcapdir.html)


> Click on this address to contact your Congressperson in

> the U.S. House of Representatives: _http://www.house. gov/writerep_

> (http://www.house. gov/writerep)


> _Fax List for House of Representatives_

> (http://www.thenhf. com/government_ affairs/federal/ 111thHouseFaxLis t.htm)


> ************ ********



> As the oldest and best-respected health-freedom group on Capitol Hill, the

> NHF continues to be the credible source of objective assessment of, and

> proactive actions on, Congressional legislation and FDA matters that have

> material impact upon our freedom-of-health choices and access to dietary

> supplements and nutritional foods.

> ************ ********


> _Click here for the permanent link to this press release, use this link to

> inform others._ (http://www.thenhf. com/press_ releases/ pr_11_mar_ 2010.html)


> National Health Federation: Established in 1955, the National Health

> Federation is a consumer-education, health-freedom organization working to

> protect individuals' rights to choose to consume healthy food, take


> and use alternative therapies without unnecessary government restrictions.

> The NHF is the only such organization with recognized observer-delegate

> status at Codex meetings. _www.thenhf. com_ (http://www.thenhf. com/)


> ************ ********* ********* ********




> P.O. Box 688, Monrovia, CA 91017 USA ~ 1 (626) 357-2181 ~ Fax 1 (626)

> 303-0642

> Website: _www.thenhf. com_ (http://www.thenhf. com/)

> E-mail: _contact-us@ ..._ (contact- us)




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