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trouble with my joints

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I am having trouble with my joints (I'm looking at shoulder surgery here soon). I have lots of osteophytes in my joint sacs - small bits of calcifications - I'm trying to find something that will help rid my body of these nasty buggers - got any ideas? Been trying very hard to eat a very healthy diet no matter how much it costs. I love the farmers markets, but I have to be careful because there are many unscrupulous growers who say they are organic.


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Here is a very effective remedy for joint pain and in particular for

dissolving calcifications.


Take 3 or 4 (depending on size) organic, blemish-free lemons. Wash

them and put them into a screw-top glass jar at least 1 1/2 litres in

size. Pour a one litre bottle of methylated spirits into the jar

making sure the lemons are covered. Screw lid on jar and set to one

side for at least 2 weeks but better I think to leave for at least a



The methylated spirits will turn yellow as it takes all the goodness

out of the lemon and skin. You can now use this yellow liquid for

joint pain and dissolving calcifications simply by taking some and

rubbing it on your skin in the affected areas.


Don't do anything to your jar.... leave it as it is with the lemons in

it and just remove small amounts of liquid as needed. I have

arthritic pain in my fingers so I just leave the bottle on the counter

and whenever I think of it I just remove the lid from the jar and dip

my fingers into it.


The alcohol preserves the whole thing and keeps bacteria at bay so it

never goes off. Just keep using it until it's all finished.


Hope this helps.





herbal remedies , spook <spooky2th1 wrote:


> I am having trouble with my joints (I'm looking at shoulder surgery

here soon).� �I have lots of osteophytes in my joint sacs - small bits

of calcifications - I'm trying to find something that will help rid my

body of these nasty buggers - got any ideas?� Been trying very hard to

eat a very healthy diet no matter how much it costs.� I love the

farmers markets, but I have to be careful because there are many

unscrupulous growers who say they are organic.

> �


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I also have to throw my 2 cents in, get your colon going!Gina kazcee <dusky21herbal remedies Sent: Friday,

February 20, 2009 10:37:00 PM{Herbal Remedies} Re: trouble with my joints


Here is a very effective remedy for joint pain and in particular for

dissolving calcifications.


Take 3 or 4 (depending on size) organic, blemish-free lemons. Wash

them and put them into a screw-top glass jar at least 1 1/2 litres in

size. Pour a one litre bottle of methylated spirits into the jar

making sure the lemons are covered. Screw lid on jar and set to one

side for at least 2 weeks but better I think to leave for at least a



The methylated spirits will turn yellow as it takes all the goodness

out of the lemon and skin. You can now use this yellow liquid for

joint pain and dissolving calcifications simply by taking some and

rubbing it on your skin in the affected areas.


Don't do anything to your jar.... leave it as it is with the lemons in

it and just remove small amounts of liquid as needed. I have

arthritic pain in my fingers so I just leave the bottle on the counter

and whenever I think of it I just remove the lid from the jar and dip

my fingers into it.


The alcohol preserves the whole thing and keeps bacteria at bay so it

never goes off. Just keep using it until it's all finished.


Hope this helps.




herbal remedies, spook <spooky2th1@ ...> wrote:


> I am having trouble with my joints (I'm looking at shoulder surgery

here soon).� �I have lots of osteophytes in my joint sacs - small bits

of calcifications - I'm trying to find something that will help rid my

body of these nasty buggers - got any ideas?� Been trying very hard to

eat a very healthy diet no matter how much it costs.� I love the

farmers markets, but I have to be careful because there are many

unscrupulous growers who say they are organic.

> �


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What are methylated spirits spirits? And where would I obtain some?

Thanks in Advance.



herbal remedies , " kazcee " <dusky21 wrote:


> Here is a very effective remedy for joint pain and in particular for

> dissolving calcifications.


> Take 3 or 4 (depending on size) organic, blemish-free lemons. Wash

> them and put them into a screw-top glass jar at least 1 1/2 litres in

> size. Pour a one litre bottle of methylated spirits into the jar

> making sure the lemons are covered. Screw lid on jar and set to one

> side for at least 2 weeks but better I think to leave for at least a

> month.


> The methylated spirits will turn yellow as it takes all the goodness

> out of the lemon and skin. You can now use this yellow liquid for

> joint pain and dissolving calcifications simply by taking some and

> rubbing it on your skin in the affected areas.


> Don't do anything to your jar.... leave it as it is with the lemons in

> it and just remove small amounts of liquid as needed. I have

> arthritic pain in my fingers so I just leave the bottle on the counter

> and whenever I think of it I just remove the lid from the jar and dip

> my fingers into it.


> The alcohol preserves the whole thing and keeps bacteria at bay so it

> never goes off. Just keep using it until it's all finished.


> Hope this helps.


