Guest guest Posted May 6, 2010 Report Share Posted May 6, 2010 Organic Solutions Volume 9 – Issue 11 THE LIFETIME HEALTH DIET (PART FOUR) There are three separate steps to the Lifetime Health Diet and Exercise Program that are done in the following order: 1. Body Systems Balancing: This includes a complete Detoxification / Cleansing Program, and the build up and strengthening of the Body’s Immune System. (approximate time = 24 to 28 days) 2. Ideal Physical Condition Attainment: This part is composed of a Hormone Realignment & Balancing Program, an ideal Exercise Program, & an awesome Nutritional Program. These Completed, will result in superb health and complete control over a person’s Weight Management & Physical Condition. (approximate time = 1 to 7 months) 3. Maintenance: Once you reach a state of excellent health = ideal weight range, and an outstanding physical condition, you must now keep and maintain it. (approximate time = the rest of your Life) ))) #1. Body Systems Balancing CLEANSING: Whenever a person starts an exercise, health and weight management program for the purpose of reaching their ideal physical condition, they can almost be guaranteed to get quite ill IF their body is even a little toxic due to the release of these poisons into their system when they begin the regimen. This modern age of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO), the over-use of Hormones and Pesticides in our Chemically laden foods, guarantees that the average adult is loaded full of harmful toxins. Is there any wonder as to why the sickest, fattest people in the World are right here in the United States where the quality of food is the worst? Nutritional Supplementation and Cleansing is an absolute must. Depending on initial condition, a full Cleanse should be done at least once a year. The Body has 4 major elimination organs: The Skin, the Bowel, the Liver and the Kidneys. Each of these have many other vital functions and they need to be reconditioned, brought back into balance, and operating in a normal condition. The best way to do this is with a Total Body Cleanse using only the finest Herbal Cleansing Preparations. Every great cleansing program will focus on all of these organs. This first part is done 100% VEGAN (no animal products at all), so that the body can concentrate on CLEANSING & HEALING rather than on digestion. #2. Ideal Physical Condition Attainment EXERCISE: The basic rule here is to start off on a gradient regardless of how little is done to begin with. Then increase the amount of effort, bit by bit, until one has reached, on a regular basis, 45 minutes of strenuous physical exercise every day with perhaps one day off on the weekends. The ultimate exercise which anyone can do is REBOUNDING on a Mini Trampoline. The more sophisticated rebounding equipment comes with an attachment on the frame with hand holds like a walker. These can be used by someone who is barely able to stand or by a paralyzed person with some one else doing the bouncing. Rebounders are very versatile and can be used indoor or out. They can achieve any gradient (from the easiest to the most strenuous). They also require no warm-up period and one can simply start. WALKING is the next higher gradient and also requires no warm-up. You also don’t need any equipment and are only limited by weather if you have to do it outdoors in the dead of winter. The highest gradient of exercise is RUNNING, and when and if you graduate to this level, you’ve reached the best of the best. But I don’t recommend a person start off with this or even end with it due to geographic location, body structure limitations, and overall physical condition. You need to work up to Running and some people will never be able to do it. Running requires a warm-up period and the best warm-up exercise is the prior gradient = Walking. Any stretching exercises should be done afterward, and these should be carefully chosen. My favorites are the ones from my “Back In Action” article since these protect the spine from injury. Many people who do these never have to go to a Chiropractor again. Regardless of which one of the above Exercise Regimens you choose, start with what you can easily handle, then do a bit more each day until you reach a full 45 minutes. The more overweight, the lower the starting gradient: With someone who is considerably overweight and ill, I might start them off with only a minute a day of very gentle body movement. You’ve got to use your noggin here! ! ! STATISTICS: There are three WEEKLY STATS that measure your progress and must be kept: #1 = Weight (weigh yourself once a week); #2 = Number of Minutes of Exercise; #3 = Distance (Run or Walked), or Number of Reps (Rebounding). DIET AND NUTRITION: If one is handling an over weight issue, the trick is to under eat rather than over eat. The stomach is kind of stupid when it comes to telling you that it is full. There is a delay in the signal sent to the Brain, and during this time lag most people eat far more food than needed. Then they end up feeling stuffed, bloated, and have truly over eaten. Please keep in mind to: EAT ORGANIC, HORMONE FREE FOOD ONLY! During the Food Program, people should use additional Herbal Remedies to realign and balance their hormones, plus ultra-high quality Vitamins to rebuild a worn out Immune system. The best vitamins for doing so are: a. 1200 Mg of Vitamin E b. 100 Mg of CoQ-10 c. 50 to 100 Mg of Vitamin B-Complex d. 100 Mg of Niacin = Vitamin B3 (optional) * e. 500 Mg of Vitamin C f. 50,000 IU of Vitamin A g. 5000 IU of Vitamin D3. h. A Plant Enzyme Supplement 3 times a day. Vitamin E at this or even higher doses is essential for the production of HGH in the Pituitary. This gland is the primary Communication & Control Center for the body. The best additional Herbal Preparations to use are: i. A Brain Formula Extract of: Ginkgo Biloba; Gota Kola; Kola Nut; Calamus and Rosemary. (Ginkgo Biloba, the most important, can be used by itself to fire up an almost dead Pituitary Gland). j. A Female Energy Formula (for women only) of: Damiana; Wild Yam; Licorice; Oat Seed; Kola nut; Siberian Ginseng; Sarsaparilla; Palmetto & Ginger k. A Male Energy Formula (for men only) of: Yohimbe; Damiana; Several different kinds of Ginsengs (Siberian, Brazilian, Korean, American, and Chinese are best); Kola Nut; Saw Palmetto; Sarsaparilla; Ginger and Garlic. Oils and Fats: There are 3 main varieties of Oils (Fats) allowed (IN MODERATION) while doing all steps of the Program and these are: Organic Olive Oil; Organic Coconut Oil and Organic Flax Seed Oil (UDO’s OIL is the absolute best of the Flax Blends). Use the Olive Oil in small amounts for cooking and salads. The Coconut Oil can also be used in cooking and is excellent as a delicious spread. It is far better tasting than butter. Coconut Oil is the one fat that is composed solely of medium chain triglycerides and its use is The secret to controlling Cholesterol. In this respect it is brilliant. UDO’s Oil contains the only Organic Flax Seed Oil that I know of stored in glass. It also has a mixture of Evening Primrose and other oils necessary to keep the Omega 3 & 6 in their proper balance. Two tablespoons