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The National Council for Medical Research

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I tried to copy the entire chapter (4) however it was stubborn, so you have part of it here and the link for the remainder if it interests you.


The Story of the Medical Conspiracy. Against America. By. EUSTACE MULLINS.


Clare in Tassie



One of the few doctors who has dared to speak out against the

Medical Monopoly, Dr. Robert S. Mendelsohn, dramatized his stand

against Modern Medicine by defining it as a Church which has Four

Holy Waters. The first of these, he listed as Vaccination. Dr.

Mendelsohn termed vaccination "of questionable safety." However,

other doctors have been more explicit. It is notable that the

Rockefeller interests have fought throughout the nineteenth century

to make these Four Holy Waters compulsory throughout the United

States, ignoring all the protests and warnings of their dangers.

Of these four items, which might well be termed the Four

Horsemen of the Apocalypse, because they too are known to bring

death and destruction in their wake, the most pernicious in its

longterm effects may well be the practice of immunization. This

practice goes directly against the discovery of modern holistic

medical experts that the body has a natural immune defense against

illness. The Church of Modern Medicine claims that we can only be

absolved from the peril of infection by the Holy Water of

vaccination, injecting into the system a foreign body of infection,

which will then perform a Medical Miracle, and will confer life-long

immunity, hence the term, "immunization." The greatest heresy any

physician can commit is to voice publicly any doubt of any one of

the Four Holy Waters, but the most deeply entrenched in modern

medical practice is undoubtedly the numerous vaccination

programs. They are also the most consistently profitable operations

of the Medical Monopoly. Yet one physician, Dr. Henry R. Bybee,

of Norfolk, Virginia, has publicly stated, "My honest opinion is that

vaccine is the cause of more disease and suffering than anything I

could name. I believe that such diseases as cancer, syphilis, cold

sores and many other disease conditions are the direct results of

vaccination. Yet, in the state of Virginia, and in many other states,

parents are compelled to submit their children to this procedure

while the medical profession not only receives its pay for this

service, but also makes splendid and prospective patients for the


The present writer well remembers the 1920s, as a child in

Virginia, going to school for some weeks without having submitted

to the compulsory vaccination ordered by the state authorities. Each

morning, the teacher would begin the day's classes by asking,

"Clarence, did you bring your vaccination certificate today?"

Obviously, this was the most urgent business of the educational

system, taking priority over such matters as lessons and studying.

Each morning, I would have to reply, "No, I didn't bring it today."

The other children would turn and stare at this dangerous classmate,

who might infect them all with some terrible disease. My mother

had been a registered nurse, and she never urged me to go ahead

with my vaccination. I suspect she knew more than the doctors

about its possible effects. After postponing the dreaded ordeal for

some weeks, I was finally led to the doctor like an animal being led

up the plank to be stunned, and I received my injection. Of course it

made me extremely ill, as my body fought the infection, but the

class was delivered from peril, and I was accepted as a duly branded

member of society. In "The Curse of Canaan," I wrote of the

deliverance of our children up for ritual sacrifice, a practice which

seemingly ended with the destruction of the Baal cult some five

thousand years ago. Unfortunately, the Cult of Baal seems to be

firmly entrenched in the present Establishment, which is often

known by the sobriquet, the Brotherhood of Death. It is disturbing to

see how the educationists eagerly embrace each new offense against

children in our schools, railing against any mention of morality or

religion, while solemnly indoctrinating six year olds in the

advantages of "an alternative life style" in their sexual preferences.

The present goal of the National Education Association seems to be

that teachers should hand out condoms to the class before beginning

each day's activities.

The urgency of my vaccination was not that there was any

epidemic then raging in the city of Roanoke, nor has there been one

in the ensuing sixty years. The urgency was that no child shall be

spared the ministrations of the Cult of Baal, or forego sacrifice on

the altar of the child molesters. The Medical Monopoly cannot

afford to have a single pupil escape the monetary offering to be paid

for the compulsory vaccination, the tribute of the enslaved to their


From London comes an alarming observation from a

practitioner of excellent reputation and long experience. Dr. Herbert

Snow, senior surgeon at the Cancer Hospital of London, voiced his

concern, "In recent years many men and women in the prime of life

have dropped dead suddenly, often after attending a feast or a

banquet. I am convinced that some eighty per cent of these deaths

are caused by the inoculation or vaccination they have undergone.

They are well known to cause grave and permanent disease to the

heart. The coroner always hushes it up as 'natural causes.' "

You cannot find any such warning in any medical textbook or

popular book on health. In fact, this writer was able to locate it in a

small volume buried deep in the stacks of the Library of Congress.

Yet such an ominous observation from an established medical

practitioner should be as widely circulated as possible, if only to be

attached by those who can refute its premise. At least it cannot be

attacked by the Establishment as quackery, because Dr. Snow is not

attempting to sell some substitute for vaccination, but merely

warning of its dangers.

