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Harmful Misinformation from NZ Toxic Foundation & What's her name Magnuson.

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When beautiful Abby Cormack was on NZ TV and

newspapers and magazines telling how Wrigley's

aspartame-laced gum destroyed her health, public

reaction was dynamic. Thousands of NZ Kiwis

dropped asparpoisoned products and began to

recover from the multitude of injuries the toxin

inflicts, 92 of which were named by the American

Food & Drug Administration. The list included

seizures, blindness, sexual dysfunction and death.


Came now the New Zealand Food Safety Authority,

rushing to rescue the poisoners, begging the

public to the ignore the campaigners' warnings

and swallow advertising propaganda along with

their " diet " drinks. Advertisers never lie, so

Japan's Ajinomoto, actually featured a NZFSA press release in an ad.


Aspartame victim Cameron Rutherford visited Abby

and myself when I was in NZ for a lecture tour,

and told how Abby had saved his life. He had the

identical symptoms Abby suffered, quit the

chemical, and his symptoms immediately disappeared.


Abby debated Magnuson yesterday, and clearly won.



Not only does 92% of independent scientific

studies show the problems aspartame triggers,

research done by Dr. Ralph Walton, for 60 Minutes

in 1996, but the original studies were so

fraudulent that the USA FDA asked to indite the manufacturer.

An FDA audit records how the manufacturer

concealed brain tumors and other

problems: http://www.dorway.com/bressler.txt The

Bressler Report. I spoke to Jerome Bressler

personally who said the studies were so bad that

when the FDA retyped it they removed the worst

20%, two mice studies. Dr. H. J. Roberts and

Dr. Russell Blaylock, neurosurgeon also spoke

with Mr. Bressler, receiving the same information.


Dr. Roberts wrote his congressman who demanded

the data from the FDA. The information was so

bad the FDA actually refused a Congressman. I

wrote FOIA, Freedom of Information, and the FDA

wrote back and said it was confidential. When I

explained the Bressler Report is in the public

record and therefore, not confidential they wrote

that they had destroyed the records.


The original manufacturer was not indicted

because both US Prosecutors hired on with the

NutraSweet's defense team and the statute of

limitations expired. Listen to the clip from the

documentary, Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World, on

how aspartame entered the market after the FDA

revoked the petition for approval through the

political chicanery of Don

Rumsfeld: http://www.soundandfury.tv/pages/rumsfeld2.html


The propaganda of the aspartame producers use is

worn, tired, and repeatedly rebutted with

international medical research over decades while

the manufacturers grasp at straws. See the

rebuttal: http://www.dorway.com/offasprt.html

The producers evade the issue. Example: instance

when you explain there is a methyl ester which

converts to free methyl alcohol, a deadly

metabolic poison, they say there is more methanol

in oranges than in aspartame. They don't reveal

that oranges contain ethanol which is the

antidote to methanol and takes it safely out of

the body. Here is a peer reviewed journal

article by Dr. Woodrow Monte who lives in New


http://dorway.com/dorwblog/?page_id=1000 In

aspartame methanol is free as Abby correctly

explained. It is also classified as a

narcotic. It causes chronic methanol poisoning

which affects the dopamine system of the brain. This causes the addiction.


The manufacturers stumble NZ people saying

obesity and diabetes are epidemic. Aspartame is

responsible for both. " If you want to get fat,

NutraSweet is where its at " . Aspartame also

marketed as NutraSweet/Equal/951/Canderel,

Benevia, etc is not an additive. It's a deadly

addictive excitoneurotoxic carcinogenic drug that

interacts with virtually all drugs and vaccines

because of damage to the mitochondria or life of

the cell. All this is established in the medical

text, Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic, by

H. J. Roberts, M.D., www.sunsentpress.com It's

over 1000 pages of symptoms, diseases and tumors

triggered by this chemical poison. You can get a

copy from Alison White the Safe Food Campaign of

New Zealand, alison


Dr. Sandra Cabot, Mission Possible Australia

wrote an excellent article titled: Aspartame

Makes You Fatter:


Dr. Ralph Walton said in a report: " Food seeking

behavior and satiety are drive by an area of the

brain known as the hypothalamus. Stimulation of

the medial hypothalamus in a laboratory rate

leads to eating. Stimulation of the lateral

hypothalamus leads to satiety and cessation of

eating. Placing a lesion in the lateral

hypothalamus produces an obese rate. The lateral

hypothalamus is drive by serotonin. There are

many papers in the current literature

demonstrating that antidepressants which increase

serotonin (but not antidepressants which act on

other neurotransmitters) are useful in treating

binge eating disorders. I believe that consuming

large amounts of aspartame decreases the

availability of serotonin and is thus analogous

to placing a lesion in the lateral

hypothalamus. Although much of this work is

recent, clinical suggestions that aspartame can

lead to a paradoxical increased appetite date back to Blunder's work of l986. "


A study by Sharon Fowler of the University of

Texas using 7 years of data link diet drinks to

obesity. Aspartame is a drug that makes you

crave carbohydrates so you gain weight. This

information from the 1985 Congressional Record is

included in Dr. Sandra Cabot's paper mentioned

above. Other studies also link diet drinks with

obesity and the metabolic syndrome.


Here is Abby Cormack's story:

http://www.mpwhi.com/abby_cormack_story.htm Here

is what the aspartame experts say about Abby's

case: http://www.mpwhi.com/experts_on_aspartame_and_abby_cormack.htm


Aspartame is addictive and a cash cow, so

naturally Coke had to do something. I wouldn't

call Dr. Bernadene Magnuson an aspartame expert,

she's someone who defends aspartame with

propaganda because facts show aspartame triggers

a multitude of neurodegenerative diseases from

Parkinson's to Lou Gehrigs, can mimic and

precipitate MS, trigger birth defects, behavioral

and psychiatric problems and more than 92

Symptoms listed on the FDA list. These include

four types of seizures, male sexual dysfunction,

headaches, joint pain and mood disorders to

blindness, coma and death. Here is that official

report: www.mpwhi.com/92_aspartame_symptoms.pdf


As to the diabetic epidemic, Dr. Roberts, a

diabetic specialist, explains in his text that

aspartame not only precipitates diabetes but

simulates and aggravates diabetic retinopathy and

neuropathy, destroys the optic nerve with the

free alcohol, causes diabetic convulsions and

interacts with insulin. The methanol converts to

formaldehyde, which is the reason so many diabetics are losing limbs


Dr. Magnuson came to New Zealand at the request

of Coca Cola to save their sales of the cash cow,

addictive Diet Coke. Understand who she

is. Ajinomoto, realizing they were losing

markets as efforts to ban aspartame are around

the world, so they funded a study called the

Magnuson or Burdock Study. Read the rebuttal to




Did they really think they could get away with

using aspartame flacks to protect their poison!


In the US efforts to ban recently have been seen

in New Mexico and Hawaii. Also 12 toxicologists

petitioned the FDA to


www.mpwhi.com/aspartame_letter_to_FDA[1].pdf The

FDA refuses to answer my petition filed 6 years

ago, even though the law requires an answer in

180 days. Their refusal must be because I used

FDA's own words about aspartame toxicity, and

they would have to deny their own work. FDA

serves above the law. My 2007 amended petition,

based on an imminent health hazard, which must be

answered immediately, also is ignored. Their

loyalty is to Big Pharma who provides over half

their funds. They serve the money, not the American people.


A resolution to rescind approval of aspartame,

written by Stephen Fox and myself was submitted

to every member of the South Africa parliament

August 9th by the Phoenix Environmental Institute

(PEI). The organization also lodged a complaint

with the country's Department of Health and its

Advertising Standards Authority. Contact info for

PEI: Khadija Sharife, kalebron


The original resolution (Hawaii Senate Concurrent

Resolution 191) is a genteel legislative mandate

and request of the FDA to rescind aspartame

approval. It resulted from difficulties faced by

the original ban bill, which were brought by

Corporate Lobbyists. Attempts to obtain a

legislative ban on the known neurotoxic,

non-nutritive food additive in New Mexico almost

succeeded in 2006 and, 47 members of the UK

parliament signed an " Early Day Motion " in favor

of an aspartame ban in Jan, 2006. A petition on

aspartame was submitted to the New Zealand

government with over 8,000 signatures on July 23,






While Dr. Magnuson attempted unsuccessfully to

scuttle the prestigious 3-year Ramazzini Study on

1,800 rats that proved once and for all that

aspartame is a multipotential carcinogen, someone

should ask her how she explains that the FDA

admitted aspartame causes cancer over two decades ago.