a day is the standard adult dosage. These are a “must”! Pre-Breakfast Fruit – Eat ONLY ONE of the following to begin each day: an Orange; an Apple; a Grapefruit; 6 oz of Papaya, 6 oz of Pineapple or 6 oz of Black Berries. Breakfast Meal #1 – A “Total Nutrition” Green Drink (must contain a large amount of Spirulina, Chlorella, & Astragalus) and is best made with freshly squeezed juice. Store bought Organic Apple Juice or Apple Cider is 2nd best but should be cut in ½ with distilled water. Add to this 2 tbsp of UDO’s and one raw Egg, or Breakfast Meal #2 – Eat two cooked eggs (your choice of prep), and ONLY one piece of Ezekiel Sprouted Grain Bread with a thin spread of Coconut Oil on it. Breakfast Meal #1 is preferred for its nutritional value. Lunch #1 – A Salad with 4 to 5 oz of raw Veggies and 4 to 5 oz of your choice of cooked Organic Chicken or Fish chopped up into it, or . . . Lunch #2 – 4 to 5 oz of cooked Veggies and 4 to 5 oz of your choice of: Ocean Fish; Chicken; Turkey; Lamb, Ostrich or Buffalo. Afternoon Snack – an Orange; an Apple; a Grapefruit; 6 oz of Papaya, 6 oz of Pineapple or 6 oz of Black Berries. Dinner – 4 to 5 oz of your choice of: Ocean Fish; Chicken; Turkey; Lamb, Ostrich or Buffalo along with 4 to 5 oz of Dark Green Vegetables such as Spinach, Chard, and Beet Greens are best. High starch veggies such as Potatoes (all varieties), Squash and Corn should be avoided throughout the diet. Remember, going “RAW” is best because of the additional enzymes, but this is not vital. Every day you should have only ONE slice of Ezekiel Bread. Evening or Before Bed Snack – Eat only one of the following: an Orange; a Grapefruit; 6 oz of Papaya, 6 oz of Pineapple or 6 oz of Black Berries. A Grapefruit is best peeled and eaten in sections and helps you get a great sleep since it assists in HGH production during the night. If you go out to eat with your spouse or a friend, choose one meal and split it, and remember to stay away from the “No-no’s”. #3 Maintenance Once you’ve reached your ideal weight and physical condition using the above, you can bring this 4 to 5 oz diet up to 6 to 8 oz depending on your daily exercise and activity level. At this point you can now have two slices of the Ezekiel Bread. The more you exercise, the more food (fuel) you’ll need to consume. Continue to keep track of your stats and you’ll never go wrong even when you add a few starches back into the regimen. If a statistic worsens, find out what you changed and undo that change. Some day in the future our planetary food chain will be corrected, but until that time arrives, Nutritional Supplementation, regular Cleansing, and Exercise will be a necessary, daily part of our lives. Yours in Knowledge, Health and Freedom, Doc Copyright © 2007, 2010 by Ian Shillington N.D. (Retired) All rights reserved. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 10, 2010 Report Share Posted May 10, 2010 Did I miss Part 3? I have Part 1 & 2 but no Part 3I did a search and didn't come up with Part 3ThanksLinOn Thu, May 6, 2010 at 12:32 PM, Doc <Doc wrote: Organic Solutions Volume 9 – Issue 11 THE LIFETIME HEALTH DIET (PART FOUR) There are three separate steps to the Lifetime Health Diet and Exercise Program that are done in the following order: 1. Body Systems Balancing: This includes a complete Detoxification / Cleansing Program, and the build up and strengthening of the Body’s Immune System. (approximate time = 24 to 28 days) 2. Ideal Physical Condition Attainment: This part is composed of a Hormone Realignment & Balancing Program, an ideal Exercise Program, & an awesome Nutritional Program. These Completed, will result in superb health and complete control over a person’s Weight Management & Physical Condition. (approximate time = 1 to 7 months) 3. Maintenance: Once you reach a state of excellent health = ideal weight range, and an outstanding physical condition, you must now keep and maintain it. (approximate time = the rest of your Life) ))) #1. Body Systems Balancing CLEANSING: Whenever a person starts an exercise, health and weight management program for the purpose of reaching their ideal physical condition, they can almost be guaranteed to get quite ill IF their body is even a little toxic due to the release of these poisons into their system when they begin the regimen. This modern age of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO), the over-use of Hormones and Pesticides in our Chemically laden foods, guarantees that the average adult is loaded full of harmful toxins. Is there any wonder as to why the sickest, fattest people in the World are right here in the United States where the quality of food is the worst? Nutritional Supplementation and Cleansing is an absolute must. Depending on initial condition, a full Cleanse should be done at least once a year. The Body has 4 major elimination organs: The Skin, the Bowel, the Liver and the Kidneys. Each of these have many other vital functions and they need to be reconditioned, brought back into balance, and operating in a normal condition. The best way to do this is with a Total Body Cleanse using only the finest Herbal Cleansing Preparations. Every great cleansing program will focus on all of these organs. This first part is done 100% VEGAN (no animal products at all), so that the body can concentrate on CLEANSING & HEALING rather than on digestion. #2. Ideal Physical Condition Attainment EXERCISE: The basic rule here is to start off on a gradient regardless of how little is done to begin with. Then increase the amount of effort, bit by bit, until one has reached, on a regular basis, 45 minutes of strenuous physical exercise every day with perhaps one day off on the weekends. The ultimate exercise which anyone can do is REBOUNDING on a Mini Trampoline. The more sophisticated rebounding equipment comes with an attachment on the frame with hand holds like a walker. These can be used by someone who is barely able to stand or by a paralyzed person with some one else doing the bouncing. Rebounders are very versatile and can be used indoor or out. They can achieve any gradient (from the easiest to the most strenuous). They also require no warm-up period and one can simply start. WALKING is the next higher gradient and also requires no warm-up. You also don’t need any equipment and are only limited by weather if you have to do it outdoors in the dead of winter. The highest gradient of exercise is RUNNING, and when and if you graduate to this level, you’ve reached the best of the best. But I don’t recommend a person start off with this or even end with it due to geographic location, body structure limitations, and overall physical condition. You need to work up to Running and some people will never be able to do it. Running requires a warm-up period and the best warm-up exercise is the prior gradient = Walking. Any stretching exercises should be done afterward, and these should be carefully chosen. My favorites are the ones from my “Back In Action” article since these protect the spine from injury. Many people who do these never have to go to a Chiropractor again. Regardless of which one of the above Exercise Regimens you choose, start with what you can