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Biology of Morgellons -- Must read

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- Kimberly Dawley

Friday, February 27, 2009 4:42 AM

Biology of Morgellons -- READ









Biology of Morgellons related organisms (Part 1) (Go to Biology Part 2)












All our investigations and predictions initially assumed that we had a new type of parasitic worm, nematode, or something similar before us. The Morgellons parasite does share many of the same tendencies, as some biological and morphologic aspects have confirmed, although worms cannot produce fibers, but do produce slime.

But most of the characteristics of related life forms weigh heavily in the direction of common procaryontic and eucaryontic organisms (see lower sketch), as fungal, bacterial, viral, algae and protozoan organisms. Such myriad life forms and characteristics, and those long resistant fibers, were most probably not naturally created but probably by different genetical manipulated organisms.

Assuming this concept, one of the most important questions to further resolve the Morgellons mystery is the critical detail about which specific organisms have been modified, including exactly what DNA has been integrated, how many different types of DNA, and where in the genome. And as well, if that what was the only purpose of this creation?

The latest statements by the textile industry respond that they are developing bio-active fabrics on a cellular basis using biological microfibers. These microfibers, which are porous or hollow, contain inside genetical manipulated bacteria and mammalian cells in order to generate and replenish chemical coatings and chemically active components in the clothes to repel attacks with bio-agents.

These implanted mobile bio-environments in cloth fibers and various other characteristics point mostly in the direction of the morgellons fibers.

(read more on this textile industry site)

Regarding further investigation of the biology of the morgellons organisms, it is well known that there are also multicolored fibers, worm and insect-like manifestations and the base biofilm. From this kind of bacterial-fungal-like biofilm (protoplasma), all of the other life forms being clinically manifested are developing.

This base biofilm is sometimes more fungal-like because it has similarities to slime molds, or better said, to micro-lichens with their filaments. Additionally, it is mostly also bacterial-like because the fibers seem to grow and move as do some bacteria chains, as well as contribute the pathogenic features as are caused by many bacteria.

The difference between different fungal or bacterial cells is not so great; sometimes it is just a higher developmental stage of a single cell. A taxation and a simplified explanation of the difference between types of bacteria may be by identifying motility structures such as flagella or by the structural characteristic of cell walls (e.g., negative or positive gram stain). All is variable in nature and possibly there are bacteria involved in the morgellons infection, with or without a cell wall deficiency.

All live forms on earth are divided into two major groups (Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes), depending on whether their cells are set up with or without a cell core (nucleus). All organisms which have a cell core, including DNA and some cell membranes, are called Eukaryotes. The second cell type group is called Prokaryotes, such as bacteria and archaea which are without a cell core and having inside the cell just a liquid (cytoplasma), where the DNA is integrated.

There are 5-7 further subdivisions of these two major groups which are called kingdoms or domains, including the Monera, the Protista (Protoctista), the Fungi, the Plantae, and the Animalia. Each kingdom is further subdivided into separate phyla or divisions. Generally are animals subdivided into phyla and plants are subdivided into divisions.

Currently, textbooks from the United States use a system of six kingdoms (Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, Protoctista, Archaea, and Monera), while British and Australian textbooks describe only five kingdoms (Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, Protista, Bacteria). The archaea kingdom makes the difference, which is a group of recently discovered organisms that are adapted to live in extremely hostile habitats. Like in cooling water of atomic plants, thermal volcanic vents, hotsprings and saline pools. (see sketch below)











These archaea organisms are similar in appearance to bacteria, but biochemically and genetically very different from them. The seventh kingdom (read more here) would actually be in the future the new domain of modified organisms after genetic engineering by mankind. However, scientists now changed all in a new system of 3 domains (bacteria, plantae, animalia) since a number of life forms were hard to place, because they overlap (cross-over) sometimes with different kingdoms. (see sketch below)












Shall we know them by their fruits? NO, not at all. The constant evolution and the DNA expression of this life form known as morgellons can be compared to a tree bearing constantly different fruits. On one branch an apple grows, and on the other branches grow pears, bananas, cherries etc. and additionally these fruits taste differently, as they should, and so on.

One should see that the multiple variations and possibilities of all gene combinations involved in survival are infinite. In this process, a rapid increasing evolution on a microscopic level takes place, with each cell constantly adapting to its given environment. Anyway, after investigating regarding typical characteristics of all known life forms, it can be stated that we have possibly parts of all kingdoms genetically included in the morgellons life form, which is a mixture of bacteria, alga, fungi and animals such as the sea sponge perhaps too.