On August 1, l985 the FDA toxicologist, Dr.

Adrian Gross, told Congress one of Searle's

studies " has established beyond ANY REASONABLE

DOUBT that aspartame is capable of inducing brain

tumors in experimental animals and that this

predisposition of it is of extremely high

significance. ... In view of these indications

that the cancer causing potential of aspartame is

a matter that had been established WAY BEYOND ANY

REASONABLE DOUBT, one can ask: What is the reason

for the apparent refusal by the FDA to invoke for

this food additive the so-called Delaney

Amendment to the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act? "


The Delaney Amendment makes it illegal to allow

any residues of cancer causing chemicals in

foods. In his concluding testimony Gross asked,

" Given the cancer causing potential of aspartame

how would the FDA justify its position that it

views a certain amount of aspartame as

constituting an allowable daily intake or 'safe'

level of it? Is that position in effect not

equivalent to setting a 'tolerance' for this food

additive and thus a violation of that law? And if

the FDA itself elects to violate the law, who is

left to protect the health of the public? "

Congressional Record SID835:131 (August 1, l985)


Two of the congressional records on aspartame are

on the front page of www.mpwhi.com The Ramazzini

Studies peer reviewed by 7 world experts showed

aspartame to be a multipotential carcinogen, and

can be passed on to the offspring if the mother

uses aspartame during pregnancy and the baby

survives. Aspartame is a teratogen and causes

birth defects and mental retardation. Since

approval autism has skyrocketed and a new report

states it is now 1 in

10: http://www.mpwhi.com/autism_epidemic.htm

Aspartame in original studies caused all types of

tumors from mammary and brain to testicular and

pancreatic. First the European Food Safety

Authority tried to say the rats had respiratory

disease and then Dr. Soffritti who did the

studies explained to them that respiratory

disease is the dying process. After this Dr.

Koeter of the EFSA confessed that they were

pressured by industry to highjack science. Here is that confession:





Further Dr. Soffritti who did the Ramazzini study

has officially responded to the Magnuson letter

in EHP:



Bernadene is no match for respected and

independent research by such a master as Dr.

Morando Soffritti. I was in New York at Mt. Sinai

School of Medicine when Dr. Morando Soffritti

gave a lecture on his second study. At that time

he was honored with the Irving J. Selikoff Award

for Outstanding contributions to the

identification of environmental and industrial

carcinogens, and his promotion of independent

scientific research. It was created in 1993 by

the Collegium Ramazzini, an academy of 180

internationally renowned experts in occupational

and environmental health from over 30

nations. It has been awarded just twice before

being presented to Dr. Soffritti.


Here is an outstanding article on aspartame

written by Chris Wheeler, Mission Possible New

Zealand, an incredible journalist who has been

alerting NZ for the past ten years: Dying for a


Coke: http://www.rense.com/general78/dying.htm

Remember, " If it says Diet, don't buy it! " Be

alerted to the fact that Coke and Pepsi also use

this toxin in products not called diet, so read

every label and remember in New Zealand aspartame

is called 951; remember it as the number of death.


Speaking about death: Let's take it a step

further. The NZFSA is concerned about

formaldehyde in clothing from China but what

about the embalming by formaldehyde of the human

using aspartame. The formaldehyde converted from

the free methyl alcohol embalms living tissue and

damages DNA. Here is the complete Trocho Study:

www.mpwhi.com/formaldehyde_from_aspartame.pdf I

flew to Barcelona and spoke with Dr. Alemany who

did this study and he admitted aspartame could

kill 200 million people. In as much as aspartame

is an abortifacient and triggers fatal diseases

and cancers it no doubt already has.