easily handle, then do a bit more each day until you reach a full 45 minutes. The more overweight, the lower the starting gradient: With someone who is considerably overweight and ill, I might start them off with only a minute a day of very gentle body movement. You’ve got to use your noggin here! ! ! STATISTICS: There are three WEEKLY STATS that measure your progress and must be kept: #1 = Weight (weigh yourself once a week); #2 = Number of Minutes of Exercise; #3 = Distance (Run or Walked), or Number of Reps (Rebounding). DIET AND NUTRITION: If one is handling an over weight issue, the trick is to under eat rather than over eat. The stomach is kind of stupid when it comes to telling you that it is full. There is a delay in the signal sent to the Brain, and during this time lag most people eat far more food than needed. Then they end up feeling stuffed, bloated, and have truly over eaten. Please keep in mind to: EAT ORGANIC, HORMONE FREE FOOD ONLY! During the Food Program, people should use additional Herbal Remedies to realign and balance their hormones, plus ultra-high quality Vitamins to rebuild a worn out Immune system. The best vitamins for doing so are: a. 1200 Mg of Vitamin E b. 100 Mg of CoQ-10 c. 50 to 100 Mg of Vitamin B-Complex d. 100 Mg of Niacin = Vitamin B3 (optional) * e. 500 Mg of Vitamin C f. 50,000 IU of Vitamin A g. 5000 IU of Vitamin D3. h. A Plant Enzyme Supplement 3 times a day. Vitamin E at this or even higher doses is essential for the production of HGH in the Pituitary. This gland is the primary Communication & Control Center for the body. The best additional Herbal Preparations to use are: i. A Brain Formula Extract of: Ginkgo Biloba; Gota Kola; Kola Nut; Calamus and Rosemary. (Ginkgo Biloba, the most important, can be used by itself to fire up an almost dead Pituitary Gland). j. A Female Energy Formula (for women only) of: Damiana; Wild Yam; Licorice; Oat Seed; Kola nut; Siberian Ginseng; Sarsaparilla; Palmetto & Ginger k. A Male Energy Formula (for men only) of: Yohimbe; Damiana; Several different kinds of Ginsengs (Siberian, Brazilian, Korean, American, and Chinese are best); Kola Nut; Saw Palmetto; Sarsaparilla; Ginger and Garlic. Oils and Fats: There are 3 main varieties of Oils (Fats) allowed (IN MODERATION) while doing all steps of the Program and these are: Organic Olive Oil; Organic Coconut Oil and Organic Flax Seed Oil (UDO’s OIL is the absolute best of the Flax Blends). Use the Olive Oil in small amounts for cooking and salads. The Coconut Oil can also be used in cooking and is excellent as a delicious spread. It is far better tasting than butter. Coconut Oil is the one fat that is composed solely of medium chain triglycerides and its use is The secret to controlling Cholesterol. In this respect it is brilliant. UDO’s Oil contains the only Organic Flax Seed Oil that I know of stored in glass. It also has a mixture of Evening Primrose and other oils necessary to keep the Omega 3 & 6 in their proper balance. Two tablespoons a day is the standard adult dosage. These are a “must”! Pre-Breakfast Fruit – Eat ONLY ONE of the following to begin each day: an Orange; an Apple; a Grapefruit; 6 oz of Papaya, 6 oz of Pineapple or 6 oz of Black Berries. Breakfast Meal #1 – A “Total Nutrition” Green Drink (must contain a large amount of Spirulina, Chlorella, & Astragalus) and is best made with freshly squeezed juice. Store bought Organic Apple Juice or Apple Cider is 2nd best but should be cut in ½ with distilled water. Add to this 2 tbsp of UDO’s and one raw Egg, or Breakfast Meal #2 – Eat two cooked eggs (your choice of prep), and ONLY one piece of Ezekiel Sprouted Grain Bread with a thin spread of Coconut Oil on it. Breakfast Meal #1 is preferred for its nutritional value. Lunch #1 – A Salad with 4 to 5 oz of raw Veggies and 4 to 5 oz of your choice of cooked Organic Chicken or Fish chopped up into it, or . . . Lunch #2 – 4 to 5 oz of cooked Veggies and 4 to 5 oz of your choice of: Ocean Fish; Chicken; Turkey; Lamb, Ostrich or Buffalo. Afternoon Snack – an Orange; an Apple; a Grapefruit; 6 oz of Papaya, 6 oz of Pineapple or 6 oz of Black Berries. Dinner – 4 to 5 oz of your choice of: Ocean Fish; Chicken; Turkey; Lamb, Ostrich or Buffalo along with 4 to 5 oz of Dark Green Vegetables such as Spinach, Chard, and Beet Greens are best. High starch veggies such as Potatoes (all varieties), Squash and Corn should be avoided throughout the diet. Remember, going “RAW” is best because of the additional enzymes, but this is not vital. Every day you should have only ONE slice of Ezekiel Bread. Evening or Before Bed Snack – Eat only one of the following: an Orange; a Grapefruit; 6 oz of Papaya, 6 oz of Pineapple or 6 oz of Black Berries. A Grapefruit is best peeled and eaten in sections and helps you get a great sleep since it assists in HGH production during the night. If you go out to eat with your spouse or a friend, choose one meal and split it, and remember to stay away from the “No-no’s”. #3 Maintenance Once you’ve reached your ideal weight and physical condition using the above, you can bring this 4 to 5 oz diet up to 6 to 8 oz depending on your daily exercise and activity level. At this point you can now have two slices of the Ezekiel Bread. The more you exercise, the more food (fuel) you’ll need to consume. Continue to keep track of your stats and you’ll never go wrong even when you add a few starches back into the regimen. If a statistic worsens, find out what you changed and undo that change. Some day in the future our planetary food chain will be corrected, but until that time arrives, Nutritional Supplementation, regular Cleansing, and Exercise will be a necessary, daily part of our lives. Yours in Knowledge, Health and Freedom, Doc 2007, 2010 by Ian Shillington N.D. (Retired) All rights reserved. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 11, 2010 Report Share Posted May 11, 2010 Hi Lin, Part three actually came as section 1 and section 2 about a week apart. Here they are together: Organic Solutions Volume 9 – Issue 9 The Lifetime Health diet (part Three – Section One) The Good, The Bad & The Chubby Welllllllllllll, this third part of the Lifetime Health Diet is where we get to look at other diets, and their strong points (true data) along with their weaknesses (half truths and / or false data). The purpose of doing this is not so much to show where they went off the rails or “how bad they all areâ€, but to see if we can learn something from them and thus bring about a new set of conclusions to operate from. The Atkins Diet: (released in 2 books, with the 2nd being “NEW†and a re-write of the first) = Heavy Animal Protein and Animal Fat Intake regardless of quantity or quality: The main theories behind the workability of the diet are the following: 1. A heavy animal protein and animal fat intake will bring about a condition known as Ketosis = the rapid burning up of body fat. This is true and it does work. 2. You don’t have to worry about how much you eat since heavy animal proteins fill you quickly and sends the “Tank Full†signal to the Brain right away. Partially true with some people, but not true for those whose signal switches are turned off in the Brain. You can eat too much protein. 