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Clinton Rubin debt-for-life attack on the USS Cole - Killing pre insured sailors!

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I just received this can anyone verify if this is for real?I was in shock, I still think it is too hard to believe._______________ --- On Wed, 11/12/08, hawkscafeowner <hawks-cafe wrote:hawkscafeowner <hawks-cafe[hawkscafe] RESCUE 4: Clinton Rubin debt-for-life attack on the USS Colehawkscafe Date: Wednesday, November 12, 2008, 11:07 PMBelief Clinton-Rubin debt-for-life swaps in October 2000 attack on USS Cole; killers allegedly forgiven 8(a) loans for killing pre-insured sailors, including Lakiba Nicole Palmer and Lakeina Monique FranciAlaska State Governor Sarah Palin – RESCUE 4 in open e-mail counter-intel series for Sarah Palin via her Press Secretary, William McAllister bill.mcAllister@ alaska.gov Gabrielle Goldwater iii44 IDF Corresp. http://www.gabriell egoldwater. comField McConnell and David Hawkins, Forensic Economics, Cybersecurity and Counterinsurgency with Hawks' CAFE and the RESCUE '08 Partywww.CaptainSherlock .com http://www.usdoj. gr/rescue08/http://groups. / group/hawkscafe/ Copies: FBI Director Robert S. Mueller, Minneapolis@ fbi.gov Jack Stockwell jack (AT) jackstockwell (DOT) com http://www.jackstoc kwell.com/ radio/default. asp Daniel E. Friedmann CEO MindBox-MDA (604) 278-3411 invest@mdacorporati on.com Neil Urwitz Cyber Security for 44th Presidency (202) 775-3242 nurwitz (AT) csis (DOT) org Camille Auspitz Press Officer 215-715-3896 camille.auspitz@ clintonrubin. com Chuck Burns 610-256-0441 chuck.burns@ clintonrubin. com KPMG Scott Smith 215-208-0375 scott.smith@ clintonrubin. com KPMG Deutsche IRS Kristin Daly 267-266-8629 kristin.daly@ clintonrubin. com ACORN Phil. Brad King 610-761-2919 brad.king@clintonru bin.com DOD, Serco FAA Paul Roemer 484-885-6942 paul.roemer@ clintonrubin. com KPMG John Shaver 610-458-9117 john.shaver@ clintonrubin. com KPMG Oracle U.N. ChaseJamie Gorelick 202 663 6500 jamie.gorelick@ wilmerhale. com Fannie Mae bcc November 13, 2008 Dear Governor Palin and Ms. Goldwater: RESCUE 4: Clinton Rubin debt-for-life attack on the USS Cole Hawks CAFE believes the Clinton-Rubin associates copied above, executed a debt-for-life swap in the October 12, 2000 attack on the USS Cole in Aden Harbor when contract killers were allegedly forgiven 8(a) / ACORN* loans in return for killing seventeen pre-insured sailors, including Seaman Recruit, Lakiba Nicole Palmer of San Diego, California, and Mess Management Specialist Seaman, Lakeina Monique Franci of Woodleaf, North Carolina. http://archives. cnn.com/2000/ US/10/13/ shipattack. thumbnails. 02.ap/custom. francis.ap. jpghttp://jtaplin. files.wordpress. com/2008/ 03/rubin- clinton.jpghttp://www.allisons heart.com/ vet/palmer/ lakiba.jpgSEE URL FOR IMAGE USS COLE ATTACKhttp://portal. pomorska- sola.si/pomorstv o/nesree% 20na%20morju% 20plani/USS- Cole.jpg"On Thursday, October 12, 2000, 17 young lives were taken in a terrorist attack on the USS Cole, docked in the port of Yemen to take on fuel. Seventeen sons and daughters gave their life on that day. All of America grieves with the families. As I uploaded the photos of these sailors, it's as if I could hear God Himself calling roll call. My heart ached as I thought of the families...children who won't have a daddy home for Christmas... mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, fiancees, friends...all left behind as these seventeen take their final Tour of Duty to a Port we call Heaven. I added the photos so you could all see the face of a hero. No, they did not die fighting in a traditional war, but they did die serving their country and that qualifies them as heroes any day of the week. Pray