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Scientific Research (1/5: Gut Flora)


I have somewhat of a love/hate relationship with science: on one

hand, it provides a uniquely privileged (and fascinating) look into

the mechanisms of reality. On the other, the practice of science is

often distorted by institutional and financial factors, which can

warp what gets studied and who gets to study it away from the ideal

and make life pretty miserable for would-be scientists.


Still, I'm drawn to science like a fish to water, and as a hobby I

sometimes plan out lines of scientific inquiry I would pursue if I

were a scientist and/or rich, particularly on issues which might not

come up in normal science funding cycles. Every week in July I'll be

posting about one such idea. It'll be a grab bag. Sit back and enjoy





What I'd do with a research lab, part 1:

Study the effects of diet on gut flora, and the effects of gut flora

on physiology and psychology


Working hypothesis: Diet significantly and predictably influences gut

flora, and gut flora has a significant influence on physiology,

psychology, and in aggregate, perhaps even national character.


Gut flora, as anyone who's read any yogurt labels nowadays knows,

refers to the bacteria in our guts which help us digest food and

absorb nutrients. The way this is commonly put is that, just as cows

have cellulose-eating bacteria in their guts which help them digest

grass, we have our own bacteria, or gut flora, which help break down

hard-to-digest foods like Twinkies and Big Macs. This sounds simple

enough-- but what common wisdom misses about these bacteria in our

guts is just how widely important and frighteningly under-studied

they are. We know these bacteria not only play a key role in health[1]

[2]- they may be the primary external factor in immune system

function- but can actually influence perception[3]. We also know

literally almost nothing[4] about what lives in our guts. So, while

the rest of the body is fairly well mapped-out, we have this huge

question mark on gut flora, with a scribbled-in note that


1. Whatever does live in our guts outnumbers the 'human' cells in our

body about 10-to-1,

2. gut flora is terribly important to body function (perhaps on the

scale of a major bodily organ),

3. gut flora likely has some influence on nearly every part of our

physiology, and

4. lots of things can go wrong. But we have few reliable metrics to

figure out if someone's gut flora has gone wrong, let alone how.


A big frontier in health science is figuring out what sorts of things

influence this gut flora we carry around. Scientific wisdom has us

getting much of our initial flora as a baby from our mothers, largely

from breast milk and the birthing process, and these initial gut

ecosystems are thought to be at least minimally stable. We also get

bacteria from the food we eat, both from obvious sources such as

yogurt but also from bacteria that naturally grow on foods such as

grains and produce. Gut flora and mouth flora are linked, as are

one's genes and gut flora (e.g., genes influence gut flora, but gut

flora also influences gene expression[5]). Taking a cycle of

antibiotics is thought to sort of " reroll the dice " on gut flora:

most bacteria die off and the survivors must scramble to repopulate

the gut before their competitors do. There is, of course, a lot of

randomness in all of this.


The nuances and relative contributions of these factors are several

frontiers in themselves. Scientists are also starting to explore the

indirect contributions of food to our gut flora, or whether different

diets stochastically give rise to different biosystems by virtue of

changing the competitive landscape for bacteria in our guts. One

issue that I think is on the edge of researchers' minds is whether a

significant part of America's systemic health problems is not just

that we as a nation tend to eat food that's bad for us, but we're

eating food (e.g., high-fructose corn syrup, food additives,

preservatives (particularly sulfates), low-level food-borne

antibiotics and pesticides) that makes the wrong bacteria thrive in

our guts.


I think that's probably the case and, getting further afield, what

I'd like to do is attempt to look into whether the changes in gut

ecosystems caused by changes in eating habits and food manufacturing

trends- aggregated over the 300 million people who live in America-

could contribute to a stochastic change in national character.

