Guest guest Posted December 12, 2006 Report Share Posted December 12, 2006 Ailments and their Herbal RemediesAll remedies are listed in my order of priority so start with the first formula listed. You may use all of the formulae listed at once also if you wish. If you start with just one and after a reasonable period of time you do not get the desired results, try the second and third formula recommendations by adding them to the regimen. Continue to use the first formula when adding the second and third formula suggestions. Please Note: I've been very reluctant in regards writing an index of this type. The fear is that you will take it out of context and try to cure diseases ONLY with herbal remedies. Herbal Doctoring rarely works by itself alone, and even when it does, it is only a temporary fix. True healing comes from creating a lifestyle that is spiritually, mentally and physically healthy and by stopping the things you did that made you sick and beginning spiritual, mental and physical programs of health and wellness. The Intestinal Cleanses, the Liver/Gallbladder/Pancreatic Cleanses, and the Kidney Cleanse should be done as a foundation to almost every program. It is definitely the most thorough and effective way to go. THE BASIC PROGRAMTotal Nutrition, Intestinal Cleanse #1 and #2, Echinacea Plus and TotalTonic, the Liver / Gallbladder / Pancreatic & Kidney Cleanses, Cayenne Tincture, Vit E & CoQ10, Enzymes, and organic foods are the basics. This would also include exercise. Total Nutrition adds power to all of these herbal remedies and makes them more effective plus gives your body the correct building blocks to help your body correct imbalances found. Cleansing the bowel allows the body to rid itself of toxins and poison. Echinacea and TotalTonic stimulate the Immune system and helps your body heal itself while knocking off low grade infections. Using the basic program along with Your specific herbal treatments will give you the healing you desire. This list of ailments is far from complete, but it is a good start. There may not be certain remedies or formulae in the files, in which case, I'd appreciate it if you'd bring it to my attention for correction. I'd be grateful for any help in this area. Yours in Knowledge, Health and Freedom, Ian " Doc " Shillington N.D. Ailments and Herbal Remedies 1. Abdominal Bleeding: Intestinal Cleanse #1 and #2; Cayenne Tincture; Cayenne Pepper Powder; Slippery Elm Bark Powder. 2. Abrasions: Anti-infection Formula; Jojoba and 9% Tea Tree Oil Formula; Enzymes. 3. Acne: Intestinal Cleanse #1 and #2; Liver/Gallbladder Tea. 4. Adenoids, inflamed: Panther Piss; Echinacea Plus Formula; Garlic; TotalTonic; DMSO; Enzymes. 5. Adenoids, swollen: Add the Intestinal Cleanse #1 & #2 6. Allergy: Panther Piss; Echinacea Plus Formula; Total Tonic; DMSO; The Total Body Cleanse Program 7. Alzheimer's Disease: Brain Formula; The Complete Incurables Program (to be published in the near future). 8. Anemic: Total Nutrition; The Total Body Cleanse Program. 9. Angina Pectoris: Heart Formula; Enzymes; Cayenne Pepper Powder; Cayenne Tincture; The Total Body Cleanse Program. 