3. Proteins are necessary for the creation of Hormones which stimulate the body’s functions and operation. Very True. The biggest outpoints and the most seriously omitted facts from the two Atkins books are: 1. Rapid burning up of accumulated fat, will release stored up toxins that can make a person seriously ill. This is potentially dangerous to the point that it may even result in death under certain circumstances. 2. (And the most critical point) With the exception of Goat’s Milk, Sheep’s Milk, and Human Mother’s Milk, ALL MEAT PRODUCTS AND THEIR MEAT BYPRODUCTS ARE ACID ASH, AND WHEN TAKEN TO EXCESS WILL BRING ABOUT A CONDITION KNOWN AS ACIDOSIS ! ! ! This is so basic, it demands further explanation and clarification. All foods are either Acid Ash, Alkaline Ash or Neutral Ash. When we talk about “ASH†we’re discussing what is left over after a food has metabolized = burned up or broken down to be used by the body. If you were to take a blow torch to a piece of steak for instance, burn it to a crisp and then take a little of this “Ash†and add some completely neutral, technical grade distilled water, litmus paper would show this coming back as “Acidâ€. If the same test was done using a carrot, the test would come back “Alkalineâ€. Olive Oil would come back “Neutral†and so on. The Acid / Alkaline Scale goes from 1 to 14 with 7 being completely Neutral. Above 7 is Alkaline while below 7 is Acid. The human body was designed to operate optimally from 6.5 to 7.5 on this scale but can go wildly out of this range. However, Human Blood MUST be 7.3 to 7.5 on the Alkaline side of this scale, and this fact alone is so crucial that your body will do anything and everything necessary to keep it so. Your body will even rob your organs, glands, tissues, teeth and bones of much needed minerals such as Calcium and Magnesium just for the purpose of keeping your blood in this very narrow band. Too many Acid Ash foods from a heavy meat, high protein only diet that is not balanced with Alkaline Ash foods (almost all Fruit and Vegetables are Alkaline) creates this very serious condition known as Acidosis. And Acidosis is the root cause of Arthritis, Osteoporosis, Hair Loss, Tooth Decay, debilitated organs and glands resulting in a Lack of Energy and Sex Drive, and the creation of the phony Psych diseases = ADD, ADHD and Fibromyalgia to name only a few. Cancer thrives in an acid environment while it actually retards in an alkaline one. There are so many problems created by Acidosis, that it would take a book the size of a large dictionary to list all of the negative physical conditions created by this dreadful condition. The Zone Diet: Promotes the use of exact QUANTITIES of animal source proteins to balance all of the other foods you wish to eat: The main workable theories behind the diet are: 1. Quantity of meat protein is important and needs to be balanced with whatever else is eaten. This is True. 2. Hormones including Insulin and HGH (Human Growth Hormone) are necessary for body functions and health. These hormones are produced from proteins. True. Regardless of the fact that Dr. Sears, the author, was on the right track with a few of the things here, there are so many confusions, contradictions, and outright false conclusions in this book, that there was a great deal of difficulty trying to push through it to the end. 1. In the beginning of the book, page 3 he says – “This technique involves using the most powerful and ubiquitous (found everywhere), drug we have: = food !!! Wait a minute! Drugs are basically Narcotics, Medicines, & Poisons. Food is Nutrition. 2. Then if you turned to the back of the book you would discover him saying it’s OK to eat a Snickers Bar or some Haagen Dazs Ice Cream as long as you wolf it down with a protein such as Cottage Cheese. Those who have researched what Sugar can do to the Human Body, will recognize the insanity of this suggestion immediately. This is very destructive. 3. Last, but not least was his favorable promotion of “Fast Food Establishments†like McDonalds, Burger King, and Wendys, etc. That was the straw that broke the camel’s back, and the rest of his book was pure torture to finish reading. Dr. Sears talked a great deal about Hormones and even discussed the subject of Enzymes a little bit, but apparently had no clue that these Fast Food Franken Stores serve food that contain meats loaded full of destructive hormones, steroids, and antibiotics. In the same breath, he also recommends “Organic Foodâ€??? How can he do this in all good conscience??? One can only conclude that this man jumped on the Atkins Band Wagon but then decided to be different by bringing “Quantity†and “Veggies†into the equation which are the actual sane points of his diet. The “Fit for Life†Diet: Get off of all Meats, and use Fruit for cleansing and Vegetables for rebuilding. The big truths here are: 1. You can cleanse your body of toxins using Food. This is so true that an entire generation of Vegetarians have sprung up from this diet. Many people have achieved a fine state of health using it, BUT it didn’t last ! ! ! The same could be said of The Beverly Hills Diet and the exclusive use of Fruit at the beginning of this oldie. There is some very good data in these two books, and they are worth reading. 2. Enzymes are extremely important when it comes to food and nutrient absorption, and raw, live foods are the best way to get Enzymes. This is a tough one to argue with as long as the “Live†foods we’re dealing with are of the highest QUALITY and from 100% ORGANIC sources. 3. Eating different Foods at the right time of day, and in the right combinations can bring about health. Oh so true, and this one fact alone led to the popularity of vegetarianism in a large population of today’s natural, health food movement. The “Fit for Life†diet is actually an update and modernization of the work of Herbert Shelton from the 1940’s. The only thing this diet never seemed to resolve was the protein needed, as supplied by animal sources. People who stick to this vegan diet for any number of years, seem to get old before their time. The cleansing helps, and they stay skinny, but many of these people just never get enough protein, and they never seem to reach a state of excellent health. Next week, “Part 3 – Section 2†of the articles will conclude with a critique of the latest fad – The Cohen, Soda Cracker Diet. Yours in Knowledge, Health and Freedom, Doc Copyright © 2007, 2010 by Ian Shillington N.D. (Retired) All rights reserved. Organic Solutions Volume 9 – Issue 10 The Lifetime Health diet (part Three – Section two) The “Dr. Cohen†or “Soda Cracker Dietâ€: This diet claims to determine from a blood test exactly how much Protein you should balance with the Vegetables and Fruit you eat. Well Holy Cow!!! This diet was almost overlooked. Was it for real or was it just another con job? The only reason it was finally investigated was because several friends who’d done the program looked so very young after completing it. They now had this natural youthful look that was screamingly obvious even though there was no exercise being recommended. Furthermore, they weren’t gaining much of the weight back after completing this program. It just had to be researched. The main ideas behind its workability are: 1. Animal Protein in the form of meat and dairy should be taken in the right QUANTITY AND BALANCE with Vegetables and some Fruit. Excellent data! 2. If you wish to lose weight, you need to cut back on the quantity of what you’re taking in. This is also very true. 3. Even though a person might be somewhat hungry for the first few days of the program, there is enough food taken in to supply nutrition while starting the weight loss. True information. 