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GM & Population Control

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Genetically Modified Food To Make Mankind Retarted Already

in 21 Century






by TheTotalCollapse.com

on May 12, 2010














Published: May 12, 2010 – Pravda.ru

In the 21st century most couples will not be able to have children.

Those who will manage will have mentally retarded kids.

Russian scientists conducted an experiment proving that the main

action principle of genetically modified produce (GM) is a “ban for

procreation†for next generations of mammals.

This is the effect wanted from GM produce by Microsoft founder Bill

Gates who started the struggle against the growth of the world

population. Today, the community of billionaires throws GM “bombs,â€

disguised as charitable intentions, on African and Asian countries.

Meanwhile, in Moscow alone where state purchasing of transgenic produce

is prohibited, 20 % of local and 35% of imported produce are

genetically modified.

Russia Today: Genetically modified seeds have their day in court

In the early 1990s, Nicaragua, Mexico and Philippines were affected

by a horrible epidemic, and it took scientists a while to find its

source. Perfectly healthy young women had miscarriages during the

second and third trimesters of pregnancy. Further attempts to get

pregnant had the same results, followed by infertility. Doctors were at

a loss. The only common denominator in all cases was the women’s

participation in mass tetanus vaccination supervised by the World

Health Organization and funded by Rockefeller’s Fund.

It was hard to question the sincerity of the intentions. However,

Roman-Catholic organization Comite Pro Vida based in Mexico decided to

test capsules with the vaccine and found something horrible. The

solution contained human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), which is a

natural hormone required to maintain pregnancy. But how could the

hormone become a part of the vaccine? Further analysis shocked the

scientists. Combination of tetanus agent with HCG stimulates formation

of antibodies for the latter, making women unable to carry a child. In

other words, the vaccine was a concealed form of abortion.

When the plot of the billionaire David Rockefeller and the WHO was

revealed, GM continued what they have started. Two year ago, the exact

same things that happened in Nicaragua and Philippines occurred in

Zimbabwe and Guinea. This time, the women who suffered shared love for

canned corn. Despite the expectations, tests of the cans’ content have

not revealed any life threatening components, and the amount of

preservatives was compliant with the norm.

It was when the first suspicions regarding bio terrorism and

destructive influence of transgenic substances on humans were raised by

a toxicologist with the South African University.

The epidemic of infertility in the developing countries has not

occurred out of the blue. Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft and one

of the wealthiest people on the planet who has the image of a

charitable philanthropist, is involved in solving global health issues.

He fights lack of food and poverty in Africa, allocating billions of

dollars to support the struggle. Recently he openly stated that the

goal of his charity is reduction of the planet’s population, first of

all, in the third world countries.

“It is an open secret that the world magnates, in particular, the

US, Japan, Canada and the EU, are concerned with the deficit of natural

resources,†explains Irina Aliverova, Doctor of Sociology.

“The UN has an official document that divides the world population

into the main group (golden billion) middle group, who has insufficient

natural resources, and auxiliary group, represented by the population

of developing countries, including Russia. The last category, nearly

five billion people, should be gotten rid of as weeds.â€

One of the mechanisms of a horrific program of Gates and Rockefeller

currently supported by the US government was once revealed by Mitch

Hein, president of biotech company Epicyte. He said that antibodies

were taken from women with rare condition, immune infertility. The

genes were isolated, and through the methods of genetic engineering

they were inserted into the genome of regular corn seeds supplied to

third world countries. It means that Africans were sowing on their

fields genetically modified corn-murder with inserted hidden

contraception. Hein explained what happens to people when they eat this

corn. Generally, antibodies get drawn to the surface of sperm. They

attach to it and make sperm so heavy that it cannot move forward.

In Russia, production of GM produce is prohibited, while consumption

of five transgenic cultures is allowed (beets, corn МОР810 banned in

Europe, soy, potatoes and rice). There is no official conclusion

regarding harmful effects of GM on humans. Yet, Moscow Institute of

Biology named after Koltsov and National Association of Genetic Safety

conducted an independent experiment. They fed hamsters with transgenic

soy for a year. The same soy is used in Russia to feed cattle, and it

is supplied from Holland as GM-free. This soy is also allowed for human

consumption. Now it is clear what it may result in – rodents expressed

delayed growth and development and serious decrease of reproductive

function that resulted in inability to obtain third generation of


“Infertility in third generation of animals grown on GM products

means that the nature puts an end to these species and does not let

them procreate,†says Alexander Baranov, senior associate with the

Institute of Biology. “This means that GM food leads to evolutionary

dead end and degradation of species. During the research another

interesting fact was discovered. The animals develop pilosis of oral

cavity . â€

Although scientists are not sure that it was the GM food that caused

mutations, the world had noticed long time ago that toxic proteins and

mutant combinations may develop in transgenic products.

No scientist will agree to predict how artificially inserted plant

gene will behave in a chromosome. Possibly, three generations later

women will give birth to children with hairy mouths, just like those of

hamsters. Or, they may not be able to conceive at all. Maybe this is

the reason why Russian and foreign manufacturers of transgenic products

are afraid to mark the products as GM and prefer paying fines for

violation of the law. There is no other method to recognize GM products.

As the number of infertile couples in Russia grows from year to year

and today five million families are unable to have children, it looks

like the hellish machine of Bill Gates has reached Russia. While

scientists are afraid to experiment on humans, everyone who goes to a

grocery store unwillingly becomes a guinea pig. Russian Academy of

Science suggested introducing a moratorium on GM products until their

safety is proven. The scientists’ attempts to get through to the

officials were fruitless. Meanwhile, the fund of Bill and Melinda Gates

is preparing a new GM bomb, transgenic “golden†rice that causes cillae

on fallopian tubes. Again, it is hidden behind charitable intents.

Allegedly, the rice replenishes vitamin A and iron in the body.

Recently Bill Gates gave a speech at a conference in Long Beach where

he mentioned that he was looking forward to a vaccine that will reduce

growth of the world population.

What other countries do:

1. India refused the US humanitarian aid in produce at the amount of

$100 million a year.

2. China banned sales of GM on its internal market, but its export is

still going on.

3. GM produce is not used in Slovenia, Austria, Greece, France,

Luxemburg, and Great Britain.

4. In Great Britain the produce has to be labeled even on restaurant


5. Italy does not buy transgenic seeds.

Source: http://english.pravda.ru/science/health/113350-0/




Western or allopathic medicine

is always saying they have to have proof, double-blind studies, and

yet, has your pediatrician ever shown you proof that vaccinations work?

- Pat Mckay

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