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America's consumption of psychotropic drugs is so great that Prozac has made its way into the water supply and is contaminating fresh water fish. Not satisfied with this achievement, in July 2004, President Bush's 'New Freedom Commission on Mental Health' recommended screening all American school children for mental illness with a view to possible treatment with new antidepressants and anti-psychotic drugs. George Bush sr. sits on the board of Eli Lilly, which manufactures Zyprexa, one of the anti-psychotics recommended by the Commission. (101)(102)

Ritalin is prescribed to about two million American children. It has become the standard way for teachers and parents to deal with unruly children even to the point where children are being threatened with expulsion or being taken into care if they do not take it.(103) Ritalin is an ideal mind control drug because it suppresses the natural energy and spirit of young people often leaving them robotic, lethargic, depressed, or withdrawn. It also introduces the idea at an early age that drugs are an acceptable way of dealing with social problems.

Europe is not being left behind on the quest for 'soma'. Nearly one in four French people are on tranquillizers, antidepressants, anti psychotics, or other mood-altering prescription drugs. An average of 40% of men and women aged over 70 in France were routinely prescribed at least one of this class of dependence-creating drug, as well as some 4% of all children under nine.(104)

As discussed in chapter 11, the U.K. draft Mental Health Bill creates powers to compel medication for a whole range of 'disorders of the mind.'

Prozac and other SSRIs are capable of inducing psychosis and suicidal depression. In the U.K., certain SSRIs have recently been banned from being prescribed to children after a string of suicides. The active ingredient in prozac and many other drugs is fluoride, which has been linked to brain damage and loss of I.Q. (see Fluoride below).


The future of mind control and even body control, lies in electronic implants which are currently under development. The U.S. military-directed research of implantable microchips and their war fighting applications was discussed earlier in Chapter 12. Some recent news articles describe medical applications of microchips with mind and body control potential. The BBC reported that patients with chronic migraines could one day have an electric device implanted into their foreheads to control the pain. Doctors in the United States have already used the treatment successfully on one woman, who was suffering from constant headaches.(105) The BBC also reported that U.S scientists writing in Nature Materials describe a drug-containing microchip which can be implanted in the body. This releases the medication slowly so the patient no longer has to take any pills. (106)

With satellite linked implantable microchips being developed by Applied Digital Solutions Inc., the prospect of remote controlled medical implants may not be too distant.


Congressman Dennis Kucinich's 2001 Preservation of Space Act calls for a ban on:

the use of land-based, sea-based, or space-based systems using radiation, electromagnetic, psychotronic, sonic, laser, or other energies directed at individual persons or targeted populations for the purpose of information war, mood management, or mind control of such persons or populations.

Kucinich was refering to technologies he had learned about during his chairmanship of the House Armed Services Oversight Committee.

Private researchers, such as Dr. Nick Begich, have turned up some remarkably frank discussions of mind control published by the U.S. Military. The Mind Has No Firewall, by Timothy L. Thomas, published in the spring 1998 issue of the U.S Army War College's quarterly Parameters, describes decades of research in the U.S. and Soviet Union focused on manipulating human behaviour. Propaganda is considered a key tool of psychotronic warfare, including tactics such as 'information overload'. Certain electronic devices are completely undetectable, e.g. the "Russian Virus 666" which can broadcast subliminal images. This can put viewers of television or computer screens into a trance and change their perceptions.

Dr. Begich obtained documents from the Scientific Advisory Board of the Air Force in which researchers envisage the development of electromagnetic weapons which can prevent voluntary muscular movements, control emotions, produce sleep, interfere with memory, and delete experience. Russian army Major I. Chernishev writing in the military journal Orienteer of February1997, describes the development of a pyschotronic generator capable of broadcasting through telephone lines, TV, radio networks, supply pipes, and incandescent lights.(107) Even more disturbing is the use of high power microwaves in the gigahertz range to beam sounds directly into human brains and literally talk to them. As early as 1933, Soviet scientists had discovered that microwave irradiation caused central nervous system changes and affected behaviour even at low intensity. Physiological disturbances include immune suppression, hormonal imbalances, sleep impairment and sterility.(108)

The new British police radio system called TETRA, uses pulsed microwaves at 17.6Hz, a frequency in the 13Hz to 20Hz beta range of the human brain's electrical activity. Unlike ordinary mobile phone masts which only respond on demand and produce a continuous microwave signal, TETRA masts are permanently active. TETRA is a £3 billion system initiated by the Home Office that will be adopted by all British police forces by the end of 2005.(109)

Interference with the alpha wave of brain activity is threatened by the U.S. Defense Dept.'s High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), a gigantic electromagnetic frequency generator in Alaska:

The alpha-wave frequency of the human brain is known to be between eight and twelve hertz... The ionospheric wave-guide oscillates at eight hertz, making it a good harmonic carrier of low frequency sound (LFS) waves. In the June 17 1976 issue of New Scientist, Dr Frank Barnaby, Director of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, warned that if methods could be devised to produce greater field strengths of such low-frequency oscillations, either by natural or artificial means, then it might become possible to impair performance of a large group of people in selected regions over extended periods.(110)

There are equivalent projects elsewhere in the world - European Incoherent Scatter Radar site (EISCAT) in Tromsoe, Norway and SURA in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.

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