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Comment and article on the drought mess in California .........http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?noframes;read=142276Schwarzenegger WILL RUIN ALL THE SMALL FARMERS IN CALIFORNIA. He declaresCalif. to be in a drought emergency. Is turning off their water thissummer. That means all crops die, all farmers get foreclosed on andAGRIBUSINESS GETS THE LAND. He's asked urban water agencies to reduce wateruse by 20 percent. "This drought is having a devastating impact on our people, ourcommunities, our economy and our environment, making today's action absolutely necessary," the Republican governor said in his statement. HE IS THE ONECAUSING THE PROBLEM. If everybody gets SOME WATER, and cuts down, andwaters trees at dawn, not noon, they can duke it out. Mandatory rationing is an option but he's not doing it that way. He's goingthe route that will get all the small businessmen out of farming.Three dry winters have left California's state- and federally operated reservoirs at their lowest levels since 1992.Federal water managers announced last week that they would not deliver any water this year to thousands of California farms, although that couldchange if conditions improve. The state has said it probably would deliver just 15 percent of the water contractors have requested this year.Schwarzenegger declared a statewide drought in June but stopped short of calling a state of emergency. His 2008 executive order directed the state Department of Water Resources to speed water transfers to areas with the worst shortages and help local water districts with conservation efforts.Over the last few weeks, storms have helped bring the seasons' rain totals to 87 percent of average, but the Sierra snowpack remains at 78 percent of normal for this time of year. State hydrologists say the snowpack mustreach between 120 to 130 percent of normal to make up for the two previous dry winters and replenish California's key reservoirs.Court decisions intended to protect threatened fish species also haveforced a significant cutback in pumping from the Sacramento-San Joaquin delta, the heart of the state's delivery system.The governor, farmers and lawmakers have argued for years that California must upgrade its decades-old water supply and delivery system and build new reservoirs."The situation is extremely dire," said Tim Quinn, executive director ofthe Association of California Water Agencies, adding that the governor's action Friday "underscores the urgency of serving the long-term structural problems."The state delivers water to more than 25 million Californians and more than 750,000 acres of farmland.Schwarzenegger's order leaves the door open for more severe restrictions later. Additional measures can include mandatory water rationing and water reductions if there is no improvement in water reserves and residents fail to conserve on their own.At least 25 water agencies throughout the state already have imposed mandatory restrictions, while 66 others have voluntary measures in place.The state prefers such local efforts so it does not have to call for statewide rationing, Snow said.The federal government on Thursday created a drought task force to provide farmers technical assistance in managing existing water supplies. Farmers also could be eligible for federally-backed emergency loans.Almond farmer Shawn Coburn of Mendota said the emergency declaration comes too late for many growers who already are halfway through the season. Some farmers didn't bring in bees to pollinate, while others sprayed their orchards with chemicals that keep nuts from forming."It's too late," he said. "It's going to sound horrible coming from afarmer because you never turn down help, but come on, this thing is over with."* * * *The next sound you hear will be tHE JOADS MOVING BACK TO KANSAS andTHE GOVERNATOR WELCOMING AGRIBUSINESS and the TERMINATOR SEEDS THEY RIDEIN ON __._,_._«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»Paranormal_Research - Scientific Data, Health Conspiracies & Anything Strange Paranormal_ResearchSubscribe:... Paranormal_Research- GREAT VACATION RENTAL ON THE LAKE: www.vacationhomerentals.com/39833

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