4. Not covered in the theory of the diet, Human Growth Hormone (HGH) will cause a person to look, feel, and actually BE physically younger. HGH from the Pituitary helps with Thyroid functions and brings about a correction in metabolism so that permanent weight loss can occur. This has been proven true in many medical circles throughout the World and has even been confirmed in intravenous tests where the only change for a test case was the addition of HGH to that person’s regimen. The main things wrong with the diet are: 1. Even though one can get useful data from a Blood Test, they are somewhat limited as a diagnostic tool. Remember the Acidosis condition previously discussed? Your body will go an awful long way to keep your blood normal. However, this Blood Test is the “clincher†that ensures you “pays your money†for this program that you buy on-line over the Internet because, “everyone is different and has a different programâ€. Sorry, but this hogwash just doesn’t cut it!!! This part of his program is pure gimmick, and pure hoax. 2. There was quite a bit of trouble collecting enough different Cohen programs from friends who were on his regimen since they were “loyalâ€, “ethical†people who didn’t want to give away what someone had supposedly worked so hard for. They actually believed Cohen when he said that you couldn’t use another person’s program. Each one was sold as being unique and based on the Blood Test. Nice trick!!! However, by being persistent, enough individual programs were collected from friends to get a true idea of what was actually going on. When people received their specialized, individual program on-line from his organization, it was all measured in “GRAMS!†rather than ounces. Joe might get 115 Grams of Meat and 112 Grams of Vegetable for lunch whereas Suzy might get 120 Grams of Meat and 117 Grams of Vegetable for that same lunch. This is where the gimmick of this diet really comes into play. You can take three meals a day and divide them into Grams of Animal Protein, Grams of Vegetables and a specific number of Fruit. If you then specify which meats to use and how many Grams of each, which vegetables to use and how many Grams of each, and how many of what Fruit, you can create any number of combinations so that they all APPEAR TO BE DIFFERENT!!! The bottom line is you’re actually looking at eating approximately 4 ounces of Animal Source Protein, and 4 ounces of Vegetables per meal, plus 3 pieces of Fruit per day. There is almost no difference between 115 Grams and 116 Grams (one gram is a miniscule amount of weight), and they both weigh in as 4oz on an American Scale. And that’s it in its true simplicity! At least ya gotta admire the marketing strategy of this plan. But, it is a con. 3. Cohen actually recommends several cups of coffee a day, plus the use of artificial sweeteners that have been proven to contribute to Cancer and a few other truly bad “no no’sâ€. 4. Additionally, he pays no attention to a great many other issues such as Enzymes, pH, and completely disregards the entire debate on “Organic†versus “Commercial†just to name a few. It’s fairly obvious he’s basing his entire protocol on a few very simple, basic truths, but with one helluva marketing program. 5. The Soda Cracker was completely off the wall at first glance, and for the longest time it was simply ignored as just being part of the gimmick. Where attention was finally drawn towards it as perhaps having some actual legitimacy, was when a couple of people attested to actually sleeping better with the Soda Cracker than when they left it out of the regimen. Huh??? Wait a minute here!!! There’s absolutely NO NUTRITION in a Soda Cracker! None! Zip! Welllllllllllllllllll after digging through a few excellent reference works on hand, it was discovered that white flour as well as whole wheat flour is one of the few catalysts for the assimilation of L-Arginine which is the main amino acid (protein) for feeding and stimulating the pituitary gland. Thus comes about the production of “natural†amounts of HGH = Human Growth Hormone. HGH is the main ingredient that actually keeps an adult looking and feeling young. The final determination of Cohen’s diet is that it does work, but has the Blood Test Gimmick that should be completely ignored and that it needs some true, “health consciousâ€, and “ethical†upgrades. At this point, one thing was known for sure. Cohen and all the others out there did not have the complete picture, but had in their own way contributed some pieces to the overall puzzle picture. The problem in dealing with all of these diets is the truths they actually do contain in them. The truths are the things that hook us and make believers out of us. You CAN catch a fish if you make him believe that what you’re offering him is some scrumptious piece of real food. There has to be some TRUTH or a “Promise of Truthâ€, or that fish just ain’ta gonna take the offered bait. Diets have to work to some degree or people forget all about them overnight and then you just never hear about them at all. All of these diets previously mentioned have had some staying power, and it is therefore easy to see that they had more truth in them than the ones which were quickly forgotten. This explains the staying power of the “Metabolic Typing Dietâ€, the “Eat Right for your Type Diet†and others as well. This Author was a little overweight at one time and decided to use some ideas in the Atkins, Cohen, Fit for Life, and other diets as a jumping off point and started with the concept of “Quantity†as the basic stable datum. No attention was paid to whether or not there was any difference between 117, or 115, or 110 Grams (there truly isn’t that much of a weight difference) and generally, just sloppily kept portions to approximately 4 ounces + or - of each food group. Instead of Soda Crackers, one slice of Ezekiel Whole Grain Bread was used, as you might as well get some nutrition while you’re stimulating the pituitary J. All dairy was left out of the program so as not to stimulate the production of mucus and fat. There was no restrictions as to the kinds of Veggies eaten, but most of the focus was placed on “Dark Leafy Greens†such as Spinach. Most important of all, the diet was started along with a Total Body Cleanse Program and extra Vitamins, so as not to promote a Healing Crisis = a rapid detoxification or dumping of toxins that can easily occur with any diet or rapid weight loss. All this, along with keeping to a sane diet after completion resulted in permanent weight loss. However, it can’t be emphasized strongly enough that YOU