for the families as you also pray for peace so that this never happens again. Sailors, we salute you on your journey home." http://www.allisons heart.com/ vet/vet.html"Plaintiffs will prove that no later than 1993, the defendants had weapons, opportunity and motive to set up virtual private networks to support false-flag `al-Qaeda - Jihadist', `Ba'ath Party - Jacobin' or `Unabomber - Anarchist' attacks on American assets, including the WTC (1993), the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City (1995), the T-43A jet (a modified Boeing 737-200 used by U.S. Air Force) carrying U.S. Commerce Secretary Ron Brown (1996), the Boeing 747-131 of Flight TWA 800 (1996), US Embassies in East Africa (1998), the USS Cole in Aden Harbor (2000), and four Boeing passenger aircraft, the WTC and the US Naval Command Center (2001) .. Hillary Rodham Clinton (ROSE LAW FIRM, CHICAGO MERCANTILE EXCHANGE, LAFARGE, WALMART, AXA [debt-for-life swaps], FRENCH AMERICAN FOUNDATION, Federal Bureau of Investigation) , DANIEL FRIEDMANN (Macdonald, Detwiller and Associates, DECOY-AND-DRONE WAR GAME MANEUVERS, FINAL APPROACH PROCEDURES, INSTRUMENT APPROACH PROCEDURES .. MINDBOX LOAN MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE, SECURE VIRTUAL PRIVATE NETWORKS, COMMAND, CONTROL, COMMUNICATIONS, COMPUTERS, INTELLIGENCE, SURVEILLANCE AND RECONNAISSANCE SYSTEMS) .. Kristine Marcy (MCCONNELL INTERNATIONAL, [small Business Administration 8(a) debt-for-life program] .. Bruce McConnell (MCCONNELL INTERNATIONAL, International Y2K Cooperation Center for United Nations and World Bank, giving 170 national governments [Yemen] and private equity networks access to White House encryption, TOMOYE)"http://www.hawkscaf e.com/107. html http://www.corumgro up.com/CMFiles/ Images/tombstone s/tombstone- mda-mindbox. jpg http://www.sarkozyn icolas.com/ wp-content/ uploads/2008/ 02/desmarais- sarkozy-photo. jpgWith a little help from our friends, the Abel Danger counter-intelligenc e team has extracted the MindBox rule set allegedly used by Clinton-Rubin to swap 8(a) debt for USS Cole life-insurance policies underwritten by Paul Desmarais Sr.'s Groupe AXA.Abel Danger has evidence that Clinton-Rubin agents used stolen POTUS 42 cybercodes to `unlock' the MindBox loan management system for the attack on the Cole and then conceal online payments to 8(a) killers through the Groupe AXA life-insurance network.Abel Danger has tracked Clinton-Rubin murder for hire payments through virtual war rooms used by Macdonald Dettwiler and Associates (13800 Commerce Parkway, Richmond, B.C.), Power Corp (Desmarais Family at 751 Victoria Square, Montreal, Quebec) and McConnell International (1301 K Street #450, Washington, D.C.).We conclude that Clinton-Rubin LLC, including its global network of associates, partners, clients and users, is an existential threat to the United States that must be neutralized (Please note SBA 8(a) insiders use the term 'liquidated' ).It is too late for you to save the seventeen dead sailors on the USS Cole but it is not too late for you to help us to develop RESCUE'08 – see signature file – as a viral online enterprise to bring the Clinton Rubin partners and their associates to justice. http://captainsherl ock.com/Chapter_ 25.htmhttp://www.hawkscaf e.com/107. htmYours sincerely, Field McConnell, United States Naval Academy, 1971, Forensic Economist fbi or avalonbeef (AT) msn (DOT) com Astana, Kazakhstan 30 year airline and 22 year military pilot, 23,000 hours of safety, Tel: +7 (777) 952 9767 http://www.captains herlock.com/ 101.html David Hawkins hawks-cafe (AT) hotmail (DOT) com Tel: 604 542-0891 Former oil industry operating engineer; Blow-out specialist, safety officer, trouble shooting 15 years experience explosives, incendiaries, radioactive