Perhaps a significant contributing factor to some of our

institutional ills is the food we eat, the corresponding imbalance in

gut flora which arises from eating such food, and the subtle yet

powerful-in-aggregate dysfunctional personality changes that e.g.,

biologically-active metabolites of such non-symbiotic gut flora might



I sense some reader eyebrows being raised at this point-- that

bacteria could influence, let alone commonly influence, personality

may seem quite a stretch. But consider the case of toxoplasma gondii

(among other examples): it's a protozoan parasite that spends part of

its lifecycle in cats and part in other mammals, and shows clear

signs of manipulating host behavior for its own ends. Infected rats,

for instance, actually seek out the scent of cat urine, since when

the rat gets eaten the toxoplasma can complete its lifecycle in the

cat. What's mind-boggling, though, is that humans who show tell-tale

immunological signs of a past toxoplasma infection score

statistically different on personality tests than do those who have

not been infected (infected men tend to score higher in paranoia,

whereas for women toxoplasmosis seems to lead to higher levels of

social trust and sexual promiscuity). It's unknown how or why

toxoplasma causes such subtle personality changes in humans-- though

likely it's a result of many generations of toxoplasma getting

progressive fitness benefits from honing its initially accidental

effects on rat fear/motivation, and since rats and humans are both

mammals, some of those same psychological buttons toxoplasma has

evolved to exploit in rats are hooked up to things in our brains,

too. The fundamental point I would take from this is that there's

ample evidence that pathological microorganisms can and do subtly

affect personality[6]. Personally? I believe these external

pathogenic influences on personality - real as they are - will pale

in comparison to that mediated by our gut floras.


Let me be perfectly clear: whether diet-gut flora interaction could

be a commonly significant or significant-in-aggregate factor in

personality is mostly just an intuition, built on the connections

between gut flora and health, and health and personality, how tightly

coupled bacteria and their metabolites are to our bodies and the

scope of functional possibilities where such metabolites might-

intentionally or unintentionally- act as e.g., hormone mimics, how

many nerves (100 million+) are in our guts and how connected they are

to our brain, the many possible feedback mechanisms between bacteria

and neurotransmitters[7], how 'clever' and environmentally

manipulative bacteria can be[8], and how connected I think physiology

and personality are. A sore tooth can influence personality; surely

something that can not only affect our nerves, but many aspects of

our biochemistry and nutrition as well, may do the same. I think it's

premature to really push any specific hypothesis about this gut flora-

personality connection, since a lot of the basic science isn't there

to build on. But it's a hypothesis we should be open to, and if I

were in charge of the NIH or a well-endowed charitable foundation,

I'd heavily prioritize flora research in general, particularly in the

context of twin studies: we know so very little about gut flora

(other than that it's important) that the expected return is

extremely high[9].


Update 10/13/07:


Since posting, there have been at least two major developments on

this topic:

1. A theory that the appendix functions as a " safehouse " for good

bacteria, especially with respect to repopulating the body's GI tract

after diarrhea, has been gaining traction. See


Bollinger RR, Barbas AS, Bush EL, Lin SS, Parker W. 2007. Biofilms in

the large bowel suggest an apparent function of the human vermiform

appendix. J Theor Biol (in press) doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2007.08.032


2. A study has linked preference for chocolate with gut flora

metabolism. Specifically, people who identified themselves

as " chocolate desiring " had significantly different metabolic

profiles and significantly different gut flora activity profiles than

those who self-identified as " chocolate indifferent " . It's both clear

that this is an important result, and extremely hard to tease apart

the causality involved at this point.


Results to be published in the Nov. 2 issue of American Chemical

Society's Journal of Proteome Research (via PhysOrg).





[1] http://www.wired.com/medtech/health/news/2007/04/bacteriahacking

" Probiotics (pills containing bacteria) have resulted in complete

elimination of eczema in 80 percent of the people we've treated, "

says Dr. Joseph E. Pizzorno Jr., a practicing physician and former

member of the White House Commission on Complementary and Alternative

Medicine Policy. Pizzorno says he's used probiotics to treat

irritable bowel disease, acne and even premenstrual syndrome. " It's

unusual for me to see a patient with a chronic disease that doesn't

respond to probiotics. "


[2] One of my reasons for being so interested in this topic is that I

suffer from celiac disease, or at least have some probably-autoimmune-

mediated reactions to gluten and casein, and some think celiac

disease may be initially, and perhaps chronically, caused by the

presence of 'bad' bacteria in the gut.


