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Fifty-three cities rejected fluoridation

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New York – November 14, 2008 -- Fifty-three cities rejectedfluoridation in referenda held in four states on November 4, 2008,according to the Fluoride Action Network (FAN). Lobbied by the Nebraska Dental Association and supported by theAmerican Dental Association (ADA), the Nebraska legislature passed alaw in April 2008, over the Governor’s veto, to require all Nebraskacities with populations over 1,000 to add fluoride chemicals intowater supplies unless cities opt-out by 2010. Forty-nine Nebraskacities said “no thanks” in referenda on Election Day. Corning NY residents passed a citizen-initiated referendum to rescindtheir city council's right to decide the issue for them - effectivelyhalting fluoridation. A pro-fluoridation dentist raised $100,000,mostly from dental organizations, to fund the fluoridation scheme.Corning joins 15 NY State communities that have rejected fluoridationin past years. Also voting down fluoridation: Prairie du Chien, Wisconisn; Jackmanand Moose River, Maine. “Once again we have seen confirmed - from Maine to Nebraska - thatinformed citizens, when given a choice, will reject fluoridation,"says FAN Executive Director, Paul Connett, PhD. “This is notsurprising considering twenty-three studies now link fluorideexposure to lowered IQ.” Health effects from fluoride can be foundhere: http://www.FluorideAction.net/health According to Connett, these rejections bode well for a citizen fightback in Louisiana. After years of trying, the ADA and the LouisianaDental Association expended much money and lobbying efforts to finallyconvince a novice group of Louisiana State Legislators to pass afluoridation mandate law this year. However, cities can still opt outafter petitioning 15 percent of registered voters for a referendumwhich must then pass by a majority of voters. Alamo Heights, Texas rejected fluoridation in September 2008. A citycouncil member who is a retired geophysicist, with a keen interest inresearch and the time to do it, confronted Texas “fluoridationexperts” who were unable to answer important safety questions. As aresult, the council unanimously said “No” to fluoridation. After researching both the ADA and Centers for Disease Control’sfluoridation information, a Hastings, Nebraska businessman turnedactivist against fluoridation because those in favor of fluoridationwere never able to prove that it was harmless. (See:http://www.hastingstribune.com/news111108_faces.html_ Other US cities rejecting fluoridation in 2008 prior to Election Day:Littleton and Yarmouth, Massachusetts; Poughkeepsie, NY; Manila,California; Marion, Wisconsin. In Canada: Quebec City, Quebec; Dryden, Welland, Pelham, and parts ofThorold, Ontario In the UK: Isle of Man; Pendle, Hyndburn, and Lancashire, England. In New Zealand: Alexandra, Earnslceugh/Manuheriki and Cromwell. Take action to end fluoridation here: http://congress.FluorideAction.Net References November 4, 2008 Election Resultshttp://fluoridealert.org/11-4-08.html Communities which have rejected fluoridationhttp://www.fluoridealert.org/communities.htm Fluoride/IQ Studieshttp://fluoridealert.org/iq.studies.html American Dental Association gives Nebraska Dental Associationfluoridation legislative award http://www.marketwatch.com/news/story/ADA-Honors-State-Local-Dental/story.aspx?guid={409B3331-CAA4-4C43-BC4E-C6234BDB896B} or http://tinyurl.com/ADAnebraska Fluoride and Healthhttp://www.fluorideaction.net/health SOURCE: Fluoride Action Network http://www.FluorideAction.net

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