Guest guest Posted September 8, 2008 Report Share Posted September 8, 2008 The Autism Society says, " Autism is a complex developmental disability that typically appears during the first three years of life and is the result of a neurological disorder that affects the normal functioning of the brain.. " There is no warning on aspartame (NutraSweet/Equal/Spoonful/Canderel, E951, etc.) that it causes birth defects and mental retardation as Dr. Louis Elsas, pediatric professor, genetics, testified before Congress on November 3, 1987. The FDA knew all along because of this 49 page report by the famed Dr. John Olney who founded the field of neuroscience called excitotoxicity and tried to prevent the approval of aspartame. It's a long report and takes awhile to open. Dr. Olney knew if the FDA approved this birth defects would be a given. The aspartic acid in aspartame is an excitotoxin. He also showed in combination with MSG, another excitotoxin, it would be a travesty. Aspartame is not an additive but an excitoneurotoxic carcinogenic drug that triggers neurological disorders and affects the normal functioning of the brain. It changes brain chemistry. It also causes psychiatric and behavioral problems and interacts with all antidepressants. It also interacts with vaccines which can also cause autism. Children don't have a chance. All of this is documented in these books: Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic, 1000 page medical text, by H. J. Roberts, M.D., On special through tomorrow. Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills by neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock, M.D., Dr. Blaylock also has DVD, Nutrition and Behavior, that goes through the additives and studies, Also " Health & Nutrition Secrets to Save Your Life " goes into the dangers of vaccines. Children use to get Smallpox, measles, polio, tetanus, etc. Today children get so many vaccines before they enter school it can destroy their immune system among other horrors. Check out the statistics of autism before the approval of aspartame. It was originally approved in l974 but the FDA told Searle Pharmaceutical not to market it because they had already found the problems. However, according to one builder who built the NutraSweet factory in Augusta, Georgia, they were selling it long before it was approved. Many may remember the gum balls they sent through the mail. Legally aspartame was approved in l981 in dry products. Just look at California statistics alone: From l987-l998 there was a 633% increase in Autism in the State of California. From 1998 to 2002 there was an additional 96% increase in Autism in California. According to the CDC one in every 150 children born in the US has autism. The CDC told me years ago that only 10% of any disease is reported. In the l980's when aspartame was approved it started with 1 to 2 per 10,000 children. At that time there was not as much on the market. In 1996 Dr. David Kessler of the FDA allowed aspartame to be approved as a general sweetener, even though the manufacturer themselves had said in their own secret trade information, voluntarily released during Congressional hearings, " I think that it's vital to point out to the Food and Drug people at this meeting that the sweetener is not suitable for all applications for artificial sweeteners and at best would only be functional in part of the market that we held by cyclamate or saccharin. " Besides discussing the psycho manipulation of how they would get this poison approved, this last paragraph shows Searle knew brain tumors would be epidemic because of this approval. They said, " With the spoon-for-spoon, we have no way of estimating maximum likely abuse and hence need to utilize data based on ALMOST COMPLETE CONVERSION TO DKP. " DKP is the brain tumor agent and today even babies are born with brain tumors. Dr. M. Soffritti in his second Ramazzini Study showed that not only is aspartame a multipotential carcinogen but if used in pregnancy it can be passed on to the child, if the child survives, and grow up to get cancer. Current Bibliographies in Medicine, Adverse Effects of Aspartame, was published by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Public health Service, National Institutes of Health, titled: " Adverse Effects of Aspartame " . It was from January l986 through December 1990. It shows 167 citations of adverse studies on aspartame and yet the FDA turns a blind eye and deaf ear to the fact we have a deadly chemical poison on the market that even cause chemical hypersensitization. Today there are so many more studies showing adverse effects. Dr. Russell Blaylock in a lecture said, " Understand the reactions to aspartame are not allergic but toxic like arsenic and cyanide. " NutraPoison, and the 2005 Ecologist, states that aspartame was once listed with the pentagon in an inventory of prospective biochemical warfare weapons submitted to Congress. Regardless of the power and unlimited funds of Ajinomoto, Merisant and other aspartame manufacturers, the government is suppose to protect the lives of the public and not allow Big Pharma and chemical companies to depopulate the US. This US poison is also depopulating other countries. The FDA lists 92 documented symptoms from four types of seizures to coma and death. The entire story of how Donald Rumsfeld got aspartame on the market after the FDA revoked the petition for approval is in the aspartame documentary, Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World, Look at the statistic alone on drug interaction, and aspartame interacts with virtually all drugs because of damage to the mitochondria. How bad can it get, aspartame causes an irregular heart rhythm, interacts with all cardiac medication, damages the cardiac conduction system and causes sudden death. By the time they reach the undertaker they are also pre-embalmed. The Trocho Study shows the formaldehyde converted from the free methyl alcohol embalms living tissue and damages DNA. That means from generation to generation and when you damage DNA you can destroy humanity. The FDA who tried to have the manufacturer indicted and revoked the petition for approval knows how deadly this is. However, today they refuse to do anything. My citizens petition to ban was written over 6 years