10. Animal Bites: Anti Infection Formula; Echinacea Plus Formula; Total Tonic; DMSO. 11. Antioxidants: Total Nutrition; Vit E; CoQ10; DMSO. 12. Antiseptic: Echinacea Plus Formula, Garlic; Anti-infection Formula ; Jojoba and 9% Tea Tree Oil Formula. 13. Anxiety: Total Nutrition; Lobelia Tincture ; Nerve Formula. 14. Arrhythmia: (see cardiac) 15. Arteriosclerosis: Heart Formula; Cayenne Tincture; DMSO; Enzymes; The Complete Incurables Program. 16. Arthritis: Panther Piss; Deep Tissue Repair Oil Formula; Lemon Egg; The Total Body Cleanse Program. 17. Asthma: Lobelia Tincture ; Panther Piss; The Total Body Cleanse Program. 18. Athletes foot: Jojoba and 9% Tea Tree Oil Formula; Enzymes; Panther Piss; Anti-infection Formula ; Herbal First Aid Salve; Echinacea Plus Formula. 19. Aphrodisiac: Female Formula, or Male Formula; Damiana or Total Ginseng Tinctures; Garlic. 20. Bad Breath: Tooth and Gum Formula; Enzymes; Intestinal Corrective Formula #1 & #2. 21. Bladder: (see kidney) 22. Bleeding: Cayenne Pepper Powder; Cayenne Tincture. On an open wound, Cayenne Powder will stop bleeding. 23. Blindness: Eyebright Formula; DMSO; Panther Piss; Brain Formula; Total Nutrition; Enzymes; Vit E & CoQ10; and the Total Body Cleanse Program; For total blindness from Glaucoma and / or Cataracts, add 1 to 9 drops of extra DMSO into the Eyebright Formula to bring about healing. 24. Blunt trauma: Deep Tissue Repair Oil Formula; Trauma Oil; Enzymes; Nerve Sedative to help whole body relax; Lobelia. 25. Boils: Anti-infection Formula; The Total Body Cleanse Program. 26. Bone fractures: Deep Tissue Repair Oil Formula; Hot and Cold Hydrotherapy; Panther Piss; Lemon Egg; CoQ10; Vitamin E. 27. Bowels inflamed with runny stool: ; Nerve Formula; Intestinal Cleanse #2. 28. Breast, cancer: The Complete Incurables Program. 29. Breathing: Mullein Tincture & Tea; Lobelia Tincture and tea. 30. Brain circulation: Brain Formula; Enzymes; DMSO; Total Nutrition; Cayenne Pepper; Cayenne Tincture. 31. Bronchial, dilate: Lobelia Tincture. 32. Bronchitis: Lobelia Tincture; Total Body Cleanse Program. 33. Bruises: Deep Tissue Repair Oil Formula; Enzymes; Total Nutrition, CoQ10 & Vitamin E; Panther Piss; Lemon Egg. 34. Bursitis: Deep Tissue Repair Oil Formula; Hot and Cold Hydrotherapy; Enzymes; Panther Piss; Lemon Egg. 35. Cancer: The Complete Incurables Program. 36. Candida albicans: Intestinal Cleanse #1; Total Body Cleanse Program. 37. Cardiac, arrhythmia: Heart Formula; DMSO; Cayenne Tincture; Enzymes; Vit E & CoQ10; Complete Incurables Program. 38. Cataracts: Eyebright Formula with 1 to 10 extra drops of DMSO in the eyecup mixture; Panther Piss; Brain Formula; Enzymes; Cayenne Pepper; Cayenne Tincture; The Total Body Cleanse Program. 39. Cerebral hemorrhage: Cayenne Pepper Blend; Cayenne Tincture; DMSO; Enzymes; Panther Piss; The Complete Incurables Program. 40. Cervix infections: Garlic; Echinacea Plus Formula; Total Tonic; Female Formula; The Total Body Cleanse Program. 41. Chest cold: Echinacea Plus Formula; Total Tonic; DMSO; Deep Tissue Repair Oil Formula rubbed on chest. 42. Chicken Pox: Echinacea Plus Formula, Jojoba and 9% Tea Tree Oil Formula; Panther Piss; Total Nutrition. 43. Childbirth & Pregnancy: Lobelia Tincture for cramps and stress; Total Nutrition should be taken throughout pregnancy. 