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I understand. I know for me trying

to live an Organic lifestyle is hard because I'm not made of money but

the TN saves me money because it replaces breakfast  and lunch. One bag

of TN lasts me more then a month so it saves me the money I would be

spending on all those meals. When I was a roofer a few years back I was

making some pretty good money and I spent ten dollars a day on a lunch

that really didn't cure the hunger of a seventeen year old. I ate

really bad lunches at gas stations or where ever the crew went for

lunch. I was working really hard 6 days a week spending $60 on bad

nutrition when I could have bought 2 bags of TN with that money. I

drink it every day now and have been saving so much money, It

miraculously cures the hunger, makes me full of energy and is helping

me put on more muscle when I work out. Good stuff :-)


kevin mcgarvey wrote:




I can't justify buying tn as I'm currently dependent on my Mom

so I'm trying to keep my food bill as low as possible. I've been

dependent on her for quite a while now.




Bryan <BryanShillington wrote:





You could live on sprouted or soaked grains, nuts, seeds and Total

Nutrition. The TN has Spirulina

Blue-Green Algae, Chlorella Broken Algae, Purple Dulse Seaweed, Wheat

Grass, Spinach Leaf, Alfalfa Grass, Barley Grass, Astragalus Root.

I don't know if you got the Gallstone pic but that guy lived on TN for

awhile. That was all he ate or should I say drank. He lost quite a lot

of weight doing this and he did it because Doc said  " you could live

on the stuff"  and he was unhappy with the condition of his body. Well

now we know its true because he did it. He really lived on Total

Nutrition. I would do it your way though... Have a lot of rabbit snacks

to graze on during the day like sprouts and veggies . What we really

want to do here is grow all our own foods and herbs. It would be nice

to have a store where

people could buy or trade for 100% Organic locally grown produce,

grains and herbs. But even though that would help it would not be

enough. We need organic communities that work together, neighbors

trading Tomatoes for Potatoes or/and I'll help you with the harvest ,

you'll help me with the barn raising. Money is a bad way to keep score.

We don't really need it and when everyone realizes that, money wont be

worth anything. Good food will all ways be worth more. 2008 world wide

was the worsts crop since the 1940s and with the population bigger then

ever, we are at a food shortage as well as a economic crises. The

solution is to grow your own treasures and to build Organic

Communities that don't need outside help. We as earthlings need to

stop destroying our planet and evolve so there will BE a future and an

Earth to live with.


Back to your question of how long to soak a grain, this varies

according to what grain you are soaking.  Refer to a grain soaking

chart.  Here is one from our All Raw What Can I Eat recipe book that

you can get from Organic Solutions.

I'm not sure how the format will come through but hopefully it will be



Thank you for your email and have a wonderful day. :-)





TO GROW YOUR OWN SPROUTS . . . Three Easy Steps


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<!--[endif]-->Measuring, Soaking and Draining: 

Measure seeds into a wide

mouth quart jar/sprouting jar and add 2 parts distilled water to 1 part

seeds.  Screw on a sprouting lid or use a canning jar lid

ring (or rubber band) over mesh cloth.  Refer to Soaking

and Sprouting Chart.  Drain soak water through the screen. 

Soak water from most* seeds is full of valuable nutrients.

You can drink it, use it for making soups, teas, and even watering your

plants. *Exception: beans = toss



!supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->

Alfalfa -        

2 Tablespoons          Mung

Cabbage -     

3 Tablespoons          Beans - 4 Tablespoons


Lentils -         1/4 Cup                      Wheat


Radish -         3 Tablespoons          Berries

- 1/2 to 1 1/2 Cups


!supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->















<!--[endif]-->Rinsing: Seeds should be rinsed each morning and

evening with purified water and more often if possible.  To

rinse, fill jar with water.  Turn the jar upside down to

drain the water and place the jar at a 45 degree angle on a dish

drainer with the screened lid down.  Make sure the seeds

do not fall forward and cover the entire screened lid.  Seeds

should never cover more than half of the jar opening.  This

will allow proper ventilation and drainage during sprouting.  Avoid

growing sprouts in direct sunlight.  The ideal sprouting

temperature is 65 to 75 degrees F. (refer to Rinsing Sprouts on the Tips &

Definitions sheet)














Seed Hulls: 

Some sprouts, like Alfalfa,

throw off seed hulls as they grow.  As sprouts get

bigger, you can change to lids with larger holes.  Then

when you rinse your sprouts, the hulls will wash away.  Seed

hulls are not harmful but most people prefer removing them to minimize

mold problems and ensure the freshest tasting sprouts!


!supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->



<!--[endif]-->Harvesting:  When your sprouts have grown

to the size you desire, eat and enjoy as many as you like and store the

remainder in the refrigerator.  They can be kept in a

plastic bag for several days. 


!supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->


To freshen stored sprouts,

rinse with purified water and drain well.  For maximum

nutrition and freshness, sprout often and in quantities that you will

eat within 2 to 3 days.                                                                  Revised

September, 2004




Relax!  Soaking and sprouting

are fun and easy!  These times are approximate! 

This process can vary a lot and you will still have

success.  These are the guidelines.  A good

rule is 1 part seeds, nuts, or grains to 2 parts purified water. 

For beans and rice, use 1 part beans or rice to 3 parts

distilled or purified water. 