Another practitioner, Dr. W. B. Clarke of Indiana, finds that

"Cancer was practically unknown until compulsory vaccination with

cowpox vaccine began to be introduced. I have had to deal with a

least two hundred cases of cancer, and I never saw a case of cancer

in an unvaccinated person."

At last, we have the breakthrough for which the American

Cancer Society has been searching, at such great expense, and for so

many years. Dr. Clarke has never seen a case of cancer in an

unvaccinated person. Is not this a lead which should be explored?

With such an impetus, the ACS could once again get the telephone

banks ringing in the fund-raising drives, to initiate positive research

as to the possible connection between vaccination and the incidence

of cancer. Somehow, we suspect that ACS will not follow this lead.

It would also look well etched in stone above the imposing entrance

to the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, "I never saw a case

of cancer in an unvaccinated person." However, it is unlikely that

the High Priests of Modern Medicine will be able to give up one of

the Four Commandments. It will be necessary for an outraged public

to bring pressure to bear to abandon the modern ritual of sacrificing

our children to Baal in a five thousand year old ritual called, in its

modern version, "compulsory immunization."

In the land where freedom rings, or is supposed to ring, it is

even more surprising to find that every citizen is compelled to

submit to a compulsory vaccination ritual. Here again, we are

speaking of a civilization which is now being visited by two

plagues, the plague of cancer and the plague of AIDS, yet

compulsory vaccination offers no protection against the plagues

which threaten us. It is goodbye whooping cough, goodbye diptheria

and hello AIDS. The Medical Monopoly is searching desperately for

some type of "immunization" against these plagues, and no doubt

will eventually come up with some type of "vaccine" which will be

more dreadful than the disease. From the outset, our most

distinguished medical experts have proudly informed us that AIDS

is incurable, which is hardly the approach we expect from those who

demand that we accept their infallibility in all things to do with


Another wellknown medical practitioner, Dr. J. M. Peebles of

San Francisco, has written a book on vaccine, in which he says,

"The vaccination practice, pushed to the front on all occasions by

the medical profession through political connivance made

compulsory by the state, has not only become the chief menace and

the greatest danger to the health of the rising generation, but

likewise the crowning outrage upon the personal liberties of the

American citizen; compulsory vaccination, poisoning the crimson

currents of the human system with brute-extracted lymph under the

strange infatuation that it would prevent smallpox, was one of the

darkest blots that disfigured the last century."

Dr. Peebles refers to the fact that cowpox vaccine was one of

the more peculiar "inventions or discoveries of the Age of

Enlightenment." However, as I have pointed out in "The Curse of

Canaan," the Age of Enlightenment was merely the latest program

of the Cult of Baal and its rituals of child sacrifice, which, in one

guise or another, has now been with us for some five thousand

years. Because of this goal, the Medical Monopoly is also known as

"The Society for Crippling Children."

Perhaps the most telling comment of Dr. Peebles' criticism is

his reference to "brute-extracted lymph." Could there be some

connection between the injection of this substance and the spread of

a hitherto unknown form of cancer, cancer of the lymph glands?

This type of cancer is not only one of the most commonly

encountered versions of this disease; it is also one of the most

difficult to treat, because it rapidly spreads throughout the entire

system. A diagnosis of cancer of the lymph glands now means a

virtual death sentence.

If we suppose that physicians such as Dr. Snow and Dr. Peebles

are trumpeting nonexistent dangers when they write of vaccination,

we have only to look at the court records of many cases around the

country. Wyeth Laboratories was the defendant in a case in which a

Wichita Kansas jury recently awarded $15 million in damages to an

eight year old girl. She incurred permanent brain damage after

receiving a diptheria-pertussis-tetanus vaccine. Michelle Graham

received the immunization at the age of three months, and incurred

severe brain damage which left her permanently incapacitated. Her

lawyers proved that the damage was solely attributable to the

vaccine, although Wyeth's lawyers attempted to deny this.

Because of the financial prospects, physicians are demanding

earlier vaccination for children each year. The Vaccination

Committee of the American Academy of Pediatricians recently

demanded that the age for children to receive flu vaccine be lowered

from the previous twenty-four months to eighteen months. They are

promoting a new version of flu vaccine which was said to have been

tested on children in Finland.

In an article in Science, March 4, 1977, Jonas and Darrell Salk

warn that, "Live virus vaccines against influenza or poliomyelitis

may in each instance produce the disease it intended to prevent ...

the live virus against measles and mumps may produce such side

effects as encephalitis (brain damage)."

If vaccines present such a clear and present danger to children

who are forced to submit to them, we must examine the forces

which demand that they submit. In the United States, vaccines are

actively and incessantly promoted as the solution for all infectious

diseases by such government agencies as the Center for Disease

Control in Georgia, by HEW, USPHS, FDA, AMA and WHO. It is

of more than passing interest that the federal agencies should be

such passionate supporters of compulsory use of vaccines, and that

they also should go through the "revolving door" to the big drug

firms whose products they have so assiduously promoted,

throughout their years of service to the public. It is these federal

agents who have drafted the procedures which forced the states to

enact compulsory vaccination legislation which had been drafted by

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