[3] http://www.nature.com/nm/journal/v13/n1/abs/nm1521.html

" We found that oral administration of specific Lactobacillus strains

induced the expression of mu-opioid and cannabinoid receptors in

intestinal epithelial cells, and mediated analgesic functions in the

gut--similar to the effects of morphine. These results suggest that

the microbiology of the intestinal tract influences our visceral

perception. "


[4] http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/abstract/312/5778/1355 -

with interesting commentary by John Hawks:

" This is really important stuff -- our nutrition is very dependent on

these microbes, and there is every reason to think that their ecology

affects our overall health status as well. And we know very little

about them -- heck, these guys are using the same metagenomic

techniques to fine organisms in our bodies that are used to find new

unidentified ocean life! " e.g., we're forced to use metabolism and

byproduct analysis because most of what lives in our guts can't be

cultured in vitro. Edit, 7/13/07: A recent paper came out in PNAS

outlining a technique that may at least partially solve this problem.


[5] Hooper LV, Wong MH, Thelin A, Hansson L, Falk PG, Gordon JI.

Molecular analysis of commensal host-microbial relationships in the

intestine. Science 2001 Feb 2;291(5505):881-4.


[6] Gregory Cochran has argued from an angle of evolutionary fitness

load and allele frequency that many things we think of as being

caused by genes or behavior (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis) are probably

primarily mediated by pathogens.


[7] See

http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0FDN/is_2_9/ai_n6112781/pg_6 -

it's also a good survey of some other complexities in this topic.


[8] This just scratches the surface of the manipulative potential of

bacteria, but one such subtle strategy used by bacteria is (briefly)

explained here: http://www.physorg.com/news99220113.html

" The genes responsible for toxin production only seem to be expressed

during periods of nutrient deprivation. This is consistent with the

view that most disease-causing bacteria express their pathogenicity

when they are hungry, " says Abraham Sonenshein, professor at the

Sackler School of Graduate Biomedical Sciences at Tufts University

and at Tufts University School of Medicine, at the 107th General

Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology (ASM) on May 24,



[9] Another related high-return research area which I think is a

little better represented in science (but should also get more

funding) is examining potential pathogenic influences on personality,

e.g., along the aforementioned lines of toxoplasma gondii and this

previous post.




- I got to thinking about this when musing about America's

social/political/institutional ills. Perhaps this is a longshot for

trying to help explain our various institutional dysfunctions. But

who knows? It could be a contributing factor. Just because the

effects of gut flora are incredibly complex doesn't mean they're

neutral when aggregated into larger contexts.

- At this point I don't have solid predictions on what sorts of diets

tend to strengthen/weaken what sorts of personalities. Perhaps the

safest thing to say is that the significant variation in human

personality may have gut flora as a significant contributing factor,

and also that the physiological stress of coping with a non-symbiotic

flora may e.g. lead to personalities more prone to addiction.

- Though there is plenty of literature documenting correlations

between gut flora and various diseases, and specific diseases and

personality changes, I haven't found any literature that covers what

I would like to study, which is modeling gut flora's influence on

personality without the mediating frame of a specific disease.



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Posted by Mike at 10:39 AM

Labels: bacteria, gut flora, personality, science


Jordan Duckworth said...

Have fun. You're onto something.




Obesity and Gut Flora Link Revealed



3:43 AM

Mike said...

Thanks. Yeah, gut flora is just linked to *everything* it seems...

and the obesity angle certainly makes sense.


1:37 PM

tate said...

I don't know quite what to say. It's like you've tuned into some of

my hitherto private thoughts and amplified them, adding substance and



But check it.


One thing I can say is that since many neurotransmitters are

metabolites of coding amino acids, we might expect to find these same

molecules--as well as metabolites of these molecules which also act

on the same receptor sites--in many contexts throughout the ecosystem.