44. Cholesterol: Heart Formula; TotalTonic; Lots of Garlic; Enzymes; Panther Piss; The Total Body Cleanse Program. 45. Crohn's Disease: Intestinal Corrective Formula #2; Nerve Formula; The Total Body Cleanse Program (do NOT do the Intestinal Cleanse #1 part of this program). 46. Chronic Fatigue: Echinacea Plus Formula, Total Nutrition; Enzymes; Vit E & CoQ10; The Total Body Cleanse Program. 47. Circulation, to enhance: Cayenne Tincture; Exercise. 48. Colds / Flu & Plague: Echinacea Plus Formula, TotalTonic; DMSO; Intestinal Cleanse #1; Panther Piss; Enzymes; The Total Body Cleanse Program. 49. Colic: Nerve Formula; Lobelia Tincture. 50. Colitis, ulcerated: Intestinal Corrective Formula #2; Total Nutrition; Slippery Elm Bark Gruel. 51. Congestive Heart Disease: Heart Formula; Cayenne Tincture; Enzymes; Vit E & CoQ10; The Total Body Cleanse Program; The Complete Incurables Program. 52. Conjunctivitis: TotalTonic; Chop up some onions; Eyebright Formula; DMSO. 53. Constipation: Intestinal Cleanse #1; The Total Body Cleanse Program. 54. Convulsions: Nerve Formula; Lobelia Tincture; The Total Body Cleanse Program. 55. Cuts: Cayenne Powder on the Bleeding; Cayenne Tincture; Echinacea Plus Formula; Anti-infection Formula. 56. Cystitis: Kidney/Bladder Formula; Kidney Bladder Tea; Enzymes; The Total Body Cleanse Program. 57. Depression: Nerve Formula; Total Nutrition; Intestinal Cleanse #1 & #2; Brain Formula. 58. Dermatitis: Jojoba and 9% Tea Tree Oil Formula; Kidney Bladder Tea & Tincture; Enzymes. 59. Detoxification: The Total Body Cleanse Program. 60. Diabetes: The Complete Incurables Program. 61. Diaper Rash: Jojoba and 9% Tea Tree Oil Formula. 62. Diarrhea: Intestinal Cleanse #2; Echinacea Plus Formula, The Total Body Cleanse Program. 63. Diverticulitis: Intestinal Cleanse #1 & #2; The Total Body Cleanse Program. 64. Diverticulosis: Intestinal Cleanse #1 & #2; The Total Body Cleanse Program. 65. Dizziness: Cayenne Tincture; Brain Formula; DMSO. 66. Drug Withdrawal: Nerve Formula; Lobelia Tincture; The Total Body Cleanse Program. 67. Dysentery: Intestinal Cleanse #2; Echinacea Plus Formula, Total Tonic; The Total Body Cleanse Program. 68. Edema: Kidney/Bladder Formula; Kidney Bladder Tea; The Total Body Cleanse Program. 69. Emetic: Lobelia Tincture. 70. Emphysema: Lobelia Tincture; The Complete Incurables Program. 71. Energy: Total Nutrition; Cayenne Tincture; Panther Piss; The Total Body Cleanse Program. 72. Epilepsy (Petit and Grand): Nerve Formula; Lobelia Tincture; The Complete Incurables Program. 73. Epstein Barr Virus: Echinacea Plus Formula, Total Tonic; DMSO; The Total Body Cleanse Program; 74. Eczema: Jojoba and 9% Tea Tree Oil Formula; The Total Body Cleanse Program. 75. Eyes, rebuild from injury & infections: Total Nutrition; Eyebright Formula; Brain Formula; DMSO. 76. Eyesight, loss: Eyebright Formula with 1 to 10 drops of extra DMSO in the eye cup; Enzymes; Vit E & CoQ10; Total Nutrition; Brain Formula; Cayenne Tincture. 77. Fainting: Cayenne Tincture; Brain Formula; Total Nutrition. 78. Fatigue: Total Nutrition; Panther Piss; Echinacea Plus Formula. 79. Fertility, Men: Male Energy Formula; Super Ginseng Formula; Prostate Formula; Total Body Cleanse Program. 80. Fertility, Women: Female Formula; Total Body Cleanse Program. 