To explain and understand the biology of the Morgellons organisms, it is more accurate to say that they are a fungal-bacterial-like accumulation of single cells, which can basically produce both slime and tentacle-like ectospores. These fiber spores and their included DNA are extremely resistant to all known treatment and erradication measures, which is the main reason the course of Morgellons disease is so prolonged.

However, treating them exactly as a fungus or bacteria would be wrong, as they only have similar characteristics and the usual treatment options, such as single fungal or antibiotic medications, etc. would not be very successful. Rather, the Morgellons parasite may lay somewhere between pathogenic fungi, bacteria and algae, similar to mycoplasma (myco = fungus, plasma = formed) or actinomycetes bacteria, which also have fungal-like characteristics. Also cyano bacteria, is known as well as cyano alga.

Fungal life forms for example belong actually more to the animal family than to other species classifications, but no genome of any organism is a static construction. It is a complexity which is undergoing constant change while collecting foreign cell information by exchanging DNA on the cellular level. This can happen by a melting together of two single cells, and further specific mutation is always possible.

Primarily, they show also the typical characteristics of insecticidal and nematicidal fungi such as Meria. coniospora or Esteya vermicola, which can produce similar sticky substances and fibers, as well as slime secreted from their own fibers. They are known to construct fiber loops and knots, connecting together with other fibers to create a net-like structure in order to catch larger nematode prey. (See also pictures below) All of this greatly resembles as well to the behavior of the Morgellons life forms. (watch also this videoclip)




Fiber loops constructions between eye brow hairs. Click on picture to enlarge








It is postulated here that with the Morgellons syndrome, we are really dealing with a man-made bio-pesticide that has gotten out of control, which may be a genetically altered combination of several different fungi and bacteria designed to control unwanted species of nematodes and insects. Probably this manipulated life form is not only killing other organisms, but also absorbing and hijacking their DNA.

During this integration and exchanging of other life forms DNA, the original Morgellons DNA learns how to adapt and survive in its current location from these encounters. Thus, formerly located and absorbed life forms pass on the DNA information needed for survival in a given territory, such as available food sources, etc.

Apparently, the Morgellons organisms becomes then able to imitate the characteristics of multiple kinds of absorbed life forms. It has long been demonstrated through genetic research that many features and characteristics of "parent" life forms are inherited by the next generation; additionally, that genetically accurate copies of some species can be generated though the process of cloning. But with splices of different gene sequences unnaturally assembled, such as appears to be the case with Morgellons, no one can predict what complex life forms may later develop.

This collecting of foreign DNA material of the fungal life form may initially begins in the natural environment with nematodes, insects, and other fungi or bacteria. Such as well with ticks carrying the borrelia bacteria, or any of a vast variety of other exciters present that the fungal life form may inadvertently encounter.

And going on as well on human skin or in the body, through various means previously described, repeating the same process of gathering cell information on how to best survive in the new human host's environment. This information is available from other human opportunistic parasites, such as demotex mites, dermatophytes, and the like, as well as from bacteria such as E. Coli, or fungi such as Candida, and any other pathogenic invaders previously inhabiting the human body. If this theory is true, then it also provides an explanation for the fact that not every Morgellons sufferer presents clinically with the same secondary parasitic, bacterial or fungal infections.

Compairing such extraordinary characteristics with any already existing life forms in nature, then we can find many similarities and a strong connection as well to the kinds of insecticidal fungi called "Endomorphthoraceae". There is unfortunately too little information about Endomorphthoraceae, as well as no known precedence of human infection, but from infected animals. Many possible illnesses could be due an unknown infection with these invasive fungal life forms. This kind of fungus quite accurately approximates the morgellons organism much more than any other possible involved live forms.

The class of Endomorphthoraceae fungi are considered to be the most effective insect killers (predators) among the fungal life forms on earth. They can perforate with their fiber spores the hard cuticle of insects in order to establish itself in the inner areas of the insect body. These then are nourished mainly by the protein/fat cells they absorb and convert by means of an enzymatic process. In the last phase of this process, only the insect sleeve (covering) remains, and is completely filled with a white and milky fungal slime, which later let the empty insects shell bursts and before it dries out it sprays out at least the fiber spores (next generation). (see similar process on the pictures below) Read also this article from similar fungi killing termites.




