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New Study Indicates DNA Can Be Altered Through Diet andExercise

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New Study Indicates DNA Can Be Altered Through Diet and Exercise


Wednesday, September 10, 2008 by: Rich Stacel

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NaturalNews does not control the content of the ad you see above. It is chosen

by Google. (NaturalNews) A new study that was recently published sheds more

evidence to what many have been saying for a long time, that DNA does not

control the body or predestine you to being overweight, ill, sick, weak or

anything else, but that the majority of our health and destiny lies within our

own power.


Here is an excerpt from news:


In a small study, the researchers tracked 30 men with low-risk prostate cancer

who decided against conventional medical treatment such as surgery and

radiation or hormone therapy. The men underwent three months of major lifestyle

changes, including eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains,

legumes and soy products, moderate exercise such as walking for half an hour a

day, and an hour of daily stress management methods such as meditation.


After the three months, the men had changes in activity in about 500 genes --

including 48 that were turned on and 453 genes that were turned off. The

activity of disease-preventing genes increased while a number of

disease-promoting genes, including those involved in prostate cancer and

breast cancer, shut down, according to the study published in the journal

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.


" It's an exciting finding because so often people say, 'Oh, it's all in my

genes, what can I do?' Well, it turns out you may be able to do a lot, "

Ornish, who is also affiliated with the University of California, San

Francisco, said in a telephone interview. " 'In just three months, I can change

hundreds of my genes simply by changing what I eat and how I live?' That's

pretty exciting, " Ornish said. " The implications of our study are not limited

to men with prostate cancer. "


I have been talking against the idea of DNA causing illness for many years. The

idea that someone who is an alcoholic, overweight or has serious diseases

being caused by faulty genes goes against the almost countless stories of

people who were told that yet somehow managed to heal themselves with diet,

exercise, nutrition, breathing, meditation and other lifestyle changes that

are well within their control.


Now there are some people out there who will not be too happy to hear this

news, strange as that may seem. " Why? " Because there are people out there that

like to blame their own problems on something outside their control as this

alleviates their own responsibility for their actions, especially in terms of

weight control, diet and overall health.


This concept really started with the psychoanalytical ideas of Freud. In his

seeking deeper understanding of the inner workings of the mind, Freud

theorized that a person’s sins and negative habits and actions were not really

their own fault, but that of the unconscious mind which you have no control

over. While there can be some medical truth to the statement in a broad way, to

conclude that a person has no control over their negative actions is ludicrous

and goes against the experience of the vast majority of mankind.


Now we do know that certain nutritional deficiencies can lead to serious

psychological abnormalities and in that case make it much more difficult for a

person to control certain moods and can lead to depression, moodiness and

sometimes other more severe abnormalities. In this case there is a traceable

physical cause for the mental or emotional behavior.


But Freud took the idea of the unconscious too far in his attempts to explain

away the need for personal responsibility of one's actions, all borne out of a

desire to eliminate guilt. Guilt was said to be very bad so by shifting the

blame of a person's actions to the unconscious mind which we can’t control,

we're then absolved of guilt and the need to try and control ourselves. It is

from this idea that the concept of “not guilty by reason of insanity” defense

seems to have come into being.


What does this have to do with DNA and genes? A lot actually. Once DNA was

mapped and began to be studied in the 1950’s by Crick and Watson and many

other scientists, some started to relate the control the genes have upon

various physical traits to emotional traits such as behavior, as well as to

various mental and emotional disorders. As they started to test people who

were alcoholics, had cancer, asthma, diabetes and just about everything else,

they saw a common denominator in that these people many times had the gene for

each of those diseases turned on or corrupted. Well, as is typical with western

medicine, they take the symptom of the disease and mistake it for the cause of

the disease itself.


This is done all the time with the germ theory of disease as they’re always

looking to blame colds and illnesses on some bacteria or virus. What they

never tell you is that when the organs are kept strong and healthy and the body

has all the nutrients that it needs in the true proper amount, which is not

the so called RDA, then it’s nearly impossible for a person to get sick via

the normal germs in the atmosphere that we're all exposed to every day. Many

studies and tests have shown that when people who lived a healthy lifestyle of

exercise and a good diet high in fruits and vegetable, and those who were out

of shape and lived a more sedentary lifestyle were exposed to the same amount

of a cold virus, nearly all the active healthy people were immune or had

greatly reduced symptoms and the time they were sick was also significantly



Western medicine is always looking for a reason to convince you that it’s not

your fault for your condition. Why? Because if you can be convinced that it’s

not your fault, then you’ll just as easily be convinced that there is nothing

that you can do to correct your condition on your own so you won’t seek out

other remedies or treatments and that only through their “genius” of medical

technology and deadly concoctions of powerful and useless drugs, can you ever

hope to possibly be helped or cured. Never mind that no drug has ever cured

any disease in history and that nearly all western treatments only mask

symptoms to make it appear that you’re healthy when you’re actually getting

worse. Very much like how magicians use their own sleight of hand and

misdirection to make you see and believe what they want.


