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MMS - new protocol?

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I seem to recall somewhere that Jim Humble has a new protocol for taking MMS. Do

any of you know what that is? I downloaded his ebooks many months ago, and I

understand this new protocol has come out since then. Any help is appreciated!

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Go to: www.jimhumble.biz to get all the info you need.



On Oct 22, 2009, at 7:38 AM, cwmsknight wrote:


> I seem to recall somewhere that Jim Humble has a new protocol for

> taking MMS. Do any of you know what that is? I downloaded his ebooks

> many months ago, and I understand this new protocol has come out

> since then. Any help is appreciated!




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The info below is from his

web site.


MMS: Jim Humble website with

21 protocols using MMS




MMS Basic Information

More on this page! Articles, etc.


MMS Protocols - Alphabetical List

List of what is on

this page:









These fundamentals state basic facts about MMS and they are

the basis for generating MMS protocols.








1 Burn Victims



Prepare a special MMS mix for spraying or applying to

burned skin for brief periods of time. Miraculous results reported.









Cancer Tests



Early awareness of cancer is important. There is a low-cost

method for discovering whether cancer is present.








3 Cancer Stage 1-3



There are 66 cancer types. MMS targets viral pathogens that

trigger normal cells to become cancerous. Using DMSO with MMS is described.









Cancer Stage 4



Special methods using DMSO with MMS are designed for

aggressive attack measures.








5 Children & Babies



Suggestions for safe use of MMS with babies and pregnant

women based on actual cases.









Clara's 6 & 6



Useful when MMS needs to be applied quickly for more

immediate results. See also the user stories on the left-side menu. Based on

actual personal experiences.








7 Enema Methods



MMS retention enemas and douches of varying strength help

to push ClO2 into the plasma of the blood.








8 Flu -Swine



Jim describes his experience with Swine Flu and the use of

MMS1 and MMS2 when fighting the virus.








9 Flu All Types



Regardless of evolving flu strains, MMS is a deterent and a

remedy for flu of all types.








10 Fungus Control



MMS is effective against almost all forms of fungus. One

exception requires special treatment.












Based on 75 successes, MMS appears to be 100% effective

against all HIV variants.












Clinics that provide " Chelation Therapy " will

sometimes administer MMS through the drip intervenous method. It requires two

hours to complete each costly session.









Life Threatening



This is a double treatment method for those who want to hit

life threatening diseases extra hard.












How to reduce your MMS intake after achieving relative

clearout of pathogens and heavy metals.












The best practice for eliminating Malaria with MMS is

described. Jim Humble's You-tube video " Malaria Baby " is included.









Mouth, Gum, Teeth



There are benefits for mouth and teeth when using MMS for










Nose, Sinus, Bronchical



Drawing ClO2 gas up into the nose or mouth stops post nasal

drip and ridance of bacteria all the way to the ear tubes.








18 Skin Care



Use a 2 ounce spray bottle to speed healing of skin

diseases - including melanoma. Fill a small sprayer with activated MMS.








19 Taste Management



Add a lot of water to any MMS dose and taste will not be an

issue. You can take MMS1 in capsule form. When you smell ClO2, that is the

beneficial agent. Hourly low doses are almost tasteless.









Tub Baths



Your largest gland is your skin. Let it absorb MMS directly

into muscle and blood plasma. Excellent for persons with skin eruptions such

as shingles, herpes, melanoma, " Morgellons, " and 23,000 other skin

diseases. Adding water to activated MMS mix DOES NOT HARM the ClO2 molecules.

They are locked together as ions in the water and are attracted to your skin

pathogens. Also disolves the tub ring.












Viruses are killed by disabling their reproductive

abilities. Ingestion of MMS through drinking and breathing is explained.









Love and blessings,




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