81. Fever: Echinacea Plus Formula, Garlic; Total Tonic; Lots of Hot Baths; Total Body Cleanse Program. 82. Fits: (see epilepsy) 83. Food Poisoning: Intestinal Cleanse #2; Total Tonic; Echinacea Plus Formula; Slippery Elm Bark Gruel. 84. Frostbite: Cayenne Pepper Powder; Cayenne Tincture; Deep Tissue Repair Oil Formula; DMSO. 85. Fungus: (see athletes foot) 86. Gall Stones: The Total Body Cleanse Program. 87. Gangrene: Cayenne Pepper Powder; Cayenne Tincture; DMSO; Enzymes; The Complete Incurables Program. 88. Gas: Intestinal Cleanse #1 & #2; The Total Body Cleanse Program. 89. Glands, swollen: Echinacea Plus Formula, Total Tonic; Enzymes; DMSO; The Total Body Cleanse Program. 90. Glaucoma: Cayenne Tincture; Brain Formula; Eyebright Formula with 1 to 10 drops of extra DMSO added to eyecup. 91. Gingivitis: Tooth and Gum Formula; Echinacea Plus Formula; Total Tonic. 92. Gout, pain: The Total Body Cleanse Program; Deep Tissue Repair Oil Formula. 93. Gums, bleeding: Tooth and Gum Formula; Cayenne Tincture; Total Tonic. 94. Hay Fever: Echinacea Plus Formula, TotalTonic; DMSO; The Total Body Cleanse Program. 95. Headache: Intestinal Cleanse #1 & #2; Cayenne Tincture; Brain Formula. 96. Heart, Protective: Heart Formula; Cayenne Pepper Powder; Cayenne Tincture; Enzymes. 97. Heart Attack: Cayenne Tincture; Heart Formula; DMSO; Enzymes. 98. Heartburn: Intestinal Cleanse #2 99. Heavy Metal Poisoning: The Total Body Cleanse Program. 100. Hemorrhage: Cayenne Pepper Powder; Cayenne Tincture. 101. Hemorrhoids: Jojoba and 9% Tea Tree Oil Formula; Intestinal Cleanse#1; Deep Tissue Repair Oil Formula. 102. Hemoglobin Low: Total Nutrition; Panther Piss; The Total Body Cleanse Program. 103. Hepatitis (X): The Complete Incurables Program. 104. Herpes, zoster: Nerve Formula; The Total Body Cleanse Program. 105. Herpes, simplex: Garlic; Anti-infection Formula. 106. Hiatal hernia: Nerve Formula; The Total Body Cleanse Program. 107. Hiccups: Cayenne Tincture followed by Lobelia Tincture. 108. High Blood Pressure: TotalTonic w/ extra Garlic; Heart Formula; DMSO; Vit E & CoQ10; Enzymes; Panther Piss; The Total Body Cleanse Program. 109. Hives: Echinacea Plus Formula; Nerve Formula; Deep Tissue Repair Oil Formula; The Total Body Cleanse Program. 110. Hot Flashes: Female Formula; Total Nutrition. 111. Hypertension: TotalTonic w/ extra Garlic; Heart Formula; Enzymes; Vit E & CoQ10; Total Body Cleanse Program. 112. Hypoglycemia: Total Nutrition; The Total Body Cleanse Program. 113. Immune Stimulation: Total Nutrition; Echinacea Plus Formula; TotalTonic. 114. Impotency, Male: Male Energy Formula; Super Ginseng Formula; Prostate Formula; The Total Body Cleanse Program. Female: Female Energy Formula; Super Ginseng Formula; The Total Body Cleanse Program. 115. Incontinence, Women: Kidney/Bladder Formula; Kidney Bladder Tea. 116. Incontinence, Men: Kidney/Bladder Formula; Kidney Bladder Tea; Prostate Formula. 117. Indigestion: Intestinal Cleanse #1 & #2; Enzymes; Acidophilus. 118. Infection, internal: Echinacea Plus Formula; Total Tonic; DMSO. 119. Infection, external: Anti-infection Formula; Herbal First Aid Salve; Cayenne Powder. 120. Infertility in Women: Female Formula; The Total Body Cleanse Program. 