Moth-like specimen extracted from human skin. Also visibile after shell burst, the white and milky fungal slime Click on picture to enlarge








The most unique characteristic of this kind of fungi is that they can even absorb and integrate different insect DNA and can later produce insect-like forms, perhaps to attract real insects on which to feed, thereby repeating its life cycle. This same process has been described repeatedly on our website.

One old documentation of this obscure fungal life form appears to confirm my own investigations and empirical studies of a similar organism. The single article found dated 1976 was written by a Polish author named Andrzej Batko was translated into English by Cornell university. (click here to read original documentation)

We can surmise that this invasive fungal form became more closer and adaptive to human hosts, possibly through the spraying of bio-pesticides with genetically-altered fungi, bacteria and viruses over our fields in the last approximately twenty years. The Endomorphthoraceae fungus lives predominantly in soil. In contaminated (treated) soil, it likely mutated into a more resistant, pathogenic and virulent form.

Assuming that vast areas in nature and a variety of vectors are already contaminated with the infectious fungal spores or active biofilm, then we can also assume that mammals may be acquiring Morgellons disease from almost anywhere. A simple nature walk or vacation providing access to infectious foliage or insects, social or sexual contact with an already infected person, ingestion of contaminated food or water, even the plants and soil in one's own backyard or garden may potentially carry the risk of exposure.

We can be fairly certain that the causers of this pandemic did not realize just what would happen if this life form came into contact with other bio-insectides formerly sprayed into the environment, such as the Agrobacterium Bacillus thuringiensis or Tumifaciens C58 used in agricultural pest management; Fusarium oxysporum used to destroy marijuana and coca plants; or any of the other thousands of sprayed micro organisms utilized for intended beneficial purposes.

One can surely find, for example, Agrobacteria both on our food and on our skin, which formerly were not known to harm humans. But the combining of myriad life forms into one with unnatural capabilities, and the resultant unleashing of this life form to further incorporate other potentially threatening organisms / DNA material, would be like opening Pandora's box. The creators of the Morgellons organism, in most likelihood, could not have foreseen exactly what might evolve if this organism continued to mutate.

On the other hand, if the result was intended, then its formulation also as a potential bio-weapon seems a strong probability. The actual reason it was developed has yet to be determined. In any case, distribution is feasible not only by local spraying, but also more widely in higher sky zones as is being suggested by those involved in chemtrail monitoring. There are many reports, for example, that there is a diminished mosquito and honey bee population this summer; possibly there is a connection to use of this or similar bio-insecticide.

Some of the organisms with the longer strains or fibers a kind of environmental buffer was probably also produced, by means of these flexible fibers (nylon-like) and own slime which surround the actual corpus (body). Fibers, which are in bundles behave as springs, which is most noticeable when one goes in for a skin scraping or biopsy.

These fibers seem to jump out and land about an inch away. Regarding the movement of single fibers, then they have a contraction-like movement (See also our new videos about) or a fast vibrating or shaking. Fuzzballs can move somehow too in the same way as one single fiber, but they have more fibers and they can even roll around.

See also this scientific site with videoclips from real moving fibers and fuzzballs caused from bacterial biofilm (Bacillus subtilis).

In dry conditions these morgellons fibers are more electrostatically loaded and they can sometimes be attracted from electricity or bigger masses, such as mammals, metals, etc. with another electrical charge (positive-negative attraction). Some higher developed life forms show fiber constructions in multi-bus formation, where each fiber is ribbon-like and stuck together.

This construction may possibly occour a higher data transport between all connected organisms, or may just be a manifestation of wing similar forms, perhaps not to fly but rather to collect moisture in the environment (air). As long as they remain active, the higher is their development and metamorphosis (See pictures below). The growth factor of single fibers to multiplicate themself and for covering one inch with many fibers, is under normal climatic conditions, 2-3 month.




These two sponge-like organisms (A+B) are connected together with ribbon-like multi-fibers (3 to 6). Click on picture to enlarge


These multi-fibers resemble to hard-drive data cables with deviations connected to different areas. Click on picture to enlarge








These Multifibers bus structures arises suspicion that these could actually be real biological nano-machines. Without any evident wires or contacts, but made only from organic fiber material or just from plastic, in order to be able to fulfill determined information functions. Perhaps over light signals or even over electrical signals (conducent plastic). Such functions can also occur over a kind of bio-luminiscence produced by bacteria residing inside the fibers. But also bacteria can produce electricity in combination with metals etc. (Gold) which is already used in science to develop new batteries.

