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UK Government Squandered More Than £1 Billion On Swine Flu Con

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Meanwhile,http://snipurl.com/u5iux [Dr. Rath Foundation]Pharma "Business with Disease" NewsJanuary 18, 2010PACE to open hearings on 'falsified' swine flu pandemicPACE is to open hearings on Monday on pharmaceutical companies' possible influence on the global swine flu campaign and on the World Health Organization, a Russian daily reported. The 47-nation Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe is conducting an inquiry into an alleged conspiracy between the WHO, the pharmaceutical industry and scientists which could "expose millions of healthy people to the risk of side-effects of insufficiently tested vaccines," caused damage to public budgets and to health agencies' credibility, according to a PACE resolution. The motion was introduced by Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, head of the health committee, former German lawmaker and a specialist in lung disease, who called the current pandemic "one of the greatest medical scandals of the century." WHO declared the pandemic in June 2009 on the advice of a group of experts many of whom are believed to have financial ties with pharmaceutical giants like GlaxoSmithKline, Roche, Novartis, and benefited from the production of drugs and H1N1 vaccines.Read article on the RIA Novosti website (Russia)Comment: Russia's lower house of parliament, the State Duma, has apparently said that Russia should withdraw from the WHO if the corruption suspicions are proven.January 16, 2010Swine flu was a textbook case of a scareSo swine flu – eventually found to be only a tenth as virulent as ordinary flu – passes into history as yet another massive scare. Hyped out of all proportion by drug companies and the World Health Organisation, this fooled our endlessly gullible politicians into spending £1 billion on vaccines which turned out not to be needed. Thus, quite predictably, did the swine flu panic follow the classic pattern of so many other scares before it, as Dr North and I analysed in our book on the phenomenon, Scared To Death. Tracing the history of many examples, we showed how the most damaging point in any scare, from BSE and salmonella in eggs to the Millennium Bug, comes when governments fall for the hype, needlessly costing us all billions of pounds.Read article by Christopher Booker in the Sunday Telegraph (UK)January 15, 2010U.N.'s World Health Organization Eyeing Global Tax on Banking, Internet ActivityThe World Health Organization (WHO) is considering a plan to ask governments to impose a global consumer tax on such things as Internet activity or everyday financial transactions like paying bills online. Such a scheme could raise "tens of billions of dollars" on behalf of the United Nations' public health arm from a broad base of consumers, which would then be used to transfer drug-making research, development and manufacturing capabilities, among other things, to the developing world. The multibillion-dollar "indirect consumer tax" is only one of a "suite of proposals" for financing the rapid transformation of the global medical industry that will go before WHO's 34-member supervisory Executive Board at its biannual meeting in Geneva.Read article at foxnews.com (USA)Comment: Ordinary people all over the world already bear the brunt of the pharmaceutical business with disease, paying for it not only through their pockets but also with their lives. Given therefore that the pharmaceutical industry’s total global sales were worth 773 billion dollars in 2008, any notion that drug-making needs to be funded by tens of billions of dollars of global consumer taxes is clearly absurd. This WHO plan should be vigorously opposed, as, far from transforming the global medical industry, it would simply result in still more money being put into the hands of the drug cartel.-------------http://tiny.cc/3KC6J Manufacturers calculate H1N1 sales shortfallBy John CarrollWith people shrugging off the swine flu pandemic around the globe, analysts are beginning to tot up the impact slack demand will have on the Big Pharma companies that raced to supply the world with a novel vaccine.At Leerink Swann, Seamus Fernandez estimates that vaccine sales projections at GlaxoSmithKline are likely to fall short by about 100 million pounds. "A lower than expected H1N1 booking in 4Q is not too surprising given news flow over the past month that several European countries were cutting orders (notably Germany, France, U.K. and Spain)," Fernandez writes in a note published Monday.The U.S. government now estimates that 61 million citizens have been vaccinated, something the CDC is chalking up as a success. But European governments have been trying to figure out what to do with their stockpiles of unused H1N1 vaccine, as demand fell far short of expectations.- here's the report from Barron'sRelated Articles:HHS chief warns of another swine flu outbreakGermany, Spain want to return unused H1N1 vaccine--------------From H1N1 and Beyond: Growing The Flu Vaccine PipelineThe rise in influenza strains like H1N1 — and the demand for new vaccines — signals a new era in vaccines. Learn how flu vaccines have evolved and where they’re headed. Read the white paper from Quintiles’ vaccines experts.=====http://snipurl.com/u5isq [One click]UK Government Squandered More Than £1 Billion On Swine Flu ConOne Click Note: In excess of 90 million vaccine doses were ordered. What is the plan for UK taxpayers to get our money back? Would UK government 'Vaccines Basil' director, Professor David Salisbury, please step up to the media plate at once.********** January 18, 2010Flu pandemic plans cost a billion The UK Motley Swine Flu Crew, from left:Andrew Burnham MP - Health Secretary of StateFear Marketeer Sir Liam Donaldson - Chief Medical Officer (soon to be ex) 'Vaccines Basil', Professor David Salisbury - UK Governent Vaccines DirectorGillian Merron MP - Parliamentary vaccines propagandist(Caption & Pic Courtesy Of One Click)The Government spent more than £1 billion in preparation for a flu pandemic, it has been disclosed.Health minister Gillian Merron said spending to date on "pandemic influenza preparedness - not swine flu specific" was about £500 million."Additional spend committed around the time of the start of the swine flu pandemic takes the amount to over £1 billion," she said in a Commons written reply to Labour's Paul Flynn.Only last week, Mr Flynn (Newport W) challenged Health Secretary Andy Burnham directly over the build-up, which some have criticised as an over-reaction."Was the threat of 65,000 British swine flu deaths an unscientific exaggeration that has cost the country dearly, not only financially but in terms of stress and distorted NHS priorities?" he asked at question time then.Mr Burnham defended the Government's response, saying: "We had to take every possible step to keep the country safe through what was declared a world health pandemic, not by this Government but by the World Health Organisation."We saw the events in Mexico in the spring, followed by the exceptional spike in flu cases in this country in the summer."There were understandably high levels of public concern, and I make no apology for making all the necessary preparations to keep the public safe through that. We have come through the pandemic because of the strength of the plans and preparations that this Government put in place."In another written reply, Ms Merron said nearly 29 million doses of swine flu vaccine had been delivered to the UK by January but refused to put a cost on them as it would "violate confidentiality clauses" with the makers.

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