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This websites will tell you all you need to know. I say we as Americans need to hit the streets in a nonviolent protest to take back our God given inalienable rights



If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; and may posterity forget that ye were once our countrymen." ~~ Samuel AdamsDo Unto Others As You would Have Others Do Unto You--- On Sun, 8/2/09, Richard Brown <happie2shoot wrote:

Richard Brown <happie2shootVideo: Corporate Media Gets You Ready for Your Forced Experimental VaccinationSunday, August 2, 2009, 7:01 AM


















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Water Fluoride - cancer (esp. bone cancer)- hypothyroidism- Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Lou Gehrig's- CFS/Fibromyalgia Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft (SSRIs) and many other "anti-depressants", contain fluorine compounds, which biochemically affect and change the brain. These substances are eventually excreted and may contaminate municipal water supplies. "Fluoride causes more human death, and causes it faster than any other chemical"-Dean Burk, Chief Chemist Emeritus, US National Cancer Institute "Sodium Fluoride water solutions are the cheapest and most effective rat killers known to chemists: colourless, odourless, tasteless, no remedy, no hope: Instant extermination of rats."-Dr. E.H. Bronner, Mfg.Research Chemist, Los Angeles. - Nephew of Albert Einstein! Fluoride-Info: -Fluoride: Industry’s Toxic Coup-Video: News Report - Fluoride is Poison-Fluoride - The Lunatic Drug-The Poisoning of America’s Water Supplies-Second Thoughts on Fluoride - Scientific American Food Genetically Modified Organisms - Allergies- Genetic Pollution- Increased use of herbicides- Increased use of pesticides "Once released into the environment, unlike a BSE epidemic or chemical spill, genetic mistakes cannot be contained, recalled or cleaned up, but will be passed onto all future generations indefinitely."-Dr. Michael Antoniou "The genetic modification of food is intrinsically dangerous. It involves making irreversible changes in a random manner to a complex level of life about which little is known. It is inevitable that this hit-and-miss approach will lead to disasters. It must disrupt the natural intelligence of the plant or animal to which it is applied, and lead to health-damaging side-effects."-Dr. Geoffrey Clements GMO-Info: -FDA Opens “Pandora’s Box†by Approving Food from Clones for Sale-Genetically Modified (GM) Crops Increase Pesticide Use-The True Food Network-The Death Of Rice In India-The Global Crisis: Food, Water and Fuel Air Fighting Global Warming by “geo-engineering†the Planet Chemical Trails(chemtrails) Chemicals:(attempting to reflect sunlight) - Barium(causes drought)- Aluminum(reduces nervous system activity, memory loss, loss of coordination, confusion and disorientation)- Sulphur Dioxide(acid-rain) The following health effects are linked with exposure to sulphur. - Neurological effects and behavioural changes - Disturbance of blood circulation- Heart damage- Effects on eyes and eyesight- Reproductive failure- Damage to immune systems- Stomach and gastrointestinal disorder- Damage to liver and kidney functions- Hearing defects- Disturbance of the hormonal metabolism- Dermatological effects- Suffocation and lung embolism Chem-Info: -Chemtrails Mega-Post-Video: Chemtrails-Chemtrails-Video: NBC news: Chemtrails over California-Video: Chemtrails Germany-U.S. Government Mad Scientists Geo-Engineer Atmosphere “Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.†- George Washington












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"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power of money should be taken from banks and restored to Congress and the people to whom it belongs. I sincerely believe the banking institutions having the issuing power of money, are more dangerous to liberty than standing armies."-Thomas Jefferson, Letter to James Monroe, January 1, 1815


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Video: Corporate Media Gets You Ready for Your Forced Experimental Vaccination

Posted by sakerfa on July 31, 2009



Fox’s Shepard Smith almost said “draconian†and instead said “drastic†while reporting on Northcom’s involvement in plans to “administer†a toxic H1N1 vaccine, more than likely in October. Robert Gates, the Bush admin leftover at the Pentagon, is ready to sign off on marrying troops with FEMA when the engineered pandemic breaks out later this year. No mention of the egregious violation of Posse Comitatus this plan presents in the Fox News report:


Northcom has a plan “on the table†for “five regional military teams†to back up FEMA when the pandemic hits. Fox’s Brian Wilson reports the military will be involved in imposing “mass quarantines,†that is to say martial law.

It is becoming increasingly clear what the government has in mind for the serfs.

For all the details on the hyped flu pandemic, forced vaccination with experimental vaccines, and coming martial law, see our Flu Pandemic Resource page.

Source: InfoWars




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This entry was posted on July 31, 2009 at 12:29 am and is filed under Dictatorship, Education/Mind Control, False Flags, Fascism, Film/Video, Mainstream Media, Martial Law/Police State, NWO, Neuro/Bio/Chem Warfare, Politics/Elect/Corrupt, Science/Health, WMD. Tagged: fema, msm, vaccines, vaccinations, news, propaganda, vaccination, fox, fear, law, vaccine, pandemic, media, Quarantines, NorthCom, flu, draconian, gates, Martial, robert, mongering, main-stream, posse, comitatus, H1N1, test, brian, mass, mutation, wilson, mutates. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed. 4 Responses to “Video: Corporate Media Gets You Ready for Your Forced Experimental Vaccinationâ€



andy saidJuly 31, 2009 at 11:56 am

If you know any children who are given Tamiflu, they might need extra care – see article here



Dave saidJuly 31, 2009 at 5:33 pm

There’s no doubt that this was a lab virus(â€Franken virusâ€)There’s no doubt that it is meant as a cover for another event(economy morphing into global system with a shutdown of banks for indeterminate length of time(no credit card use,no withdrawals).Where the doubt lies is what type of system we will be subjected to and for how long the military will be embedded with society.And here’s the worst part,whether or not Obama will voluntarily leave after he declares martial law for this “crisisâ€.