materials and 12-D virtual prototyping. http://www.hawkscaf e.com/bio. htmlCivil Case 3:07-cv-49 'Hawks CAFE v. Global Guardians'http://www.hawkscaf e.com/107. html Clerk's Office, Federal District Court of North Dakota655 1st Ave. North, Suite 130, Fargo ND 5810 Notes:We list below – explore urls, links and notes – some of Clinton-Rubin and 8(a) ACORN / HUBZone associates allegedly engaged in MindBox murder for hire and heterocide.http://www.hawkscaf e.com/107. html http://www.excelgov .org/Join/ content.cfm? ItemNumber= 9338 & navItemNumber= 9433http://www.clintonr ubin.com/ news.htmhttp://governmentfu tures.com/ bio_mcconnell. htmlClinton Rubin using MindBox to control Marcy's HUBZones – 8,240 Census Tracts – 8(a)/ACORN Ghettoes of Fearhttps://eweb1. sba.gov/hubzone/ internet/ imagesnew/ sbapicks. gif8(a)/ACORN* or HUBZone contract killers – hired by Clinton Rubin associates through British Columbia's loan management network MindBox, where global assassins execute debt-for-life swaps and are rewarded with a cybersecured share in the liquidated assets of their (re)insured victims. 8(a) Special Weapons for Arkancides – Clipper encryption keys, two-bullet suicides, tainted blood, machetes, SMACSONIC backfire bombs, QRS11 missile gyroscopes and anthrax SSP. 8(a) Genocides and Heterocides – Pol Pot Cambodia 1975-78, Nicholas Sarkozy Rwanda 1994 and Odinga-Obama Kenya 2008. 8(a) SBA Preferred Lenders – La Francophonie bankers Paul Desmarais and Nadhmi Auchi through their MindBox-controlled online World Trade Centers operated for investors by AXA/BNP Paribas, Pargesa and Bank of the West. 8(a) SBA Preferred Sureties – Robert Rubin and John Deutch through Travelers' Citigroup. 8(a) Killing Strategies mentored by ACORN Sisterhood of radical feminists – Bernardine Dohrn, Hillary Clinton, Jamie Gorelick, Michelle Obama and Leah Zell Wanger and various male assistants, including Bill Ayers, Lester Crown, Rahm Emanuel, John Kerry, Tony Rezko, George Soros and Maurice Strong. 8(a) Legal Services Women at Sidley Austin. 8(a) KPMG Escrowed Liquidation, Tax Shelters and Insider Trading – AMEC, bcIMC, CAI, CalPERS / 50-state pension funds, Carbon Disclosure Project, Carlyle Canada, Countrywide, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, General Dynamics C4, Goldman Sachs, Lizard LLC, Macdonald Dettwiler and Associates, Power Corporation / Montreal, Serco Contract Towers, TIAA-CREF, Total S.A., USIS and Waste Management Inc. 8(a) End Game – Maurice Strong control of votes to depopulate the planet using combination of 2-Child Abortion and 2-Child Carbon Tax. 8(a) Strategic Enemies – All heteropatriarchal organizations, all heterosexual / monogamous families, the United States and its English-speaking allies in the Anglosphere and the sovereign state of Israel representing the cradle of Judeo-Christian society. 8(a) POTUS 43 / 44 Cyber Security to conceal Clinton Rubin Rules of murder for hire, debt-for-life swaps and carbon tax-or-kill operated by Bruce McConnell and Field McConnell's sister, Kristine Marcy.https://www. bankofthewest. com/BOW/assets/ vcmStaticContent /MediaFiles/ SWF/trade_ world.swf http://www.captains herlock.com/ pattern_times. htmlDaniel E. Friedmann President, CEO (Director since December 22, 1999) MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates Ltd., MindBox operator, 13800 Commerce Parkway Richmond, British Columbia, Canada V6V 2J3 Tel: (604) 278-3411 invest@mdacorporati on.comNeil Urwitz, External Relations, Center Strategic & International Studies Commission working on Cyber Security for 44th Presidency (202) 775-3242 nurwitz (AT) csis (DOT) orgCamille Auspitz, Press Officer 215-715-3896 camille.auspitz@ clintonrubin. comChuck Burns, Managing Partner, 610-256-0441 chuck.burns@ clintonrubin. com