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4th World War, documentary 1.hr 16 min

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This documentary [


http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3604591910224149865 ], is

called The Fourth World War.

4th World War - taken from a speech by Marcos calling the war against

globalization the 4th World War - is a brief documentary of radical

resistance to global capitalism.

Despite the titanic struggles of dispossessed peoples around the world,

the wealth of nations continues to reside in fewer and fewer hands. The

economies of poor countries collapse under vicious IMF policies, and

capitalism's global 'clubs' thrive ever and ever upward. Meanwhile,

people keep struggling, ultimately downward.

The following Cut & Pasted text is from excerpt in

a talk


http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article20153.htm] given by

Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos to the International Civil Commission of

Human Rights Observation in La Realidad, Chiapas on November 20,


" The concept on which

globalization is based is what we call " neoliberalism, " a new

religion which is going to permit this process to be carried out. With

this Fourth World War, once again, territories are being conquered,

enemies are being destroyed and the conquest of these territories is

being administered.

The problem is, what territories are being conquered and reorganized, and

who is the enemy? Given that the previous enemy has disappeared, we are

saying that humanity is now the enemy. The Fourth World War is destroying

humanity as globalization is universalizing the market, and everything

human which opposes the logic of the market is an enemy and must be

destroyed. In this sense, we are all the enemy to be vanquished:

indigenous, non-indigenous, human rights observers, teachers,

intellectuals, artists. Anyone who believes themselves to be free and is


This Fourth World War uses what we call " destruction. "

Territories are destroyed and depopulated. At the point at which war is

waged, land must be destroyed, turned into desert. Not out of a zeal for

destruction, but in order to rebuild and reorder it. What is the primary

problem confronted by this unipolar world in globalizing itself? Nation

States, resistances, cultures, each nation's means of relating, that

which makes them different. How is it possible for the village to be

global and for everyone to be equal if there are so many differences?

When we say that it is necessary to destroy Nation States and to turn

them into deserts, it does not mean doing away with the people, but with

the peoples' ways of being. After destroying, one must rebuild. Rebuild

the territories and give them another place. The place which the laws of

the market determine. This is what is driving globalization.

The first obstacle is the Nation States: they must be attacked and

destroyed. Everything which makes a State " national " must be

destroyed: language, culture, economy, its political life and its social

fabric. If national languages are no longer of use, they must be

destroyed, and a new language must be promoted. Contrary to what one

might think, it is not English, but computers. All languages must be made

the same, translated into computer language, even English. All cultural

aspects that make a French person French, an Italian Italian, a Dane

Danish, a Mexican Mexican, must be destroyed, because they are barriers

which prevent them from entering the globalized market. It is no longer a

question of making one market for the French, and another for the English

or the Italians. There must be one single market, in which the same

person can consume the same product in any part of the world, and where

the same person acts like a citizen of the world, and no longer as a

citizen of a Nation State.

That means that cultural history, the history of tradition, clashes with

this process and is the enemy of the Fourth World War. This is especially

serious in Europe where there are nations with great traditions. The

cultural framework of the French, the Italians, the English, the Germans,

the Spanish, etcetera - everything which cannot be translated into

computer and market terms - are an impediment to this globalization.

Goods are now going to circulate through information channels, and

everything else must be destroyed or set aside. Nation States have their

own economic structures and what is called " national

bourgeoisie " - capitalists with national headquarters and with

national profits. This can no longer exist: if the economy is decided at

a global level, the economic policies of Nation States which try to

protect capital are an enemy which must be defeated. The Free Trade

Treaty, and the one which led to the European Union, the Euro, are

symptoms that the economy is being globalized, although in the beginning

it was about regional globalization, like in the case of Europe. Nation

States construct their political relationships, but now political

relationships are of no use. I am not characterizing them as good or bad.

The problem is that these political relationships are an impediment to

the realization of the laws of the market. The national political class

is old, it is no longer useful, it has to be changed. They try to

remember, they try to remember, even if it is the name of one single

statesman in Europe. They simply cannot. The most important figures in

the Europe of the Euro are people like the president of the Bundesbank, a

banker. What he says is going to determine the policies of the different

presidents or prime ministers inflicted on the countries of

Europe. "




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