> Karen



> herbal remedies , spook <spooky2th1@> wrote:

> >

> > I am having trouble with my joints (I'm looking at shoulder surgery

> here soon).� �I have lots of osteophytes in my joint sacs -

small bits

> of calcifications - I'm trying to find something that will help rid my

> body of these nasty buggers - got any ideas?� Been trying very hard to

> eat a very healthy diet no matter how much it costs.� I love the

> farmers markets, but I have to be careful because there are many

> unscrupulous growers who say they are organic.

> > �

> >


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NOT! buy or use methylated spirits!!!!!!!

The only type of alcohol that should be used in, on or near the body is

Ethyl Alcohol / Ethanol.

I apologize to the list that this recommendation made it through the

moderator process.

It is NOT good advice.

The recipe may work with Ethanol, and looks like it is worth trying,

but use plain ordinary Vodka in this recipe.

Yours in Knowledge, Health and Freedom,



borup101 wrote:



What are methylated spirits spirits? And where would I obtain some?

Thanks in Advance.



herbal remedies ,

"kazcee" <dusky21 wrote:


> Here is a very effective remedy for joint pain and in particular


> dissolving calcifications.


> Take 3 or 4 (depending on size) organic, blemish-free lemons. Wash

> them and put them into a screw-top glass jar at least 1 1/2 litres


> size. Pour a one litre bottle of methylated spirits into the jar

> making sure the lemons are covered. Screw lid on jar and set to one

> side for at least 2 weeks but better I think to leave for at least


> month.


> The methylated spirits will turn yellow as it takes all the


> out of the lemon and skin. You can now use this yellow liquid for

> joint pain and dissolving calcifications simply by taking some and

> rubbing it on your skin in the affected areas.


> Don't do anything to your jar.... leave it as it is with the

lemons in

> it and just remove small amounts of liquid as needed. I have

> arthritic pain in my fingers so I just leave the bottle on the


> and whenever I think of it I just remove the lid from the jar and


> my fingers into it.


> The alcohol preserves the whole thing and keeps bacteria at bay so


> never goes off. Just keep using it until it's all finished.


> Hope this helps.


> Karen



> herbal remedies ,

spook <spooky2th1@> wrote:

> >

> > I am having trouble with my joints (I'm looking at shoulder


> here soon).� �I have lots of osteophytes in my joint sacs -

small bits

> of calcifications - I'm trying to find something that will help

rid my

> body of these nasty buggers - got any ideas?� Been trying very

hard to

> eat a very healthy diet no matter how much it costs.� I love the

> farmers markets, but I have to be careful because there are many

> unscrupulous growers who say they are organic.

> > �

> >







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methyl alcohol can cause blindness if taken internally. It's great for fire,

and for bio diesel, but wouldn't recommend for you body.


Douglas Greene







Doc <docshillington

herbal remedies

Sunday, February 22, 2009 1:48:27 PM

Re: {Herbal Remedies} Re: trouble with my joints




NOT! buy or use methylated spirits!!!!! !!

The only type of alcohol that should be used in, on or near the body is

Ethyl Alcohol / Ethanol.

I apologize to the list that this recommendation made it through the

moderator process.

It is NOT good advice.

The recipe may work with Ethanol, and looks like it is worth trying,

but use plain ordinary Vodka in this recipe.

Yours in Knowledge, Health and Freedom,



borup101 wrote:

What are methylated spirits spirits? And where would I obtain some?

Thanks in Advance.



herbal remedies,

" kazcee " <dusky21 > wrote:


> Here is a very effective remedy for joint pain and in particular


> dissolving calcifications.


> Take 3 or 4 (depending on size) organic, blemish-free lemons. Wash

> them and put them into a screw-top glass jar at least 1 1/2 litres


> size. Pour a one litre bottle of methylated spirits into the jar

> making sure the lemons are covered. Screw lid on jar and set to one

> side for at least 2 weeks but better I think to leave for at least


> month.


> The methylated spirits will turn yellow as it takes all the


> out of the lemon and skin. You can now use this yellow liquid for

> joint pain and dissolving calcifications simply by taking some and

> rubbing it on your skin in the affected areas.


> Don't do anything to your jar.... leave it as it is with the

lemons in

> it and just remove small amounts of liquid as needed. I have

> arthritic pain in my fingers so I just leave the bottle on the


> and whenever I think of it I just remove the lid from the jar and


> my fingers into it.


> The alcohol preserves the whole thing and keeps bacteria at bay so


> never goes off. Just keep using it until it's all finished.


> Hope this helps.


> Karen



> herbal remedies,

spook <spooky2th1@ > wrote:

> >

> > I am having trouble with my joints (I'm looking at shoulder


> here soon).� �I have lots of osteophytes in my joint sacs -

small bits

> of calcifications - I'm trying to find something that will help

rid my

> body of these nasty buggers - got any ideas?� Been trying very

hard to

> eat a very healthy diet no matter how much it costs.� I love the

> farmers markets, but I have to be careful because there are many

> unscrupulous growers who say they are organic.