Information functions made by bio-luminiscent bacteria are well-known from marine sponges. Many of their fiber-similar threads grow out from the main body root-like as well into the sea ground. These sponges actually get information about light signals, which are produced by stressed bacteria which live inside their fibers. They pass this stress situation to the sponge as a light information. Sponges are also masters of toxic defense, containing also illness-repelling characteristics and research is while the demanded particularly from the military and medical arenas. The human Genome consists of approx. 30.000 genes, the Genome of sponges consists of approx. 100.000 genes. Therefore this genetic richness is a huge capital from which to receive new bioactive substances.

Most sponge genetic makeup is biocompatible with humans; and they can with their enzymes produce bio-substances as biogenetic glass (Biosilicat), which has a similar structure to human bones and such could serve in surgery etc. Sponges and other sea animals are older than all land organisms, since all life had its origin once in the sea. No other organism is more predistined than sponges, with their characteristics, to manipulate a cell genetically.

The microfilm behaves in its liquid form like mycotic slime or growing mold (mould?), depending upon need; from it, other life forms develop. It is quite possible that this biofilm has integrated pathogens such as Borrelia, Babesia, Staphilocoocus, Microbispora, Mycoplasma etc. and as well some fungus and unknown viral forms.

The genetic information of this cellular protoplasm can also be distributed over the polyethylene-like glassy fibers (tentacle-like), when they break off from the main biofilm. These glassy fibers are actually just the prolongations of the base biofilm which can dry out but always revive after contact with enough moisture. At that time part of this durable covering liquefies and this protoplasm is released, floating or gliding and entering the skin primarily via the pores or dissolving the skin by its acid-like enzymes.




Biofilm (1) and fibers on and interwoven with the skin (2)








The different colored fibers are not in an actual sense the so called morgellons parasites, but a transportation medium comparable to fungal spores (conidia, seeds), by which new life and also the base slime is again produced. After activation with water, these transportation fibers (moved from bacteria) move in a circular fashion and similar to known bacteria by gliding motion (contractions or twitching motility), sticking or boring in relatively quickly upon skin contact.

The inner fiber liquid is then released at the fiber tips or also in the middle, resulting in a small lesion at the site from penetration and extension of the skin pore. (See pictures 1 and 2.)




First fiber bite with swollen skin pore (1+2) and growing expanding biofilm (3). See also process of an infection.








The growing of the biofilm in and on the skin is then observed as an enlarging pimple or lesion, with the initial fiber spore still attached and protruding from the entrance wound, the other end visible by magnification under the skin. After an expansion of the biofilm, this single fiber will again be integrated into the base slime (see picture 3) and later may be into other cloth fibers present on the human skin as well.

The separation of the inner protoplasma from the fiber carrier may occour subcutaneously or on the skin surface. Subcutaneously various infectious bacteria may be introduced into the blood system causing later atypical mycoplasma infections, borreliosis or myco/microcystosis etc. Not a few bacteria etc. may cause problems but the permanent introduced and increased amount of pathogenes due to re-infections is creating then all the typical illness symptoms.

It seems that some pathogenes have found another way to infect humans by traveling over industrial made fibers as a transportation medium and using the ability of the attached base biofilm on these fibers to penetrate the host skin without any open wounds present.

An external superinfection is most often secondarily due to scratching of the host rather than to bacterial morgellons exciters. After removing this penetrated organism without any antiseptic or other means, a healing process can be sometimes observed, without any larger skin infection. An resident infectious agent such as Staphylococcus aureus or the virulent MRSA on the fibers can be therefore mostly excluded.

Though it may occur from external contamination or from opportunistic bacteria such as actinomycetes or mycoplasms and not from the industrial bioactive fibers per se. It is just like a russian roulette, some fibers do carry pathogens and some do not.

An internal infection and the following skin symptoms due to the outcoming black specs (after 2-3 weeks), are mostly caused from swallowed fibers over food and water intake or by breathing in with a later release of pathogens in the nasal and mouth area. Which might also cause a permanent re-infection by swallowing saliva and resident fibers.

The human body reacts then, if a certain amount of foreign objects is reached, with a kind of allergical reaction to force them out over the kidneys/urine and stool and by sweating them out over the skin with help of the respective lymph system.

The expansion of this biofilm glides similar to running honey. At first the main cellular accumulation of biofilm explores the environment with small biofilm trails which harden like fiber threads, growing longer and chain-like in one direction as do bacteria but without any branches. If food or appropriate substrate is found, then most of the main slime body moves sometimes in that direction, on or below the host skin.

