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aspartame and detached retina

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Dear Tim,

Here are two of Dr. Morgan Raiford's articles. The late Dr. Raiford

was an ophthalmologist and " the specialist " on methanol

toxicity: http://www.dorway.com/betty/morgraif.txt and

http://www.dorway.com/raiford.txt Also read What's Blinding the

World: http://www.dorway.com/blinding.txt In 1986, the Community

Nutrition Institute petitioned the FDA to ban aspartame because so

many people were having seizures and going blind. The FDA refused.


In 2004 Wrigley had suit filed against them and while they got out of

it they turned around and arrogantly put aspartame in all but two of

their gums. They were probably getting a lot of heat, the reason

Wrigley's sold to Mars. Aspartame is gum is extremely because it is

not an additive but an addictive excitoneurotoxic carcinogenic

drug. It works like nitroglycerin under the tongue, goes through

saliva, straight to the brain.


Dr. Ralph Walton did a study on aspartame in which the administer of

the hospital took part. The institution stopped the study when the

administer got a retinal detachment, and another subject had

conjunctival bleeding. Others said they were being

poisoned. Aspartame is a literal chemical poison. Remember there is

free methyl alcohol in aspartame which blinds. It converts to

formaldehyde and formic acid in the retina of the eye and destroys

the optic nerve. The FDA should have banned this years ago because

they knew. People are going blind all over the world because of

it. May they receive within themselves the recompense for their

error! The FDA literally does not care and has refused to answer a

petition to ban aspartame for 6 years against the law. The law

requires it be answered in 180 days, but we are working on this. The

imminent health hazard amendment which should have been answered in a

week or ten days in October still has not been answered. So they

don't care how many people are maimed or die from aspartame, they

simply serve above the law.


There is a chapter on aspartame and the eye in Dr. H. J. Roberts

medical text, Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic,

www.sunsentpress.com He has it on special for Aspartame Awareness

Weekend which starts today. Here is the flyer we are using to get

aspartame off restaurant

tables: http://www.mpwhi.com/waiter_remove_this_neurotoxic_drug.htm


Also, here is Dr. Blaylock's detox

program: www.wnho.net/wtdaspartame.htm You can to the

Aspartame Information List on www.mpwhi.com scroll down to

banners. His detox program has his books on the subject.


There is also an aspartame documentary, Sweet misery: A Poisoned

World, www.soundandfury.tv


All my best,


www.mwphi.com, www.dorway.com and www.wnho.net

Aspartame Toxicity Center, www.holisticmed.com/aspartame


At 01:43 PM 9/5/2008, tim sasaki wrote:

>Dr. Martini,


>I heard you on C-2-C and when you mentioned there might be a

>connection between aspartame and detached retina I wanted to drop you a note.


>I am in excellent health and work as a RN. In April 2006 I developed

>a detached retina in my right eye and then in my left eye in 2007.

>Before and since then I never had any health problems. I tried to

>understand what caused these problems but just felt it was bad luck.


>Then this year I discovered that Wrigley Spearmint gum began putting

>aspartame in it in 2006. I immediately stopped using it.


>Can you direct me to any additional information on this possible connection?


>Thank you for your great work,


>Tim Sasaki




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