ago. The law says they must answer in 180 days. They serve above the law. An amendment on an imminent health hazard which has to be answered within about 10 days was sent certified mail in October. They refuse to answer this too because their loyalty is to Big Pharma and not the consumer public. Ezekiel 33:6 says: " The Watchman on the wall who sees danger, yet does not sound the trumpet or help his fellow man, will have the blood of the injured on his hands. " The FDA and manufacturers are responsible for every aspartame case of Autism. That includes those who defend it and push like the professional organizations and front groups funded by industry. So you can see autism has skyrocketed when the teratogen aspartame was marketed. The phenylalanine in aspartame lowers the seizure threshold and depletes serotonin triggering psychiatric and behavioral problems. Dr. Elsas said to Congress in l987 that he had spent at that time 25 years in the biomedical sciences, trying to prevent mental retardation and birth defects caused by excess phenylalanine. Remember in aspartame there is 50% which is a neurotoxin and floods the brain. He said further: " And therein lies my basic concern, that aspartame is in fact a well known neurotoxin and teratogen which, in some as yet undefined dose, will both reversibly in the adult and irreversibly in the developing child or fetal brain, produce adverse effects. " He explained further about the concern that in the rapidly growing brain of the child from zero to six months, of age, when the velocity of brain growth is at its maximum; myelin sheaths are forming and the synapses are coming together. If the imbalance of increased blood phenylalanine were magnified in the brain cells, it could very easily disturb and produce irreversible damage to those insulations and synaptic formations in the brain of the developing child. Albert Einstein once said that concern for man himself and his fate must always form the chief interest of all technical endeavors. John F. Kennedy said, " I can evade questions without help; what I need is answers. " These are the answers to the autism epidemic. Studies show that flu vaccines do not prevent the flu in both children and the elderly. To determine the value of flu vaccines to children, Tom Jefferson, M.D. and colleagues at the Cochran Collaboration, an international organization that evaluates medical research, look at over a thousand studies. They selected 14 high quality clinical trials in which vaccinated children had been compared with unvaccinated children. The combined results of these 14 trials were reported in the British Journal, The Lancet (2/26/05). Their conclusion: " We recorded no convincing evidence that vaccines can reduce mortality, hospital admissions, serious complications and community transmission of influenza. " The CDC now recommends flu vaccines for babies 6-23 months because they tend to suffer more complications once they get the flu, however, no evidence supports the recommendation. The Cochrane reviewers found that vaccines had little effect on bronchitis, ear infections and hospitalizations, compared with the babies given placebo vaccines. In short, the CDC recommendations are irresponsible given the fact that the only two studies that involved babies found no benefit and little is known about adverse effects of these vaccines for babies. Also remember that a single mercury-containing flu vaccine given to a 6 month old child will exceed the EPA's safe daily limit for mercury by33-fold. (; and ) Big Pharma would like to convince Congress to remove all liability for their dangerous drugs and vaccines. Please advise your congressman of this information. Read on for the report, " The Autism Epidemic: What does it teach us? " Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum, Founder Mission Possible International 9270 River Club Parkway Duluth, Georgia 30097 770 242-2599, and Aspartame Toxicity Center, Aspartame Information List, scroll down to banners Jagannath Chatterjee <jagchat01 The Autism Epidemic: What does it teach us? Jagannath Chatterjee (HFA) (Dedicated to Hon'ble President Ms Pratibha Patil, Sonia Gandhi, Priyanka Gandhi, Panabaka Lakshmi, Anu Garg, Renuka Chaudhury, and other women in power and positions of authority who are mothers, have children, and yet prefer to shut their eyes to this national and international catastrophe. Mothers who understand everything and yet dare not utter a word against the system that has spawned this condition, a condition that has hurt children like never before in the history of medicine, nay in the entire history of civillisation.) There is an epidemic and yet no one seems to know. It affects young children. It comes on suddenly, at around 18 months to three years of age. The doctors are unsure about how to diagnose it. Very few of them have any idea about it. No one really knows what causes it. Is it a mystery ailment? Is it contagious? Is it genetic? Do vaccines cause it? Do toxins in the atmosphere cause it? Do industrial chemicals and paints all around us cause it? Does the poisoning of the groundwater, pesticides or simply lack of parental care cause it? Who is really interested to find out? One in 37 children are affected in India. That is one huge figure. Dr Mercola of the USA says it is 1 in 10 worldwide. Mind-boggling. The parents are furious. The doctors seem more busy refuting charges than try to find the cause and provide a solution. There seems to be no cure. It is free for all as far as treatment goes. What makes things more complex is that no two autistic children provide the same set of symptoms. Is there a vaccine in the offing? Well, you had better not utter the words " vaccine " and " autism " together. It causes a lot of hearts to flutter. Why? You need to be an autistic yourself or the parent of an autistic child to find the real answer to that question. What is autism? The Autism Society website says, " Autism is a complex developmental disability that typically appears during the first three years of life and is the result of a neurological disorder that affects the normal functioning of the brain, impacting development in the areas of social interaction and communication skills. Both children and adults with autism typically show