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Audit the Fed!!! HR 1207 Now in Committee!

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Mon, 20 Apr 2009 17:00:51 -0400trinityfarmsSubject: HR 1207 Now in Committee!HR 1207 Now in Committee!A message to all members of End The Fed NetworkIn a major breakthrough for our movement, Ron Paul's bill to Audit the Fed has been referred to the House Committee on Financial Services.. That's a HUGE step forward.NOW is the time to bring all of our efforts to bear on the situation. If we can get the bill out of Committee it will go to the House floor for a vote!Let's step up our efforts to collect petition signatures to support HR 1207. The Repeal the Fed petition has been amended to also support HR 1207 to

Audit the Fed. Download it here: http://endthefed.us/media/RepealPetition.pdf(NOTE: We will be sending petition signatures to Ron Paul's Congressional Office, the Campaign for Liberty and your local Congressional and Senatorial offices instead of the ETF mailing address from now on. More on this to follow.)During the festivities on April 25th, let's maximize out petition signature collection efforts as well as educational efforts. Try to include a location which allows for interaction with the public in your plans.After April 25th, let's renew our efforts to support these bills and redouble our signature gathering.Repeal/Audit the Fed Petition: http://endthefed.us/media/RepealPetition.pdfhttp://www.campaignforliberty.com/campaigns/auditthefed.phpParticipate in our Discussion Forum topic on HR 1207: http://endthefedusa.ning.com/forum/categories/hr-1207-hr-833/listForCategory Join the Audit the Fed! Action Group: http://endthefedusa.ning.comrepealthefedpetitionprojectMonitor the status of the bill here:http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=h111-1207Join the End the Fed! Network:http://endthefedusa.ning.comFind Your Local ETF Group:http://endthefedusa.ning.com/groupshttp://www.restoretherepublic.net/user_group_browse.php?groupcat_id=55Your Friend in Freedom,Steven VincentHello Stu [Glenn Beck Show]Are you aware of the required format for ALL government annual budget reports? It is called the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. The expert who discovered the format is Walter Burien. [sEE HIS INFO BELOW THIS EMAIL.] I began researching this topic in 1996. This accounting format is required of all cities, counties, public schools, states, and federal bureaucracies. FACT: The CAFR is located in the Comptroller Offices.In Aiken, South Carolina, by using the CAFR, I discovered that the public schools did not bother to calculate their General Assets . . . and I totally embarrassed the Comptroller in front of the School Board with the fact. The school was asking for

more money, but did not know how much money and assets it already possessed.FACT: The Investment Pools are located in the Treasurer's office in the state and at the federal levels.Furthermore, I found 3 huge investment accounts for the schools in Aiken with a total of $27 million . . . not used . . . which were briefly mentioned in a sentence out of the multiple paged CAFR. The School Board denied that they existed, so I went to the South Carolina Treasurer's office with a FOIA and had them print off the accounts with 6 months of activities. No record is given for where the interest is going. They exist.And . . . all of these investment accounts are housed with the Bank of New York. I have that information from the SC Treasurer's office in a Fax.FACT: A "Budget" is not the same as the "Investment Pool." FACT: Our government is holding well

over $64 trillion of our taxes, in accounts all over the world, which are "monies in excess of needs."Get busy on this topic . . . it is true. I have my copies. Our "crooks in office" will fight you every step of the the way.Below is the most recent activity by Walter Burien who continues to help people understand that our "elected representatives" are cooking the books. Open the link he gives to you.Sincerely,Rebekah E. Sutherland, M.Ed./sciencesNuclear Radiological Controls InspectorNew Ellenton, SC (Aiken County)803-652-7370CAFR1 NATIONAL POST


On, April 15th 2009 created many tea parties all across the land. In some small locations only a handful of people came out. In other locations a few hundred, and then in a few locations thousands. The bottom line is that many of the people are tired ofbeing raped and drug over the coals due to the profits of and market manipulations for theft by a select group of players, many from within our own government. (I note that the majority of these players bear the brand of attorney)I note that at a few of these rallies CAFR1 fliers were passed out and as an example of visibility, here is the biggest sign from theNewton, New Jersey event.I note that Congressman Scott Garrett who spoke at the event refused to have his picture taken next to the "Audit all local Government CAFRs" sign. The picture of him pasted in to the audit CAFRs sign was taken a few minutes latter at the event.His reason given? He said he did not know

anything about the CAFRs (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) so he did not want to have his picture taken in front of something he did not know anything about.That is like a priest from the Catholic church not wanting to have his picture taken next to the Bible because he did not know anything about it. What Congressman Garrett did reminds me of an incident with Senator Bill Bradley from back in1990 during the Hands Across NJ days.Senator Bradley and I were at the Flemington, NJ Fair and we were talking about the gross income of NJ State government and the CAFR. Senator Bradley was upfront and confirmed he was quite aware of the true totals. We spoke for about twenty minutes and then I pulled the NJ State CAFR out from under my jacket and when he saw I had it in my possession he said: "You have that!" and he quickly darted off. It was very obvious he did not want a picture snapped of he and the NJ Sate CAFR in the same

picture.And you have always wondered what was the true definition of "silence is golden", well now you know. To take it all over it is important that those you are taking from do not have a clue as to the extent of your take. If the marks of your obsessive theft did know, they just might stop you and in fact, you just might have true consequences for what you have taken (plundered) already....The CAFR "is" the book of complete accounting for most local governments. The small local governments that do not put out a CAFR will put out an AFR (Annual Financial Report) in the alternative.All Congressman and Senators and in fact most other key politicians, educators, and key level news media personnel review many of the local government CAFRs from their state each year. They go out of their way to get it as soon as it comes out. It is the true "kitty" and overall accounting of the wealth generated and held. The same local

government's "budget" is but a fraction of the total showing seen in the CAFR.CAFR1 three days ago has put two new paragraphs up on the CAFR1 donation page. Hopefully one or both of those paragraphs will register with the right person who has the muscle to start the landslide for corrective remedy, and hopefully start it with true force and very soon! http://CAFR1.com/DNT.htmlCAFR1 is working on an article that will be released soon entitled "The Unholy Alliance". Keep an eye out for this article when released and take heed of what is brought forward within. (a hint as to the context of the article is focusing on: The attorney complex takeover of it all through government, how they did it, what they are doing now, and what they intend to do to you in the future) TREASON: "Treason doth never prosper; what's the reason? For if it prosper, none dare call

it treason." Sir John Harrington, 1561-1612 Truly yours,Walter J. Burien, Jr.P. O. Box 2112Saint Johns, AZ 85936http://CAFR1.com and http://TaxRetirement.comemail: WalterBurienTel. (928) 445-3532

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