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What really causes heart disease?

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This is a cross posting FYI.


Clare in Tasmania




It is commonly accepted that atherosclerosis starts as an inflammation in the arterial wall, and it is said that LDL cholesterol gain access through its inner lining, the endothelium, simply due to its high concentration in the blood. This mechanism is highly unlikely, because LDL cholesterol is normalor low in most cases of coronary heart disease, and many studies have documented that old people with high cholesterol live longer than old people with low. Those of you who have followed the work of our grop also know that there are m any other inconsistencies. Together with Kilmer McCully, the discoverer of the association between high homocystein and atherosclerosis, I have recently published a new hypothesis paper in Annals of Clinical and Laboratory Science. We claim that we are able to explain all observations that are in conflict with the current view. Here is a short summary of our idea. It is based on the fact that the lipoproteins partake in the immune system by binding and neutralizing bacteria, virus and their toxins. This has been demonstrated by at least fifteen research groups during the last fifty years, but is little known by other researchers. A vascular event is caused primarily by an occlusion of vasa vasorum of the arteries, the capillary network that supply the arterial wall with oxygen and nutrients. The occlusion is due to an accumulation of aggregates of complexes composed of bacteria, virus and/or their toxins bound by LDL molecules. The aggregation is aggravated by anti-LDL-antibodies and homocysteinylated LDL and occur most often if the immune system is impaired due to smoking, stress or diabetes, or in the presence of an acute or chronic infection. When vasa vasorum are blocked, local cell death may occur in the arterial wall and a micro-boil, the vulnerable plaque, is created. When the vulnerable plaque bursts, its content is emptied into the artery and an arterial clog is formed.Our hypothesis explain. why infections often occur just before an acute heart attack or stroke, why inflammation in the arterial wall is always present in patients with cardiovascular disaease, why the temperature of the vulnerable plaque is higher than the surrounding tissue, why fever, sweatening and leucocytosis are often seen in patients with an acute heart attack or a stroke, why atherosclerosis is a spotty disease, why remnants of more than fifty different bacteria and viruses have been identified in atherosclerotic plaques, but never in healthy arterial tissue. If you are interested in a more detailed explanation we will send you a file with our paper. Send your request either to Kilmer.McCully or to me. In a week or two a new book of mine will become published: "Fat And Cholesterol Are GOOD For You. What REALLY Causes Heart Disease." It is an updated, expanded and simplified version of my previous book "The Cholesterol Myths", and in the last chapter I have presented a popular-scientific version of our hypothesis.Uffe RavnskovThis letter has been sent to you because you have previously shown interest in the many contradictions of the diet-cholesterol-heart hypothesis and/or the work of our group THINCS, The International Network of Cholesterol Skeptics, www.thincs.org






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If you are interested in finding out your risk for heart dis-ease ask your doctor to run a C.R.P. test.


CRP Study by Dr. Vaughn Johnson



Here is the summary of the incredible presentation that Dr. Vaughn Johnson recently did in Seattle. He conducted an informal study in his office with 47 patients to see whether their C-Reactive Protein (hs-CRP) numbers would be affected by introducing the Original Mangosteen Juice to their diets. CRP measures the level of inflammation in the body.

Inflammation is all over the news. In fact, there was a front page article on MSN a week ago about a large study that seemed to show that people who were taking aspirin actually lived longer. Of course aspirin is an anti-inflammatory but like most drugs has side effects.

Many of you may also have seen the video from PBS a couple of weeks ago where they specifically discussed how this hs-CRP test was becoming a major marker for heart disease.

For more information about the anti inflammatory properties of mangosteen juice please visit www.socaljuicebiz.com

Dr Johnson Presentation of 4/3/07

Dr Johnson did a mini clinical trial on the effect of Original Mangosteen juice on a marker for systemic inflammation; Highly Sensitive C- Reactive Protein (hs-crp). A level of 1.0 to 3.0 is considered normal. Greater than 3.0 is considered high risk.


1. Take blood samples from 47 patients. Determine hs-CRP Levels.

2. Administer 2 Oz of Original mangosteen juice once per day.

3. Continue for 30 days.

4. Take blood samples and measure hs-CRP again.

Two ounces was selected as the dose so that two bottles would last one month.

Results: All of the 38 patients who returned for the follow up test lowered their hs-CRP levels into the normal range. 9 patients did not return for their follow up test. The following table lists typical results.

