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robb7thurston@...: Yehuda Frischman: Chromium--consider Magnesium and Zinc as well.

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Dear Yehuda Frischman;

Sorry, this is anecdotal but right from the heart and my personal

experience in my family. My mother was a sort of lunatic-visonary and

tried some variety of cures, all of which were used on me, the guinea

pig, and some stuck. I and my mother have a tendency to

hypoglycaemia. I would caution you, not just chromium but chromium,

magnesium and zinc are all helpful, that is our experience. I use

them every day--again, just anecdotal.

My experience is that i can use a very high carbohydrate diet of

generally complex carbs. like brown rice and carrots, and tolerate it

very well indeed with chromium, magnesium and zinc. if I forget my

supplements, I start to get the whole hypoglycaemic syndrome, rushes

and depression related to carbs.

Yes, i use amino chelated minerals as my digestion is weak.

Best of wishes, you are on a roll, keep it up, this helped our

family survive a strong tendency towards issues.


Robb Thurston

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What dosages of chromium, magnesium and zinc are you using?


- Mark


On Nov 29, 2007 8:15 AM, robb thurston <robb7thurston wrote:


> Dear Yehuda Frischman;

> Sorry, this is anecdotal but right from the heart and my personal

> experience in my family. My mother was a sort of lunatic-visonary and

> tried some variety of cures, all of which were used on me, the guinea

> pig, and some stuck. I and my mother have a tendency to

> hypoglycaemia. I would caution you, not just chromium but chromium,

> magnesium and zinc are all helpful, that is our experience. I use

> them every day--again, just anecdotal.

> My experience is that i can use a very high carbohydrate diet of

> generally complex carbs. like brown rice and carrots, and tolerate it

> very well indeed with chromium, magnesium and zinc. if I forget my

> supplements, I start to get the whole hypoglycaemic syndrome, rushes

> and depression related to carbs.

> Yes, i use amino chelated minerals as my digestion is weak.

> Best of wishes, you are on a roll, keep it up, this helped our

> family survive a strong tendency towards issues.

> Sincerely,

> Robb Thurston






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I have also found a vitamin B complex with higher

doses of regular niacin (not niacinamide) to be

helpful. As far as the niacin, it will make you flush

the first three days, if you flush the fourth day you

are taking too much.

--- Mark Milotay <mark wrote:


> Rob,


> What dosages of chromium, magnesium and zinc are you

> using?


> - Mark


> On Nov 29, 2007 8:15 AM, robb thurston

> <robb7thurston wrote:


> > Dear Yehuda Frischman;

> > Sorry, this is anecdotal but right from the heart

> and my personal

> > experience in my family. My mother was a sort of

> lunatic-visonary and

> > tried some variety of cures, all of which were

> used on me, the guinea

> > pig, and some stuck. I and my mother have a

> tendency to

> > hypoglycaemia. I would caution you, not just

> chromium but chromium,

> > magnesium and zinc are all helpful, that is our

> experience. I use

> > them every day--again, just anecdotal.

> > My experience is that i can use a very high

> carbohydrate diet of

> > generally complex carbs. like brown rice and

> carrots, and tolerate it

> > very well indeed with chromium, magnesium and

> zinc. if I forget my

> > supplements, I start to get the whole

> hypoglycaemic syndrome, rushes

> > and depression related to carbs.

> > Yes, i use amino chelated minerals as my digestion

> is weak.

> > Best of wishes, you are on a roll, keep it up,

> this helped our

> > family survive a strong tendency towards issues.

> > Sincerely,

> > Robb Thurston

> >

> >



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]








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Hi Robb,


Thanks for the feedback. I use the three minerals you mention with many of

my patients and find that there definitely is overlap. They are also all user

friendly to determine if necessary: Zinc you can test orally with liquid zinc

sulfate (Zinc Status): take a teaspoon of it and place in the patient's mouth

for 30 seconds. If they have a metallic taste, then no deficiency. Magnesium, I

look at the five criteria I have written of before: constipation, poor sleep,

muscle spasms, bone spurs/calcium deposits, and unhealthy liver. And chromium

would be the first thing I would think of in Diabetes II patients. BTW, I would

strongly recommend cutting back on carbs, and increase fat from vegetable and/or

fish sources. Check out Sear's Enter the Zone for more information on

balancing carbs fats and proteins. I also don't like the idea of taking Amino

Acids, as I feel that though they can compensate in a high carb diet, it is an

artificial balance, and can put alot of

strain on the liver, spleen, adrenals, and intestines. Your tendancy toward

hypoglycemia supports my contention. I strongly believe that if we use sound

conservative principles of Chinese nutritional therapy, hypoglycemia, IMVVVHO,

can be resolved.


All the best,




robb thurston <robb7thurston wrote:

Dear Yehuda Frischman;

Sorry, this is anecdotal but right from the heart and my personal

experience in my family. My mother was a sort of lunatic-visonary and

tried some variety of cures, all of which were used on me, the guinea

pig, and some stuck. I and my mother have a tendency to

hypoglycaemia. I would caution you, not just chromium but chromium,

magnesium and zinc are all helpful, that is our experience. I use

them every day--again, just anecdotal.

My experience is that i can use a very high carbohydrate diet of

generally complex carbs. like brown rice and carrots, and tolerate it

very well indeed with chromium, magnesium and zinc. if I forget my

supplements, I start to get the whole hypoglycaemic syndrome, rushes

and depression related to carbs.

Yes, i use amino chelated minerals as my digestion is weak.

Best of wishes, you are on a roll, keep it up, this helped our

family survive a strong tendency towards issues.


Robb Thurston











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