Rinse all

sprouts at least twice a day and three to four times if possible

especially in warmer weather to prevent mold.  Keep

sprouts out of direct sunlight.


!supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->

                        Soak Time   Dry Measure*       

Length at     Ready in      Sprouting



      Time of            Days        





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Almonds        12       

    1 cup                  0 inches           

1                Swells up

Dry on paper

towels in the                                                                           

           Does not

sun for

crunch or flour or eat                                                                                


right away or

store in fridge and eat as desired.


!supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->

Barley             10            

1 cup                0 inches         

   1-3                Same tip

Eat right

away or store in fridge                                                                       

             as wheat

or dry to

grind into flour.


!supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->

Millet              6         

    1 cup                 1/8 - 1/4 inch   1-2        

      Use whole

Same as

Barley above.                                         


             Grain-not pearled


!supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->


6          1 cup                

0 inches             1          

Swells up


Does not

Same as

Almonds above.                                                                              



!supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->

Rye                      12     

   1 cup                 ¼ - ½

inch            1-3          Same

tip as

Oats                   12     

   1 cup                 0 - ¼

inch             1-3          wheat

Same as

Barley above.


!supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->

Sunflower    6         

1 cup                 0 - ½ inch      

      1-3          Use whole seed no shell




with shell (see below)

Same as

Almonds above if you want to eat the seed itself.  Use

with shell if you want to grow into a green salad sprout.


Wheat               12     

   1 cup                 0 - ½

inch        1-3            Try

1, 2 and

I recommend


     3 day

Hard Red

Winter Wheat.                                                                                           

     See what you

Also best for


    like best

Same as

Barley above.

Ask for

special instructions to grow Wheatgrass.



(*per quart or 1/2 gallon jar)

                        Soak Time   Dry Measure*       

Length at     Ready in      Sprouting



Time of          Days        



6                   3 Tablespoons     

   1-2 inches                3-5                

Rinses 3-4


immediately or                                     


  per day if

store in



Keeps 3 to 5



!supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->

Beans            10                  

1 cup                    1 inch         

  3-5            Rinse 2-3


times a day


Lima etc. 

If cooking, soak beans

for 24 hours, toss water and if time permits, sprout 1 day after

soaking before you cook them.  Eat sprouts or store in

fridge.  Do not dry.


!supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->


!supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->

Mung             8          

1 cup                    1-2 inches     

3-5            Soak and


Sprout in


immediately or                                                                                                                                 

dark –

store in


inside a

Keeps 3 to 5





nbsp;  <!--[endif]-->

Radish           6          

1 Tablespoon           1 inch           

3-5             Rinse 2

Same as Mung


           times a day


!supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->


- Brown**

10          1 cup                    0

inches       0-1

cook             Rinse

2 to

      Wild rice 10                  1 cup 


0 inches       2-3                     4

times a



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**Soak and

sprout if time permits and cook.  I do not recommend

eating raw, sprouted brown rice.

Wild rice will split and you will see the

white inside of the rice.  Wild rice is delicious raw!

Rinse it

often and watch for mould.  If cooking wild rice or brown

rice, let it sprout for 1 day after soaking if time permits and then

cook.  When you have not planned ahead and only have

soaking time available, this is OK as well.


!supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->

Note:  Do

not dry any of the above after sprouting unless 1) you want to dry them

and then grind them into a flour or 2) you want to have the crunch back

in the seed or nut because you prefer this over the softer texture.


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!supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->


quart or 1/2 gallon jar)                                            


August, 2005


kevin mcgarvey wrote:




Why can't there be labeling like

organic/no gmo's or something like that so we know its right? I gues

thats expecting too much. But have you thought of that? I guess other

wise I'll have to buy all my food from organic solutions. Are you gonna

be selling grains and seeds? etc? mayby raisons and fruit? I can live

on those. I don't like veggies really. But I have enjoyed algae.

According to a famous nutrition expert (I can't remember name) she

sells sweet grass, said everything we need nutritionally is in sprouted

grains so I figure I could live on the above foods even if the grains

are only soaked for 8 hrs?




Bryan <BryanShillington (AT) Knology (DOT) net>





Dear Smitty, Thank you for your CD Request. I'll send it off to you today. I do free shipping anywhere in the USA even to Hawaii so don't worry about any fees. The info on this CD is vital to the survival of anyone trying to live in the world today. This is why I send it free to anyone who wants one. The lecture should be there in about a week. :-) Enjoy and let me know how you liked it. Regards ~ B Hi Bryan: I saw your post to Leslie on Herbal Remedies offering a free Doc's lecture CD. I'm wondering if you might send me a copy ? I'll spring for postage. Thank you, Smitty Address**** ** ****** ***** 8****


Dear Leslie, The best thing to detox her body would be Doc's Total Body Cleanse. If you go to the cause of her condition you will find that it is her diet. Bread, soft drinks and non organic meat are some main reasons why people get so sick in the USA. The problem with bread is that the grains have not been sprouted so that they are alive and full of enzymes. Breads that are not sprouted have no nutrition and plug up the bowels making people fat and full of shit. LOL. She needs to learn more about enzyme inhibitors and good nutrition. If you give me an address I'll send Doc's free CD Lecture to her to educate you guys. :-)








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