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Please help - 10 yr old son w/chronic sinus infections/allergies/asthma

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My poor 10 year old son has terrible allergies to everything (mold, dust, dogs, etc.), asthma and chronic sinusitis (with nasal polyps). He coughs constantly!!! He is on conventional medications which are doing him no good and I don't want him on any of it anymore. He is on Advair (inhaler), antihistamine (twice a day liquid) and Singulair (which supposedly blocked leuko something or rather to help with allergies). I have noticed no improvement.I am not sure if he coughs constantly from the sinus drainage or allergies. He needs help, and the doctors at his asthma place don't know what to do with him. I have read a bit about butterbur as an antihistamine but that is about it. Any suggestions would be so great!! Blessings to all & thanks, Lisa

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Hi Lisa, You can give him black pepper powder 1/4 teaspoon mixed with warm milk (60 ml) with 1 teaspoon sugar twice a day. You can also give him ginger juice 3ml with honey 5ml in the night before going to bed (once a day). Try this out for three days & revert back. Regards Dr. Sachin Naik MD (Ayurveda), DYA Mumbai, IndiaLisa Haro <aammom615 wrote: My poor 10 year old son has terrible allergies to everything

(mold, dust, dogs, etc.), asthma and chronic sinusitis (with nasal polyps). He coughs constantly!!! He is on conventional medications which are doing him no good and I don't want him on any of it anymore. He is on Advair (inhaler), antihistamine (twice a day liquid) and Singulair (which supposedly blocked leuko something or rather to help with allergies). I have noticed no improvement.I am not sure if he coughs constantly from the sinus drainage or allergies. He needs help, and the doctors at his asthma place don't know what to do with him. I have read a bit about butterbur as an antihistamine but that is about it. Any suggestions would be so great!! Blessings to all & thanks, Lisa Get on board. You're invited to try the new Mail Beta.

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Dear Lisa,

I've attached my article on the Dwindling Spiral of Disease that covers this in depth.

The permanent resolution for him is to do some indepth Liver Cleansing.

In Health, Freedom, and Love,



The Dwindling Spiral of Disease

I've been meaning to write this article for a number of months now, and

JC's post has inspired me to do it NOW. Bear with me, as this is all

"off the cuff" and straight out of the ole brain with no editing for

subtlety and finesse. These are cold hard facts straight from the hip.

This article is not for you hard core herbalists, nutritionists, and

Naturopaths as I'm not into preaching to the choir ;o) This is for

those of you who have come here looking for some answers. In a few

places, I'll be blowing my own horn (LOL), and I hope you don't mind, as

I worked hard for these answers.

First, let's take a look at a few questions here which are very


Why is it that, as time goes by our medications from the Medico (the

Medical Doctor, which emphatically includes Psychiatrists and

Psychologists) get stronger and more potent?

Why is it that, as time goes by we seem to get sicker and sicker even

though we are going to the Medico regularly and in some cases, even more


Why is it that, as time goes by our diseases seem to get more serious

even though we are taking more medications than ever before?

Why is it that, when we get a headache, and the Medico recommends an

aspirin (or something stronger), the headache then goes away???

And does this mean that our body has an aspirin deficiency??? ;o)

Why in the hell do we get sick in the first place???

Is being sick and diseased NORMAL???

Is getting sick the NORMAL condition of human life???

Why in hell do I always feel so bad???????????????????

Wellllllllll, you know, ain't if funny that if you ask the right

questions, the right way, the answers will sometimes jump out at you and

slap you aside the head with the impact of a 2 by 4. Many times it's

just a matter of asking the RIGHT question(s) :o)

Do you see where we're heading here?

Now, I'm going to give you some basic answers here which I can

empirically prove beyond any shadow of a doubt, but to place those

proofs in a short article like this one would be impossible with the

time and space allowed, so for the moment you're just going to have to

take my word for the veracity of these answers. Of course you're always

welcome to do your own research to find out for yourself whether I lie

or tell the truth, and I do encourage this ;o)


The word "Stress" can be used synonymously with the word "Suppression".

There are NO exceptions to this. Wherever you find disease, you will

find "Stress" as a major factor prior to the acquisition of the disease

100% of the time.


For many years, I'd bought and accepted the answer from Doc Schulze who

got it from Doc Chrisopher that this common denominator was "Blockage".

