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Dementia is Reversible, Part I: Diet is the Key

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Alsohttp://worldgathering.net/2009b/news183.htmlTHE WHOLE WORLD HAS CHEMTRAIL ALZHEIMER'SThis is how and why it happened to us>>The 'How' is this ... We ALL have a mild to medium case of ALZHEIMER'S disease due to our massive intake of ALUMINIUM over the past 15 years which has been massively dumped on us from the global CHEMTRAIL spraying operation.<<>>We could all start taking complicated and expensive remedies for Alzheimer's. But what the whole world now needs is for the Chemtrail spraying to be stopped as soon as possible. So let's start concentrating, see what we have forgotten, and above all: GET INTO ACTION. These plane trails are not natural. A white powder is being sprayed. ==========http://www.naturalnews.com/027774_dementia_nutrition.htmlDementia is Reversible, Part I: Diet is the KeyMonday, December 21, 2009 by: Barbi Trejo, citizen journalist(NaturalNews) Anyone who has been affected by dementia or who has watched a loved one live with this condition can attest that this is perhaps one of most frightening diseases in the world. Dementia can be a symptom of a specific disease like Alzheimer`s disease, but many feel that dementia is not a symptom but "the disease" itself. While frightening, dementia is completely reversible.Diet Affects Dementia:A lower risk of dementia has been associated with a diet that includes vegetables, fruits, fish and lots of omega-3-fatty acids. Doctor Catherine Kousimine (a close associate of Dr. Johanna Budwig) stated that detoxification is accomplished by eating a healthy diet. Her guidelines included: no animal products, sugar,alcohol and fat. She did stress the importance of organic fruits, nuts, seeds, wheats and vegetables.Dr. Kousimine was most noted for her "Kousimine-Budwig Detox Breakfast" which greatly helps patients with all diseases.The following recipe is adapted from Dr. Kousimine`s original recipe:1/4 cup of yogurt1.5 tablespoons of ground flax seeds1 banana1 additional fruitJuice of 1/2 lemon1 tablespoon of homemade granolaGrind the flax seeds right before preparing this recipe, as flax seeds should be used within ten minutes of grinding. Mix the yogurt and flax seeds together. Mash the banana in a bowl and then mix the banana into the yogurt mixture. Add in an additional fruit such as peaches, pears or strawberries. Add in the lemon juice and the granola and enjoy for breakfast or anytime of the day.Note: The diet from Dr Catherine Kousmine has 5 principles. It starts with a healthy diet and a healthy colon. She recommended intestinal cleanses, enemas and colon cleansing. Bath Detoxing must be used in conjunction with the protocol.Bath Detox Using Epsom Salts1 cup of Epsom salts1 cup of sea salts1 cup of baking sodaMix all the ingredients together and place in a sealed jar. Fill the bathtub with water as hot as you can stand and add in 1/4 cup of the Epsom salts mixture. Relax in the bathtub for 30 minutes and then wrap yourself in a warm blanket for approximately 20 minutes more. This will draw out the toxins from your system and leave your body feeling refreshed.Alternative Bath Detox Using the Friction Method :Louis Kuhne of Leipzig created a friction water bath to heal many diseases. It involved taking two steam baths per week (15-30 minutes) and then 1-3 hip baths daily. The water temperature should be approximately 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Vigorous friction is created for 15-20 minutes using a linen cloth. Following the bath, the patient must be warmed with exercise. If the patient is too weak, sleeping after the bath is the next best option.A February 2005 study on mice examined the impact of diet on Alzheimer`s disease. The FJ Express study`s researchers found that when they reduced the calories and limited carbohydrates, plaque did not form in the brains of the mice. The findings showed that a reduced calorie diet which had a limit on the amount of carbohydrates, resulted in a remarkable measure of disease prevention.It`s also been found that dementia patients respond well to drinking green tea. Research involving 1000 Japanese adults revealed that adults who regularly drank green tea had a lower risk of developing dementia. In addition, adults already exhibiting dementia symptoms saw improvements after drinking two cups of rosemary tea per day. Results were seen in as little as one month.http://www.curezone.com/dis/1.asp?C0=35http://www.curezone.com/forums/f.as...http://alzheimers.org.uk/site/scrip...http://www.naturowatch.org/hx/cordi...http://www.pureinsideout.com/kousmi... =====In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.

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