are the one who is fully responsible for YOU. There isn’t any magic pill that’s gonna make you slim and foxy like Cleopatra. There isn’t any Super-Duper-Fix-It-All-One-Shot-Diet-Cure. You’re just gonna have to roll up your sleeves, face the fat, the music, the pounds and the ill health. There’s not going to be anyone else doing this for you, and it will take some real work and some real confront. But, it can be done. Yours in Knowledge, Health and Freedom, Doc Copyright © 2007, 2010 by Ian Shillington N.D. (Retired) All rights reserved. --- On Mon, 5/10/10, Lin <lavenderlin.lin wrote: Lin <lavenderlin.linRe: {Herbal Remedies} The Lifetime Health Diet (Part Four)herbal remedies Date: Monday, May 10, 2010, 5:27 PM Did I miss Part 3? I have Part 1 & 2 but no Part 3I did a search and didn't come up with Part 3ThanksLin On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 12:32 PM, Doc <Doc@academyofnatura lhealing. com> wrote: Organic SolutionsVolume 9 – Issue 11 THE LIFETIME HEALTH DIET (PART FOUR) There are three separate steps to the Lifetime Health Diet and Exercise Program that are done in the following order:1. Body Systems Balancing: This includes a complete Detoxification / Cleansing Program, and the build up and strengthening of the Body’s Immune System. (approximate time = 24 to 28 days)2. Ideal Physical Condition Attainment: This part is composed of a Hormone Realignment & Balancing Program, an ideal Exercise Program, & an awesome Nutritional Program. These Completed, will result in superb health and complete control over a person’s Weight Management & Physical Condition. (approximate time = 1 to 7 months)3. Maintenance: Once you reach a state of excellent health = ideal weight range, and an outstanding physical condition, you must now keep and maintain it. (approximate time = the rest of your Life) )))#1. Body Systems BalancingCLEANSING: Whenever a person starts an exercise, health and weight management program for the purpose of reaching their ideal physical condition, they can almost be guaranteed to get quite ill IF their body is even a little toxic due to the release of these poisons into their system when they begin the regimen. This modern age of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO), the over-use of Hormones and Pesticides in our Chemically laden foods, guarantees that the average adult is loaded full of harmful toxins. Is there any wonder as to why the sickest, fattest people in the World are right here in the United States where the quality of food is the worst? Nutritional Supplementation and Cleansing is an absolute must. Depending on initial condition, a full Cleanse should be done at least once a year.The Body has 4 major elimination organs: The Skin, the Bowel, the Liver and the Kidneys. Each of these have many other vital functions and they need to be reconditioned, brought back into balance, and operating in a normal condition. The best way to do this is with a Total Body Cleanse using only the finest Herbal Cleansing Preparations. Every great cleansing program will focus on all of these organs. This first part is done 100% VEGAN (no animal products at all), so that the body can concentrate on CLEANSING & HEALING rather than on digestion. #2. Ideal Physical Condition AttainmentEXERCISE: The basic rule here is to start off on a gradient regardless of how little is done to begin with. Then increase the amount of effort, bit by bit, until one has reached, on a regular basis, 45 minutes of strenuous physical exercise every day with perhaps one day off on the weekends. The ultimate exercise which anyone can do is REBOUNDING on a Mini Trampoline. The more sophisticated rebounding equipment comes with an attachment on the frame with hand holds like a walker. These can be used by someone who is barely able to stand or by a paralyzed person with some one else doing the bouncing. Rebounders are very versatile and can be used indoor or out. They can achieve any gradient (from the easiest to the most strenuous). They also require no warm-up period and one can simply start. WALKING is the next higher gradient and also requires no warm-up. You also don’t need any equipment and are only limited by weather if you have to do it outdoors in the dead of winter. The highest gradient of exercise is RUNNING, and when and if you graduate to this level, you’ve reached the best of the best. But I don’t recommend a person start off with this or even end with it due to geographic location, body structure limitations, and overall physical condition. You need to work up to Running and some people will never be able to do it. Running requires a warm-up period and the best warm-up exercise is the prior gradient = Walking. Any stretching exercises should be done afterward, and these should be carefully chosen. My favorites are the ones from my “Back In Action†article since these protect the spine from injury. Many people who do these never have to go to a Chiropractor again. Regardless of which one of the above Exercise Regimens you choose, start with what you can easily handle, then do a bit more each day until you reach a full 45 minutes.The more overweight, the lower the starting gradient: With someone who is considerably overweight and ill, I might start them off with only a minute a day of very gentle body movement. You’ve got to use your noggin here! ! !STATISTICS: There are three WEEKLY STATS that measure your progress and must be kept: #1 = Weight (weigh yourself once a week); #2 = Number of Minutes of Exercise; #3 = Distance (Run or Walked), or Number of Reps (Rebounding) .DIET AND NUTRITION: If one is handling an over weight issue, the trick is to under eat rather than over eat. The stomach is kind of stupid when it comes to telling you that it is full. There is a delay in the signal sent to the Brain, and during this time lag most people eat far more food than needed. Then they end up feeling stuffed, bloated, and have truly over eaten. Please keep in mind to: EAT ORGANIC, HORMONE FREE FOOD ONLY!During the Food Program, people should use additional Herbal Remedies to realign and balance their hormones, plus ultra-high quality Vitamins to rebuild a worn out Immune system. The best vitamins for doing so are: a. 1200 Mg of Vitamin Eb. 100 Mg of CoQ-10c. 50 to 100 Mg of Vitamin B-Complexd. 