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FW: Legislation Giving You The Freedom To Know About The Science Behind Supplements Is Coming...

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If you live in the US and care about supplement

freedom, please consider taking a moment to contact your representatives via

the link below.


Thank you,




Donate for Chapter Membership



Citizens For


The Voice of

the Natural Health Consumer



Citizens For


















Dear Friend,

Consumers are largely kept in the dark about

the potential health benefits of foods and supplements. Why? Because current

law makes it illegal for food and supplement producers to share this

information. In fact, the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act states that a

drug is defined as that which is intended to cure, treat, mitigate, diagnose,

or prevent disease conditions. Therefore, foods or dietary supplements found to be beneficial for

health conditions are in the eyes of the Federal Regulators unapproved drugs.


here to take action now in support of your access to truthful, non-misleading

health information!

Representatives Jason Chaffetz (R, UT)

and Jared Polis (D, CO), both co-chairs of the Dietary Supplement Caucus, have

introduced H.R.

4913, the Free Speech about Science Act. This

landmark legislation ensures basic free speech

rights, ends censorship of science, and enables the natural health products

community to share peer-reviewed scientific findings about natural health

products with the public. This is a small bill with vast potential leverage.


with Representative Ron Paul's bills - HR 3394, the Freedom of Health

Speech Act, and HR 3395, the Health Freedom Act - this newly-introduced

legislation can finally advance the debate regarding the suppression of

knowledge about the relationship between food, supplements and health. Representative

Paul has long championed permitting sound science to be used by marketers

of both food and supplements.


here to read more, and to urge your Representative to cosponsor these critical


Thanks for making your voice heard,

Jim Illick

James S. Turner

Citizens for Health Natural Health Freedom

Defense Network






Copyright © 2010 Citizens For Health All

rights reserved.

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I urge everyone to contact their legislators on this important issue.John Draper <jd40000 Sent: Wed, May 5, 2010 10:24:47 PM FW: Legislation Giving You The Freedom To Know About The Science Behind Supplements

Is Coming...





If you live in the US and care about supplement

freedom, please consider taking a moment to contact your representatives via

the link below. Thank you,


John Donate for Chapter Membership


Citizens For

Health The Voice of

the Natural Health Consumer


Citizens For





Integrity ·


Health ·

Supplements ·




Dear Friend, Consumers are largely kept in the dark about

the potential health benefits of foods and supplements. Why? Because current

law makes it illegal for food and supplement producers to share this

information. In fact, the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act states that a

drug is defined as that which is intended to cure, treat, mitigate, diagnose,

or prevent disease conditions. Therefore, foods or dietary supplements found to be beneficial for

health conditions are in the eyes of the Federal Regulators unapproved drugs. Click

here to take action now in support of your access to truthful, non-misleading

health information! Representatives Jason Chaffetz (R, UT)

and Jared Polis (D, CO), both co-chairs of the Dietary Supplement Caucus, have

introduced H.R.

4913, the Free Speech about Science Act. This

landmark legislation ensures basic free speech

rights, ends censorship of science, and enables the natural health products

community to share peer-reviewed scientific findings about natural health

products with the public. This is a small bill with vast potential leverage. Along

with Representative Ron Paul's bills - HR 3394, the Freedom of Health

Speech Act, and HR 3395, the Health Freedom Act - this newly-introduced

legislation can finally advance the debate regarding the suppression of

knowledge about the relationship between food, supplements and health. Representative

Paul has long championed permitting sound science to be used by marketers

of both food and supplements. Click

here to read more, and to urge your Representative to cosponsor these critical

bills! Thanks for making your voice heard, Jim Illick James S. Turner Citizens for Health Natural Health Freedom

Defense Network




Copyright © 2010 Citizens For Health All

rights reserved.

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