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Failing Kidney

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I was wondering what one could use to aid improvement in an already

failing kidney? She's almost to the point of dialysis and didn't know

if there was any help for her. Just thought I'd ask. Thanks for your


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Keep the urinary tract slightly acid by drinking 2 oz of lemon juice with vitamin C crystals and one tsp xylitol throughout the day, Then get to a homeopath and use kidney glandular extracts/ I do not believe that you should attempt this without professional help.--- On Mon, 1/5/09, Tizzy <tash_75_99 wrote:

Tizzy <tash_75_99 Failing Kidney Date: Monday, January 5, 2009, 1:09 PM



I was wondering what one could use to aid improvement in an alreadyfailing kidney? She's almost to the point of dialysis and didn't knowif there was any help for her. Just thought I'd ask. Thanks for yourreplys.

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Make sure she is not using aspartame as it

destroys the kidneys. Someone at Emory told me

all their people on dialysis are aspartame victims.




www.mpwhi.com, www.dorway.com and www.wnho.net


At 01:09 PM 1/5/2009, Tizzy wrote:


>I was wondering what one could use to aid improvement in an already

>failing kidney? She's almost to the point of dialysis and didn't know

>if there was any help for her. Just thought I'd ask. Thanks for your




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www.herbdoc.com Order Kidney Cleanse. Read about it at www.herballegacy.com See rife frequencies as well.


-------------- Original message -------------- "Tizzy" <tash_75_99


I was wondering what one could use to aid improvement in an alreadyfailing kidney? She's almost to the point of dialysis and didn't knowif there was any help for her. Just thought I'd ask. Thanks for yourreplys.

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Nutritional Tips for Healthy Kidneys and Bladder


The kidneys are among the body's most important organs. If it were not

for their constant filtration of the blood, we would be poisoned by

our own waste products. The kidneys are part of the urinary system

which produces and excretes urine from the body. It consists of the

kidneys, bladder, and urinary ducts.


Henry Bieler, M.D., wrote an excellent chapter in his book, Food is

Your Best Medicine, about the importance of making sure that our

kidneys stay healthy. He attributes the following degenerative

conditions to the malfunctioning of the kidneys: congestive heart

failure, high blood pressure, edema, phlebitis and the formation of

blood clots (pp.129-142).


The worst toxins according to Henry Bieler that can cause kidney

degeneration are; salt, toxic protein acids (resulting from protein

indigestion), metals (such as mercury) and medical drugs (p.137).


The following nutritional tips can help you maintain healthy kidneys

and urinary system. Some of these health tips are also helpful with

urinary tract infections:


• Drink plenty of water to flush your urinary tract and reduce the

burning (in case of kidney or bladder infection). For a quick fix to

reduce the pain and discomfort add one teaspoonful of sodium

bicarbonate per 8 ounce glass of water, every hour, to make the

burning stop. Or drink 100% cranberry juice (organically grown would

be preferable) throughout the day.


• Make sure you take friendly bacteria; acidophilus

(http://tinyurl.com/24ajq), bifidus (http://tinyurl.com/26rur), etc.,

every day to help you digest your foods, especially proteins. Remember

that one of the worst toxins, which puts tremendous stress on the

kidneys, are toxic protein acids resulting from the incomplete

digestion of protein (p. 137).


• A folk remedy calls for drinking one-half cup of pomegranate juice

mixed with one-half cup of water twice a day.


• Eat more fruits and vegetables to keep the urinary tract acidic. Cut

down on animal protein, cereals, animal fat, coffee, tea, sodas and

junk foods in general.


• Drink a glass of juiced parsley and celery. Both are strong

diuretics and will increase urine flow and help flush the kidneys.


• Jonathan Collin, MD made an interesting observation in an article -

Dr. Collin said: " One of the oddest observations I have made has been

the relationship between bladder infection and gum and/or dental

disease...it is interesting that thorough treatment of the gum disease

leads to resolution of the cystitis " (Collin, pg. 13). As a result,

the use of CoQ10 supplement (http://tinyurl.com/f1f7) is helpful

because it can resolves periodontal diseases such as bleeding gums,

pus pockets, foul breath and receeding gums (Sinatra, pg. 86).


• Nature has provided us an abundant number of cleansing foods that

are gentle, yet will detoxify and restore health to the kidneys and

urinary system. One of the best foods for overall health, yet one that

is not generally considered for its medicinal properties is the common

everyday apple. Yes, the fruit of the apple tree is considered one of

the best all-around healing foods nature has provided mankind. Dr.

Edward E. Shook, one of America's foremost authorities on herbs,

states in his classic herbal textbook, Advanced Treatise in Herbology,

" We say, after an exhaustive study of its chemistry, that in our

opinion there is no other remedial agent...in the whole range of known

therapeutic agents that can compare with the apple tree " (Fife, p. 161).


The apple is rich in vitamins, minerals, especially organic sodium

that the body uses in its buffering system against acids. Fresh

organic apples are best eaten raw. Much of the nutritive value is

contained in the skin. Make sure you buy only organically grown

apples, whenever possible, to avoid pesticide residue and the paraffin

wax coating that is found on standard agribusiness apples.