100 Mg of Niacin = Vitamin B3 (optional) *e. 500 Mg of Vitamin Cf. 50,000 IU of Vitamin Ag. 5000 IU of Vitamin D3.h. A Plant Enzyme Supplement 3 times a day. Vitamin E at this or even higher doses is essential for the production of HGH in the Pituitary. This gland is the primary Communication & Control Center for the body. The best additional Herbal Preparations to use are: i. A Brain Formula Extract of: Ginkgo Biloba; Gota Kola; Kola Nut; Calamus and Rosemary. (Ginkgo Biloba, the most important, can be used by itself to fire up an almost dead Pituitary Gland). j. A Female Energy Formula (for women only) of: Damiana; Wild Yam; Licorice; Oat Seed; Kola nut; Siberian Ginseng; Sarsaparilla; Palmetto & Gingerk. A Male Energy Formula (for men only) of: Yohimbe; Damiana; Several different kinds of Ginsengs (Siberian, Brazilian, Korean, American, and Chinese are best); Kola Nut; Saw Palmetto; Sarsaparilla; Ginger and Garlic. Oils and Fats: There are 3 main varieties of Oils (Fats) allowed (IN MODERATION) while doing all steps of the Program and these are: Organic Olive Oil; Organic Coconut Oil and Organic Flax Seed Oil (UDO’s OIL is the absolute best of the Flax Blends). Use the Olive Oil in small amounts for cooking and salads. The Coconut Oil can also be used in cooking and is excellent as a delicious spread. It is far better tasting than butter. Coconut Oil is the one fat that is composed solely of medium chain triglycerides and its use is The secret to controlling Cholesterol. In this respect it is brilliant. UDO’s Oil contains the only Organic Flax Seed Oil that I know of stored in glass. It also has a mixture of Evening Primrose and other oils necessary to keep the Omega 3 & 6 in their proper balance. Two tablespoons a day is the standard adult dosage. These are a “mustâ€!Pre-Breakfast Fruit – Eat ONLY ONE of the following to begin each day: an Orange; an Apple; a Grapefruit; 6 oz of Papaya, 6 oz of Pineapple or 6 oz of Black Berries. Breakfast Meal #1 – A “Total Nutrition†Green Drink (must contain a large amount of Spirulina, Chlorella, & Astragalus) and is best made with freshly squeezed juice. Store bought Organic Apple Juice or Apple Cider is 2nd best but should be cut in ½ with distilled water. Add to this 2 tbsp of UDO’s and one raw Egg, or Breakfast Meal #2 – Eat two cooked eggs (your choice of prep), and ONLY one piece of Ezekiel Sprouted Grain Bread with a thin spread of Coconut Oil on it. Breakfast Meal #1 is preferred for its nutritional value. Lunch #1 – A Salad with 4 to 5 oz of raw Veggies and 4 to 5 oz of your choice of cooked Organic Chicken or Fish chopped up into it, or . . . Lunch #2 – 4 to 5 oz of cooked Veggies and 4 to 5 oz of your choice of: Ocean Fish; Chicken; Turkey; Lamb, Ostrich or Buffalo.Afternoon Snack – an Orange; an Apple; a Grapefruit; 6 oz of Papaya, 6 oz of Pineapple or 6 oz of Black Berries.Dinner – 4 to 5 oz of your choice of: Ocean Fish; Chicken; Turkey; Lamb, Ostrich or Buffalo along with 4 to 5 oz of Dark Green Vegetables such as Spinach, Chard, and Beet Greens are best. High starch veggies such as Potatoes (all varieties), Squash and Corn should be avoided throughout the diet. Remember, going “RAW†is best because of the additional enzymes, but this is not vital. Every day you should have only ONE slice of Ezekiel Bread.Evening or Before Bed Snack – Eat only one of the following: an Orange; a Grapefruit; 6 oz of Papaya, 6 oz of Pineapple or 6 oz of Black Berries. A Grapefruit is best peeled and eaten in sections and helps you get a great sleep since it assists in HGH production during the night. If you go out to eat with your spouse or a friend, choose one meal and split it, and remember to stay away from the “No-no’sâ€. #3 Maintenance Once you’ve reached your ideal weight and physical condition using the above, you can bring this 4 to 5 oz diet up to 6 to 8 oz depending on your daily exercise and activity level. At this point you can now have two slices of the Ezekiel Bread. The more you exercise, the more food (fuel) you’ll need to consume. Continue to keep track of your stats and you’ll never go wrong even when you add a few starches back into the regimen. If a statistic worsens, find out what you changed and undo that change. Some day in the future our planetary food chain will be corrected, but until that time arrives, Nutritional Supplementation, regular Cleansing, and Exercise will be a necessary, daily part of our lives. Yours in Knowledge, Health and Freedom, Doc Copyright © 2007, 2010 by Ian Shillington N.D. (Retired) All rights reserved. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 11, 2010 Report Share Posted May 11, 2010 Hi Lin, I have attached part three to this email for you. It has 2 parts. Enjoy! Kelly Kelly Shillington 888-898-9660 Smoky Mountain Trading Post Organic Solutions On 5/10/2010 5:27 PM, Lin wrote: Did I miss Part 3? I have Part 1 & 2 but no Part 3 I did a search and didn't come up with Part 3 Thanks Lin On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 12:32 PM, Doc <Doc (AT) academyofnaturalhealing (DOT) com> wrote: Organic Solutions Volume 9 – Issue 11 THE LIFETIME HEALTH DIET (PART FOUR) There are three separate steps to the Lifetime Health Diet and Exercise Program that are done in the following order: 1. Body Systems Balancing: This includes a complete Detoxification / Cleansing Program, and the build up and strengthening of the Body’s Immune System. (approximate time = 24 to 28 days) 2. Ideal Physical Condition Attainment: This part is composed of a Hormone Realignment & Balancing Program, an ideal Exercise Program, & an awesome Nutritional Program. These Completed, will result in superb health and complete control over a person’s Weight Management & Physical Condition. (approximate time = 1 to 7 months) 3. Maintenance: Once you reach a state of excellent health = ideal weight range, and an outstanding physical condition, you must now keep and maintain it. (approximate time = the rest of your Life) ))) #1. Body Systems Balancing CLEANSING: Whenever a person starts an exercise, health and weight management program for the purpose of reaching their ideal physical condition, they can almost be guaranteed to get quite ill IF their body is even a little toxic due to the release of these poisons into their system when they begin the regimen. This modern age of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO), the over-use of Hormones and Pesticides in our Chemically laden foods, guarantees that the average adult is loaded full of harmful toxins. Is there any wonder as to why the sickest, fattest people in the World are right here in the United States where the quality of food is the worst? Nutritional Supplementation and Cleansing is an absolute must. Depending on initial condition, a full Cleanse should be done at least once a year. The Body has 4 major elimination organs: The Skin, the Bowel, the Liver and the Kidneys. Each of these have many other vital functions and they need to be reconditioned, brought back into balance, and operating in a normal condition. The best way to do this is with a Total Body Cleanse using only the finest Herbal Cleansing Preparations. Every great cleansing program will focus on all of these organs. This first part is done 100% VEGAN (no animal products at all), so that the body can concentrate on CLEANSING & HEALING rather than on digestion. #2. Ideal Physical Condition Attainment EXERCISE: The basic rule here is to start off on a gradient regardless of how little is done to begin with. Then increase the amount of effort, bit by bit, until one has reached, on a regular basis, 45 minutes of strenuous physical exercise every day with perhaps one day off on the weekends. The ultimate exercise which anyone can do is REBOUNDING on a Mini Trampoline. The more sophisticated rebounding equipment comes with an attachment on the frame with hand holds like a walker. These can be used by someone who is barely able to stand or by a paralyzed person with some one else doing the bouncing. Rebounders are very versatile and can be used indoor or