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ALLIANCE FOR HUMAN RESEARCH PROTECTION A Catalyst for Public Debate:Promoting Openness, Full Disclosure, andAccountability http://www.ahrp.org  FYIThe Patriot Ledger reports that Rebecca Riley's psychiatrist, Dr. KayokoKifuji, is under criminal investigation by a grand jury.The Boston Globe had reported that Dr. Kifuji, who Kifuji voluntarily gaveup her medical license in February 2007, had diagnosed and prescribed thelethal psychotropic drug cocktail for Rebecca and her two siblings whenRebecca was two and a half years old. The toxic drugs prescribed by Dr.Kifuji, who has indicated she followed the Harvard-Mass General prescribingprotocol for children, included: the antipsychotic, Seroquel, theanti-seizure drug, Depakote and the blood pressure drug, Clonidine. Rebecca died of a toxic reaction to the drugs at age 4: her tragicdrug-related death encapsulates the irresponsible (some would say, abusive)prescribing of powerful mind altering, toxic drugs recommended by leadingchild psychiatrists at Harvard-affiliated, Mass General Hospital, whosefinancial conflicts of interest were uncovered by Sen. Chuck Grassley. Therevelations uncovered during legal proceedings when they testified underoath, led the US Justice Department to issue a subpoena seeking alldocuments including transcripts of their testimony produced in litigationrelating to three prominent Harvard researchers--Drs. Joseph Biederman,Thomas Spencer and Timothy E. Wilens.http://www.ahrp.org/cms/content/view/560/71/"An attorney for Rebecca Riley’s estate, says Kifuji is scheduled to giveher deposition on July 6, after the grand jury is finished. She was to havegiven the deposition today. For the deposition Novotny said Kifuji will beasked about “pretty much all her (medical) conduct,” starting withexplaining the bipolar diagnosis."Contact: Vera Hassner Sharavveracare212-595-8974http://www.patriotledger.com/archive/x342375156/Rebecca-Riley-s-doctor-now-the-target-of-a-grand-juryRebecca Riley’s doctor now the target of a grand jury   Rebecca J. Riley died in December of 2006. Her parents are charged withmurdering her.By Lane LambertFri May 01, 2009, 06:19 AM EDTBOSTON - Already the target of a civil medical malpractice lawsuit, thepsychiatrist who prescribed the drugs that killed 4-year-old Rebecca Rileyis now the subject of a grand jury criminal investigation.The Plymouth County grand jury probe of Dr. Kayoko Kifuji came to light onThursday, in court documents from the Suffolk County civil case.It’s not clear how long the grand jury has been examining Kifuji’s action. Aspokeswoman for District Attorney Tim Cruz declined to confirm or denywhether a grand jury is investigating Kifuji.If the grand jury does find the former Tufts-New England Medical Centerpsychiatrist criminally liable for Rebecca’s death, she could faceinvoluntary-manslaughter charges.Rebecca’s parents, Michael and Carolyn Riley, will go on trial later thisyear on first-degree murder charges in the little girl’s overdose death attheir Hull home in December 2006.Conviction for involuntary manslaughter carries a sentence of up to 20 yearsin prison, though Massachusetts sentences typically are 3 to 5 years. Butlegal experts say a criminal conviction would be highly unlikely for Kifuji,given the circumstances of the Riley case.“It’s a very hard case to make,” Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly publisherDavid Yas said. “You could get it out of the grand jury, but in court itwould be an uphill battle.”Kifuji diagnosed Rebecca as bipolar with attention deficit disorder when shewas 2½. Kifuji prescribed the powerful blood pressure medication Clonidineand anti-seizure drug Depakote.A medical examiner ruled that Rebecca died from an overdose of those drugsand over-the-counter cold medicine. Carolyn Riley says her daughter died ofpneumonia, not the drugs.Kifuji voluntarily gave up her medical license in February 2007, soon afterRebecca’s parents were charged.Court evidence of the grand jury investigation surfaced amid fresh legalaction in both the civil and criminal cases.On Wednesday, Kifuji’s lawyers asked a Suffolk County judge to postpone herdeposition in the civil case indefinitely, and close the entire court recordto the public.Kifuji’s attorney, Bruce Singal, said a deposition would force the doctor toclaim her Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate herself while the grandjury was looking at the case. But the judge denied both motions.Ben Novotny, an attorney for Rebecca Riley’s estate, says Kifuji isscheduled to give her deposition on July 6, after the grand jury isfinished. She was to have given the deposition today.For the deposition Novotny said Kifuji will be asked about “pretty much allher (medical) conduct,” starting with explaining the bipolar diagnosis.Singal couldn’t be reached for comment. In the court document that mentionsthe grand jury, Singal says Kifuji “strenuously denies any allegations thather treatment of Rebecca was negligent, let alone criminal.”Lane Lambert may be reached at llambert.FAIR USE NOTICE: This may contain copyrighted (© ) material the use of whichhas not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Suchmaterial is made available for educational purposes, to advanceunderstanding of human rights, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, andsocial justice issues, etc. It is believed that this constitutes a 'fairuse' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C.section 107 of the US Copyright Law. This material is distributed withoutprofit. _____________Infomail1 mailing listto send a message to Infomail1-leave =====In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.

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