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Volume 4


11RA (Revised

December 6, 2006)



ph - The

Acid / Alkaline Mystery
















Mystery Clarified


the last couple of years, this subject of the Body’s Acid / Alkaline balance

has become one of the most argued about topics and yet it is still one of the

least understood. There is a

tremendous amount of false information surrounding the field, and I’d like to

clearly explain this subject once and for all.


pH is a German term that originally translated

as “power Hydrogen”.

pH describes the Acid or Alkaline state of any substance when mixed with




show the Acid or Alkaline content of a mixture, there is a pH scale from 1 to

14 in which 7 is completely neutral.

Below 7 is Acid. Above 7 is



Too much Acid or too much Alkaline is harmful to

the body. This fact has been known

for quite some time. But what

about Nutrition and the Foods we eat?

And what is the exact relationship and how do these affect the amount of

Acid or Alkaline produced in our bodies?



(a body that is too acidic) is, the

number one “physical Cause” of just about every ill in the United States

today ! ! ! This fact is

unknown to most Americans, as well as medical doctors and other health care



Why is this? And what exactly is Acidosis?


all foods that we eat are either Acid Ash or Alkaline Ash in their make up, and

when I use the word “ASH”, I’m referring to what is left over when this food

has been fully metabolized or “burned up”. The body as a whole was designed to operate for the most

part in a very slightly Alkaline environment. If you eat too many Acid Ash producing foods, your body will

eventually begin to rob itself of its very valuable Calcium stores to balance

the body back to the Alkaline side of the scale. The one bodily

system that cannot afford to swing too far from its Acid / Alkaline balance is

your blood!!! Your blood operates between 7.3 and 7.5

on the Alkaline side of this pH Scale and if it goes out of this range, you’re

dead!!! Your

body will not allow this to

happen under any circumstance so it will first rob the softer

tissues, organs and glands of their Calcium stores. Eventually, as time goes by, your body will leech your teeth

and bones of their much needed Calcium to balance this out-of-whack

situation. This is the “Cause”

behind Arthritis, bone loss, tooth decay,

Liver / Kidney failure, and a multitude of other diseases too numerous

to mention. According to my

up-to-date research, every disease has some connection to an Acid/Alkaline

imbalance. Acidosis definitely has

a crucial influence on overall health and physical well being.



been programmed over the years by the American Fast Food Industry to eat almost

exclusively Acid Ash foods and this has got to change - permanently!!! I have published a chart of edibles

that show both Acid Ash and Alkaline Ash producing foods so that you and your

family can start making necessary and ongoing dietary changes that will

permanently solve this Acidosis problem.




can sometimes take many months (and even a couple of years) to replace this

Calcium loss, but there are several things you can do to dramatically speed up

this process.



first thing you should do is to start eating more Alkaline ash foods and less

Acid forming foods. My Lemon Egg

Formula is essential in replacing lost Calcium. Additionally, taking my Body Balance + formula and doing a

Total Body Cleanse will aid in a speedy recovery from bad acid eating



Until next time, yours in Knowledge, Health and



Re-Revised December 6, 2006





  2                                                                                               Organic  Solutions



Organic Solutions:  411 Cleveland St. #188, Clearwater, FL  33755  


Email:   Office

2004, 2006 by Ian Shillington N.D.  All

rights reserved.

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Dear Kelli,


You are very welcome and it is reassuring to know that our new system is working so well.


Just this morning, I reposted the pH data sheet as you were one of many who requested I do so.


Furthermore, you can always go to:

http://health.herbal remediesArticles%20%26%20Newsletters/

& download the original chart in MS Excel spreadsheet form. Enjoy! ;-)


I'm only too glad that I've been able to help you and your family.


Again, you are most welcome.


Yours in Knowledge, Health and Freedom,




Doc Shillington727-447-5282Doc




Dr. Ian Shillington

Wednesday, December 06, 2006 3:00 PM

Re: Herbal Remedies - pH

Dear Doc,


I am writing to you for two reasons. First, I wanted to thank you, thank you, thank you for changing the format of the list. I had seriously considered unsubscribing because of the content of many of the messages. I knew that you wouldn't agree with much of the 'advice' that was being given, but I figured, and you confirmed, that you and your moderators were just too busy to answer the plethora of email that was filling the list. Ultimately I didn't because I wanted to get whatever information you would occasionally send out (although I had the settings on my computer automatically put all of the Herbal Remedies messages in the trash - then I only had to move yours, or your staff's out instead of *all* the others in). So, again, THANK YOU!!!!


The second reason I'm writing is to ask for some clarification about pH. Let me say right out that I understand firsthand the benefit of eating alkalizing foods. I did nothing but change my diet to mostly alkaline with limited and 'smart' acid choices and I lost 6 pounds in 5 days. I was not exercising any more, I was not taking the intestinal cleanse. All I did was eat alkaline and my weight dropped. I've now lost a total of 16 pounds with only a one to two pound fluctuation around my cycle - that used to be at least a 5 pound fluctuation. I am thrilled with these results! My question is where is the best place to find out the pH value of foods? While I trust you and the information I've gleaned from you, I'd really like to be able to find the information for myself. So far this has proved maddening. The different lists available for the pH usually have some items that match, however many are diametrically opposed. I've found lists that say that cow milk is alkaline and yet I've found other lists that say that goat milk is acid. Then of course there is your list which says that goat milk is alkaline and cow milk is acid. I believe this simply for no other reason than how I feel after ingesting one or the other of these, but that is hardly 'proof' I can pass on to skeptical friends, family and clients (I'm in what I now believe will be a lifelong course of herbalism - I've been studying for several years already).


I understand the concept of what pH the ash is after a food has been digested and that that is what is important - the end result of how the food is going to affect your body. Lemons are the best example I think. They are acidic outside of the body, but once ingested their ash is alkalizing to the body. I've read several books and generally their themes mirror one another, i.e. better health comes from eating more alkaline foods. Where they all differ is on their lists of foods. Any help you can provide would be so much appreciated! And thanks for all you do, Doc! My family's health is much improved because of the information I've found and used from you. When I first made a Morning Drink two plus years ago my children plugged their noses just to get it down. Now they routinely ask for one - more than once a day. And it's been almost two years since any of us has been sick. So thank you for being such a wonderful source of information, and I especially thank you for caring that people take responsibility for their own health and providing amazing recipes for them to do just that, instead of only being concerned with how you can financially profit off of them. That is one of the big reasons why I trust you. Many blessings to you and your family!



Have a Joyous Day!



And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9


On Dec 6, 2006, at 9:10 AM, Dr. Ian Shillington wrote:










Organic Solutions


Volume 4 Issue 11RA (Revised December 6, 2006)


ph - The Acid / Alkaline Mystery

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