Sample # Initial 30 Days

1 55.0 2.7

2 26.0 1.3

3 12.6 1.8

4 8.4 2.2

5 6.8 1.1

Comments: The above five samples were selected for illustration purposes because after the completion of the test all of these individuals stopped taking Original Mangosteen and took other mangosteen based products instead.

Other mangosteen products: All five returned to their initial high risk CRP levels after using the other mangosteen products. In fact, sample 2 increased to 28, i.e. two points above the initial value. Dr. Johnson then put each of these patients back on Original Mangosteen

juice and all of the CRP numbers came back down.

Dr. Johnson concluded that all mangosteen supplements are not created equal and that the whole fruit puree, Original Mangosteen formula produced the results he has witnessed due to the synergy of all of the Xanthones and other components working together. For more information about the anti inflammatory properties of mangosteen juice please

visit www.socaljuicebiz.com

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Charles Heydon 661-305-2737 1cor.10:31 The Best D**N Business In The Industry. http://www.SoCalJuiceBiz.com Learn How To save 80% on your taxes and Generate Instant Cash In your own Company. The Best D**N Training In The Industry. Learn How To Create Your Own Leads And Generate Instant Cash In Any Company. http://www.cheydon.magneticsponsoringonline.com--- On Mon, 2/16/09, Clare@GOOGLE MAIL <theclaremcharris wrote:

Clare@GOOGLE MAIL <theclaremcharris What really causes heart disease?Undisclosed-RecipientDate: Monday, February 16, 2009, 12:51 PM




This is a cross posting FYI.


Clare in Tasmania




It is commonly accepted that atherosclerosis starts as an inflammation in the arterial wall, and it is said that LDL cholesterol gain access through its inner lining, the endothelium, simply due to its high concentration in the blood. This mechanism is highly unlikely, because LDL cholesterol is normalor low in most cases of coronary heart disease, and many studies have documented that old people with high cholesterol live longer than old people with low. Those of you who have followed the work of our grop also know that there are m any other inconsistencies. Together with Kilmer McCully, the discoverer of the association between high homocystein and atherosclerosis, I have recently published a new hypothesis paper in Annals of Clinical and Laboratory Science. We claim that we are able to explain all observations that are in conflict with the current view.

Here is a short summary of our idea. It is based on the fact that the lipoproteins partake in the immune system by binding and neutralizing bacteria, virus and their toxins. This has been demonstrated by at least fifteen research groups during the last fifty years, but is little known by other researchers. A vascular event is caused primarily by an occlusion of vasa vasorum of the arteries, the capillary network that supply the arterial wall with oxygen and nutrients. The occlusion is due to an accumulation of aggregates of complexes composed of bacteria, virus and/or their toxins bound by LDL molecules. The aggregation is aggravated by anti-LDL-antibodies and homocysteinylated LDL and occur most often if the immune system is impaired due to smoking, stress or diabetes, or in the presence of an acute or chronic infection. When vasa vasorum

are blocked, local cell death may occur in the arterial wall and a micro-boil, the vulnerable plaque, is created. When the vulnerable plaque bursts, its content is emptied into the artery and an arterial clog is formed.Our hypothesis explain. why infections often occur just before an acute heart attack or stroke, why inflammation in the arterial wall is always present in patients with cardiovascular disaease, why the temperature of the vulnerable plaque is higher than the surrounding tissue, why fever, sweatening and leucocytosis are often seen in patients with an acute heart attack or a stroke, why atherosclerosis is a spotty disease, why remnants of more than fifty different bacteria and

viruses have been identified in atherosclerotic plaques, but never in healthy arterial tissue. If you are interested in a more detailed explanation we will send you a file with our paper. Send your request either to Kilmer.McCully@ va.gov or to me. In a week or two a new book of mine will become published: "Fat And Cholesterol Are GOOD For You. What REALLY Causes Heart Disease." It is an updated, expanded and simplified version of my previous book "The Cholesterol Myths", and in the last chapter I have presented a popular-scientific version of our hypothesis.Uffe RavnskovThis letter has been sent to you because you have previously shown interest in the many contradictions of the diet-cholesterol-

heart hypothesis and/or the work of our group THINCS, The International Network of Cholesterol Skeptics, www.thincs.org






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