" I got to thinking about this when musing about America's

social/political/institutional ills. Perhaps this is a longshot for

trying to help explain our various institutional dysfunctions. "


Yeah, I think it's a longshot to say this might explain our

shortcomings, but it very well may be a big piece of the puzzle. Of

course, most Americans don't accept evolutionary theory; I imagine

they'll be much less receptive to the idea their mood and behavior

may be significantly influenced by microorganisms. The boomer

generation is still pretty paranoid about germs in a kill-them-all-

let-God-sort-it-out kind of way.


Any thoughts on candida albicans?


9:27 PM

Mike said...

That is interesting! Thanks for the comment, and I'm glad to see this

thought represented elsewhere.


Candida albicans is a tough topic-- there are so many claims and so

much corresponding skepticism that it's really impossible to figure

out what's going on. Hopefully respectable scientists can at least

get funding to study it, and in a couple years the dust will settle

and we can figure out if it's really as big of an influence on modern

health as some people believe. I suspect it'll be somewhere in the

middle: there are tons of interesting and probably largely factual

claims about the mechanisms by which it can influence health, but

there are just *so many other* similar organisms that probably do

similar things that I think it's unwise to classify it as some sort

of manipulative superbug. At this point.


If I were a scientist studying candida albicans I'd probably focus on

the interplay between candida and the immune system. For the claims

about candida (which I have some sympathy with) to hold water,

candida's gotta be fairly unique in how it finesses the immune system.


10:07 PM

Jordan Duckworth said...

Do either of you have any research concerning the taxonomy of flora

comparing different species and their respective organs?


Could fungus considered plant flora because of how it fixes nitrogen

and enriches the soil bedding?

Don't know much about c. albicans other than I think that it's

primarily throat and vaginal flora.




12:07 AM

tate said...

I'm sympathetic to them too, though, yeah, there's a lot of

speculation that needs to get sorted out.


I was surprised to recently see that the wikipedia entry presents the

subject (candida is implicated in autoimmune dysfunction) as though

there is no controversy nor has there ever been. Nothing on the talk

page either. And they have citations. Just six months ago, there was

more controversy.


I brought it up as a way of attempting to address the last sentence

in your post: " I haven't found any literature that covers what I

would like to study, which is modeling gut flora's influence on

personality without the mediating frame of a specific disease. " I

still can't quite get at it, and I'm getting too tired to try, so

I'll just give you a link to something which is related to this topic

but where I don't come right out and say what I'm actually thinking.


I'm going to poke around your site a bit more tomorrow.


Oh, yeah, Jordan: Don't know, don't know, and I think that candida is

actually supposed to be found in the lower intestine. The eruptions

of candida in the mouth and the vagina are supposedly due to the

overuse of antibiotics.


2:15 AM

Mike said...

tate- interesting link (I've added your blog to my feeds). I'm

excited to see this topic get more awareness. I do encourage you to

poke around the blog, particularly the 2006 posts.


Jordan- connecting different bacteria to different organs would be an

interesting task, but a very hard and fuzzy one, so much so that I

don't think much of interest can be said about it yet.


9:45 PM

Anonymous said...

Think of what happens in birth: the baby's head (body) passes down

the birth canal/vagina. I'd say that the majority of bacteria

inhabiting our guts came from the birth canal, not from breast milk.


5:06 PM

Mike said...



That seems to make a lot of intuitive sense. I suppose the question

is, how much of a factor would it be? It'd certainly be another data

point for twin studies (tracking differences in gut flora where one

twin was delivered normally and the other via cesarean...).


6:01 PM

Anonymous said...



Twins are rare enough (1/90 births) so to have a combined

vaginal/caesarean birth is much, much more rare (1/2250.)



Nevertheless, it's the rare things that get studied most.


I haven't found a study that focused on gut flora diffrences in twins

from combined births yet, but I'm still looking.


Evidence that c-sections predispose infants to illness is widespread,



lookupType=volpage & vol=89 & fp=993 & view=short


But there is also proof that vaginal delivery has its own risks.



Pretty fascinating if you ask me.


11:37 AM

Mike said...

Damned if you do, damned if you don't, eh? I agree- fascinating stuff.





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