121. Influenza: Echinacea Plus Formula, TotalTonic; DMSO; Total Nutrition; The Total Body Cleanse Program. 122. Insect Bites: Prickly Pear Cactus Pulp; Echinacea Plus Formula; Anti-infection Formula; Deep Tissue Repair Oil Formula; Enzymes; DMSO. 123. Insomnia: Nerve Formula; Lobelia. 124. Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Intestinal Cleanse #2; The Total Body Cleanse Program. 125. Itching: Deep Tissue Repair Oil Formula; Jojoba and 9% Tea Tree Oil Formula; Echinacea Plus Formula. 126. Jaundice: The Total Body Cleanse Program. 127. Kidney, stones: Kidney/Bladder Formula; Kidney Bladder Tea; Kidney Stone Dissolve Tea and Tincture; The Total Body Cleanse Program. 128. Kidney, infection: Kidney/Bladder Formula; Kidney Bladder Tea; The Total Body Cleanse Program. 129. Laryngitis: Echinacea Plus Formula; TotalTonic; DMSO. 130. Leg ulcers: Intestinal Cleanse #1 & #2; The Total Body Cleanse Program. 131. Ligament, sprains: Total Nutrition; Deep Tissue Repair Oil Formula; Enzymes; DMSO. 132. Liver, all problems: The Total Body Cleanse Program. 133. Low Energy: Total Nutrition; Enzymes; Cayenne Tincture. 134. Lumbago: Deep Tissue Repair Oil; Hot and Cold Hydrotherapy. 135. Lung, infection: Echinacea Plus Formula; TotalTonic; Lobelia Tincture; The Total Body Cleanse Program. 136. Lung, congestion: Echinacea Plus Formula; Total Tonic; Lobelia Tincture; DMSO. 137. Lupus: Echinacea Plus Formula, Total Tonic; DMSO; The Complete Incurables Program. 138. Malaria: Echinacea Plus Formula, Total Tonic; DMSO; The Total Body Cleanse Program. 139. Malnutrition: Total Nutrition; All raw organic foods; Raw Organic Eggs. 140. Mastitis: Echinacea Plus Formula; Hot and Cold Hydrotherapy. 141. Measles: Echinacea Plus Formula, Total Tonic; Total Nutrition. 142. Memory: Brain Formula; Cayenne Tincture; Total Nutrition; DMSO. 143. Meningitis: Echinacea Plus Formula, Total Tonic; The Total Body Cleanse Program. 144. Menopause: Female Formula; Nerve Formula; Total Nutrition. 145. Menstrual cramps: Nerve Formula; Lobelia; Female Formula. 146. Menstruation, irregular: Female Formula. 147. Mental fatigue: Cayenne Tincture; Brain Formula; Total Nutrition. 148. Mercury Poisoning: The Total Body Cleanse Program. 149. Migraine: Cayenne Tincture; Brain Formula; Nerve Formula; Intestinal Cleanse #1 & #2. 150. Mumps: Echinacea Plus Formula; Total Tonic; Panther Piss; DMSO. 151. Muscle, torn, sprains: Deep Tissue Repair Oil Formula. 152. Cramps, Spasms: Total Nutrition; Enzymes; Nerve Formula; Lobelia Tincture. 153. Nerve repair, damage: Deep Tissue Repair Oil Formula; Total Nutrition; Nerve Regeneration Formula. 154. Pain: Deep Tissue Repair Oil Formula; Nerve Formula. 155. Palpitations: Heart Formula; Cayenne Tincture; Enzymes; Vit E & CoQ10; Total Nutrition. 156. PAP Smear, abnormal: Female Formula; Echinacea Plus Formula; Total Tonic; DMSO; Enzymes; The Total Body Cleanse Formula. 157. Parasites (general external): Jojoba 9% Tea Tree Oil; Herbal First Aid Salve. 158. Parasites (general internal): Intestinal Cleanse #1; The Total Body Cleanse Program. 159. Pink eye: Eyebright Formula; Total Nutrition. 160. Pneumonia: Echinacea Plus Formula; Total Tonic; DMSO; Lobelia Tincture; The Total Body Cleanse Program. 