• Another folk remedy used for kidneys and urinary health problems is

the hydrangea plant. The part of the plant that is used medicinally is

the root. Hydrangea root is one of the, if not the most, powerful

herbs known for dissolving calculous deposits in the kidneys as well

as other parts of the body (e.g., gallbladder, joints, etc.). The

following formula is one recommended by Dr. Shook and has been proven

effective: One Quart pure apple juice (organic) and 2 ounces hydrangea

root (chopped). Soak hydrangea root in the juice for 12 hours. Put the

juice and root on the stove and bring to a boil. Slowly simmer for 30

minutes. Let cool, strain out hydrangea root, and bottle. Keep juice

in the refrigerator. Drink a cupful three to four times a day. There

are no side effects or danger of overdose as this formula is food

based and completely harmless (p. 161).


Hydrangea root can be purchased whole at good health food stores. It

can also be obtained as a tincture. In tincture form it is most

convenient. To prepare a dose, simply fill a cup with apple juice and

add 20-30 drops of hydrangea tincture. Drink it warm or cold. This way

you avoid the effort of heating the juice/hydrangea mixture and

straining out the root afterwards (p. 162).


• Another helpful supplement to support kidneys and bladder health are

enzymes (http://tinyurl.com/mkwo). Besides being a great digestive

aid, plant based enzymes taken on an empty stomach may aid in clearing

the lymphatic system of undigested food particles.


Three different enzymes, when used in combination, have the best

synergistic effect to assist with digestion and cleaning the lymphatic

system: papain, bromelain and plant based enzymes. The formula in the

blue green super foods line of products have all three types of

enzymes and is ideal for use in an enzyme cleansing program. In

addition, this particular enzyme formulation is micro-blended with

foods high in minerals such as wild blue green algae.


Take two enzymes before each meal for proper digestion. In addition,

start using enzymes on an empty stomach before meals. Start by taking

one capsule between meals and one capsule before bed time. i.e.,

between breakfast and lunch take one capsule, repeat between lunch and

dinner and at bed time. Increase after a few days and take two each of

the enzymes, then three and then four. You can continue to increase

beyond these amounts depending on the health goals you are trying to

accomplish. It is common to take up to 30 enzyme capsules a day. There

are absolutely no negative side effects from this high usage of

enzymes, only good results. Results are felt, but usually take place

very slowly.


Always remember you are not working with drugs. You are working with

vegetable and fruit based enzymes to help your body. So, please be

patient and allow time for these enzymes to work.


• Organic wild blue green algae (http://tinyurl.com/g1iz and

http://tinyurl.com/iw4k) is important because of its mineral content.

The main determining factor of alkaline (blood/urine) is organic

minerals. One can equate organic minerals with an alkaline state for

better understanding. In order to regain an acidic urinary system

environment not hospitable to harmful bacteria, organic minerals must

be supplied to the body in large quantities.


What is remarkable about wild blue green algae is it's minerals

content. Ounce for ounce, organic wild blue green algae is higher in

minerals than any other class of foods. Sodium, boron, chromium, zinc,

copper, ......you name it, it's in wild blue green algae. All the

minerals in wild blue green algae are held tightly and deeply within

the very core of hundreds of transformative enzyme systems. Minerals

in wild blue green algae are naturally-chelated and are directly

assimilated and more easily put to work within our own similar, but

vastly more complex system of enzymes. As a result, each of our cells

function more smoothly, especially the cells in our detoxifying organs

(liver and kidneys). Take up to 3 grams of blue green algae a day.



If you decide to begin a cleansing program for your kidneys and

urinary system, then take the above supplements in large quantities

for at least three weeks. During this time refrain from meat, dairy,

coffee, black tea, soft drinks, chocolate and other processed foods.

As the kidneys and urinary system becomes stronger and healthier,

continue to take moderate amounts of the supplements for prevention

and eat more fruits and vegetables.


Maintaining the health of your kidneys and urinary system is one of

the most beneficial steps you can take for your overall health. It is

simple and inexpensive, and it's very effective in taking care of some

of the most important homeostatic organs in your body.



Bieler, Henry, M.D. (1965). Food Is Your Best Medicine. New York:

Ballantine Books.

Bruce fife, N.D. (2001). The Detox Book. Colorado Springs, CO: Health

Wise Publications.

Collins, Jonathan. (June 2005). " Letter from the Publisher. " Townsend

Letter for Doctors and patients. pg. 13.

Sinatra, Stephen, M.D. (1998). The CoEnzyme Q10 Phenoomenon. Los

Angeles, CA: Lowell House.

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I believe Splenda and acesulfame K are also injurious to the kidney--- On Mon, 1/5/09, Dr. Betty Martini,D.Hum. <bettym19 wrote:

Dr. Betty Martini,D.Hum. <bettym19Re: Failing Kidney , Date: Monday, January 5, 2009, 6:09 PM



Make sure she is not using aspartame as it destroys the kidneys. Someone at Emory told me all their people on dialysis are aspartame victims.Regards,Bettywww.mpwhi.com, www.dorway.com and www.wnho..netAt 01:09 PM 1/5/2009, Tizzy wrote:>I was wondering what one could use to aid improvement in an already>failing kidney? She's almost to the point of dialysis and didn't know>if there was any help for her. Just thought I'd ask. Thanks for your>replys.>>

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