difficulties in verbal and non-verbal communication, social interactions, and leisure or play activities. " Quite a mouthful, isn't it? The autism epidemic has spawned a worldwide debate. This debate has taught us a lot many things. The first and foremost lesson we have learnt is that health, or for that matter everything else, is too precious a thing to be left to the experts. With the advent of modern medicine came a very special medical jargon, like Sanskrit of yester years that Brahmins used to retain their hold over religion. Technical language unwittingly perhaps helped keep the nitty-gritty's of the subject away from the common man. The scientists decided our fate and we had to submit tamely without question, without being informed about the consequences. As vaccine industry spokesperson Paul Offit famously declared in the now immortal statement, " It was a disaster to let the public know about Thiomersal (in vaccines) " . Great. The parents should not know that their children are being injected mercury ostensibly to " keep them healthy " . Autism has taught us to question why. It has forced us to study the concept of vaccines. To our utter dismay we found out that vaccines are more for profit than for protection. Deeper studies reveal vaccines do not protect against any disease. They never did! It has always been a craftily designed apparition to make the public imagine that medical intervention can prevent disease. It has been done to ensure that money that ought to have gone to common sense measures like hygiene, sanitation, clean water and nutrition goes to the medical research institutions. Vaccines instead create diseases, a host of them. They are today suspected of having converted acute curable illnesses into chronic " manageable " ones. Managed by the constant administration of costly medications and numerous " timely " visits to the doctors. We loose both our health and money and feed an infrastructure that works overtime to keep us sick. It is not only the public they fool. The doctors and caregivers too are pawns in their hands, militarily trained to follow instructions, kept in the dark about the contents of medications and vaccines, uninformed about medical controversies, hypnotised into believing that diseases can not be cured, brain washed to lash out against anything or anyone that dares challenge this faulty paradigm. Autism has exposed the dangers of reductionism. Doctors have been trained to concentrate on diseases of individual parts. Autism is a nightmare for them. Hey, how can these people suffer in the whole? The brain, the nervous system, the lungs, the intestines, the neuro-muscular system, the emotions, thought patterns, everything seems to be affected and all at once! There is also a considerable breakdown of the immune system.. The poor doctor, he does not know where to start. He prefers to keep quiet and imagine that this condition does not exist. He prefers to accept the theory that this term is used to describe unmanageable children whose parents have been far too tolerant of their antics. Autism has encouraged parents to look for alternatives. The main system is a total failure as far as autism is concerned, they have figured out. Psychiatric drugs and sedatives make things worse. The underlying holistic nature of the alternative medical approaches now seems to make sense. Autism has brought to the fore the role of toxics in inducing disease. Not only the vaccinated children, who show full fledged symptoms that fall under the spectrum of Autism, the children exposed to pesticides, industrial chemicals, household chemicals, toxic toys too develop peculiar problems. Infantile jaundice, infantile diabetes, infantile cancers, cardiac disorders, glandular disorders, you see them all in children today. The mothers' milk and the placental fluid, designed by nature to be inherently pure and nutritious, are today polluted beyond measure. Autism has broken the barriers between people. No longer able to tackle this difficult disease alone, the parents are coming together, forming associations, studying hard, sharing experiences, discussing treatment modalities and discovering strengths and capabilities within themselves they never knew existed. This epidemic has forced them out of their shells and opened their eyes to the difficulties faced by children all over the world. Women who never imagined coming of the influence of their husbands are today forcing US Presidential aspirants to take a stand on the vaccines-cause-autism issue. Autism has helped honest and ethical doctors. Rendered frustrated and helpless by the suppressive force that corrupt medicine is today, they have broken free, and despite persecution have taken it upon themselves to expose the extreme and needless toxicity that is today's " health care " . Hat's off to these wonderful people who give us the hope that all is not over with the world, yet. Autism has given us a whole new world of brave children, who have overcome insurmountable difficulties. Children whose struggle has made us realise the silly nature of our adult anxieties. Trivial things that keep us occupied without caring for the well being of the world that nurtures us. They have taught us to be patient, to be well behaved, to care for others, to consider the entire world as one family. They have given us the power to come together and fight. Autism has shown us the way back to a simple, caring and sharing life. It has infused life into an otherwise sadistic system that threatened to take us for granted. Today's autistics are the Gandhiji's, Rajaji's and Netaji's of tomorrow who will lead us into a future of peace and well being, a future without hatred and war, a future without politics and selfishness, a future where cooperation and not competition will be the norm, peace not profiteering will be the new slogan. Our pranams be at their feet. JAI HIND! " The greatest threat of childhood diseases lies in the dangerous and ineffectual efforts made to prevent them through mass immunization.....There is no convincing scientific evidence that mass inoculations can be credited with eliminating any childhood disease. " --Dr Robert Mendelsohn, M.D. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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