(watch this scientific university video of growing fibers of Basidiobolus ranarum-Entomorphthoraceae, click on the right hand to play, )

The outer layers of this biofilm open to air can harden and separate from the main biofilm by various means. This single isolated part of biofilm resembles and feels like a grain of sand, at times with a fuzz-like aspect due to fibers sticking onto or being integrated into the biofilm. Each small isolated part of biofilm contains the same genetic material (clone) which can grow in the same way as the main biofilm, producing fibers (tentacle-like) and causing all usual disease symptoms too.

The tentacle-like prolongations of the biofilm, look like smaller glassy whitish fibers growing out of the biofilm, which resembles to Borrelia or Filaria organisms. These small white fibers grows longer and may later eventually turn darker, depending upon which bacteria it has inside or with which absorbed substances it had contact. (See also lower pictures)




Biofilm and small white fibers (filaria-like) (1) on skin and on a human hair (2). Click on picture to enlarge








The related insect-like manifestations, which behave biologically like correct insects with resultants cocoons or eggs, might imply a sexual reproduction. In addition to some worm-similar forms, there are scabies-like forms, as well as louse, thrips, moths, collembola, crickets, or lices and flea-similar creatures; sometimes presenting with one arm, eye or leg growing out of the main body.

Morphologically, they may also exhibit similarities to small organisms (tardigrates, amoebae) which live in lichen and slime molds. But also real insects might reside on human hosts, being attracted from putrification smell or pheromons.

It may be possible that the biofilm had previous contact in nature with similar organisms, whose normal lifespan take place mostly in soil and on plants. Perhaps this biofilm attracts them through emitting an increased value of phytohormons or pheromons. This effect can also be produced by genetic manipulation of the trigger to increase production of certain enzymes, to get higher expression of pheromones values etc. (See also this scientific enzyme site)

This fact may explane why most of morgellons sufferers also have insect infestations, because various insect species have at some point been attracted to the potentially moldy-smelling morgellons slime. An alternative plausible explanation is that this slime can also create insect-like forms utilizing only its own material, formed from the DNA information of absorbed insects and bacteria, or both situations are possible.

Fungal organisms for example are found in nature in the soil and on plants, and like bacteria, perform the function of decomposing dead organic material. Some fungi are also luminescent to attract insects required to spread their spores, which remain on insects when they leave the sticky fungal slime.

One of the characteristics of most involved organism is that they are always covered with this biofilm, having also a kind of epidermis created of this biofilm slime. The epidermis is perhaps similar to nematods (thread worms/endoparasites), separates into a multi-later cuticle that protects it from drying out, as well as against unfavorable environmental conditions, such as gastric acid.

The organism may exhibit a type of intelligence which makes it possible to react independently and tactically to the environment. Morgellons sufferers may surely confirm this fact. This suggests also the possibility of a genetically-included type of worm, as there exist worms with primitive brains but mostly all points in direction of microscopic small slime mold cells (lichen) with a collective intelligence. (read more here)













Filaria worm (Wuchereria bancrofti)

Worm-like specimen from nasal area








Lichens for example, are unrelated symbiotic organisms that consist mostly of an alga and a fungus living in concert symbiotically. Lichens can manifest a wide range of colors from orange, yellow, green and brown to black and white. The fungi collectively form the shape of the lichen with many network-like filamentous fiber cells (hyphae), and provide the algae an hospitable environment (moisture etc.).

In this complementary arrangement, the algae are photosynthetically active and provide glucose or carbon-based nutrition for the fungi. Morgellons has a similar life form constellation and therefore it has a greater survival ability to exist also as an autotrophic bio-system (literally, self-feeding). Thus, the Morgellons symbionts are not always dependent on external sources of food nourishing. It is a simple, yet very complex life system.




Morgellons related alga symbiont covered with biofilm where small base fibers grow out








If this life form is any kind of a biological life form and not a nanotech-machine, it must come out to the skin surface to conclude its biological life cycle for procreation or perhaps shedding of its skin, this statement is a fact, which has told me a parasitologist. Especially on and around full moon is then a higher movement of them. As well do artificial nanotech-machines not react on smellings as peppermint, oregano, garlic etc.



(Go to Biology Part 2)










http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN & cpsidt=1724146









http://www.iet.uni-duesseldorf.de/Frameseiten/directed_ev & topframenavigation.htm





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