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Bows, Arrows and Pointed Sticks

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I too use a bow for putting meat on the table.

I like the spear a lot. More challenging but nowhere near as effective.




On 5/9/2010 12:26 PM, rattlesnake breeden wrote:







The rifle is not only for defence but I hear youLeneke, I

am an ex-soldier and have sworn peace, I have my gardens here in Mexico

now and can't have a gun (legally)..but thats OK, my arrows fly

straight and work when wet, can be made from materials avaliable from

nature and they are deadly, clean and...sustainable..unless you

make your own powder armsare not...sustainable...or NICE, the deer

kind of enjoy falling to my hand made arrow...like they have always

given of themselves for the survival of the children of the

earth!..thats the way (we) Huichol see the world.






(facebook: Robert Eldon Breeden) for a few pics of life

a'natural...been here for 10 years with the Wixatika

(Huichol)..the last surviving pre-columbian Society in No America


--- On Sat, 5/8/10, Ieneke van Houten <ienvan (AT) nakusp (DOT) net>



Ieneke van Houten <ienvan (AT) nakusp (DOT) net>

Re: {Herbal Remedies} Be Prepared

herbal remedies

Saturday, May 8, 2010, 9:31 AM




I don't see myself doing the gun.

It would be different if we were sheltering small


but I will not kill to defend my own aging carcass.


Many items on the list are as done as I can get them.

Never been in the stock market to start with.

Briefly considered buying $500 worth of silver, but

made use of a kilo sale of AFA instead.

Have heirloom seeds in storage but am using some

hybrids while they are availabe.


One of the recent additions to the medicine chest is

horseradish plants, so I can make Doc's Total Tonic.

Added to the list: print out all Doc's formulas, :).


Always grateful for all you do...


Ien in the Kootenays


en.blogspot. com

http://backyardbusi ness.info

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