As I started my journey into the realm of health, this seemed to be

true, but in my own research I kept running into circumstances where

there was NO "Blockage", and yet a condition of disease existed. It

baffled me for a while until I realized that "Blockage" was the wrong

answer and that I had to research further. Why? Because "Blockage" did

not answer the problem of Diabetes and the non functioning Islets of

Langerhans that goes with that condition. It did not solve the problem

of exhausted adrenal glands in the (20 pots of coffee a day) patient, as

there was NO "Blockage" to be removed. I had to throw out this stable

datum and develop another one which was workable 100% of the time.

After much research, I finally managed to fine-tune this and came up

with "Stoppage" as the final answer. Wherever you find "Blockage",

you'll always find "Stoppage" to a greater or lesser degree. But, you

don't always find "Blockage" where there is a "Stoppage". Sometimes a

condition exists whereby a gland or organ has simply ceased to function.

This is "Stoppage". The biggest question I had to ask and prove was,

"Did this stable datum I had discovered, lead to a resolution of ALL

disease?". The answer so far is, "YES!". I haven't found an exception

to date, and believe me, I've looked. One time only, I thought I'd

found an exception in a patient until I realized that, "ALL DISEASE IS



for reams and reams with this to show you the proofs, but as I said

earlier, space and time will simply not allow it here with this post. I

also challenge anyone to disprove the above and I mean this seriously.

I've challenged it myself many times just to ensure that it is workable.

And workability has always been my guideline. Does a therapy,

treatment, or remedy work? That is the proof!

Where does this all fit into the original questions above?

Wellllll, it answers the question "WHY?", and it leads to a resolution

of all of the above, but let's look further into this nefarious

dwindling spiral of disease.

When you were 2 yrs of age, some family member, family "friend", or

neighborhood bully decided to add a little stress to your life (Mom or

Dad might not have thought it was stress, but you certainly did), and

shortly thereafter you got sick and came down with your first serious

cold and fever (a major detox by the way). Now if you were lucky, Mom

only freaked out enough to give you a Children's Aspirin, or a

Children's Tylenol and you came through it kinda OK. If you weren't

quite so lucky, Mom really freaked and took you to the Medico who gave

you something stronger (and worse), and usually gave you an antibiotic

to boot. Now the apparency is that the symptoms went away and that you

were 'cured'. What actually happened was that the symptoms were

suppressed (looks like they went away), but that damage was done to your

liver and other vital organs which were debilitated by the drugs the

Medico gave you. There was a greater threat to your vital organs and

the cold (the body's detox) was stopped in order to handle the greater

threat of the Medico drugs to the vital organs. Don't believe me? The

next time you get a sliver, or a bruise from a bang, or even a cold, hit

yourself hard on the big toe with a sledge hammer. I guarantee you,

that you'll forget all about the sliver, the bruise and yes even the

cold, as your body now has a much more serious situation to handle.

Aspirin causes bleeding in the stomach which is a bigger threat to the

body than a headache (usually brought about by stoppage in the bowel by

the way). The next time you're not feeling too well, go and

deliberately pick a fight with your spouse and watch how soon you forget

about how bad you're feeling. Of course you may feel even worse

tomorrow having created a bad effect on your loved one. But you get the

point. You don't need a pristine laboratory with stainless steel test

tubes to bear this out. At little testing, observation of life (even

remembering) on your own part will verify this.

OK, now you're 6 yrs old, and you've had a dozen or two colds and

fevers, and even a couple of flus and everytime you got them, Momma gave

you something from the doctor to handle them which further suppressed

your body's organs, glands, and immune system. And then one day you

really get sick, I mean really sick (temperature of 106, etc. etc.).

Momma of course freaks (by the way, this is probably what her mother did

which can lead to an "apparency" of "genetic" diseases) and takes you to

the family Medico (one more time) and this time the doctor orders a

large round of expensive "tests" to discover you have 'allergies' (and

if you're really unlucky - ADD or ADHD as well). Now the "nice" doctor

prescribes and puts you on another and even stronger medication (drug)

to do what??? - You got it. Suppress the symtoms. Is there a 'cure' in

sight? Absolutely not. Don't even dare ask. Now as the years go by,

you seem to be just one of those poor souls (victim) who seems to be

allergic to just about everything and your dosage of medications (and

its strengths) seems to go up at the rate of about once a year.

Now your 10 to 15 yrs old, and due to the crime rate in your school

(Remember Stress?), you have to stay home for a week because you're

really sick one more time and are having lots of trouble breathing.

Momma (she's gray by now), takes you to a different Medico (she knows

instinctively that something is wrong but can't target it) to have a new

battery of tests done to discover what??? Her baby has asthma. Boy,

now we're on a whole new set of meds and drugs and some of these are

pretty darn strong and the medicine chest is almost so full you couldn't

get another thing into it. I mean, things fall out of it when you open

the door. Get the picture?