out. They can achieve any gradient (from the easiest to the most strenuous). They also require no warm-up period and one can simply start. WALKING is the next higher gradient and also requires no warm-up. You also don’t need any equipment and are only limited by weather if you have to do it outdoors in the dead of winter. The highest gradient of exercise is RUNNING, and when and if you graduate to this level, you’ve reached the best of the best. But I don’t recommend a person start off with this or even end with it due to geographic location, body structure limitations, and overall physical condition. You need to work up to Running and some people will never be able to do it. Running requires a warm-up period and the best warm-up exercise is the prior gradient = Walking. Any stretching exercises should be done afterward, and these should be carefully chosen. My favorites are the ones from my “Back In Action” article since these protect the spine from injury. Many people who do these never have to go to a Chiropractor again. Regardless of which one of the above Exercise Regimens you choose, start with what you can easily handle, then do a bit more each day until you reach a full 45 minutes. The more overweight, the lower the starting gradient: With someone who is considerably overweight and ill, I might start them off with only a minute a day of very gentle body movement. You’ve got to use your noggin here! ! ! STATISTICS: There are three WEEKLY STATS that measure your progress and must be kept: #1 = Weight (weigh yourself once a week); #2 = Number of Minutes of Exercise; #3 = Distance (Run or Walked), or Number of Reps (Rebounding). DIET AND NUTRITION: If one is handling an over weight issue, the trick is to under eat rather than over eat. The stomach is kind of stupid when it comes to telling you that it is full. There is a delay in the signal sent to the Brain, and during this time lag most people eat far more food than needed. Then they end up feeling stuffed, bloated, and have truly over eaten. Please keep in mind to: EAT ORGANIC, HORMONE FREE FOOD ONLY! During the Food Program, people should use additional Herbal Remedies to realign and balance their hormones, plus ultra-high quality Vitamins to rebuild a worn out Immune system. The best vitamins for doing so are: a. 1200 Mg of Vitamin E b. 100 Mg of CoQ-10 c. 50 to 100 Mg of Vitamin B-Complex d. 100 Mg of Niacin = Vitamin B3 (optional) * e. 500 Mg of Vitamin C f. 50,000 IU of Vitamin A g. 5000 IU of Vitamin D3. h. A Plant Enzyme Supplement 3 times a day. Vitamin E at this or even higher doses is essential for the production of HGH in the Pituitary. This gland is the primary Communication & Control Center for the body. The best additional Herbal Preparations to use are: i. A Brain Formula Extract of: Ginkgo Biloba; Gota Kola; Kola Nut; Calamus and Rosemary. (Ginkgo Biloba, the most important, can be used by itself to fire up an almost dead Pituitary Gland). j. A Female Energy Formula (for women only) of: Damiana; Wild Yam; Licorice; Oat Seed; Kola nut; Siberian Ginseng; Sarsaparilla; Palmetto & Ginger k. A Male Energy Formula (for men only) of: Yohimbe; Damiana; Several different kinds of Ginsengs (Siberian, Brazilian, Korean, American, and Chinese are best); Kola Nut; Saw Palmetto; Sarsaparilla; Ginger and Garlic. Oils and Fats: There are 3 main varieties of Oils (Fats) allowed (IN MODERATION) while doing all steps of the Program and these are: Organic Olive Oil; Organic Coconut Oil and Organic Flax Seed Oil (UDO’s OIL is the absolute best of the Flax Blends). Use the Olive Oil in small amounts for cooking and salads. The Coconut Oil can also be used in cooking and is excellent as a delicious spread. It is far better tasting than butter. Coconut Oil is the one fat that is composed solely of medium chain triglycerides and its use is The secret to controlling Cholesterol. In this respect it is brilliant. UDO’s Oil contains the only Organic Flax Seed Oil that I know of stored in glass. It also has a mixture of Evening Primrose and other oils necessary to keep the Omega 3 & 6 in their proper balance. Two tablespoons a day is the standard adult dosage. These are a “must”! Pre-Breakfast Fruit – Eat ONLY ONE of the following to begin each day: an Orange; an Apple; a Grapefruit; 6 oz of Papaya, 6 oz of Pineapple or 6 oz of Black Berries. Breakfast Meal #1 – A “Total Nutrition” Green Drink (must contain a large amount of Spirulina, Chlorella, & Astragalus) and is best made with freshly squeezed juice. Store bought Organic Apple Juice or Apple Cider is 2nd best but should be cut in ½ with distilled water. Add to this 2 tbsp of UDO’s and one raw Egg, or Breakfast Meal #2 – Eat two cooked eggs (your choice of prep), and ONLY one piece of Ezekiel Sprouted Grain Bread with a thin spread of Coconut Oil on it. Breakfast Meal #1 is preferred for its nutritional value. Lunch #1 – A Salad with 4 to 5 oz of raw Veggies and 4 to 5 oz of your choice of cooked Organic Chicken or Fish chopped up into it, or . . . Lunch #2 – 4 to 5 oz of cooked Veggies and 4 to 5 oz of your choice of: Ocean Fish; Chicken; Turkey; Lamb, Ostrich or Buffalo. Afternoon Snack – an Orange; an Apple; a Grapefruit; 6 oz of Papaya, 6 oz of Pineapple or 6 oz of Black Berries. Dinner – 4 to 5 oz of your choice of: Ocean Fish; Chicken; Turkey; Lamb, Ostrich or Buffalo along with 4 to 5 oz of Dark Green Vegetables such as Spinach, Chard, and Beet Greens are best. High starch veggies such as Potatoes (all varieties), Squash and Corn should be avoided throughout the diet. Remember, going “RAW” is best because of the additional enzymes, but this is not vital. Every day you should have only ONE slice of Ezekiel Bread. Evening or Before Bed Snack – Eat only one of the following: an Orange; a Grapefruit; 6 oz of Papaya, 6 oz of Pineapple or 6 oz of Black Berries. A Grapefruit is best peeled and eaten in sections and helps you get a great sleep since it assists in HGH production during the night. If you go out to eat with your spouse or a friend, choose one meal and split it, and remember to stay away from the “No-no’s”. #3 Maintenance Once you’ve reached your ideal weight and physical condition using the above, you can bring this 4 to 5 oz diet up to 6 to 8 oz depending on your daily exercise and activity level. At this point you can now have two slices of the Ezekiel Bread. The more you exercise, the more food (fuel) you’ll need to consume. Continue to keep track of your stats and you’ll never go wrong even when you add a few starches back into the regimen. If a statistic worsens, find out what you changed and undo that change. Some day in the future our planetary food chain will be corrected, but until that time arrives, Nutritional Supplementation, regular Cleansing, and Exercise will be a necessary, daily part of our lives. Yours in Knowledge, Health and Freedom, Doc 2007, 2010 by Ian Shillington N.D. (Retired) All rights reserved. 2 of 2 File(s) Newsletter Vol 9 Issue 10 Lifetime Health Diet (Part Three - 2).doc Newsletter Vol 9 Issue 9 Lifetime Health Diet (Part Three - 1).doc Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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