Guest guest Posted May 11, 2010 Report Share Posted May 11, 2010 "Curcumin and black pepper combine to stop breast cancer tumor cells" by David Gutierrez (Natural News; May 11, 2010) Natural chemicals found in the spices turmeric and black pepper appear to stop the growth of breast tumors, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center and published in the journal, Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. Researchers applied a solution containing both curcumin, found in turmeric, and piperine, which makes black pepper spicy, to breast cancer cells in a laboratory, using concentrations 20 times higher than those found in the human diet. They found that the solution hampered the ability of stem cells to propagate but did not affect the differentiation of normal breast cells. "This shows that these compounds are not toxic to normal breast tissue," lead author Madhuri Kakarala said. Cancer stem cells are the cells in tumors that allow it to keep growing without limit. Current chemotherapy treatments are unable to affect stem cells, which is part of the reason that cancers can spread and recur even in those undergoing treatment. "If we can limit the number of stem cells, we can limit the number of cells with potential to form tumors," Kakarala said. The researchers found that the piperine appeared to make the curcumin more effective. They also found that the solution affected cancer stem cells regardless of whether the tumors were estrogen-sensitive or not. This is an especially significant finding because the cancer-preventive drugs tamoxifen or raloxifene, which can have highly toxic side effects, do not affect estrogen-independent tumors. "The concept that dietary compounds can help is attractive, and curcumin and piperine appear to have very low toxicity," Karkala said. Previous studies have linked a diet high in turmeric to a lower risk of breast, colon, prostate and lung cancers. Black pepper and piperine have both also been shown to suppress the development of colon and lung tumors in animal tests. =========================== See also: "Breast Cancer Deception" by Mike Adams (Natural News) "Top researcher who worked on cervical cancer vaccine warns about its dangers" by Mike Adams (Natural News; October 08, 2009) "Prevent and Fight Cancer through Correct Nutrition" by Fleur Hupston (Natural News; April 15, 2010) "New research shows vitamin D slashes risk of cancers by 77 percent; cancer industry refuses to support cancer prevention" by Mike Adams (June 08, 2007) "World Without Cancer: The Story of Vitamin B-17" by G. Edward Griffin & s=books & qid=1273585924 & sr=1-1 See another attack upon truth at "Cancer is not a Disease - It's a Survival Mechanism" by Andreas Moritz (Natural News; February 01, 2008) "The Cancer Bacteria" interview with Dr. Alan Cantwell (MD) by Ron Falcone (October 28, 2006) The Cancer Microbe-AIDS & Kaposi's Sarcoma (40:01 film) by Alan Cantwell (MD) The Cancer Microbe and the Russell Body (35:09 film) by Alan Cantwell (MD) "Cancer as a Fungus" (19:38 film) interview with T. Simoncini (MD; oncologist) "Cancer is a Fungus: A Revolution in Tumor Therapy" (book) by T. Simoncini (MD) & s=books & qid=1273586522 & sr=8-1 "The Cancer Microbe" (book) by Alan Cantwell (MD) Health and Medical (films) & id=17 =========================== The same agents and force that sells you the 'cause of disease', not as dietary, environmental, and parasitical, but as a shortage of drugs, sharp knives, and controlled media and politicians that enforce that "truth", necessarily also suppresses the exposure of that truth as a lie (as an 'inversion' of reality), suppresses the treatment of "dis-ease" through diet and nutrition, and suppresses the exposure of their own profitable "Big Lie" by, among other things, making it illegal to label foods as "non-GMO", making it illegal to treat yourself or others through natural modalities and physicians, by arresting raw foods distributors, and by overtly attacking organic farms and nutritional supplement providers via their global Codex Aliemtarius, laws making cellular fascism legal. Yep, "truth" and "hope" incorporated as Capital, "works in mysterious ways"... certainly not for, but against you. The inversion of health into perpetual disease is seen every day in the constant television dosclaimers that take ten times as long at rapid fire pace to deliver than the promises, aka legal lies, of Big Pharma, its pimping AMA, and its pocket-lined political hucksters. They are selling your life, health, and well-being as a means to disease-facilitated wealth! This is the underLYING reason that after 50 years of propagandaizing and false-advertising their fake "fight against cancer" which has been a "weapons against humanity" research program in disguise, employees at stores like Safeway, are now required by employer and compliant unions, to ask every customer for a contribution to nmaintain that "terrorist" and "humanicidal" barrage. It's why the cancer industry's "recovery" rates are falsified to include anyone who survives their toxic and ignoble treament for two years, even if they die a day after that period. Breathe deep. Then look up at the descending chemicals from the drone-planes: taste the profiteering in your air. Thirsty? Have a drink: it's in your water. Hungry? Eat up: it wants to own your cells. It wants to leverage your future as merely an organic throughput disease device for extracting profit. Hope and dreams are not enough. This is a war on humanity called capital profiteering and hierarchical subjugation. It is the "disease"... a condition of social and cellular parasitism. Actions and a renewed social inclusion are all we have left, and we are all we need. As long as too many of us trust the Big Lie because we are "taught" (that is, programmed) otherwise daily, and prosecuted for trusting nature, each other, and ourselves, then none of us has a chance at authentic life and unmediated "health". Therein is the social revolution that calls to us, AS US. best wishes, chris Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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