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TMJ .... Interested ? THE TRICK OF THE TRADE !!!

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Dear Anne,

Usually, there is a trick of a trade " Build a trust "

In this case, first, the patient had trust in me which she herself

helped me tremendously. This is a plus.

Secondly, I asked her and checked her problem very carefully to

show her that I truly care - good care.

Thirdly, I refused to treat her because I had seen this problem

which was my sister and she had her problem resolved - honest.

Finally, I did the job, but I still insisted her to see orthodontist

which I referred to with his name - humbleness.

After the treatment, she had never seen the orthodontist, nor any

family doctor. The same as with other patients , they wanted me to be

their family doctor. But I told them my boss here would be their

family doctor, I am just an acupuncturist for pain and allergy.


What I had studied may not be covered more than most of you, but may

be less, I graduated in 1995 and I heard that there are more

requirements are added each year to help TCM become more professional.


I am currently do not have a Ph.D , just an MS. This is a minus.

Last year I was called for an interview from Kaiser Permanente. There

were hundreds of applicants and I was not chosen. I still think it was

a non Ph.D. I knew TCM Ph.D is still a sham because no where in the

U.S is recognized this paper which we are not allowed to used it as an

advertisement. But they asked me why didn't I take it. I took a class

for 2 years and a half and found out it was pending, finally not

approved. I never told them this was not recognized because it would

look very bad on us............ OK , let's forget this.


As I explained, I did not concentrate on the diagnosis at that

time, but the pain. Because this was a mixed, losing weight "

deficiency " , constant and excruciating pain. The pain was related to

the SI channel , for it radiated to the small finger. Full-slippery

pulse " excess type " .



In our mind, we should pick a special point first, usually relating

to the channel, press it a few time to see whether the patient

responding or not. If not, forget that point. If yes, insert the

needle slowly and manipulate it... In this case, I inserted the

needle slowly and manipulated it, asked the patient to move her mouth

to trigger the pain, OOp, so painful. Then I must inserted deeper and

manipulate that needle more, then asked again. UUUhhh, better ,,

better ... More but light manipulation ... Oh , oh , oh , no more pain !




Thanks you everybody.









Chinese Medicine , anne.crowley



> Okay, Dr. Nam, maybe I need to come see you.

> I remember in my physiology class the professor making a big point

of the pharmaceutical industry being a big business.

> Then she got to TMJ, and I said, " now that's a business. " I was

diagnosed with that, hmm, 20 years ago.

> Dr Nam, why SI 7? Obviously you were finding something on the SI


> Did this patient go to the orthodontist? And I wonder if it helps.

I would rather treat her for a few months and stabilze things - get

her a night guard from the general dentist, and then see if she really

needs the ortho.


> Anne

> -------------- Original message ----------------------

> " dr_namnguyen58 " <dr_namnguyen58

> > Dear everyone,

> >

> > I had a patient, female , age 72, came in the office for TMJ.

> > She started telling me that this is an excruciating pain, no accident,

> > started suddendly from the whole left side of the face, jaw and

> > radiating down to her finger, esp. her small left finger. It worse

> > when she opened her mouth wide or when she chewed something. She must

> > be fed on soup or watery food. This had been going on for 8 months and

> > she lost 24 lbs. This pain was a constant pain and she was treated

> > with several antibiotics, but never got better.

> > After I heard of the story, I advised her to see Orthodontist who

> > especializes in TMJ, not a regular dentist, for my sister had the same

> > problem. She also lost weight and could not eat normally. It cost her

> > almost $15 grand and it took 4 - 5 months to heal. Finally, she

was fine.

> > However, this lady insisted that I would give her a try because she

> > was referred to me by an MD. I said I had no experience in this case

> > and I wanted her to check with the orthodontist first.

> > She wanted to try me first after all MDs. I demanded : Even after the

> > treatment , you should see your orthodontist tonight or tomorrow,

> > please ! She agreed, I proceeded.

> > She was pale, with malar flush ( light red ) face, strong voice, fast

> > talk, did not care if water intake was cold nor hot, puffy pale

> > tongue, full-slippery rapid pulse.

> > According to the pulse and body constitution is a mixed type.

> > All I cared she was strong , full slippery pulse so I could do the

> > work. Others' who cared !

> > I asked her to open her mouth and see where the pain started, and

> > twisted, and chewed. Every move caused severe pain. I poked around the

> > painful area and Asked her to open her mouth, then I chose SI 7.

> > BINGO ..... After 20 sec the pain vanished. I was surprised and asked

> > her to open her mouth wider, twisted harder. Ooop, no more pain.

> > And the pain along the small finger disappeared. No more treatment.

> > She still comes in visit me and the entire office members, referred

> > hundred of patients afterward.... What a reward !

> > I do not how to explain this, I only chose the affected meridian. You

> > all try to figure it out the diagnosis and explain it in your own way

> > and have fun. This was years ago. At that time I focused only on

the pain.

> > NO herb needed.

> >

> > NOTE : I was known as an acupuncturist with only one needle that was

> > the reason she came to see me. She was an acuphobiac. The reason I 've

> > used only one needle -I must develop a special technique- because I

> > always left some needles after the treatments. It was embarrassing !!!

> > However, they'd never complained.

> >

> > GOOD LUCK !!!

> >

> > ENJOY !

> >

> >

> >






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