> > �

> >


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I didn't see my other post come through asking if this

was safe, but I was wondering that exact thing, if vodka would work.





CHANGE has ARRIVED and it ain't pretty!!


He truly lives dangerously who trusts his health to a doctor, his rights to a lawyer, his money to a banker, or his soul to a preacher



Doc wrote:



NOT! buy or use methylated spirits!!!!!!!

The only type of alcohol that should be used in, on or near the body is

Ethyl Alcohol / Ethanol.

I apologize to the list that this recommendation made it through the

moderator process.

It is NOT good advice.

The recipe may work with Ethanol, and looks like it is worth trying,

but use plain ordinary Vodka in this recipe.

Yours in Knowledge, Health and Freedom,



borup101 wrote:



What are methylated spirits spirits? And where would I obtain


Thanks in Advance.



herbal remedies ,

"kazcee" <dusky21 wrote:


> Here is a very effective remedy for joint pain and in particular


> dissolving calcifications.


> Take 3 or 4 (depending on size) organic, blemish-free lemons. Wash

> them and put them into a screw-top glass jar at least 1 1/2 litres


> size. Pour a one litre bottle of methylated spirits into the jar

> making sure the lemons are covered. Screw lid on jar and set to one

> side for at least 2 weeks but better I think to leave for at least


> month.


> The methylated spirits will turn yellow as it takes all the


> out of the lemon and skin. You can now use this yellow liquid for

> joint pain and dissolving calcifications simply by taking some and

> rubbing it on your skin in the affected areas.


> Don't do anything to your jar.... leave it as it is with the

lemons in

> it and just remove small amounts of liquid as needed. I have

> arthritic pain in my fingers so I just leave the bottle on the


> and whenever I think of it I just remove the lid from the jar and


> my fingers into it.


> The alcohol preserves the whole thing and keeps bacteria at bay so


> never goes off. Just keep using it until it's all finished.


> Hope this helps.


> Karen


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I totally agree regarding "get your colon going". I recently had a transformation in my health. I started using papaya enzyme after every meal no matter how small. I also started using acidophilus pearls and a high protein drink along with a superfood drink consisting of an apple, fresh salad greens and water blended into a liquid. My energy level has gone from zero to 60 in just a few short weeks. Best of health to all.

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May I ask what the difference is? What is a methylated spirit?---


In herbal remedies , Doc <docshillington wrote:


> DO NOT! I REPEAT! DO NOT! buy or use methylated spirits!!!!!!!

> The only type of alcohol that should be used in, on or near the body is

> Ethyl Alcohol / Ethanol.

> I apologize to the list that this recommendation made it through the

> moderator process.

> It is NOT good advice.

> The recipe may work with Ethanol, and looks like it is worth trying,


> use plain ordinary Vodka in this recipe.

> Yours in Knowledge, Health and Freedom,

> Doc


> borup101 wrote:

> >

> > What are methylated spirits spirits? And where would I obtain some?

> > Thanks in Advance.

> > Melody

> >

> > herbal remedies

> > <herbal remedies%40>, " kazcee " <dusky21@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Here is a very effective remedy for joint pain and in particular for

> > > dissolving calcifications.

> > >

> > > Take 3 or 4 (depending on size) organic, blemish-free lemons. Wash

> > > them and put them into a screw-top glass jar at least 1 1/2

litres in

> > > size. Pour a one litre bottle of methylated spirits into the jar

> > > making sure the lemons are covered. Screw lid on jar and set to one

> > > side for at least 2 weeks but better I think to leave for at least a

> > > month.

> > >

> > > The methylated spirits will turn yellow as it takes all the goodness

> > > out of the lemon and skin. You can now use this yellow liquid for

> > > joint pain and dissolving calcifications simply by taking some and

> > > rubbing it on your skin in the affected areas.

> > >

> > > Don't do anything to your jar.... leave it as it is with the

lemons in

> > > it and just remove small amounts of liquid as needed. I have

> > > arthritic pain in my fingers so I just leave the bottle on the


> > > and whenever I think of it I just remove the lid from the jar

and dip

> > > my fingers into it.

> > >

> > > The alcohol preserves the whole thing and keeps bacteria at bay

so it

> > > never goes off. Just keep using it until it's all finished.

> > >

> > > Hope this helps.

> > >

> > > Karen

> > >

> > >

> > > herbal remedies

> > <herbal remedies%40>, spook <spooky2th1@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > I am having trouble with my joints (I'm looking at shoulder


> > > here soon).� �I have lots of osteophytes in my joint sacs -

> > small bits

> > > of calcifications - I'm trying to find something that will help

rid my

> > > body of these nasty buggers - got any ideas?� Been trying very

hard to

> > > eat a very healthy diet no matter how much it costs.� I love the

> > > farmers markets, but I have to be careful because there are many

> > > unscrupulous growers who say they are organic.

> > > > �

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >


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