161. Poison Ivy or Poison Oak: Echinacea Plus Formula; Deep Tissue Repair Oil Formula; DMSO; Herbal First Aid Salve. 162. Prostate (all problems): Prostate Formula; Male Energy Formula; Kidney/Bladder Tonic Formula ; Kidney Bladder Tea; Intestinal Cleanse #1; The Total Body Cleanse Program; The Complete Incurables Program. 163. Psoriasis: Jojoba and 9% Tea Tree Oil Formula; Deep Tissue Repair Oil Formula; The Total Body Cleanse Program. 164. Radiation poison: Vit B3 (Niacin, NOT Niacinamide); Intestinal Cleanse #2; The Total Body Cleanse Program. 165. Ringworm: Echinacea Plus Formula; Total Tonic; Jojoba and 9% Tea Tree Oil Formula. 166. Sciatica: Deep Tissue Repair Oil Formula; Hot and Cold Hydrotherapy; Intestinal Cleanse #1 & 2. 167. Seizures: Nerve Formula; Lobelia Tincture; The Complete Incurables Program. 168. Sexual desire, Male: Prostate Formula; Male Energy Formula; Total Nutrition; Total Ginseng Tonic Formula. 169. Sexual desire, Female: Female Formula; Total Nutrition. 170. Shingles: (See Herpes Zoster) 171. Sinus congestion: Echinacea Plus Formula; Total Tonic; Herbal Snuff; Eucalyptus Oil in a humidifier. 172. Sinus, infection: Herbal Snuff. 173. Skin, elimination of material: Intestinal Cleanse #1 & #2; Kidney Cleanse. 174. Skin, dry, chapped, sore: Jojoba and 9% Tea Tree Oil Formula; UDO's Oil. 175. Smoking, to stop: Nerve Formula; Lobelia Tincture; Total Nutrition. 176. Sprains: Deep Tissue Repair Oil Formula. 177. Stings: Prickly Pear Cactus Pulp; Echinacea Plus Formula; Anti-infection Formula; Deep Tissue Repair Oil Formula. 178. Stress: Total Nutrition; Nerve Formula; Lobelia Tincture. 179. Stomach ulcers: Intestinal Corrective Formula #2; The Total Body Cleanse. 180. Stomach cramps: Nerve Formula; Lobelia Tincture. 181. Stroke: Cayenne Tincture; Brain Formula; DMSO; Enzymes; The Complete Incurables Program. 182. Sty: Eye Bright Formula; Total Nutrition; Brain Formula. 183. Tachycardia: Cayenne Tincture Concentrate; Heart Formula; Enzymes; Vit E & CoQ10; The Complete Incurables Program. 184. Teething: Tooth & Gum Formula; Lobelia. 185. Tendons: Deep Tissue Repair Oil Formula. 186. Throat, sore: Gargle and then swallow Echinacea Plus Formula mixed with Total Tonic. 187. Tinnitus: Cayenne Tincture; Total Nutrition; Brain Formula; DMSO. 188. Tonsillitis: Echinacea Plus Formula; Total Tonic; DMSO; Intestinal Cleanse #1. 189. Tooth, infection: Tooth and Gum Formula. 190. Toothache: Tooth and Gum Formula. 191. Tooth bone loss: Tooth and Gum Formula; Total Nutrition. 192. Tremors: Lobelia Tincture; Total Nutrition. 193. Tumors: The Complete Incurables Program. 194. Vaginal, infection: Echinacea Plus Formula; Total Tonic; DMSO; Vaginal Suppository; Total Body Cleanse Program. 195. Vaginal, dryness: UDO's Oil; Total Nutrition; Female Formula. 196. Virus: Echinacea Plus Formula; Total Tonic; DMSO. 197. Vomiting, to induce: Lobelia Tincture. 198. Warts: Garlic; Echinacea Plus Formula; Total Tonic; DMSO. 199. Water Retention: Kidney/Bladder Tea and Tincture; Enzymes; DMSO. 200. Wheezing: Total Tonic; Lobelia Tincture. 201. Wounds, cleansing: Anti-infection Formula. Copyright © 2001 by Ian 'Doc' Shillington N.D. All rights reserved. 13 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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