Clients: NCO, KPMG (MindBox Escrow for 9/11) with SBA 8(a) weapons and loansScott Smith, Managing Partner, 215-208-0375 scott.smith@ clintonrubin. com Clients: KPMG (MindBox Escrow for 9/11) with Deutsche Bank, IRS tax shelter frauds Kristin Daly, Partner, 267-266-8629 kristin.daly@ clintonrubin. com Clients: ACORN Sisterhood, PhiladelphiaBrad King, Partner, 610-761-2919 brad.king@clintonru bin.com Clients DOD, Serco's FAA Contract Towers, Day & Zimmermann Paul Roemer, Partner 484-885-6942 paul.roemer@ clintonrubin. com Clients KPMG (MindBox Escrow for 9/11) with tax shelter fraudsJohn Shaver, Partner, 610-458-9117 john.shaver@ clintonrubin. com Clients: KPMG (MindBox Escrow for 9/11), Microsoft (Groove-Tomoye) Oracle (8(a) `al-Qaeda' database), U.N. and Chase (Teamed with BNP Paribas for the Climate Change and Saddam's Oil-for-Food scams, Maurice Strong's 2-Child Abortion / 2-Child Carbon Tax and the Desmarais/Rubin debt-for-life swaps or the `liquidation' of 680 insured co-workers of Carlton Bartels, the founder of CO2e.com atop WTC#1 on 9/11)."Paul Desmarais is Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Power Corporation of Canada. He is also Chairman of the Board and Deputy Director of Pargesa Holding S.A. (Switzerland). He is a director of the following companies: CLT-UFA (Luxembourg) , the Power Financial Corporation, Power Broadcasting Inc.; Electrafina S.A. (Belgium), the London Assurance Group Inc., Group Investors Inc., London Life Assurance Company, Pargesa Holding S.A. (Switzerland) , the Power Corporation of Canada, La Presse Ltée, the Telegraph Group Limited (England) and Total Fina (France). He is also a member of the international advisory committee of the Barrick Gold Corporation and Chase Manhattan Bank N.A., and a member of the Supervisory Council of AXA and the Compagnie Financière de Paribas (France) [Preferred lender through its subsidiary, Bank of the West to 8(a) contract killers]" ... "NEW YORK, NY – The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the U.S. announced today a program to expedite the payment of claims and provide other complimentary services to families of victims of the terrorist attacks in the United States on Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001. The announcement was made by Kip Condron, President and CEO of AXA Financial, Inc., parent company of Equitable Life. Two company "disaster relief" claims and information centers will be established: on the site of the AXA Gallery at 787 Seventh Avenue in midtown Manhattan, and at the AXA Advisors Mid-Atlantic Regional headquarters at 3141 Fairview Park Dr. in Falls Church, VA, near Washington, DC. Beneficiaries can come to either location to receive immediate, on-site payment upon presentation of appropriate information. Both locations will be staffed by company service representatives to write and present claims-payment checks on the spot [Allegedly the 9/11 checks trigger MindBox Debt-for-Life swaps through AXA Re and fellow tenant Sidley Austin with SA's former associates Michelle Obama and terrorist leader Bernardine Dohrn!]."http://franco. ca/edimage/ grandspersonnage s/en/carte_ v05.htmlhttp://www.axa- financial. com/pressroom/ 2001/09172001_ claims_announcem ent.html............ ......... ......... . Field McConnell, David Hawkins launched RESCUE'08 as a viral online enterprise to eradicate "Clinton-Rubin Rules of Murder-for-Hire and Carbon Tax or Kill" from interstate / foreign commerce. Fellow forensic economists at Hawks CAFE ask you to adopt logos or words here in your signature file and visit or contact them at http://www.usdoj. gr/rescue08/ http://www.captains herlock.com/ avalonbeef (AT) msn (DOT) com hawks-cafe (AT) hotmail (DOT) com

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