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Helpful Items Announcements 3 Featured Articles 6 Past Articles from our Website (plus more)

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Helpful Items

Thought for the Day: "Praise does wonders for our sense of hearing." Arnold Glasgow

Today's EFT Quote: "I heard about EFT from a very dear friend. He was helping me through a very difficult time that my family was subjected to. He lent me the first set of DVDs and they have literally changed my husband's and my lives." Sarah Feifel

Today's Helpful Hint: Some EFT Newcomers become unnecessarily confused over using the "right words" while tapping. Thus they often ask "what are the right words to use" for ailments such as grief, shoulder pain, smoking, etc. etc. etc. The answer is that there are no exact phrases to use for anything. There is no official "language library" for EFT because the use of effective language is an art that improves with experience. Newcomers can be very effective by simply aiming the language at the problem (e.g. Even though I have this [headache ... craving for a cigarette ... fear of father's voice in the kitchen, etc.]). Artful improvements to the use of language can be achieved through trial and error and through the examples given on our quality training videos and in the numerous case histories on our web site.

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Our EFT DVDs make ideal holiday gifts: What more meaningful gift could you give someone and still be easy on your bank account? Order our DVD Libraries and make up to 100 copies as gifts. Up to 50% discount available. How to order

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Featured Articles

Featured Article #1: An EFT gift for firefighters suffering from PTSD and trauma: Winston "Brad" Scott from Canada shows us what is possible for some of our trauma ridden firefighters. He says, "...40 minutes later he thanked me, gave me a hug and told me that he had been to every doctor in town and hadn't been able to resolve anything. He said he felt as if a great weight had been taken off his shoulders. He looked like a different person. His jaw line was relaxed. His neck muscles weren't knotted and sticking out." Email Brad

Featured Article #2: Knee pain is relieved after tapping on forgiveness: Using EFT for forgiveness is a theme that often brings physical relief where everything else fails. This case by Steve Rich points to this mind-body phenomenon. He says, "I could detect a forgiveness issue in this situation and I love to work with people who have pain connected to a need to forgive. As soon as they forgive, the pain almost always disappears." Email Steve

Featured Article #3: Two years of severe tennis elbow disappears with EFT: This brief article by Cathy Reid from Canada points up EFT's potential with sports injuries. Show this article to your local athletes and teams. Email Cathy

Past Articles from the EFT Website


Surrogate EFT benefits both mother and child: How do you deal with a restless 15 month old boy that insists on disrupting those about him while your 6 year old daughter is performing "Heidi" on stage? Perhaps you can ask your mother to do surrogate EFT to de-fuse the young boy's hyper-kinetic energy. This is what happened in this helpful story by Terry Fischer. EFT gives relief to a self-cutter by first finding emotional causes: Quila Rider, PhD gives us a step-by-step analysis of how she successfully applied EFT to a 15 year old self-cutter. Rather than just go for the self-cutting behavior, Quila correctly took aim at traumatic events that would likely underlie this problem. After two such traumatic events were successfully collapsed with EFT, the self-cutting behavior disappeared...at least for the past 18 days. In cases like these seasoned EFT'ers should always be on the lookout for other underlying traumatic events. The more events you collapse the greater the odds of permanent success. Thoughts on EFT and Intention: Dr. David Lake, MD from Australia provides some useful thoughts about the role of intention with EFT (and other forms of healing). Much has been written about this interesting idea and, indeed, many EFT'ers have had great success with "intentional tapping". Intention, of course, has been present in healing sessions for centuries. However, it hasn't been until it was combined with EFT and other energy related therapies that it has produced reasonably consistent results. Relief for Bashful Bladder: Pete has suffered with "Bashful Bladder" for 32 years. This means that he is unable to urinate in public restrooms and thus, when he goes to movies or is involved in other social situations, he has to "hold it" and sometimes for a very long time. This is a huge burden for anyone with this problem. Pete describes the origins of this dilemma and thus displays for us the true "core issues." He also shows how he tests his impressive results under challenging circumstances. Using EFT with a Survivor of Domestic Violence: This detailed article by Jayne Morgan-Kidd illustrates the skillful use of EFT in an all-too-common case of domestic violence. Please note how Jayne approaches the issue globally to "take the edge off" and then gets down to an important SPECIFIC EVENT. She also displays creative ways to test her work. This is an important article for serious students who want the skills necessary to deal with intense cases. Rapid success for a crystal meth and cocaine addiction: Aileen Nobles uses creativity for many emotional issues underlying an addiction to crystal meth and cocaine. Her client then goes a week without these drugs. Please note that this is an unusual case ... AND ... it may not be over. Most hard addictions require skillful and persistent use of EFT to rid the system of all the emotional drivers (and their various aspects). Nonetheless, the results here are impressive, as is Aileen's unique approach.

Other Items

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EFT Highlight Videos(Requires high speed connection)


EFT Introduction Video


Physical Issue







Lessons From Our DVDs


There are many full length sessions in The EFT Course designed to make you proficient in the process. In this session, Marlys uses EFT to get over "love pain" ...an obsession over the loss of romantic relationships. The lessons learned here will enhance your success rate not only for yourself but also for those that you help. More details



The EFT Specialty Series 2 includes presentations by 8 EFT experts on such topics as Chronic Health Issues, Vision Issues, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Substance Sensitivities, Allergy Antidotes, Peak Performance, Trauma/PTSD and The Choices Method. In the photo at the left, author and ADD/ADHD expert Don Blackerby PhD walks you through what it is really like to have ADD. This experience lays the foundation for his creative methods (EFT and otherwise) for handling this problem. More Details

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