Could it get any worse? Aspartame also triggers

an irregular heart rhythm, interacts with cardiac

medication, damages the cardiac conduction system

and causes sudden death:


and http://www.wnho.net/aspartame_msg_scd.htm


So you can thank the manufacturers of aspartame

for a product which has been shown to kill and

embalm. Kiwi's are too smart to go back to this

deadly product. Go home Bernadene. All of

Coke's servants and all of Coke's men can't put

Humpety Dumpety together again.


We salute Abby Cormack, Parliamentian Sue Kedgley

and the rest of the New Zealand team for

protecting Kiwi's with the truth and the

facts! For those who have used here Dr. Russell

Blaylock's detox formula: www.wnho.net/wtdaspartame.htm


Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum, Founder

Mission Possible International

9270 River Club Parkway

Duluth, Georgia 30097

770 242-2599

www.mpwhi.com, www.dorway.com

Aspartame Toxicity Center, www.holisticmed.com/aspartame

Aspartame Information List, www.mpwhi.com scroll down to banners




Scoop News







Potentially Harmful Myths About Diet Products


Monday, 22 September 2008, 10:39 am

Press Release: NZ Nutrition Foundation


Media Release

EMBARGOED UNTIL 6am monday 22 September 2008


potentially harmful Myths about diet products


The New Zealand Nutrition Foundation is concerned

misinformation surrounding the common food

ingredient aspartame could be prompting New

Zealanders to avoid diet products in favour of the regular versions.


Aspartame is the low calorie sweetener used in

many diet food and beverage products commonly

found on our supermarket shelves. It has been the

target of a groundswell of misinformation without

any scientific basis and could be causing New

Zealanders to shy away from diet products

inappropriately. For example, there is evidence

consumers are switching from diet drinks to

sugar-containing drinks (see key points below).

And if this is happening with drinks there is a

good chance it is also happening with other foods

containing aspartame in place of sugar.


Nikki Hart, respected New Zealand Nutritionist

and NZ Nutrition Foundation Council member is

concerned the perpetuation of misinformation

around the safety of diet drinks has the potential to do real harm.


“The switch from diet drinks to sugar-containing

drinks is an unfortunate and potentially harmful

trend in an environment where both obesity and

diabetes are on the rise. While health advice is

always to drink water as a first choice,

substituting a perfectly appropriate low energy

drink for a drink containing energy is not a good choice for some people.”


The New Zealand Nutrition Foundation is holding

seminars in Auckland and Wellington this week

featuring one of the leading world experts on

aspartame. Dr Bernadene Magnuson from the

University of Toronto is the lead author of one

of the most comprehensive, peer-reviewed reviews

of aspartame research published recently, which

found it to be a much-studied sweetener whose

safety is clearly documented and well established

through extensive scientific research.


Nikki Hart is also participating in the seminars,

speaking about the role of aspartame in food and

beverages and the benefits it offers people who

need to control their weight or manage diabetes.





Dr Magnuson has been brought to New Zealand by Coca-Cola Oceania.



Key Points - Consumer sales data on diet and regular drink consumption


Research agency The Nielsen Company reports a NZ

consumer shift in demand away from diet soft

drinks towards regular variants. The key points are:


• In 2008 (year-to-date), supermarket sales of

diet soft drinks have fallen by 5%

• In the same period, regular soft drink sales have grown by 9.5%.


To put this shift into perspective, between 2004 and 2006 in NZ supermarkets:

• Diet soft drink sales grew by 37%

• Regular soft drink sales declined by 1%.


(Source: Nielsen Scantrack data to August 10 2008)


Interestingly NZ seems to be the only market

globally in which diet drinks are declining in

sales (anecdotal reports from the Coca-Cola Company).


Anecdotally this trend is also being seen in

other categories of products in NZ containing

non-nutritive sweeteners, such as sugar free gum,

non-nutritive sweeteners on their own and ‘lite’ yoghurts.

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