The JC saidJuly 31, 2009 at 9:10 pm

The gov. wants a pandemic. More than likely a stronger version of H1N1 will be released by the gov. and said to have “mutated†and use that as an excuse to make people get vaccinated. Then who ever refuses vaccinations will be rounded-up and quarantined in the FEMA detention centers built by KBR and haliburton for 360 billion; as was legislated by congress. Its all part of the problem reaction solution paradigm gov’s use to enslave their people. This time its a an oh so scary gov. made virus. Obama is a communist he’s trying to bring communism; because that what his handlers want. When will we stop letting this corrupt communist gov. treat us like useless eaters?



TerraHertz saidAugust 1, 2009 at 5:55 am

OK, it’s well documented the Elites have been working towards a global population cull for decades. Their oft-stated aim is to get the world population down to something under 500 million. But of course, that has to be done in some way that doesn’t result in *them* being slaughtered and hung from street poles by the enraged survivors. It has to look like some accidental series of unfortunate disasters; a natural cascade of regretable but unavoidable circumstances. (One of which was 911.)

But how to do it? This is a real problem for them. An engineered plague might work, but then again, it might also mutate, rendering useless whatever immunity the Elites hoped they’d given themselves. Result- they die too.Also, trying to arrange for some ‘mandatory innoculation’ to kill the sheeple outright, would be too risky – the military could cotton on, and likely *help* the surviving people kill off the elites.

What a dilema for them! A plague might backfire, and direct genocide of six billion is so risky to organise and keep quiet while the ‘useless eaters’ still vastly outnumber and outgun the Elites.

Here’s what I think they have come up with.

Do a search for ‘innoculation, cancer epidemic’. There’s a lot of information around about cancer-causing genes being deliberately slipped into various immunisation shots over the last several decades. Honing the technology, getting it right. By now it’s likely to be quite an exact science.

Now comes the (engineered, deliberately released, but pretty feeble) ’swine flu’. Which is more of a stage managed media panic than an actual threat. It’s also very clear that the objective of the WHO/media hype has been to justify a massive, compulsory, world-wide innoculation program. Vaccines patented a year before H1N1 even appeared, laws put in place to allow compulsory shots, vaccine makers granted legal indemnity… Not to mention the timing of it all – just as the financial collapse is expected to really bite.

What will the vaccine do? I’m guessing it will contain attenuated live virus (active, but non-contagious) which includes various cancer-causing genes. Not to mention all the other slow-death delights, such as squalene adjuvant, which causes a zoo of auto-immune neurological degenerations. The vaccine won’t kill many straight away. But you’ll die pretty rapidly later all the same – of cancer. ‘Tragic’ of course, and the government/media mouthpieces for the Elites will insist the horrific rise in lethal cancers over the next few years is ‘mysterious, cause unknown’. Just like the Autism epidemic has nothing to do with Thimerosal in vaccines, like Aspartame is good for you and has nothing to do with the MS epidemic, like Flouride is a beneficial additive in the drinking water which has nothing to do with chemically pacifying people, and widespread vitamin D deficiency has nothing to do with it’s associated plethora of diseases.

Despite the Internet, it’s still sadly true that 80% of people are gullible, lazy fools, who will NOT lift a finger to seek out information and educate themselves. Even if their stupidity costs them and their families their lives.

A secondary objective of the mandatory immunisation setup will be to identify ‘anti-social resisters’ – those who refuse to take the shots. Perhaps at most 20% of people (and more likely under 5%) will flat out refuse them. Few enough people to be easily dealt with by other means. Few enough to disappear, and not be mentioned in the evening TV news.

The key point is that this method will work, from the Elite’s point of view. They won’t die – the cancer-causing live viruses in the shots won’t be contagious (they hope.) And they of course, won’t be taking the shots – or at least, not the same ones as the sheeple get. Plus, it gives them a fairly controlable means for selecting specific survivors – those they feel suitable and useful to enjoy life as slaves of the post-cull global regime of the Elites.

All the Elites have to do, is make sure the truth doesn’t reach the masses and convince them.Do you think they will succeed?







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David, What is in the film you are sending to people on the list? I am

using a very old 486 computer which is still dos-based thank goodness no

viruses to worry about but I would like a summary of this information, I

would like to kn ow why this information isn't available in Braille or in

disk only formatt for blind people who cannot afford computers, I live

in an apartment building where most of the people in here are blind or in

sheel chairs and most of them cannot afford the high cost of computers and

the screen-reading technology that we have to use to read what is on our

screens, I would like to know why there isn't information concerning

natural remedies availa ble in Braille we could benefit from this, Also

people have been talking about preparing for martial law but nothing is

available in Braille, We still need information on paper because if our

computers crash we are out of luck.

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