Well time continues to go on (it ususally does ;o) and the meds get

stronger, the doses get bigger and so on until we hit the ripe old age

of 25 and what-d-ya-know? We're concerned about that little lump in the

breast, and we go to the Medico one more time to discover we have the

Big "C" - Cancer. Now you've hit the big one. I mean, NO and I mean NO

medication / treatment gets as intense as Chemo Therapy and Radiation.

Ask a person who's had these. They'll tell you they feel like they've

been run over by a train. The other route you could follow if you don't

get cancer is the big "H" - Heart Disease. And if you think healing by

herbs is radical, you should see an open heart operation. Now that's

radical, and don't be surprised if you end up with a baboon heart or

something of the sort.

Now you're into operations and all other kinds of 'medical treatment'

until you die at the ripe old age of 39 or so.

Some of you may think I'm exaggerating here. I'm not. Talk to a cancer

patient. Talk to a heart patient. They'll tell you. There may be some

discrepencies in the ages above and some people won't die from cancer

till they're 40, 50 or 60. A child might not get that first cold until

the age of 3 and your asthma victim might not really develop a serious

case until he's 25 or so. The point I'm trying to make here is that,

there is a dwindling spiral of disease and the Medical Doctor is into

nothing but - DISEASE MANAGEMENT. That's all! Nothing else! And don't

you dare ask how much money the Medico has made through this whole

process. I'll tell you, HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS!!!! Not just

from you and your insurance, but also as kickbacks (rewards, incentives,

whatever you want to call them) from the big pharmaceutical companies as


Now, where do you think a lot of this "Stress" is coming from? You got

it. From the Medicos themselves who are at the very least placing a

heavy "stress" on the body by the use of all these drugs (Oh yes, you

can be very easily mentally stressed by drugs). Do you want to see a

Medico go berserk? Just tell him you want to get a second opinion from

an alternative practitioner. Oooooooooh, I know not all of them are

"Bad", and many of them are just miseducated and ignorant, but the

majority are in it for only one thing = THE BUCK! And believe me, they

create their patients right from the cradle.

I'm going to give you a few new concepts here.

GOOD VITAL HEALTH IS 'NORMAL'! Think about it. Doesn't this

instinctively make sense to you?


break a leg and when the Medico puts it into a cast (one of the few

things he's good at), the bones grow back together again don't they?

(and not at the direction of the doctor either) Then what makes you

think that the body can't heal all the other things that is wrong with



may not believe me here. But you did everything that was necessary to

earn your disease. Oh, you had help from others, no doubt about that,

but you were the one who made the decision to keep doing the same old

bad habits. You were the one who as an adult continued going to the

Medico for your monthly dose of drugs.

Where does the buck stop??? Well, actually the buck stops with the

Medical Doctor, but the responsibility is ultimately yours.

Some people tell me they are looking for a good doctor. I tell people

that I'm looking for good patients.

And what is my definition of a good patient? Someone who realizes that

they are fully responsible for the condition they are in - good or bad.

They realize that they are the "Causative" factor in their own lives and

refuse to be victims. They know that their 'healing' is their own

responsibility. Only they can effect their own 'CURE'.

The original definition of "Doctor" meant "Teacher" and that's what I'm

all about. I can supply the tools and the knowledge for you to achieve

a marvelous healing. But it is you who'll avail yourself of this

knowledge and then take the first step to your own recovery and reverse

this dwindling spiral of disease. And there'll be no whining or

snivelling while you're doing it.

You can do it if you truly want to. You really can.

I believe in you.

Won't you?



Copyright © 2001 by Ian Shillington N.D. All rights reserved.

Ian "Doc" Shillington N.D.



Doc Shillington727-447-5282Doc



Lisa Haro

herbal remedies

Friday, July 07, 2006 11:02 AM

Herbal Remedies - Please help - 10 yr old son w/chronic sinus infections/allergies/asthma



My poor 10 year old son has terrible allergies to everything (mold, dust, dogs, etc.), asthma and chronic sinusitis (with nasal polyps). He coughs constantly!!! He is on conventional medications which are doing him no good and I don't want him on any of it anymore. He is on Advair (inhaler), antihistamine (twice a day liquid) and Singulair (which supposedly blocked leuko something or rather to help with allergies). I have noticed no improvement.I am not sure if he coughs constantly from the sinus drainage or allergies. He needs help, and the doctors at his asthma place don't know what to do with him. I have read a bit about butterbur as an antihistamine but that is about it. Any suggestions would be so great!! Blessings to all & thanks, Lisa



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