In comes the idea of genes and DNA. Stories abound of people curing themselves

of the supposedly incurable diseases that we know. I’m reminded of a story of

a woman who became about 100lbs overweight and developed asthma, diabetes and

heart disease. She used to be rather athletic and fit before some personal

tragedies caused her to delve into food for comfort. She got herself

genetically tested and it showed that she had defective markers for asthma,

diabetes and heart disease. She resolved herself to her condition for a time,

but after five years of being overweight and feeling terrible, including taking

various medications for her conditions, she got sick of it and decided to start

working out and eating much better, back to a fruit and vegetable diet. After

about eighteen months, she knocked off nearly all her weight and hadn’t felt

that good in years. She decided to have her DNA tested again and what did they

find? That the “cause” of her problems, her supposedly faulty genetic markers

in her DNA, were no where to be found.


Author Dr. Bruce Lipton, a former medical school professor (University of

Wisconsin) and research scientist (Stanford University School of Medicine), is

a leading scientific researcher in the field of Epigenetics (new biology) and

has written a book called “The Biology of Belief - Unleashing the Power of

Consciousness, Matter & Miracles”. In the details of his experiments,

examining in great detail the molecular mechanisms by which cells process

information, have revealed that genes do not in fact control our behavior,

instead, genes are turned on and off by influences outside the cell. These

influences include our perceptions and beliefs. He shows that our beliefs, true

or false, positive or negative, affect genetic activity and actually alter our

genetic code.


To the Chinese, this is really nothing new. While they did not know

specifically about DNA, genes and other aspects of the cell and biology, the

Chinese have known for millennia that “The mind controls the chi, and the chi

control the body”. They’ve know all along that the mind is the true regulator

of your health, life and destiny. It’s not the unconscious, not fate, not your

DNA or genes or anything else. While we do know that the subconscious can

exhibit a powerful influence on our habits and beliefs, often times this is

because of the negative reinforcement and bad programming that we got before

the time that we were six years old, which is when so much of who we are and

what we think and believe was formed.


Via the powerful vehicle of meditation, coupled with breathing, dietary changes

and physical exercise, we can exhibit a powerful influence on our body's

systems including our genes, the mind and spirit and begin to reprogram our

minds to strip away bad habits, doubt, fear and negative programming that are

keeping us down or holding up back from attaining our goals and dreams in life

and even those negative thought patterns that are making us sick.


Dr. Lipton’s work is very important because it will finally start to debug the

myths that we're all subject to our genes. We know that pharmaceutical

companies do not want this information to get out because it will only further

prove the utter uselessness of their toxic drugs and chemicals and prove them

to be unnecessary over time. Drugs are only 5-8% more effective than placebo

which is virtually zero when it comes to treating an illness. New studies have

concluded that drugs are in fact actually no more effective than placebo at



Never let any doctor or anyone else close off the path of healing in your mind.

Through countless stories of natural healing, the great understanding of

Chinese medicine and natural medicine from other cultures including American

folk medicine, we know that it’s more than possible to truly heal yourself of

sickness both physically and mentally. If you're truly motivated to get

healthy and stay that way and are willing to put in the effort both mentally

and physically, then you can truly heal yourself from all the troubles you have

no matter what it is. As Dr. Lipton’s works shows, it starts in the mind which

via an energy mechanism in the body begins to change the very nature of our

genes and DNA. The Chinese know this energy mechanism to be Chi, the true

controller of the body. As stated earlier, the mind controls the Chi and the

chi controls the body. Once again modern science back ups and proves what the

Chinese have written and taught for thousands of years in regards to health,

healing, the mind, and so much more.


If you would like to learn about the mind, meditation, breathing, nutrition and

more about Chi-gung (energy work) in general, be sure to visit my website

(<http://www.chinesehealthandfitness.comwww.chinesehealthandfitness.com) to

also learn about my new video I’m producing to teach this and much more.


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About the author


Rich Stacel is a natural health, Qigong and Chinese martial arts practitioner

for over twenty four years. Having read scores of books on Chinese medicine,

health, nutrition, supplements, meditation, martial arts, healing, science,

astronomy, physics, Einstien, general health and more. Rich has helped numerous

people achieve their health and fitness goals over the years. Rich is also

interested in health freedom including spreading truth on health, fitness,

spiritual truths and more. You can learn more about breathing, meditation, what

foods to eat, avoid, food additives, chi-gung as well as get more info about

his upcoming Chinese health video at






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